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Rate the Unit 44: Shanam


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Rules (adapted from Integrity's)

- Ratings are for Normal Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a unit above 10 or below 0.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around noon EST.

- A character being inferior relative to another character does not explicitly reduce their rating.

- Characters do not get credit for recruiting others or allowing access to side quests.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Characters do not get credit for bringing items.

- I reserve the right to ignore any votes which are not well-supported.

- You may allow a character to use scrolls (and adjust their rating appropriately) so long as it is reasonable (you may debate what constitutes "reasonable" if you feel people may disagree with you). You cannot arbitrarily increase a unit's score by arguing that they may exclusively use half a dozen scrolls for themself. In general, scrolls will probably not add more than +1 to a character's overall rating.

- Warp skipping has an impact on scores in so far as "Safy has an high base staff rank". Nanna would score lower than Safy because of her lower rank, but no chapter is explicitly said to be skipped. You can't get Warp and then suddenly say every character after doesn't exist or requires turns to recruit. Something could be said of Xavier, or Conomore/Amalda who are in an escape chapter where Leaf starts next to the escape point.

Robert: 2.33

Ronan: 2.42

Alva: 2.5

Marty: 2.89

Kein: 3.5

Tanya: 3.82

Misha: 4.10

Eda: 4.29

Dalsin: 4.38

Trude: 4.69

Evayl: 5.02

Ralph: 5.28

Selphina: 5.37

Glade: 5.75

Hicks: 5.89

Fred: 6.00

Brighton: 6.90

Machua: 7.03

Olwen: 7.05

Mareeta: 7.13

Linoan: 7.24

Halvan: 7.35

Carrion: 7.54

Dagda: 7.54

Homer: 7.54

Rifis: 7.70

Leaf: 8.18

Eyrios: 8.20

Shiva: 8.26

Salem: 8.30

Karin: 8.50

Pahn: 8.66

Dean: 8.70

Felgus: 8.79

Sleuf: 8.84

Othin: 8.86

Tina: 8.90

Lara: 8.92

Fin: 9.06

Sara: 9.11

Nanna: 9.13

Safy: 9.48

Asvel: 9.58

One of the worst characters in the whole game, he is pretty much terrible in almost every aspect. Despite being promoted, his stats suck, and he doesn't have as much room to grow as the other late joining units with poor stats. He has no PCC or movement stars, only C rank swords, and mediocre growths (not that they matter). His only perk is bargain, which isn't even particularly useful (there aren't a lot of circumstances where you are going to be buying from shops, most likely. He can save you a bit of cash on an emergency knight proof or some lightning/wind tomes or something), but it prevents him from getting a flat 0. .5/10

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The man joins promoted with base Swordmaster stats + 1 Luck midway through the game, which means his fighting is abysmal at best. He is basically a walking Silver Card, but you'd have to be careful since he doesn't like to be looked at by nearly any kind of enemy.


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Buys you cheaper shit if you need to


I mean what the hell is he otherwise useful for

Even buying shit isn't that great since you can just mug people but idk emergency or something

Edited by Fat Bunny
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Once a upon a time, a tiny special card sprouted legs and got tired of being used for 50% discounts on fashion crap. One day, he found a man whom he could pull up the stats and see that he was a non-civilian of no value, so he decided to accompany this man for that reason. After the explanation, the man looked angry for brief moment but then quickly when into despair because even he knows that he's terrible.

Suddenly he came up with an idea: He could use this card's discount powers to go around pretending he's Prince Shanan in hopes of meeting chicks. For some time, his plan worked, he would use the card in secret at any shop he went to buy the girls whatever they wanted which ended up being the same exact crap the card was tired of being used for the first time. The card then realized that it probably couldn't escape this cycle whether it belonged to male or a female.

One day, Shanam noticed he was running low on funds, the special card took advantage of this and pointed him to some work with bandits unfortunate enough to soon come across Leaf's army. At some point during this job, Shanam meets a girl named Mareeta who ends up easily deceived by the wandering fool and ends up learning the Starstrike from instructions coming from a fool who has no idea what he's talking about. What a prodigy!

Frustrated at the idea of a little girl having the ability to kick his ass, Shanam decided that he would take his next job at the Dark Forest because the massive number of Forest tiles would improve his combat ability and give him a fighting chance. In this forest he is discovered by his "friend", Homeros, who suggests that he come along with Leaf's army. At the end of the battle, Dorias and August analyze the results and new recruits. A long silence surrounds the group as Leaf's 2 tacticians take their time to find SOME value in this man other than having the ability to double attack Dark Mages, which "anyone and Leaf's mom can do".

August finally breaks the silence by pointing out that Shanam's essentially a 0 stat fighter, having only the bases of his own class to go with. When August asks "What good are you?", the special card takes pity on the poor fool and becomes the Bargain Skill specifically for Shanam, who at the same was just bluffing about Bargain Skill which should be useful since the Silver card doesn't exist to save his sorry ass. August and Dorias took Shanam to a shop to test the truth of his claims and to Shanam's surprise, he has the Bargain skill!

"I'M GOOD FOR SOMETHING!", he thought, to his fortune but the dismay of the player who would've preferred the Silver card instead.


Edited by Sirius
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Once a upon a time, a tiny special card sprouted legs and got tired of being used for 50% discounts on fashion crap. One day, he found a man whom he could pull up the stats and see that he was a non-civilian of no value, so he decided to accompany this man for that reason. After the explanation, the man looked angry for brief moment but then quickly when into despair because even he knows that he's terrible.

Suddenly he came up with an idea: He could use this card's discount powers to go around pretending he's Prince Shanan in hopes of meeting chicks. For some time, his plan worked, he would use the card in secret at any shop he went to buy the girls whatever they wanted which ended up being the same exact crap the card was tired of being used for the first time. The card then realized that it probably couldn't escape this cycle whether it belonged to male or a female.

One day, Shanam noticed he was running low on funds, the special card took advantage of this and pointed him to some work with bandits unfortunate enough to soon come across Leaf's army. At some point during this job, Shanam meets a girl named Mareeta who ends up easily deceived by the wandering fool and ends up learning the Starstrike from instructions coming from a fool who has no idea what he's talking about. What a prodigy!

Frustrated at the idea of a little girl having the ability to kick his ass, Shanam decided that he would take his next job at the Dark Forest because the massive number of Forest tiles would improve his combat ability and give him a fighting chance. In this forest he is discovered by his "friend", Homeros, who suggests that he come along with Leaf's army. At the end of the battle, Dorias and August analyze the results and new recruits. A long silence surrounds the group as Leaf's 2 tacticians take their time to find SOME value in this man other than having the ability to double attack Dark Mages, which "anyone and Leaf's mom can do".

August finally breaks the silence by pointing out that Shanam's essentially a 0 stat fighter, having only the bases of his own class to go with. When August asks "What good are you?", the special card takes pity on the poor fool and becomes the Bargain Skill specifically for Shanam, who at the same was just bluffing about Bargain Skill which should be useful since the Silver card doesn't exist to save his sorry ass. August and Dorias took Shanam to a shop to test the truth of his claims and to Shanam's surprise, he has the Bargain skill!

"I'M GOOD FOR SOMETHING!", he thought, to his fortune but the dismay of the player who would've preferred the Silver card instead.


This. This is the best rating ever.

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Once a upon a time, a tiny special card sprouted legs and got tired of being used for 50% discounts on fashion crap. One day, he found a man whom he could pull up the stats and see that he was a non-civilian of no value, so he decided to accompany this man for that reason. After the explanation, the man looked angry for brief moment but then quickly when into despair because even he knows that he's terrible.

Suddenly he came up with an idea: He could use this card's discount powers to go around pretending he's Prince Shanan in hopes of meeting chicks. For some time, his plan worked, he would use the card in secret at any shop he went to buy the girls whatever they wanted which ended up being the same exact crap the card was tired of being used for the first time. The card then realized that it probably couldn't escape this cycle whether it belonged to male or a female.

One day, Shanam noticed he was running low on funds, the special card took advantage of this and pointed him to some work with bandits unfortunate enough to soon come across Leaf's army. At some point during this job, Shanam meets a girl named Mareeta who ends up easily deceived by the wandering fool and ends up learning the Starstrike from instructions coming from a fool who has no idea what he's talking about. What a prodigy!

Frustrated at the idea of a little girl having the ability to kick his ass, Shanam decided that he would take his next job at the Dark Forest because the massive number of Forest tiles would improve his combat ability and give him a fighting chance. In this forest he is discovered by his "friend", Homeros, who suggests that he come along with Leaf's army. At the end of the battle, Dorias and August analyze the results and new recruits. A long silence surrounds the group as Leaf's 2 tacticians take their time to find SOME value in this man other than having the ability to double attack Dark Mages, which "anyone and Leaf's mom can do".

August finally breaks the silence by pointing out that Shanam's essentially a 0 stat fighter, having only the bases of his own class to go with. When August asks "What good are you?", the special card takes pity on the poor fool and becomes the Bargain Skill specifically for Shanam, who at the same was just bluffing about Bargain Skill which should be useful since the Silver card doesn't exist to save his sorry ass. August and Dorias took Shanam to a shop to test the truth of his claims and to Shanam's surprise, he has the Bargain skill!

"I'M GOOD FOR SOMETHING!", he thought, to his fortune but the dismay of the player who would've preferred the Silver card instead.


BWAHAHAHAHAH, ROLF! Make that my vote, I loved this "little story"

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For a second I thought this was Shanan for FE4 and then I saw everyone votes and wondered what the hell was going on.

He has Bargain and can get you stuff and is a swordmaster so he's fast and can like chip I guess.


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Sirius' story is even better because Leaf's mom literally can't double anything.

Oh yeah Shanam. His stats suck. But he can buy me things.


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Sirius has the best rating.

IMO the only things that even /might/ be worth buying after Shanam's jointime is the chapter 24 statboosters (S drinks are in chapter 9 so that's before his existence). I've went runs where I didn't buy a single thing since I just stole/captured a bunch of enemies for their shit. Why buy anything when you can just grab it for free?

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I haven't played his route yet but I would have guessed that bargain is more useful, considering you don't get any money. And I always had plenty of lances and axes available but swords were carried by rather few enemies and most people have to use them indoors.

Btw, does Bargain also work if you have Shanam shop on the preparations menu?

Edited by BrightBow
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I haven't played his route yet but I would have guessed that bargain is more useful, considering you don't get any money. And I always had plenty of lances and axes available but swords were carried by rather few enemies and most people have to use them indoors.

Btw, does Bargain also work if you have Shanam shop on the preparations menu?

By the time you get him, though, you're already in the final part of the game where enemies are regularly carrying pretty good weapons, it's not hard to take what you need off of them. There are lots of sword wielding heroes after the route split to pilfer swords from.

It does work in the base shop.

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Once a upon a time, a tiny special card sprouted legs and got tired of being used for 50% discounts on fashion crap. One day, he found a man whom he could pull up the stats and see that he was a non-civilian of no value, so he decided to accompany this man for that reason. After the explanation, the man looked angry for brief moment but then quickly when into despair because even he knows that he's terrible.

Suddenly he came up with an idea: He could use this card's discount powers to go around pretending he's Prince Shanan in hopes of meeting chicks. For some time, his plan worked, he would use the card in secret at any shop he went to buy the girls whatever they wanted which ended up being the same exact crap the card was tired of being used for the first time. The card then realized that it probably couldn't escape this cycle whether it belonged to male or a female.

One day, Shanam noticed he was running low on funds, the special card took advantage of this and pointed him to some work with bandits unfortunate enough to soon come across Leaf's army. At some point during this job, Shanam meets a girl named Mareeta who ends up easily deceived by the wandering fool and ends up learning the Starstrike from instructions coming from a fool who has no idea what he's talking about. What a prodigy!

Frustrated at the idea of a little girl having the ability to kick his ass, Shanam decided that he would take his next job at the Dark Forest because the massive number of Forest tiles would improve his combat ability and give him a fighting chance. In this forest he is discovered by his "friend", Homeros, who suggests that he come along with Leaf's army. At the end of the battle, Dorias and August analyze the results and new recruits. A long silence surrounds the group as Leaf's 2 tacticians take their time to find SOME value in this man other than having the ability to double attack Dark Mages, which "anyone and Leaf's mom can do".

August finally breaks the silence by pointing out that Shanam's essentially a 0 stat fighter, having only the bases of his own class to go with. When August asks "What good are you?", the special card takes pity on the poor fool and becomes the Bargain Skill specifically for Shanam, who at the same was just bluffing about Bargain Skill which should be useful since the Silver card doesn't exist to save his sorry ass. August and Dorias took Shanam to a shop to test the truth of his claims and to Shanam's surprise, he has the Bargain skill!

"I'M GOOD FOR SOMETHING!", he thought, to his fortune but the dismay of the player who would've preferred the Silver card instead.


Ethlin doesn't have pursuit.

But this rating too.

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Only good for Bargain, which isn't that useful thanks to capturing, stealing, etc. as well as tight funds.

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