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I really don't know how such an epic troll got through for everyone about the summer banner.

Since I found the REAL summer banner leak right here!



I hadn't even thought about how much I wanted a summer Selena until now. I cry.

Edited by Alkaid
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2 hours ago, Othin said:

Here's the low point, skill-wise: just 3 skills for 6 characters. Jaffar with his Deathly Dagger, Karel with his Wo Dao, and Ninian with Fortify Dragons. Still, there's a bit more to it than that. Ninian is a pretty big deal for being the first dancing dragon, and with both dancers and dragons being so few in number, a new one of either is pretty noteworthy. In addition, the Deathly Dagger is the first ultimate dagger, while the other two are the first inheritable skills added that were entirely absent from the base game, even from enemies.

You know, if my theory that Ninian was hustled up the schedule to get the Christmas pictures out of the data is correct, that actually makes a little bit of sense. Sure, that'd be no Ninian, but there are plenty of options for cobbled together sixth characters.

Rebecca, especially (who is basically archer Florina).

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24 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Shin, the guy who does Sakura GHB runs, pulls for Sakura in the Focus.


He sounds so indifferent (talking about other stuff)... and then Sakura arrived and he started to happily laugh xD

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Hmm... since the trials are creeping back upon us (seems like they just left.) I realized I only have one red mage in my -ATK Tharja. I could definitely use more Veronica counters and I kinda want a Raven tomer. Obviously Lilina/Celica/Sanaki would be better users for it but I don't have any of those! (Woo!) I do have some weaker *4 stars though so help me out.

+ATK/-SPD Sophia or +SPD/-HP Raigh?

Raigh's speed is pretty alright and his native +HP makes up for the bane, but Sophia obviously hits harder, is tankier and bulkier.

With Triangle Adept and Swordbreaker Raven Sophia is probably killing more than Raigh (34 vs 30 ATK in any given situation and has a native special skill in Dragon Fang) but Raigh isn't being doubled by everything in the world (30 SPD vs 14)

So... who's better?


Edited by Zeo
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2 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Hmm... since the trials are creeping back upon us (seems like they just left.) I realized I only have one red mage in my -ATK Tharja. I could definitely use more Veronica counters and I kinda want a Raven tomer. Obviously Lilina/Celica/Sanaki would be better users for it but I don't have any of those! (Woo!) I do have some weaker *4 stars though so help me out.

+ATK/-SPD Sophia or +SPD/-HP Raigh?

Raigh's speed is pretty alright and his native +HP makes up for the bane, but Sophia obviously hits harder, is tankier and bulkier.

With Triangle Adept and Swordbreaker Sophia is probably killing more than Raigh (4 more attack in any given situation and has a native special skill in Dragon Fang) but Raigh isn't being doubled by everything in the world.

So... who's better?

It's not certain the next trial would have Veronica, is it? Maybe it'd be Bruno or whatever.

Best to just sit tight and wait, I think. (Sophia is a great -raven adept user, though, her stats are basically as min-maxed as it's going to get for that role, and you can easily slap Renewal on her so the chip damage she does take gets nullified.)

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I've gotten a sudden influx of Friend Requests on Heroes, if any of them are from people here on SF, please either send me a PM or tag me in a reply here, so I can try to add you.  I'm not sure if there's some Lurker Mist supporters here, or my Bride Cordelia is just really popular with random match-ups.

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12 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Hmm... since the trials are creeping back upon us (seems like they just left.) I realized I only have one red mage in my -ATK Tharja. I could definitely use more Veronica counters and I kinda want a Raven tomer. Obviously Lilina/Celica/Sanaki would be better users for it but I don't have any of those! (Woo!) I do have some weaker *4 stars though so help me out.

+ATK/-SPD Sophia or +SPD/-HP Raigh?

Raigh's speed is pretty alright and his native +HP makes up for the bane, but Sophia obviously hits harder, is tankier and bulkier.

With Triangle Adept and Swordbreaker Raven Sophia is probably killing more than Raigh (34 vs 30 ATK in any given situation and has a native special skill in Dragon Fang) but Raigh isn't being doubled by everything in the world (30 SPD vs 14)

So... who's better?


I second waiting! You don't want to kick yourself in the pants later for putting a lot of effort into a unit you might not use for the Tempest. But as far as this discussion goes, I've enjoyed using Raigh. Mind is +SPD, and while he's not the best red mage to use, I just like him. Not really much of a reason to use him though. Sophia has some great bulk, but her SPD is really want keeps me from using her. With Cecilia, she can at least get horse emblem buffs. But Sophia's a little stuck. You'd have to run some calculations to see if she'd be able to destroy the biggest threats in one shot.

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19 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Hmm... since the trials are creeping back upon us (seems like they just left.) I realized I only have one red mage in my -ATK Tharja. I could definitely use more Veronica counters and I kinda want a Raven tomer. Obviously Lilina/Celica/Sanaki would be better users for it but I don't have any of those! (Woo!) I do have some weaker *4 stars though so help me out.

+ATK/-SPD Sophia or +SPD/-HP Raigh?

Raigh's speed is pretty alright and his native +HP makes up for the bane, but Sophia obviously hits harder, is tankier and bulkier.

With Triangle Adept and Swordbreaker Raven Sophia is probably killing more than Raigh (34 vs 30 ATK in any given situation and has a native special skill in Dragon Fang) but Raigh isn't being doubled by everything in the world (30 SPD vs 14)

So... who's better?


Isn't +Atk -Spd pretty much the perfect nature for Sophia? She's already unsalvageably slow. I guess maybe +Def or +Res could make her bulkier, but +Atk is always nice.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

I've gotten a sudden influx of Friend Requests on Heroes, if any of them are from people here on SF, please either send me a PM or tag me in a reply here, so I can try to add you.  I'm not sure if there's some Lurker Mist supporters here, or my Bride Cordelia is just really popular with random match-ups.

I am guessing it is from your Bride Cordelia. I friend any opponent that has a B!Cordelia+10. Although I have B!Cordelia+10 myself, people do not seem to friend me for some reason.

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3 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

A-are... you serious........?

I didn't even bother trying. I just surrendered immediately

Why is Zephiel of all people there

If only you had fort tiles, maybe things would have gone differently.

Am I right @JSND?

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@SatsumaFSoysoy @Rafiel's Aria @DehNutCase

Sophia vs Raigh (aformentioned boon/banes) with TA3/SB3 and DragonFang|Moonbow respectively is a win for Sophia.

She's better in every case, as a *4, a *5. The only case that's different is if we're literally slapping just the Raven tome on them at base, in which case Raigh wins a 4HKO war, but Sophia still wins 2HKOs. So yeah. Guess I'll raise Sophia.

That being said this is for the long haul, I won't do it with the Tempest in mind because I don't know what lies in store. But if it's unlucky and Masked Marth is all I have for a bonus unit, she's sitting at lvl 40 with New Moon and 800 SP so I can deck her out if need be. I'll wait.

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:



A-are... you serious........?

I didn't even bother trying. I just surrendered immediately

I assume this is Voting Gauntlet. If you do not have any of the clerics, you can use any level 1 character to make the battles super easy. Unless I am mistaken, I do not think there is a reward for using higher level units. Just make sure your friends are at least level 20 and above.

If you have level 1 of those clerics, then that is even better.

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5 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Two dancers + Reinhardt is the most free cancer I've ever received in my life

I didn't even ask for it

I can't stop laughing at this heh

I guess it's a party over at team Elise! Cause I'm winning with ease using my twins own Reinhardt~

Kinda feels weird using him but it's my twin so :P

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48 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Hmm... since the trials are creeping back upon us (seems like they just left.) I realized I only have one red mage in my -ATK Tharja. I could definitely use more Veronica counters and I kinda want a Raven tomer. Obviously Lilina/Celica/Sanaki would be better users for it but I don't have any of those! (Woo!) I do have some weaker *4 stars though so help me out.

+ATK/-SPD Sophia or +SPD/-HP Raigh?

Raigh's speed is pretty alright and his native +HP makes up for the bane, but Sophia obviously hits harder, is tankier and bulkier.

With Triangle Adept and Swordbreaker Raven Sophia is probably killing more than Raigh (34 vs 30 ATK in any given situation and has a native special skill in Dragon Fang) but Raigh isn't being doubled by everything in the world (30 SPD vs 14)

So... who's better?

If you want a Veronica counter that is a red mage, Sophia with G Tomebreaker and T-Adept would be a good choice as I'm constantly reminded of because I DON'T HAVE ANY RED MAGES, BUT STARTER RAIGH AND SOPHIA...

Ahem, yeah, she'd be a good choice. Sophia with Rauorraven, T-Adept, and G Tomebreaker would also be a good way to counter Julia and other green mages in general while also being able to handle colorless units since she'd take chip damage against them.

The issue with Lunatic Tempest Trials Veronica is that her boosted stats lets her ORKO red mages -- or at the very least, leave them very close to death -- who don't have at least 27 speed when they're a 3* to 4* which is basically every =Spd red mage, but Tharja and possibly Katarina if she becomes 4* summonable. That leaves 5* red mages and you'd need to either summon them or promote them.

The alternative option aside from going ham with -blade tomes or a Brave Bow bride Cordelia with speed buffs to double her immediately with Desperation, is to use Lucina, Masked Marth, or Ryoma against her. =Spd Lucina is off by 1 speed from doubling Veronica, but she can take 1 hit from Veronica to have Defiant Spd activate on her turn. That would also charge her special, so she could have Luna ready to finish Veronica off. Masked Marth is Lucina, but without passives, so you'd just need to give her the skills you want and Ryoma has Raijinto which would let him counter against Veronica and probably kill her on his turn if she didn't get counter killed.

I think Lloyd can work too since his resistance is high enough to take hits from her and he's strong enough to kill her. Not sure about this or Hana, Lon'qu, and Navarre -- could check with KageroChart. Otherwise, Athena and L&D3, Ruby Sword Selena -- basically the same stats as Athena because of L&D3 -- would work too.

Do keep in mind that nobody knows if Veronica will be the boss of July's Tempest Trials, but that said, +Atk, -Spd Sophia with Rauorraven, T-Adept, and G or R Tomebreaker or Quick Riposte is still a good unit.

Edited by Kaden
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27 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

If Bruno is the boss of next month's Tempest, I'll have a ton of fun grinding up Julia's HM :DDDDDDDD

My Julia's already maxed out, but now she's going to have 10 billion SP...

Or maybe I should take this chance to grind up F!Robin.

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