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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Lunatic took my horses three tries. Had to bring Lancebreaker Ursula to take down The Effie.

still haven't done it deathless. Used my entire stamina bar and haven't cracked it.

"Hey, remember Hector Hard Mode and those little bits of FE6 and all of Thracia and those few Trial Maps from FE9? We're still here!"

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26 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

still haven't done it deathless. Used my entire stamina bar and haven't cracked it.

"Hey, remember Hector Hard Mode and those little bits of FE6 and all of Thracia and those few Trial Maps from FE9? We're still here!"

Welp, I finally cleared Lunatic deathless with essentially three units on second try.

team was Axura, Xander and Lancebreaker Reinhardt. Fourth person was Gordin because I stupidly thought he'd do okay against Lyn without Bowbreaker. I was wrong, so he just ran around the map.

basically try to run away from the chokepoint asap. I put Xander on as far right and bottom as possible so Effie would move down the right away from the fort tiles. Brave Lyn moved left so separating her from Effie was key. (It helps my lowest defense unit Axura was on bottom left)

Xander deleted Lyn after Axura buffs. Then he just sat on fort tiles waiting for Amelia and Axura to come to their deaths.

now that Effie was by herself, Reinhardt finished the job with Axura's help- having Luna really helps because damn that Effie is bulky.

is this why Xander hasn't been rerun yet?

i wouldn't want to face this team as a defense team. Heavy Blade Effie is scary with Axura buffs and Wary Fighter. WoM Amelia is pretty smart though, giving Effie the movement boost when Effie's Wary Fighter breaks. Brave Lyn is annoying as always.

also congrats on getting up there @Zeo. Now you can pretty much relax for a week haha

Edited by mcsilas
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Finished the Lunatic quest clears for the Devs Say Thanks maps. Here are the teams used (many of which are incredibly unimaginative).

Effie the Strong Lunatic quest clear:
+2 Brave Lyn (Reposition, Hone Cavalry)
5*+3 +Atk/-Spd Reinhardt (usual Memebow + Lancebreaker build)
5* +Atk/-Def Boey (Gronnraven+, Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 2, Atk +3)
5* Olivia (Spur Atk 1)

Dark Rainbow Lunatic quest clear:
5*+3 +Atk/-Spd Reinhardt
+2 Brave Lyn
5* Cecilia (pretty much filler/Draw Back bot)
5* Olivia

Alluring Four Lunatic quest clear:
+Atk/-HP Amelia (Quick Riposte 3)
5* Black Knight (Hone Armor)
5* +Atk/-Spd Effie (Brave Lance+)
ToD Henry (pretty much Armor March 3 bot)

Light and Breezy Lunatic quest clear:
5*+3 +Atk/-Spd Reinhardt
5* Xander (Swap, Ignis, Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 3, Hone Cavalry)
+2 Brave Lyn
5* Olivia

The Iron Wall Lunatic quest clear:
Same team used for the Light and Breezy Lunatic quest clear

Difficulty to my teams (from easiest to hardest):

Dark Rainbow > Iron Wall > Alluring Four > Effie the Strong = Light and Breezy

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Okay jesus, these maps are supposed to be Thanks? Thanks to who, masochists?

I mean, I did manage to beat each map (except Effie) on the first try, but seriously, it's ridiculous how much defense some of these units had.

This was the team I used by the way, it's basically just my old Arvis Bonus Unit Arena Team.



Bridelia (+Atk -Spd, +3 merge, Summoner Support S)

Brave Bow+, Reposition, Luna

Life and Death 3, Desperation, Hone Attack 3, Brash Assault 3


PA!Azura (+Atk -Def, +1 merge)

Urdhr, Sing, Iceberg

Fury 3, Wings of Mercy 3, Drive Res 2, Fortify Res 3



Valflame, Draw Back, Iceberg

Fury 3, Recover Ring, Def Ploy, Resistance +1


Reinhardt (+Atk -Def, +1 merge)

Dire Thunder, Reposition, Luna

Death Blow 3, Lancebreaker 3, Hone Attack 3, Attack +3 (Squad Ace E 3)



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4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Anyone think we'll ever be getting another mini-Tempest?  I thought they were going to be a mainstay after the first one, but it's been months now, and we still haven't seen another one.

It's what I'm waiting for, Sharena and Alfonse are ready to get some TT bonus boost. Also 2 weeks regular TTs are too long. 

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16 minutes ago, Dayni said:

OK, these are crazy maps.

I am utterly stuck on Effie's hard map. That alone is beating me soundly.

I am concerned.

Its the only one I had time to solve so far.

Just put a TA/Gronnraven/Bowbreaker mage below the central mountain, Effie will be danced to the defense tile directly above. You can shot Effie now (she is hard to kill immediately, because of wary fighter) and the mage can tank a hit by Lyn. Even by dancing, Effie can't reach your units now, because Amelia is too far to activate armor march. 

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@mcsilas Yeah it's nice to have the pressure off for a while concerning arena.

Beat the Special Maps. The only troublesome one was Effie's. It was a royal pain dealing with her until I found the right combination in Bridelia/Olivia/B!Lyn/Soren (Lancebreaker!). Took a potion or two though. The Elincia/BK map was beaten  swapping out Soren for Rein. The other 3 maps (Iron Wall/Alluring Four/Light and Breezy) was beaten using my current hero team of Matthew/Inigo/Ayra/Genny. The synergy this team has is surprisingly great. The only true counter the team has is B!Lyn, and it's only a matter of getting to her.

Inigo can kill any bulky blues if need be, Genny keeps everyone healthy, Matt walls out everything but mages and Ayra swoops in and kills anything that gives Matt trouble. Genny does so much damage that she can finish off enemies if need be.

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11 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

@Infinite Dreams

I miss your Inigo v.v

I got so used to using him in the Gauntlet, I put mine in front of a CYL!Lyn today...

My non-merged... non-gronnravened Inigo. Whoops!


Awwww, thankies.  He is fun to use, isn't he?  I love the arena weeks where I can fit him in my team cause I can use him to bait enemies on the enemy phase & dance on the player phase.  If he appears on a banner again, I might mini-whale for more merges for him. ;] 

I'm sure yours will do just as well if you give him Gronnraven+/TA/Bowbreaker.  :):  Takes some investment, but it's worth it!

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7 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Its the only one I had time to solve so far.

Just put a TA/Gronnraven/Bowbreaker mage below the central mountain, Effie will be danced to the defense tile directly above. You can shot Effie now (she is hard to kill immediately, because of wary fighter) and the mage can tank a hit by Lyn. Even by dancing, Effie can't reach your units now, because Amelia is too far to activate armor march. 

Just be careful if you're using M!Robin with Triangle Adept though. Even though mine had Bowbreaker, he didn't have enough firepower to defeat Lyn so Axura swoops in with Wings of Mercy and destroys Robin.

I managed in my second account by using Lancebreaker Reinhardt, Xander, Olivia and MVP Brave Ike. As long as I put Olivia on the bottom right to bait Effie, Brave Ike can deal with Lyn after she moves left. I then had to use Swap and let Xander deal with Amelia though since her Luna packs a punch.

So yeah tips for this map would be having someone with Lancebreaker to quickly deal with Effie, and a Dancer (Olivia fulfills the swordie quest requirement).

I wonder if anyone whipped out Armorsmasher for this map.

As for Dark Rainbow, my flier emblem team of Minerva, Elincia, Hinoka and Cherche was perfect for the forest map. Reposition OP.

@Vaximillian Hurry up and promote him! You won't regret it. Always worth the promotion (and it's not like he has any good skills to inherit anyway although I'll merge mine much later when I don't have units I want to promote). Close Counter + Distant Counter Xander sounds fun.

@bethany81707 Good luck! A mage would be good to taking out Effie from the distance before she comes near you.


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1 minute ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Awwww, thankies.  He is fun to use, isn't he?  I love the arena weeks where I can fit him in my team cause I can use him to bait enemies on the enemy phase & dance on the player phase.  If he appears on a banner again, I might mini-whale for more merges for him. ;] 

I'm sure yours will do just as well if you give him Gronnraven+/TA/Bowbreaker.  :):  Takes some investment, but it's worth it!

I've got him the TA... just need the other two. He'll get those eventually, but I am forcing myself to stick to my plan of 5*ring all the 3-4* only units :) He still gets lots of use, since TA enables him to be a Reinhardt killer. He's slowly close to maxing HM for me, despite me trying to use all my dancers sparingly.

I do adore Inigo and Shigure, though. Was so glad to finally see them have the ability to be refresher units. It was the best use of a seasonal banner :)

I don't tend to do merges myself, since I can't afford it, but I have been trying to keep yours in my castle when he visits - him and Laslow. Sadly, they always escape :(

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4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Just be careful if you're using M!Robin with Triangle Adept though. Even though mine had Bowbreaker, he didn't have enough firepower to defeat Lyn so Axura swoops in with Wings of Mercy and destroys Robin.


Therefore I suggested TA/Gronnraven ;-)  Also if you leave the mountain between them, Azura can't WoM in. 

I really don't remember all the steps, but after Cecilia dealt with Lyn, the rest was killed fast. 

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4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Therefore I suggested TA/Gronnraven ;-)  Also if you leave the mountain between them, Azura can't WoM in. 

I really don't remember all the steps, but after Cecilia dealt with Lyn, the rest was killed fast. 

Oh right, I must've looked at the B in Bowbreaker and saw 'Raven' and jumbled those words up XD

That said my Boey didn't really do that much to Brave Lyn. Granted he was 4 star but I finally managed with B!Ike.

I'll do the rest of the quests tomorrow. Out of stamina and glad I at least solved the Effie puzzle.

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