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3 hours ago, RexBolt said:

This New Years Paralogue was so bland and boring. I mean, at least festival paralogues tend to be funny or cute but this one was just everyone wishing for peace and not adressing the main story because outrealms. The hoshidan music also didn't help, Naga knows i got sick of it halfway Birthright.

I agree, there wasn't really anything standing out. I wanted to get a bit more about the ocs, at least, but this game really doesn't want to flesh them out overly -.-

Oh well. Hopefully Book 3 OCs will have more to them :) 

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38 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I agree, there wasn't really anything standing out. I wanted to get a bit more about the ocs, at least, but this game really doesn't want to flesh them out overly -.-

Oh well. Hopefully Book 3 OCs will have more to them :) 

It would have been much better if each of the two first battles were the siblings reuniting with their dead older sisters instead. And the peace-wishing team-up between ice and fire kingdoms were left for the last battle. As is the three just feel samey story-wise. 

Even if i dislied the Adrift banner it's paralogues were one of the greats in all of FEH writing and i hoped to see more of that.

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4 hours ago, RexBolt said:

The hoshidan music also didn't help, Naga knows i got sick of it halfway Birthright.

It was good for a change of pace in FE, just as Hoshidan aesthetics were. And while I liked it, the one battle theme which spoke "sorrowful reminiscence and confrontation" to me, I dunno what is it is called, but it was used in the CQ Sakura battle. Whatever it is, I felt it was a little overplayed for its goodness, but to be fair, I never played with the story context of Fates, which plays a role in the potency of a soundtrack. Bearer of Hope from RD certainly relies on the plot circumstances to make it so memorable.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It was good for a change of pace in FE, just as Hoshidan aesthetics were. And while I liked it, the one battle theme which spoke "sorrowful reminiscence and confrontation" to me, I dunno what is it is called, but it was used in the CQ Sakura battle. Whatever it is, I felt it was a little overplayed for its goodness, but to be fair, I never played with the story context of Fates, which plays a role in the potency of a soundtrack. Bearer of Hope from RD certainly relies on the plot circumstances to make it so memorable.

While i liked the hoshidan aesthetics and music in Birthright, i hated this one song that played on this paralogue. Maybe you didn't hear it as much as i did because it tended to play a lot on story convos and stuff.

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@mampfoid @mcsilas @Alexmender @Landmaster @NegativeExponents- @Azuris @Nanima

Yeah, so since I'm pretty much wrapping doing clears at this point. I kinda want to get some concepts off my chest that fell through. For various reasons ranging from the right map not coming up, to not being able to complete the map, to not having the time, etc. Let's call them concepts at this point. Though I had music I wanted to use for most of them. I'll put the music in spoilers.

Garon Infernal GHB (Lances)


In addition to the Fates clear I did for Garon there was another clear I wanted to do with all lance infantry. OG!Ephraim (The Leader), Neph, Lukas and Fjorm was the base team with a few swap ins to test things out. They just felt like bosses mowing through the map the way they were doing it. I just couldn't complete the map without someone being clipped by the green TA cav or the healer. I could have eventually swapped in someone like L!Ephraim or Lances of different movement types (an OG!Azura certainly would have helped here.) but I just didn't have enough time after doing the other clears so it fell through.


Snow Map Clear (M!Morgan)


 This one is one I really thought would happen. I was waiting for an opportunity to use this track but it just didn't happen. I was saving it for a snow GHB/LHB/BHB but one simply never showed up, I could have fished for one in the story/CC maps but it would have felt too forced that way. AR also was too heavy on spring breeze maps and the few snow maps I got there It wasn't worth wasting valuable Aether on. So it slipped away. I pictured Amelia being the MVP of this clear, the track seemed to suit her.


PvP/Clash of the Titans (Team Matthew vs Team Morgan)


Probably my biggest regret of all. This one was going to be epic. When AR was first introduced I decided I would craft the perfect map to use Team Morgan to go head to head with Team Matthew (with me being in control of the former), likely on the desert map. Picturing it with this theme playing in the background gave me chills. But the opportunity never came about as it was during a busy time for me, then I was too cemented with my defense team and started getting more consistent wins and without the ability to save the team, I'd lose it if I changed the layout. So I ended up never doing it. I still picture the clear now. Morgan vs Matt, Inigo vs Ninian, Amelia (w/Darting Stance seal) vs Ayra and Genny vs Priscilla with no Dazzling. Would have been something to see.


Chain Challenge 9&10|11&12 / Tempest Trial Matthew Solo / Arena Assault Run #3 / Various Squad Assaults

A compendium of various special types of clears. The CC I considered but never decided on, maybe as a last hurrah near the end of recording but I decided it wasn't worth it. The Tempest I was planning to do when Matt reached +10 but that last copy didn't come until the very end. I could technically do it in the span of the next 2-3 days but there's no point. I also was going to do my 3rd AA run when all 4 of my "endgame" units reached +10 but Chrom continues to sit at +4, so that wasn't going to happen. SA map clears were also an idea but doing special clears made them feel less necessary.

Legendary Lyn Battle (Lyn)

Tried as I could, I was not able to clear this map with OG Lyn and FE7 units. I didn't try either of the re-runs of the map either as I put all my time into the Matt Abyssal clear. Of all the clears on this list this particular one was the one I put the most time into, I just couldn't make it happen so I had to leave it on the cutting room floor.

Saias GHB (FE4)

Same as the Lyn clear. Tried with Diedre, Swordhardt, Ishtar and Ethlyn, got close but couldn't cut it. When I finally cracked it at the very end, I didn't care anymore.

Unknown GHB/LHB (Matthew)



One of my biggest regrets. I waited so long to use this song for an epic Matthew clear. In fact it was almost used for Aversa's map. But no matter what I did it didn't feel right on whatever map I tried to use it on. It started with L!Lyn and 30+ clears later I just couldn't find it. Profound regret.

Unknown LHB/GHB/BHB (Amelia or Ayra)


This theme is a classic. It was actually the frontrunner for the L!Lyn map next to turbo killer and the one I picked. It was simply criminal I didn't use it for a clear. When I heard this I thought Matt and Ayra cutting through a map at lightning speed. Unfortunately I'd actually forgotten about this song during my journey of recording. Else it likely would have been used for one map or another. Possibly the Ishtar map or some other map either involving a powerful female enemy (like F!Grima) or one of my female team members being bosses.

Nothing is perfect though, there are millions of songs, you can't include them all, so this song, like many others, remains a what-if.

Swordsman Clear (Athena/Ayra/Fir/???) / FE9 Clear (Ike/Soren/Oscar/Mist)

Lastly I wanted to do a swordsman clear with swordswomen, but the right map didn't show itself, it never felt right. So It didn't happen. As for FE9, I lacked a healer which I needed for just about all of the maps I would have tried this on and for some reason Mist is still locked to *5.


Since there's no chance at this point of any of these becoming a reality, I'm not spoiling anything revealing the things I had cooked up. I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my brain.


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5 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid @mcsilas @Alexmender @Landmaster @NegativeExponents- @Azuris @Nanima

Yeah, so since I'm pretty much wrapping doing clears at this point. I kinda want to get some concepts off my chest that fell through. For various reasons ranging from the right map not coming up, to not being able to complete the map, to not having the time, etc. Let's call them concepts at this point. Though I had music I wanted to use for most of them. I'll put the music in spoilers.

Garon Infernal GHB (Lances)

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In addition to the Fates clear I did for Garon there was another clear I wanted to do with all lance infantry. OG!Ephraim (The Leader), Neph, Lukas and Fjorm was the base team with a few swap ins to test things out. They just felt like bosses mowing through the map the way they were doing it. I just couldn't complete the map without someone being clipped by the green TA cav or the healer. I could have eventually swapped in someone like L!Ephraim or Lances of different movement types (an OG!Azura certainly would have helped here.) but I just didn't have enough time after doing the other clears so it fell through.


Snow Map Clear (M!Morgan)

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 This one is one I really thought would happen. I was waiting for an opportunity to use this track but it just didn't happen. I was saving it for a snow GHB/LHB/BHB but one simply never showed up, I could have fished for one in the story/CC maps but it would have felt too forced that way. AR also was too heavy on spring breeze maps and the few snow maps I got there It wasn't worth wasting valuable Aether on. So it slipped away. I pictured Amelia being the MVP of this clear, the track seemed to suit her.


PvP/Clash of the Titans (Team Matthew vs Team Morgan)

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Probably my biggest regret of all. This one was going to be epic. When AR was first introduced I decided I would craft the perfect map to use Team Morgan to go head to head with Team Matthew (with me being in control of the former), likely on the desert map. Picturing it with this theme playing in the background gave me chills. But the opportunity never came about as it was during a busy time for me, then I was too cemented with my defense team and started getting more consistent wins and without the ability to save the team, I'd lose it if I changed the layout. So I ended up never doing it. I still picture the clear now. Morgan vs Matt, Inigo vs Ninian, Amelia (w/Darting Stance seal) vs Ayra and Genny vs Priscilla with no Dazzling. Would have been something to see.


Chain Challenge 9&10|11&12 / Tempest Trial Matthew Solo / Arena Assault Run #3 / Various Squad Assaults

A compendium of various special types of clears. The CC I considered but never decided on, maybe as a last hurrah near the end of recording but I decided it wasn't worth it. The Tempest I was planning to do when Matt reached +10 but that last copy didn't come until the very end. I could technically do it in the span of the next 2-3 days but there's no point. I also was going to do my 3rd AA run when all 4 of my "endgame" units reached +10 but Chrom continues to sit at +4, so that wasn't going to happen. SA map clears were also an idea but doing special clears made them feel less necessary.

Legendary Lyn Battle (Lyn)

Tried as I could, I was not able to clear this map with OG Lyn and FE7 units. I didn't try either of the re-runs of the map either as I put all my time into the Matt Abyssal clear. Of all the clears on this list this particular one was the one I put the most time into, I just couldn't make it happen so I had to leave it on the cutting room floor.

Saias GHB (FE4)

Same as the Lyn clear. Tried with Diedre, Swordhardt, Ishtar and Ethlyn, got close but couldn't cut it. When I finally cracked it at the very end, I didn't care anymore.

Unknown GHB/LHB (Matthew)

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One of my biggest regrets. I waited so long to use this song for an epic Matthew clear. In fact it was almost used for Aversa's map. But no matter what I did it didn't feel right on whatever map I tried to use it on. It started with L!Lyn and 30+ clears later I just couldn't find it. Profound regret.

Unknown LHB/GHB/BHB (Amelia or Ayra)

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This theme is a classic. It was actually the frontrunner for the L!Lyn map next to turbo killer and the one I picked. It was simply criminal I didn't use it for a clear. When I heard this I thought Matt and Ayra cutting through a map at lightning speed. Unfortunately I'd actually forgotten about this song during my journey of recording. Else it likely would have been used for one map or another. Possibly the Ishtar map or some other map either involving a powerful female enemy (like F!Grima) or one of my female team members being bosses.

Nothing is perfect though, there are millions of songs, you can't include them all, so this song, like many others, remains a what-if.

Swordsman Clear (Athena/Ayra/Fir/???) / FE9 Clear (Ike/Soren/Oscar/Mist)

Lastly I wanted to do a swordsman clear with swordswomen, but the right map didn't show itself, it never felt right. So It didn't happen. As for FE9, I lacked a healer which I needed for just about all of the maps I would have tried this on and for some reason Mist is still locked to *5.


Since there's no chance at this point of any of these becoming a reality, I'm not spoiling anything revealing the things I had cooked up. I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my brain.


Matthew V Morgan would have been a battle of the ages, I CRI

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@Zeo Those were some really neat ideas. Sad they won't ever become reality, but they are still a tribute to your amazing engagement with this game and clears!

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As Radiant Dawn banner is coming next week, I started thinking about the next units. Tibarn and Nailah seems to be confirmed, but I suspect another 2 units from RD, and I have a feeling they are going to be beast units. Ranulf seems to be the obvious choice, and Leanne and Lethe have good numbers on them as well.

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13 hours ago, Zeo said:

Yeah, so since I'm pretty much wrapping doing clears at this point. I kinda want to get some concepts off my chest that fell through. For various reasons ranging from the right map not coming up, to not being able to complete the map, to not having the time, etc. Let's call them concepts at this point. Though I had music I wanted to use for most of them. I'll put the music in spoilers.

Thanks for the insights, very interesting ideas.

Sad they won't become reality, especially Matthew vs. Morgan. I bet you would have created the hell of a map (no reinforcements though). 

I'm also hesitant changing my defense map, even if it doesn't give me any wins currently. 


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12 hours ago, daisy jane said:

Me: Let's go Get Airzura!
370 Orbs later
Airzura: Did you finish all your summoning for the new year?
Me: well i did now you dumb cow, you took all my orbs!
Airzura: hehehe

the game knows...

Ouch... Well... it's a 1 month banner, so you still have chances to summon her.

Did you at least get some good 5-Stars heroes with your 370 orbs?

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53 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Ouch... Well... it's a 1 month banner, so you still have chances to summon her.

Did you at least get some good 5-Stars heroes with your 370 orbs?

oh i did get her. 
I also got Surtr (Booked) OG Hector (Booked) and Julia. 
I just didn't think it would take 370 orbs to get her. so i'm pretty much back to "get nothing until next legendary" vs. oh look. i have some orbs/options. 


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7 hours ago, Garlyle said:

As Radiant Dawn banner is coming next week, I started thinking about the next units. Tibarn and Nailah seems to be confirmed, but I suspect another 2 units from RD, and I have a feeling they are going to be beast units. Ranulf seems to be the obvious choice, and Leanne and Lethe have good numbers on them as well.

Did they explicitly say "Radiant Dawn/Tellius" for the banner theme? If they just said "Beast Units", then that leaves things open for some fresh baked Pannettone, delivered in a basket wrapped in soft Selkie crepe.

Just fearing the worst to be on the safe side. Fortunately, we can't get a Beast alt of one of the Tellius chars already in, since they've yet to endow Breath on non-canon dragonkind, so they should in the future abide by the same for Beasts. And if they did at some point, well Nekokura would need another variant.


Since the story so I hear has gone to Hel, there is an opening for an OC Beast, since in Norse mythos, Hel has:



Garm (alternatively spelled "Garmr") (as interpreted in the modern day by Kazuma Kaneko).


"The hound of Hel, queen of the underworld. It watches the entrance to Niflheim, kingdom of the decreased.
The black fur on its chest is tainted scarlet from the blood of the dead. Its four eyes burn like coal, with which it keeps watch over the decreased and mercilessly mauls those who attempt to escape. Though it is bound by an unbreakable chain, it will be released during Ragnarok to duel Tyr. The two of them will slay each other."

Holding off until Book 4 for a kingdom of beasts is an alternative, but unlikely to me. Since a kingdom of beasts could mean all OCs would just be Beasts and none of Breath, Tome, Bow, Dagger, Staff, Sword, Lance, and Axe. That isn't good from a summoning perspective later down the line, if IS at all repeats what they've just done with the B2 OCs.

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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Did they explicitly say "Radiant Dawn/Tellius" for the banner theme? If they just said "Beast Units", then that leaves things open for some fresh baked Pannettone, delivered in a basket wrapped in soft Selkie crepe.

Just fearing the worst to be on the safe side. Fortunately, we can't get a Beast alt of one of the Tellius chars already in, since they've yet to endow Breath on non-canon dragonkind, so they should in the future abide by the same for Beasts. And if they did at some point, well Nekokura would need another variant.


Since the story so I hear has gone to Hel, there is an opening for an OC Beast, since in Norse mythos, Hel has:

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Garm (alternatively spelled "Garmr") (as interpreted in the modern day by Kazuma Kaneko).


"The hound of Hel, queen of the underworld. It watches the entrance to Niflheim, kingdom of the decreased.
The black fur on its chest is tainted scarlet from the blood of the dead. Its four eyes burn like coal, with which it keeps watch over the decreased and mercilessly mauls those who attempt to escape. Though it is bound by an unbreakable chain, it will be released during Ragnarok to duel Tyr. The two of them will slay each other."

Holding off until Book 4 for a kingdom of beasts is an alternative, but unlikely to me. Since a kingdom of beasts could mean all OCs would just be Beasts and none of Breath, Tome, Bow, Dagger, Staff, Sword, Lance, and Axe. That isn't good from a summoning perspective later down the line, if IS at all repeats what they've just done with the B2 OCs.

Yes, Feh explicitly said that the next banner is going to feature heroes from Radiant Dawn. She didn't say, though, if they're all beast units.


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This is the notification. It came before beast units were announced.

Later on, in the December Feh Channel, Feh said the new Heroes featured in January's Forging Bonds event would be from Radiant Dawn, then gave Tibarn as an example. Since January's Forging Bonds starts alongside the upcoming banner (rather than the one later in January), we know that that's the Radiant Dawn one.

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Sorry if I ask really basic and stupid questions, that should stop soon enough once I actually start reading notifications owing to actually playing this game. Please no unjustified alts and the rare Tellius character I loathe, 2/4 will be enough provided the remaining two apples aren't artificial or infested with tapeworms and coated in pesticides.

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Given that Laguz are coming into the game, this would make for a good opportunity to introduce Zihark into the games with a weapon similar in effect to Eckesas (whatever Zephiel's is) but toward to Laguz, I think.

He's the Tellian Navarre with a code to protect them, right?

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You've got Zihark's basic character more or less right (at least, I think so, haven't played Path of Radiance in a long time so I could be wrong). Though I feel like he would probably get a sword that buffs Beasts rather than a sword that debuffs non-Beasts, either would fit his character.

This would be a good time to introduce Tormod too, since fighting for Laguz freedom was his thing in the Tellius games. Maybe he could come with a personal tome that gives him a movement-range buff under certain conditions to reference his Celerity skill?

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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