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Kinda wish Alfonse would have been a tome user instead of a sword one in the first place. He'd have been such a fantastic raventome user with his statspread.

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15 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

According to Wikipedia, the pronunciation for "Thrace" and its demonym "Thracian" in English are "thrayss" and "thray-shuhn", hence "thray-shee-uh" or "thray-shuh" for "Thracia".

Japan pronounces it "trah-kee-uh" in accordance to the native languages of the region (Greek, Bulgarian, and Turkish).

Oh, apparently Thrace is apparently a real word and the name of mythological heroine. Should have expected that since Fire Emblem, like many other games, pull from mythology a lot.

Anyway, I bet @GuiltyLove is happy about one of the new seasonal units. I kind of wished she was a flier, though, as a reference to Awakening's DLC and so there would be more chances at getting a flying mage/ranged unit or a red mage since we have a lot of blue cavalry mages compared to the two red cavalry mages and three, but mainly one green cavalry mage since Gunnthra and Valentine's Lilina are limited.

Edited by Kaden
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@mcsilas @Rafiel's Aria @Johann @mampfoid @Poimagic I've come to the realization that I've gravitated from my preferred hyper-offense units to tanky enemy phase/hybrid units like this...


I really want more Close Counter fodder. I can't believe I have 3 Hectors and yet I'm thinking about what I don't have.

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@Vaximillian I don't actually have Close Counter fodder, so I'll likely be going the same route as you with my Faye. Still the Close Counter build is the one that appeals to me the most. Nuke them for 7 ATK and systematically they all suicide on her the following turn while she stays in QR range cause lol +40 DEF/RES on enemy phase from both ranges. Alas my only Takumi is +SPD/-HP and I'll frankly never pull another Takumi with a nature that good, so I have to keep him. Matthew essentially changed the way I look at things though. I'll take as many units like that as I can and Faye and M!Morgan are frankly perfect. Sothe less so, but he can run it. I wonder if that Colorless Dragon will be able to be molded as well. Gotta make sure I have the orbs to find out.

@Tybrosion Except ToD!Jakob is seasonal (whom I don't have and didn't want. I literally only wanted Sakura and Henry, got Henry at least) and an Armor. I have two Fayes anyway so I can afford to build one. Firesweep+ on B!Lyn is a waste imo because she already basically has that effect vs all DC units and can counter magic. Then as far as the other archers I have.

  • Jeorge wants Parthia
  • Faye wants Guard Bow+
  • Bridelia has Brave Bow+
  • NY!Corrin likes his Hama Ya+
  • LA!Roy has Brave Bow+

There's only really Takumi whom for some reason I'm still hanging on to his Fujin Yumi, he can run it with LnD3 and hit 41 SPD but it just doesn't feel right to give it to him for some reason. That and he's one of my BH!Lyn bait counters in AA so there's also that. So I'm still waiting on that special someone to give Firesweep Bow+ to.

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1 minute ago, Zeo said:

Firesweep+ on B!Lyn is a waste imo because she already basically has that effect vs all DC units and can counter magic.

One word: dragons.

11 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Meanwhile, I did the most sensible thing for my Faye.

You are a horrible, horrible person.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

One word: dragons.

If you run BH!Lyn on your team, you probably don't have a high enough BST to fight Dragons to begin with. And if you're fighting them in AA, chances are you have a better unit you could be using to counter them.

It just doesn't seem worth it in the scheme of things.

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26 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Jakob is far worse at pity-breaking than Faye.

Yeah, I walked right into that one and deserved it for crapping on Faye again. I can't even be mad just, well played. Though regular Jakob is definitely a worse colorless pity-breaker than Faye.

23 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

You are a horrible, horrible person.

Hey, at least I didn't fodder her for Bow Exp. 3 or just send her home outright.

@Zeo I was just referring to my own purposes with that statement. Not only is she outright inferior as a unit compared to ToD!Jakob, but I also don't like her one bit so as far as I was concerned I had no use for her. Though funnily enough, I also didn't particularly want ToD!Jakob at the time compared to ToD!Sakura only to see the former end up becoming far more valuable to me than latter as seen below.



Of course, the fact that one has an Atk boon and the other an Atk bane has a bit to do with it as well.


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36 minutes ago, Zeo said:

while she stays in QR range cause lol +40 DEF/RES on enemy phase from both ranges.

40 Def/Res with Faye's Spd is most definitely not enough to keep Quick Riposte active when most offensive units have at least 50 Atk.


33 minutes ago, Zeo said:

If you run BH!Lyn on your team, you probably don't have a high enough BST to fight Dragons to begin with.

Lyn's stat total is only worth 1 point less than a standard infantry or flying unit.

I'm also seeing a lot more people here getting high merges on two or more units, which makes the stat difference inconsequential when determining the types of units you see.

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@Tybrosion Considering ToD!Sakura is basically Kagero vs Magic, that -ATK pretty much destroys her. Jakob and she would be on more even ground if not for that fact, still Jakob is monstrous and can run Brave or Guard Bow and be a terror. Oddly enough though I never really need a hard counter specifically for him. Any team I'm running generally has the coverage for him. If he's running Brave Bow+ Matthew can typically deal with him but if he's running Guard Bow+ things can get dicey. 

26 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

40 Def/Res with Faye's Spd is most definitely not enough to keep Quick Riposte active when most offensive units have at least 50 Atk.

She'll generally take around 5-15 damage depending on her opponent I'll admit, more or less depending on if they've taken a -7 to ATK. Then we factor in Hones, Fortifies, Supports, etc which generally balance eachother out and she'll probably be able to deal with 1-3 opponents depending on their ATK. So I'll admit she doesn't really have sustain without a healer or Aether (the latter of which tanks her kills). A DD9 build on the other hand will pretty much deal with just about any ranged unit, though she's sacrificing the mixed utility from both ranges, but from a more optimal perspective it's a better build and she would be able to keep up QR that way.

30 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Lyn's stat total is only worth 1 point less than a standard infantry or flying unit.

I'm also seeing a lot more people here getting high merges on two or more units, which makes the stat difference inconsequential when determining the types of units you see.

That's generally true. For me even. It still doesn't mean Lyn is a unit you should use against Dragons with or without Firesweep+, but I'll relent that with a few high merge allies you can face dragon teams with or without her. 

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Screw it. I won't spend any orbs on this even after Thracia comes out. My male instincts are the reason why I was a dolphin for 3 months up until New Years. Not shaming anyone for having this attitude, but self-control in this game is very important and a few orbs here and there will suddenly become "Gosh, my pity is kinda high so I better spend until my pity gets broken" or more likely "I'm going to spend all of my orbs until I get that hot chick. Oh, I'm out of orbs for the next banner and I didn't get anything".
I'll keep increasing my orb amount. And then I lose 400 orbs just trying to get one Leif. He's my favorite lord

Edited by silveraura25
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4 hours ago, Kaden said:

Anyway, I bet @GuiltyLove is happy about one of the new seasonal units. I kind of wished she was a flier, though, as a reference to Awakening's DLC and so there would be more chances at getting a flying mage/ranged unit or a red mage since we have a lot of blue cavalry mages compared to the two red cavalry mages and three, but mainly one green cavalry mage since Gunnthra and Valentine's Lilina are limited.

Catria is cute. Too bad she is a seasonal. I'm less inclined to pull for seasonal units :(

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@mampfoid Nah. I used the last of my (current) orbs and Hector showed up which is just as awesome in the scheme of things. Still, good chance of me pulling for Takumi when he shows up again.

Faye can run Triple DD3 which is also pretty awesome. Sothe doesn't need CC, he operates great without it, I'm just spoiled from Matthew and Peshkatz is more or less a Rogue Dagger variant. Pair him with Eirika and you have a deadly combo, if I had Shigure I could make Sothe/Eirika/Shigure/Serra a thing and have a mirror of Matthew/Inigo/Ayra/Genny. 

Morgan on the other hand I think would benefit greatly from CC. At neutral DEF and RES with the debuff/buffs he's at 31/31 bulk which is pretty neat for an offensive mage as they're usually quite squishy. He's a great candidate for CC in my opinion. Honestly all the units in my personal opinion that can run C

  • Spoiler


    • Matthew
    • Saizo
    • Sothe
    • S!Frederick
    • Boey
    • Merric
    • Morgan
    • Sophia
    • Lyon
    • M!Robin
    • F!Robin
    • Odin
    • Faye
    • Takumi (if +DEF)
    • Leon
    • ToD!Jakob
    • ToD!Henry
    • NY!Corrin
    • Azama
    • Serra
    • Sakura
    • Lissa
    • Priscilla
    • Virion
    • Reinhardt
    • Cecillia
    • LA!Lyn
    • W!Tharja


    Now out of all those units the ones in bold are the ones I personally think would benefit the most in regards to those particular units. Raven tomes can run TA obviously, Reinhardt is Reinhardt, the Healers have bulk and can run it but could just run Dazzling and don't need to unless you're just doing that, Reinhardt is Reinhardt, Odin is Odin, Sothe is good without it as well. LA!Lyn can run it but ATK/SPD Bond 2 gud.

The bold units either have the bulk and build to run it well, the weapon type that caters to it or both. I personally think the best CC users are colorless. In Morgan's case though that tome and his bulk are too good and even if he's red I think he could run it well. He won't exactly be quite a wall like Matthew but he definitely can take a hit, and with the right team comp he could work wonders. I'd probably think Morgan is probably in the top 5 best potential CC units but that's just my biased opinion. Best CC users hands down are ToD!Jakob and Matthew though. In my once again, biased opinion.

EDIT: And... W!Tharja obviously. She's probably #1, ToD!Jakob #2 and Matt #3.

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10 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

For AA I suggest getting counters for emblem teams. Archers are the easiest. Wolftomes, armor effective weapon triangle, horseslayer, Caeda, Micaiah. Ranged tanks are also great against magic users. TA raventome users for each color is recommended. One anti-meta unit which is easily accessible is female robin with her wolftome. Just upgrade it  to keen gronnwolf. She's a decent brave Lyn and Reinhardt counter

Thanks for the advice! I actually have 5★ Female Robin; she's currently running the Gronnraven + Triangle Adept build and it has been serving her well, but it'll be easy enough to swap her over to Keen Gronnwolf for a while. Just need to grind for SP. (Oh joy.)

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@Zeo  I missed both Shigure and Inigo, but I became used to play without a dancer, which is somehow satisfying. 

I thought you'd go a different path for a CC Morgan. Since RES smoke doesn't exist yet, perhaps threaten DEF? I'm also not sure about Vantage for him. 

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1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

Catria is cute. Too bad she is a seasonal. I'm less inclined to pull for seasonal units :(

We'll just have to wait until she wins a CYL (eventually) or the developers suddenly pull a mage knight Eirika or vanguard Ike with her. :p

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@mampfoid Not 100% sure where I'd go with a CC Morgan. RES Smoke would be perfect, Threaten RES is an alright option but for the time being I'd probably run something like Savage Blow just to be more of a douche. Vantage is sketchy but it's perfect for the units that counter Morgan. Then he'll just proceed to nuke everything on EP. The spur is just there if he's supporting someone. If he's independent, Savage Blow is probably the best C skill until RES Smoke. You could go for a Breaker or something in the B slot though, it all depends on your preference. He doesn't need a seal though and Seal RES isn't all that effective for him unless you run him with a dancer.

I don't typically run dancers unless I'm running a hyper offense unit (Bridelia, Nino, etc), one just happened to end up being the partner for Matthew and have perfect synergy with him. My endgame team doesn't have a dancer (Matthew/Nino/Lukas/Chrom). I actually got pity broken by Inigo while pulling for PA!Azura. Funny how things turn out eh?

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@Zeo It's theoretically anyway, since I don't have CC fodder. If I ever get some together with RES smoke, I'll interpret it as a sign to build CC Morgan.

Yeah, dancers are nice with Bladetomes. I'm running NY!Azura on my flying team "4 seasons of death" and regular Azura has been companion for Nino for a long time. 

Did you ever get PA!Azura in the end? 

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Nah, it's probably gonna be Soren, Eirika and Leo, since they just got their refinements.

I'd prefer another Takumi banner though, since I have all of them (even been pity-broken by Leo twice, somehow). At least I can skip after the free pull. And save up for the surprisingly-good Spring banner.

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