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+Def -Atk Mia from legendary banner thanks to DICE orbs.

Well that's one way to give me a hero I'm interested in. Least her Speed wasn't touched by her not great nature...

Whatever. I now have all 4 uncanny heroes, pretty neat.

Also another 4* Sothe.

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@Zeo @mampfoid

So my hand slipped thanks to the free 20 DICE orbs.

Started out with 75 in my main. I was just going to YOLO one...but ended up spending more than that in my hunt for Summer Corrin.

First session had no blues, but gave me a Leon! Actually needed Ignis fodder, so I gave Ignis and Guard to my currently trained Shiro.

Speaking of Shiro...I got ANOTHER one. my 4th overall and 2nd one from the 8% banner. And..he's +Atk/-Def!?! I like that boon. Bane is a bit iffy, although Bright Naginata fixes that in Enemy phase, and I guess he can get Close Def SS. At least I think this is better than +Res/-Spd or +Spd/-Res?

Next few summons gave me my 2nd L'Ephraim. +Res/-Atk. Rubbish. Any good skills to inherit? If not may merge.

Had 28 orbs left, which is under my budget but....I really wanted Corrin and..


A summer Corrin and my 3d L'Ephraim on my final pull!

YES! Now my main account has her, too! +Def/-Res, so no bad banes. I'll be happy to take that! Now my pitybreaker Tailtiu from January can donate her tome!

Also that's my 3rd L'Ephraim...and amusingly he's the same rubbish +Res/-Spd nature. Also my 2nd ever two-5-stars-in-one-session pull (first one was beginning in the game last year with my first 5 stars Lyn and Merric)

So yeah, it only took 2 Shiro and 3 L'Ephraim pitybreakers. Those 20 DICE orbs sure came in clutch, otherwise I wouldn't have had the orbs to get the Corrin (last one I opened). Thinking about it, the hunt for her took 158 orbs + 20 DICE orbs, so 178 orbs which is...staggering for my f2p life.

I was so tempted to open the Colourless for Fanlivia. Or more B!Ike fodder. I actually would've done it but pressed End Session by mistake. Looks like it must be fate since I need to save orbs again.

If Inigo comes next legendary banner, then I want orbs for that. All-in-all, despite the pitybreakers, this was my most successful 8% banner since I had the most 5 stars from it- totalling to 6.


As for the 4 stars- I finally have my first Lukas. Although he's +Res/-Def but I can always merge him and wait for a better one since he has no good fodder.

@mampfoid I also summoned a Cordelia as well! Perfect, since I might actually give Galeforce to my +Atk L'Ephraim! She's +Atk/-HP but I like using my +Spd Firesweep one more now anyway.

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Got back up to 20 via March quests but only one blue and one green.

3* Robin +Atk -Spd
4* Titania +Atk -Spd

Huh, nature twins. I went ahead and merged my five 4* Titanias into one, with a +Spd -Res base. I have a 5* one with +Spd -Def. Might just merge the 5* back into the 4* one once I get one more since the 4* will be better by then.

As for Robin, he's handy in that I now have a level 1 Robin for VG exploit abuse, which is easier than level 20 exploit abuse, so yay?

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13 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

Really bitter right now, and yes, I know it's my own fault. 

I really wanted Ephraim so decided to just go for it. 

Got another stupid Corrin, who has gone from being on my want list to being on my DIE IN A HOLE list. Also got a Jaffar because blue orbs have apparently become rarer than unicorns. 

I'm done with this one for now. I just can't take the annoyance any more. Seriously, locking these heroes behind such crappy banners is the worst. I really, really hope they add legendary heroes to other banners in the future (maybe I should hold out for that). Plus, I know this is an anecdote, but I got way less 5*s than I have with most of the normal banners. Screw that. 

On the plus side, L'Arachel showed up and I got lots of swap fodder, plus a few bits of swordbreaker fodder to ease my pain a bit. Debating between foddering or merging my stupid Corrins. Jaffar will probably get merged. I like him, but rarely use him. 

Hopefully, the next banner with Ephraim on will have LA Lyn and Hardin, so I can be happier about the inevitable pity breakers. And cue the amazing banner coming out soon. I really have to curb my habits at some point. It's fine if I get the hero I want, but does leave me pretty annoyed when I don't (guess that's gacha for you). 

Anyway, rant over. Hope everyone else gets better luck than me on this suckfest. 

Aww, hugs, I'm so sorry.  :sob:  It feels so awful when that happens.  I sincerely hope the next banner treats you better.  

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@mcsilas Nice!!! Been a long time since I've gotten two *5's in a single pool. Dang it I want Ephraim too but the pools won't give me blue orbs.

As for me, first pool had 3 reds, 1 blue and 1 green. Garbage in those 2 orbs so I backed out and did a full pull on the next pool which was all junk.

Could have been a L!Ike, Mia or S!Leo in one of those, I've been avoiding red though so, don't really regret a lot. Won't be able to be so picky next time though. Orbs are scarse and I'll likely be doing a full pull next 20 no matter what colors I get. 9.50% rate needs to get broken. I've given up on Vector and Lyn at this point. Going to break my rate on this banner and use whatever else I scrape up in a last ditch effort for those two, assuming I get another *5 from this banner.


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55 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid I also summoned a Cordelia as well! Perfect, since I might actually give Galeforce to my +Atk L'Ephraim! She's +Atk/-HP but I like using my +Spd Firesweep one more now anyway.

Cordelia is always cool, as is Galeforce. Ephraim doesn't have the possibility to proc GF fast, why do you want to give it to him? He would need something like Heavy Blade or Steady Breath. 

Also congratulations on you pulls btw! I wanted the exact same result with the 20 free orbs (one Ephraim and a Corrin with a better nature in one pull), guess what I got? 


He is good fodder though, but anyway: what are the odds? 

11 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

@Rezzy @GuiltyLove @Arcanite Spent 160 orbs to get one +Res -Atk Fallen Celica. Got like three -Atk M!Corns too, as if to spite me. Tired of this bullshit system.

Ouch, double ouch.

Celica is really tempting also for me, but I don't dare to pull for her, because of this: 

+ cool
+ want her
- sword infatry
- don't need her
- sword infantry
- difficult to pull 
- need orbs for Cordelia

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17 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

But L&D3. This is my preferred usage for Jaffar.

We have Sothe for that now xD

I have considered that, but I'm not sure, since I tend to go for bulkier units over more fragile, speed demons. I will keep him unmerged for now, just in case :)

19 minutes ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Aww, hugs, I'm so sorry.  :sob:  It feels so awful when that happens.  I sincerely hope the next banner treats you better.  

Thanks. It does happen, although still annoying -.- I've checked the stats and have got a better Shiro, a +Atk Corrin that isn't -Spd (I think she's -Def, but I could be wrong) and a Jaffar that manages to have the same great stats as my other one xD

I can only hope the next legendary banner with Ephraim on has some blue units I want, so I won't be so ranty about pity breaks...

20 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

ANOTHER FUCKING CORRIN. Kill me now. Two of my most hated lord, and not a single Ephraim. I'm really fucking mad now.

I feel ya... I actually wanted Corrin, but only one. Got no Ephraims, either >.<

So far, 3 Corrins (I thought four but recounted and it's three), 2 Shiros and a Jaffar, since blue orbs did not like making themselves known >.<


Ha, that's funny. I got my Shiros like that, too :D I didn't do a full pull, though. There were two blue orbs and they were both Shiro xD


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6 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

We have Sothe for that now xD

As if it’s suddenly raining Sothes. I got my second ever Klein yesterday, whom I’ll keep for now in case of someone needing DB3.

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

As if it’s suddenly raining Sothes. I got my second ever Klein yesterday, whom I’ll keep for now in case of someone needing DB3.

That's true. I got a 5* Sothe but haven't managed to get a 4* one yet. And it took forever for M!Corrin to appear for me, despite being 4*. I'll keep him for now. It's more that I so far don't tend to use glass cannons, but since I don't use Jaffar overly, I can make a decision at a later date :D

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17 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas Nice!!! Been a long time since I've gotten two *5's in a single pool. Dang it I want Ephraim too but the pools won't give me blue orbs.

As for me, first pool had 3 reds, 1 blue and 1 green. Garbage in those 2 orbs so I backed out and did a full pull on the next pool which was all junk.

Could have been a L!Ike, Mia or S!Leo in one of those, I've been avoiding red though so, don't really regret a lot. Won't be able to be so picky next time though. Orbs are scarse and I'll likely be doing a full pull next 20 no matter what colors I get. 9.50% rate needs to get broken. I've given up on Vector and Lyn at this point. Going to break my rate on this banner and use whatever else I scrape up in a last ditch effort for those two, assuming I get another *5 from this banner.


Darn, hope you get someone soon at least!

I went ahead and pulled in the LA banner as well to try and get any green focus- I don't care if it's not Vector at this point, I don't have a 5 star green cav anyway so Lilina is welcome!

1st session - 1 green - Hawkeye.

2nd sesion - 1 green - +Spd/-Res Barst. Nice although already have an identical one at lv 40.

3rd session....4 GREENS. Darn. This amount of greens is making me anxious, after so many sessions with 1 or 0 greens...

...it was 3 star Nino, Berkua and Cherche (+Atk/-HP though..my 5 star is +Atk/-Spd so not sure if worth merging?)

The 4th orb?

+Def/-Res Boey


5 star +Def/-Res Boey.

Huh. Sigh. I already have a 4 star +3 +Atk/-HP TA Gronnraven Boey trained so not sure which is better. But at least I have a 5 star version of him for the confession, and the nature isn't too bad if I want to go purely physical on him!

Not bad, though, and I didn't have much of a pity rate since my Shiro pity breaker last night.

 @Hilda You use Boey right? What boon/bane do you recommend? @Rafiel's Aria Do you use Boey as well?

There was 1 colourless left but I was too scared to open it, even if it was LA Roy. It's times like this...sometimes I prefer the legendary banners.

@mampfoid I've read that it seems like a good option, since he likes to be away from teammates anyway and he has that sky high Atk? My Ephraim is +Atk, so Heavy Blade can work? If he's away from his teammates he gets to double anyway, so I heard it could be good for him, and being -Spd means he'll be better as a player phase anyway.

I mean Heavy Blade works really well on my Siegbert, too so I'll have to swap seals from time to time I guess. Unless Galeforce isn't as good for Ephraim?

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2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

That's true. I got a 5* Sothe but haven't managed to get a 4* one yet. And it took forever for M!Corrin to appear for me, despite being 4*. I'll keep him for now. It's more that I so far don't tend to use glass cannons, but since I don't use Jaffar overly, I can make a decision at a later date :D

My first and only Jaffar to date was used up for my basically neutral Olwen, and I’ve been extremely satisfied with this decision ever since :)

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

My first and only Jaffar to date was used up for my basically neutral Olwen, and I’ve been extremely satisfied with this decision ever since :)

I like Jaffar as a character and keep a copy of each unit (even one I really hate) even if I don't, so my only Jaffar so far has been levelled and kept. I think I did give my Olwen Life and Death but probably only a 2 skill version, so might have to look into that. Might wait to see if Sothe happens, though xD

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3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Darn, hope you get someone soon at least!

I went ahead and pulled in the LA banner as well to try and get any green focus- I don't care if it's not Vector at this point, I don't have a 5 star green cav anyway so Lilina is welcome!

1st session - 1 green - Hawkeye.

2nd sesion - 1 green - +Spd/-Res Barst. Nice although already have an identical one at lv 40.

3rd session....4 GREENS. Darn. This amount of greens is making me anxious, after so many sessions with 1 or 0 greens...

...it was 3 star Nino, Berkua and Cherche (+Atk/-HP though..my 5 star is +Atk/-Spd so not sure if worth merging?)

The 4th orb?

+Def/-Res Boey


5 star +Def/-Res Boey.

Huh. Sigh. I already have a 4 star +3 +Atk/-HP TA Gronnraven Boey trained so not sure which is better. But at least I have a 5 star version of him for the confession, and the nature isn't too bad if I want to go purely physical on him!

Not bad, though, and I didn't have much of a pity rate since my Shiro pity breaker last night.

 @Hilda You use Boey right? What boon/bane do you recommend? @Rafiel's Aria Do you use Boey as well?

There was 1 colourless left but I was too scared to open it, even if it was LA Roy. It's times like this...sometimes I prefer the legendary banners.

RIP... Pitybreakers can really suck. But Boey's cool! I actually haven't trained a Boey yet. I finally pulled a +ATK -HP copy that I plan to train and promote eventually because I really like Boey. I just have no idea how I want to build him. I just wanted a Boey that was +ATK and not -DEF as a personal preference since he's got pretty low base-attack like Merric, but I think he has more bulk overall. Merric beats him in speed...and then there's also the fact that he's got access to legendary weapons.

I'm one of the weird folks that likes playing with -owl tomes, so once I figure out his build, it'll probably be with an -owl tome, since I don't have a strong need for anymore -raven mages. I have a spare Takumi for Close Counter fodder, and I've considered giving it to him...but part of me also wants to give it to Leo...but that'll depend on what kind of refine his weapon gets. XD So no idea what I'll do yet...

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@Rafiel's Aria Ah fair enough! I must have mistaken your Merric with Boey in my mind, hence why I wasn't sure if you use him haha

My current 4 star one is my go to Gronnraven user and cheap Brave Lyn counter (and maybe Reinhardt but I'm not confident in his tanking abilities with +Atk/-HP although I guess a -HP would be even worse at tanking Reinhardt. I wonder if Deflect Magic would fix that though?).

Owl tomes are cool, I used Boey in the Echoes Tempest (back when he was +Spd/-Atk RIP) but Gronnowl really helped out to bump up his stats at least. Plus he was my healer with Breath of Life/Ardent Sacrifice/Renewal back then, so I have a soft spot for this guy.

But yeah I actually like Boey though, and this saves me promoting him to get the confession. I'm just still unsure of who to pick because my barracks is constantly clogging up.

Ah, the Close Counter dilemma. I always hate it when I have to decide on rare skills to inherit haha! But yeah wait for Leo's weapon update first just in case.

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260 saved orbs dumped into the newest Legendary banner, not sniping any colours. 5* summons:

Gunnthra - Already had a copy of her, but this one has a batter boon (atk) and so I merged my old one into this one.
Legendary Ephraim - Cool, keeping up the track record of owning at least one copy of each Legendary Hero, so far. Shame that he's -HP +Res.
Legendary Ike - the third VIke I've summoned overall, and the third VIke with a -Atk bane. The neutral free VIke is legit the only decent VIke I have, and I've since merged the one -Atk VIke I trained into the neutral VIke. Still two VIkes laying around, waiting to be foddered off to some other unit who needs his skills.
Dorcas - I already had a Dorcas, but this one had better natures so I kept this one and foddered the old one to give Fierce Stance to my Grima.

That works out to be 65 orbs spent per 5-star. Not as good as my previous summons from Legendary banners, to say the least. I suppose it makes up for getting four x 5* units out of 40 Orbs on Grima's banner. I did at least manage to get Ephraim, but I was also very much hoping for Corrin, because I could really use a magic flier that can actually carry a team, as opposed to useless Spring Camilla.

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26 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Ha, that's funny. I got my Shiros like that, too :D I didn't do a full pull, though. There were two blue orbs and they were both Shiro xD


I should have been more wary, since the last session (yesterday?) gave me 2 Oboros. 

17 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

 I've read that it seems like a good option, since he likes to be away from teammates anyway and he has that sky high Atk? My Ephraim is +Atk, so Heavy Blade can work? If he's away from his teammates he gets to double anyway, so I heard it could be good for him, and being -Spd means he'll be better as a player phase anyway.

I mean Heavy Blade works really well on my Siegbert, too so I'll have to swap seals from time to time I guess. Unless Galeforce isn't as good for Ephraim?

The difference to Siegbert is, Siegbert can proc Galeforce fast because he doubles the opponents. Ephraim won't do that. Heavy blade has the extra reduction of the special counter only for own hits (on either EP and PP). You could let him sit somewhere near the opponents getting attacked (and doubled, perhaps doubling back with QR seal) charging Galeforce. Then on next PP he could attack twice. But that won't be effective, his Player phase won't be good because of lacking damage special and lacking possibility to double. 

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17 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I should have been more wary, since the last session (yesterday?) gave me 2 Oboros. 

The difference to Siegbert is, Siegbert can proc Galeforce fast because he doubles the opponents. Ephraim won't do that. Heavy blade has the extra reduction of the special counter only for own hits (on either EP and PP). You could let him sit somewhere near the opponents getting attacked (and doubled, perhaps doubling back with QR seal) charging Galeforce. Then on next PP he could attack twice. But that won't be effective, his Player phase won't be good because of lacking damage special and lacking possibility to double. 

Ah okay, then. Fair enough, I mean yeah GF does have more synergy with Siegbert right now anyway. Thanks for the advice!

edit: @mampfoid Ah, no Aether fodder. Only Falchion suer i have is Masked Marth and well, 'he' comes with no skills. Sol will have to do for now.

Or maybe I somehow get lucky in the Falchion banner with my limited orbs. Please game? :(

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11 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Ah okay, then. Fair enough, I mean yeah GF does have more synergy with Siegbert right now anyway. Thanks for the advice!

Keep your spare Cordelia save and warm. There are more than enough candidates for GF. To a few: Minvera, Caeda, Titania, Elincia and all High Attack Brave+ users (need Heavy Blade + QP seal though). 

/Edit: How does Aether sound for your Ephraim? 

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19 minutes ago, Raven said:

260 saved orbs dumped into the newest Legendary banner, not sniping any colours. 5* summons:

Gunnthra - Already had a copy of her, but this one has a batter boon (atk) and so I merged my old one into this one.
Legendary Ephraim - Cool, keeping up the track record of owning at least one copy of each Legendary Hero, so far. Shame that he's -HP +Res.
Legendary Ike - the third VIke I've summoned overall, and the third VIke with a -Atk bane. The neutral free VIke is legit the only decent VIke I have, and I've since merged the one -Atk VIke I trained into the neutral VIke. Still two VIkes laying around, waiting to be foddered off to some other unit who needs his skills.
Dorcas - I already had a Dorcas, but this one had better natures so I kept this one and foddered the old one to give Fierce Stance to my Grima.

That works out to be 65 orbs spent per 5-star. Not as good as my previous summons from Legendary banners, to say the least. I suppose it makes up for getting four x 5* units out of 40 Orbs on Grima's banner. I did at least manage to get Ephraim, but I was also very much hoping for Corrin, because I could really use a magic flier that can actually carry a team, as opposed to useless Spring Camilla.

I suppose to expand on this, I dumped another 20 orbs just now and picked up a Brave Ike. I already have one of these too, so I will probably just keep him for Steady Breath fodder.

So, 5 x 5* units for 280 orbs - bringing the average down form 65 orbs per 5* to 56 orbs.

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