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I haven't been spending a ton on Orbs lately, so I decided to buy a few today just now in the hopes of getting an Ephraim who isn't -Atk, since I plan to use him quite a bit in the new mode.

@Anacybele@DarkLordIvy@Arcanite@Anime27Arts@GuiltyLove@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage

Well, I did get him, but he's -Atk again.  +HP this time as opposed to +Res, but I don't know if I should merge him into this one or vice versa.  To rub salt in the wounds, I got a Shiro later who is also -Atk.  It seems my curse has returned.


At least I got a Rachel earlier today for merging.  (She's also -Atk.)


I suppose not a total waste, but now I'm at 7 Orbs, and must resist the urge to spend more just yet.

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13 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I haven't been spending a ton on Orbs lately, so I decided to buy a few today just now in the hopes of getting an Ephraim who isn't -Atk, since I plan to use him quite a bit in the new mode.

@Anacybele@DarkLordIvy@Arcanite@Anime27Arts@GuiltyLove@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage

Well, I did get him, but he's -Atk again.  +HP this time as opposed to +Res, but I don't know if I should merge him into this one or vice versa.  To rub salt in the wounds, I got a Shiro later who is also -Atk.  It seems my curse has returned.


At least I got a Rachel earlier today for merging.  (She's also -Atk.)


I suppose not a total waste, but now I'm at 7 Orbs, and must resist the urge to spend more just yet.

Being cursed is difficult! If only you were subject to the curses in Paper Mario TTYD. You played the wrong IS game!

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18 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I haven't been spending a ton on Orbs lately, so I decided to buy a few today just now in the hopes of getting an Ephraim who isn't -Atk, since I plan to use him quite a bit in the new mode.

@Anacybele@DarkLordIvy@Arcanite@Anime27Arts@GuiltyLove@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage

Well, I did get him, but he's -Atk again.  +HP this time as opposed to +Res, but I don't know if I should merge him into this one or vice versa.  To rub salt in the wounds, I got a Shiro later who is also -Atk.  It seems my curse has returned.


At least I got a Rachel earlier today for merging.  (She's also -Atk.)


I suppose not a total waste, but now I'm at 7 Orbs, and must resist the urge to spend more just yet.

Well darn. :/ I hope that luck there changes again soon.

L'Arachel's lack of a nose in this art still bugs me.

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39 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I haven't been spending a ton on Orbs lately, so I decided to buy a few today just now in the hopes of getting an Ephraim who isn't -Atk, since I plan to use him quite a bit in the new mode.

That sucks. It seems everyone has been unlucky lately...

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Welp, I saved up 20 orbs for one final stab at the Legendary Banner.  And after getting a second Tomato Lord, I should've folded and saved what I had left.  Of course, I didn't and here are my results.













All I wanted out of this banner was an Ephraim and a Mia.  Stupid Tomato Lord, killing my dreams...  It's funny, but if Florina had been ideal stats, I might've seen what I could with her as a unit.  Might've had a story for the Strangest Units Invested In thread.  Aw well...

At least I got a decent Effie out of it.  I'll hold onto her, train her up, and when I eventually get one with +ATT/-SPD, get her all merged up and stuff.

I do have one other upside to things.  With two orbs left in my pocket and a free summon waiting for me in the 4*/5* Fodder Banner, I managed to snag me a





So the IVs sorta suck, but she's still a pretty good unit, so I'll take what I can get (I've needed a decent blue mage to tag-team with F!Celica).


Time to start saving up for the CYL banner (I'd save for the Falchion banner too, but I've already got a Lucina and a Chrom waiting to be promoted to 5*.  Alm looks pretty good right about now, but I don't wanna run the risk of grabbing one of the other Fal units trying to get him and I really don't wanna see another Marth...)


Hope everyone after me has better luck.

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One last desperate pull from Fallen Heroes... and no Green orbs...

...but I did get Celica and Hardin.

+Def -Res on Celica (Was actually thinking how silly it'd be to get +Def, and then it happened) and +Spd -Res on Hardin.

I get the feeling that they'd appreciate a little... reversal in nature distribution, but... whatever. At least they're not limited time units so there's always next time.

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This is a money-eating banner if I've ever seen one. I've already got all of the Falchion-users at 5*, but more can't hurt. Probably going to grab all reds and bail.

  1. 5* Chrom: Ayyy. The one I cared about the least, but an awesome free pull. And he's +Atk/-Spd, about as perfect as possible.

Of course he was the only red, but whatever. Of course my luck for future banners probably just got shot.

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This banner is going to suck for snipers.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Athena (Well, could be a worse pull. +Def/-Spd, already have perfect one)

Well, I have to hibernate and get more orbs after the legendary banner disappointed again.

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2 minutes ago, Ledrert said:

When you have an all-red focus and you have no red orbs for your free pull...

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You too, huh?  Got a free Shanna out of my free pull.  More desperation fodder.

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1 minute ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

You too, huh?  Got a free Shanna out of my free pull.  More desperation fodder.

Still better than a Donnel... XD

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Free Pull was 5* Marth. I'm pretty happy about him and I think that atk- and spd+ is not too bad for him.
I also pulled a Delthea the last weeks with her I could make him a good support unit. 
I just do not have enough dew...

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So I decided to redeem my free pull even though I only had four orbs for one additional. Turns out that was all I needed. 2 red options. Got a 4* Eirika and a 4* Tiki.

Here I was hoping finally snagging an Ephraim, and an Ephraim who is legendary at that, would mean that his sister would be kept in check. But nope, still being stalked. I could probably make a +20 of her now and that isn't counting the number of her I have killed off for Hone spd or even pivot/drag back for my armors. Oh, well. Hone Spd!

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Free pull was 3*A!Tiki so bonfire fodder for me.  I would like Alm, but I am saving my orbs for now since I want to get H!Jakob when he comes back.

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20 minutes ago, Ozil said:

It took a lot of orbs, but my Grima killer is here! Now I need some more divine dew and medals to refine the weapon


Wow, did you pull 11 Alms today?

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