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I... i don't know what to say.

First pull, free one btw, was freaking Lyn +Spd -Res, which is the same nature my current Lyn has. Galeforce or merge fodder, this one is.

Second session, in which there were 4 red orbs and one colorless, I only took 2 because i was very short on orbs. Colorless was Niles, and the Red I pulled from... was Elincia +Def -Atk. I can make my Elincia +7 merge now if I wanted to.

So I didn't even get to build a pity rate before i was broken by two off focus reds. At least they were actual 5* exclusive reds thanks to the recent changes, but STILL...

Well whatever, I'll be able to come across some money in the near future, so I'll just get my Thracia unit then...

Edited by Xenomata
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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

@Vaximillian @Cute Chao

Oh my gosh, congrats! Your saving paid off! And they came together, too @Vaximillian!

You should frame that @Cute Chao! Also double Reinhardt on the same session is funny!

As for me, I had 2 reds so I actually decided to do more than the free summon because the reds are good.


I think the game is confused. I visited the Thracia banner and came out with Archanea units.

Funny enough all of them are -HP.

@Rafiel's Aria Merric gave me the honour of being my first 3 star.....and he's +Atk/-HP! Neat at least I have that nature now but being 3 star means he's all the way down in my promotion list. I've got a +Res/-HP+1 Merric right now..maybe one day this will be the new Merric base,

@Zeo I've got a +Spd/-HP Ogma, which sounds pretty nice actually. Nice to finally have a good natured Ogma, my best one was +HP.

Hey! That's the nature of my merge base! It's a pretty good one! :3 It's so strange seeing him at 3 stars... I think my first  "new" 3 star was Marth. 

I ended up getting my Nephenee fodder! She's perfectly neutral which means someone's getting Wrath. I was pretty sure it was going to be Joshua...but now I'm torn. Building a DC+Wrath Mia or Fallen Celica could be fun..... 

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

♪ What is restraint? Olwen, don’t hurt me!.. ♪
So I had 147 orbs left and decided to give greens a spin in hopes of Olwen and/or maybe Deirdre.
Greens all but disappeared because of course they did.

Then, at 4%…



@SatsumaFSoysoy @Arcanite @GuiltyLove @mampfoid @mcsilas

Also I got another Rezzy. All four of them are Rezzies. (What’s up with that, @Rezzy?)

I’m very much done with the banner.

Full log under the spoiler:

  Reveal hidden contents

2 red, 2 blue, 1 green, 1 grey

147→142 4★ Merric Res/Def

3 blue, 1 green, 1 grey
142→137 4★ Soren Atk/Res

1 red, 1 blue, 2 green, 1 grey
137→132 4★ Bartre HP/Def
132→128 4★ Nino Res/Def

1 blue, 1 green, 3 grey
128→123 3★ Titania Res/Atk

4 red, 1 green
123→118 3★ Arthur Atk/HP

3 red, 2 green
118→113 3★ Camilla Def/Atk
113→109 4★ Fae Res/Spd

1 red, 4 blue
109→104 3★ Lilina Atk/Spd

1 red, 2 blue, 2 grey
104→99 4★ Eirika Spd/Atk

3 red, 1 blue, 1 grey
99→94 4★ Seth neutral

1 red, 2 blue, 1 green, 1 grey
94→89 4★ Raven Atk/Res

1 red, 3 blue, 1 grey
89→84 4★ Soleil Res/Def

1 red, 3 blue, 1 grey
84→79 4★ Marth Atk/Def

2 blue, 2 green, 1 grey
79→74 4★ Boey Def/HP
74→70 4★ Frederick HP/Def

1 red, 1 blue, 3 green
70→65 4★ Nino Def/HP
65→61 4★ Bartre Res/Spd
61→57 3★ Cecilia HP/Spd

1 red, 2 blue, 2 grey
57→52 4★ Olivia Spd/HP

2 green, 3 grey
52→47 3★ Barst HP/Res
47→43 3★ Sheena HP/Def

3 red, 1 blue, 1 grey
43→38 3★ Athena Atk/Spd

1 red, 4 grey
38→33 5★ Leif Atk/HP


the artstyle looks kinda different compared to other characters'

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All in for Thracia.

Reinhardt +Atk -Res
Leif +1 (Neutral)
Olwen +2 (+Atk -Res), had to go through two -Atks first
Nanna +1 (+Spd -Def)

Other 5s: Dorcas (waiting for +HP -Res Chrom to teach Infantry Pulse to)

Commons: Topped off Caeda for future merges among 4-stars. Had a losing streak of eight 3-star summons on this banner.

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So I summoned five times on two sessions and got only trash and one four star. I'm pretty sure this banner is cursed, and since I spent 260 orbs for two five stars on the spring banner and just got back to 200 orbs, I don't dare to continue. I'll need to see the trailer for the next banner before I decide what to do, I think.

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

That will always work, but also my Cordelia just needed to sneeze in the general direction of Newhardt. 

You might introduce us before the next legendary banner then. I could use his favor to pull Ephraim, Cordelia and Cherche. 

I'm catless, perhaps I should walk around in the neighborhood with some Tuna. Darn that allergy.


My lovely new Reinhardt is doing well. I'm half tempted to finally use the spare Distant Counter I've been hoarding, but I never know if Kent will come into the game and suddenly require it -.- Plus, I don't actually know any of their stats yet. I took pictures of their level 1 stats so I can find out tonight :)

My cat sucks for pulling Ephraim. He found it funny to give me two Corrins, two Shiros and a Jaffar instead ¬¬ (and that was not within a few sessions, either).

I'll ask him about Cordelia and Cherche, though :D

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3 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I took pictures of their level 1 stats so I can find out tonight

Hopefully you will find out they have decent natures. 

4 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

My cat sucks for pulling Ephraim. He found it funny to give me two Corrins, two Shiros and a Jaffar instead

Hmm, while I don't have Jaffar and Corrin, my Shiro stash is ridiculously big. I'll have to hoard some orbs first anyway. 

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26 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Hopefully you will find out they have decent natures. 

Hmm, while I don't have Jaffar and Corrin, my Shiro stash is ridiculously big. I'll have to hoard some orbs first anyway. 

I have to admit, I'm expecting all -Atk. Reinhardt will be +Res -Atk xD But I have them, so I don't mind too much :D If I even got an Ephraim with an awful nature, I'd still be happy.

It was more annoying that I threw so many orbs into getting Shiro, and then got two of him on a double pull! One nature was better than my current, though, so that got merged :) ...Then again, I threw a lot of orbs into getting Zelgius before this, too xD I sort of wish he'd been Helpful Chrom, but then that is just being greedy. I do use Zelgius a lot, though, so I'll probably go for the merge :D

I already had Jaffar with the perfect nature... and got a second Jaffar with that nature lol. Still debating using him for fodder or merge.

I wanted one Corrin, to be fair. I ended up with two... Or three. It might have been three... I spent a lot of orbs trying to get Ephraim >.<

I shall pray that luck holds for both of us getting Ephraim in the next go round :D

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Good freaking god. I am back up to 5.5 on the spring banner. Even getting 4 blue orbs per session isn't having Catria show up. Well at least not Spring Catria. The freaking gacha is taunting me by throwing half a dozen regular Catrias at me. Anyways I don't think I have ever had to put this many orbs into a banner to get just a single focus. Seriously what did I do to piss off the Gacha gods. This has to be around 500 orbs at this point at least and I effectively have nothing to show for it.

Good thing I don't particularly desire the new banner units much. At least not as much as Bunny Catria. Oh, yeah. Free pull was some 3* that got sent home.

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4 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

It was more annoying that I threw so many orbs into getting Shiro, and then got two of him on a double pull! One nature was better than my current, though, so that got merged :)

Well, I've never pulled for Shiro and somehow got 6 of him. Of my few merged 5* exclusive units now he is the one with the highest merge level. From his banner (1), off-focus (2) and from the legendary banner (3 in 2 sessions). 

6 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I wanted one Corrin, to be fair. I ended up with two... Or three. It might have been three... I spent a lot of orbs trying to get Ephraim >.<

Ah, blue flying Corrin? I mixed her up with flying gray Robin, my bad. I pulled for blue Corrin in the summer and spend more orbs than ever before (and after) only to get exactly one -ATK version. The legendary banner gave me a -SPD version while trying for Ephraim. ^^' 

9 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I shall pray that luck holds for both of us getting Ephraim in the next go round :D

Amen! May the cat of luck be with us. 


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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

Well, I've never pulled for Shiro and somehow got 6 of him. Of my few merged 5* exclusive units now he is the one with the highest merge level. From his banner (1), off-focus (2) and from the legendary banner (3 in 2 sessions). 

Ah, blue flying Corrin? I mixed her up with flying gray Robin, my bad. I pulled for blue Corrin in the summer and spend more orbs than ever before (and after) only to get exactly one -ATK version. The legendary banner gave me a -SPD version while trying for Ephraim. ^^' 

Amen! May the cat of luck be with us. 


I think one of my Corrins was +Atk, if I recall, as if to make up for Ephraim. Seems the legendary banners like neither of us.

I didn't go for flying Robin, since I was saving for Thracia and Ephraim. I might try for her depending upon the other units with her, but I can't think of any colourless units I want, since I have all the male seasonals and they put Kitty Sakura on the last one. I might have gone for colourless if she'd been on it.

Itsuki, the pressure is on!

I actually have two cats, but I guess Miko is useless in this xD

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70 orbs,

5* Leif - +atk/-spd.  Unlucky or just average...?
5* Saber - Fodder for someone....maybe?  
4* Roy - Lyon's stomach growls
4* MMorgan - don't know if I'll use but I hear he's good
4* Eirika - might +10 her someday, not sure.

Edited by Lushen
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Free summon was a +spd/-hp RK (Rightoues Knight)!Olwen. Funnily enough, she was the only one I wanted to. In the same summon, their was a +atk/-def Raven (wrong defensive stat minus) and an unknown Titania (cause gamepress hasn’t updated with the new rarity drops)

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4 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Black cats are the luckiest.

This is so true, every cat I have been owned by has been black, black cats are the best.

Free pull was 4*Palla +atk, -hp which is great, since I ended up using my last one for goad fliers fodder last month and I felt bad about it after so now I can build one.  Now back to saving orbs for the legendary banner.

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Got up to 3.75% and got myself my first Katarina! +Atk/-Spd, which I don't mind. I'll be saving up for the next legendary banner from here on though. The units will stay in the normal summoning pool, so it's all good!

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My free summon was Grima! What the hell!?

Er...he has a terrible nature (+Hp -Atk) which means that Sheena will finally get Vengeful Fighter. This game is giving me everything to complete my arena core.

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I really want to pull from the Thracia banner, but I need to save orbs. So just the free pull, I suppose.

  1. 4* M!Morgan: Well, I know who my next promotion target is now! Not Best Daughter, but Best Son is damn good too. His IVs are okay, +Def/-Res, which make him a decently tanky mage with Grima's Truth. Feels good.

And some story orbs bring me back to 20, so back to the Cooldown banner.

  1. 3* Arthur: Bleh.
  2. 4* Boey: Meh. Someone could probably use Earth Boost.
  3. 4* Mathilda: Whatever...

The other two orbs were grey, so no point. Still, I've got M!Morgan now, which makes up for yet another disappointment.

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Pulled on Thracia. Got a bunch of units I won't use, and pitybroken by neutral Jaffar. So at least I got Life and Death 3 fodder (I already have a +HP/-DEF Jaffar, which I'll be keeping since this one doesn't seem appreciably better).

Hopefully the Orbs from the Tempest Trial+ and Grand Conquest can get me a focus unit before this banner ends.

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My free pull on the Thracia banner was a +DEF SPD Leif. Not ideal but he’ll be put to work in the upcoming TT. Also, got a +HP -SPD Reinhardt2, a +ATK -HP Olwen2 and 2 Nannas in later summoning sessions. A M!Morgan spooked me before the second Nanna. 

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I've pulled some weird and wonderful off banner units the past couple days. 

Got a +hp/-spd Myrrh off banner from the bhb banner, and today I got +def/-res Exalted Chrom from the Tharcia banner. I'm actually so happy with both of them! I love thier art so much I think Myrrh has one of Amagaitaro better arts (love his Nino, Genny, and Clarine), Yamada Kotaro's Chrom is fricking beautiful. I didn't realise how great he looked until I pulled the guy! Looking forward to training them up!

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