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At a 4.00% rate on the Cooldown banner. I've given up on Flying Dagger at this point. I just want to break my rate on this banner so I can leave it behind and save some freaking orbs for Golden Week/Legendary banner.

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7 hours ago, Poimagic said:


Siegbert is one of my best offensive Cavs, besides Roderick. Since Camus’ GHB is rerunning tomorrow, Camus will probably take the place of Eldigan

Good choice, Camus is still very good and has got his niches because of DC and Grani's shield. 

3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Wow nice! You seem to have luck with those and ranged fliers! 

If she could fly on that horse I would have pulled blue as well. ;-)


@Zeo @mcsilas @Poimagic

/Edit: I tried to find a One-Turn solution for Zephiel and recognized I needed a decent Gronnblade Cav. I did 3 yolo pulls and got a green Olwen (+RES/-HP), yesss! My first focus unit from this banner. But that's not the big news, guess what happened: 


Edited by mampfoid
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Back to the Cooldown Banner. This damn 4.5% pity rate had better pay off finally...

  1. 3* Raigh: Worthless.
  2. 4* Soleil: Meh. She's +Spd/-Def, which is pretty good, but I don't need more swords.
  3. 4* Shanna: This game...

Two grey orbs this time. I've spent 138 orbs on this banner for nothing. Not quite as bad as Sacred Memories got, but it's almost there. My luck seems to have some periods where I'm getting two 5* units in three free pulls, and some periods like this one where I blow half a month's worth of orbs for no return whatsoever.

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Well against my better judgement I went ahead and tried to pull more on the spring banner.

Got another Spring Catria. This one +HP/-RES which is leaps and bounds better than +DEF/-SPD.  Merge or Chill RES fodder. Tough choices. That Session had 1 blue 1 colorless and 3 green. 1 of the green was also a 5*. Male Grima. +ATK/-DEF. Seriously this has been the the off focus banner for me. But I am done with it. For Real this time.

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Got to 4.5% pity rate before nabbing a second bunny. Alfonse! Whoa, did I just get both seasonals of a single color? That has never happened, I always get dupes of the one I already pulled. Just ask my four Summer Xanders. Alfonse and Sharena are the units I wanted most off the banner anyway, so I'm more than happy to start saving orbs again.

Alfonse is +Atk/-Spd. I also nabbed a +Spd/-Res Seth. That's a pretty good amount of speed for a ruby sword user. I think Stahl is the best sword cav for the slaying build anyway. At least when you factor out the sword cavs that have their own incredible personal weapons. 

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I had 50 Orbs currently , so I thought: Eh, Why not? I’ll earn even more orbs via Tempest Trials, so I got Spring Catria and TW!Reinharddt! Catria is Atk, - Spd, which is one of her best natures,  while Reinhardt is Def, - Res which is workable. Pretty lucky, if I do say so myself.

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I had 50 Orbs currently , so I thought: Eh, Why not? I’ll earn even more orbs via Tempest Trials, so I got Spring Catria and TW!Reinharddt! Catria is Atk, - Spd, which is one of her best natures,  while Reinhardt is Def, - Res which is workable. Pretty lucky, if I do say so myself.

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So, I had a change of heart (or rather, my completionist tendencies caused me to cave) and went back into Hares at the Fair to try for Sharena. I didn't get her but did get something else worth my while.



It was my first (and, because of the rarity change, likely only) pulled 5* Camilla (+Res/-Spd), who I immediately cashed in for this.



Simply sizzling, isn't she? I thought it was about time I finally put her Atk boon to good use.


Anyways, my total haul looked like this.


4* Merric, neutral
4* Titania, +Atk/-Def
4* Klein, +HP/-Atk
3* Gunter, +HP/-Spd
4* Matthew, +Atk/-Spd
4* Raven, +Atk/-Res
4* Raven, +Spd/-Res
4* Camilla, +Def/-Atk
4* Soren, +Atk/-HP
4* Clarine, +Atk/-HP
5* Camilla, +Res/-Spd
4* Oboro, +Res/-Def

I'm not sure how I only got one 3* given my usual luck, but I'll certainly take it. Also, my next 20k feathers may or may not be going to one Lord Raymond.


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Got a normal Olwen for my free summon on the Tempest Trials+ Banner! Aaaaaaand she's -Atk, just like my other one. Dang it game XD Ah well, she was free and that's hilarious, so I'll take it! Can't wait for Tempest Trials to actually start, they're my favorite events that give orbs!

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Was actually hoping for there to be just one blue so I wouldn't feel obligated to open multiple, but there were two and I couldn't resist opening both (still lacking a L'Arachel anyway). Shouldn't have.

4* Abel +Def -Res
4* Mathilda +Atk -Res

Meh, no strong feelings about this session.

Edited by Humanoid
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With this banner, might as well hope I can get either The Reinhardt or Worse Golwen.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Mae (Desperation 2. Oh well)

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Decided to try for Olwen on the TT banner even though I was saving orbs...



Instead I get my 4th off focus Linde, and just like the other 3, she is -atk... +def this time, so she is being merged into my +spd/-atk one.

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Woke up telling myself "Ah, the TT banner is today, I'll pick all the blues and then just leave it at that" -> 1 colourless, 4 reds -> Welp, 4* Priscilla it is! At least I'll keep all my orbs, but figures that there would be no blue. Well played, gacha.

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@mampfoid Sorry about the slow response. Been busy and somewhat bitter about my own pulls and my 4.25% rate on the cooldown banner. I just want my rate broken at this point. And with only a few days left. I'm probably only gonna have one shot. I just want at least one *5, even a pity breaker. Something to tell me all the orbs I put into this banner didn't go to waste because it's getting dangerously close to being the Winter's Envoy banner all over again.

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46 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid Sorry about the slow response. Been busy and somewhat bitter about my own pulls and my 4.25% rate on the cooldown banner. I just want my rate broken at this point. And with only a few days left. I'm probably only gonna have one shot. I just want at least one *5, even a pity breaker. Something to tell me all the orbs I put into this banner didn't go to waste because it's getting dangerously close to being the Winter's Envoy banner all over again.

No problem, you wrote you wouldn't be much around these days. 

That's what gacha wants you to do. Better save orbs for the next banners. We will see plenty interesting things in May (2 times new heroes + legendary banner). 

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Y'all gonna have to tell me what it's like to be pity broken by Seliph, because even when summoning on a banner session featuring Seliph with 3 red orbs, I still don't have him as a 5*.

What I DO have, on the other hand, is a shiny new +Atk -Res Saber, which... I mean, it's probably not the nature he wants compared to +Spd or +Def, but hey for a unit who I wasn't even thinking I'd ever get another of for months, if ever again, after feeding him to my Arden for his Slaying Edge, I will gladly accept this Saber.

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Got my first new 3* with this new pull. I decided to go for Seliph, since I have Olwen and Reinhardt. Got a lovely 3* Chrom instead. I'll probably just scrap him, but we'll see. I already have a 5* Chrom that I promoted ^.^

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5 hours ago, Grandosco said:

Got a normal Olwen for my free summon on the Tempest Trials+ Banner! Aaaaaaand she's -Atk, just like my other one. Dang it game XD Ah well, she was free and that's hilarious, so I'll take it! Can't wait for Tempest Trials to actually start, they're my favorite events that give orbs!

Ah man. That sucks. I hope you get one with better IVs in the near future

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