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Got more orbs than I expected from cleaning up random content, so one more go for today.

3* Clair +Def -Res
4* Subaki +Atk -Def
4* M Corrin +Spd -Res
4* Selena +Spd -HP
4* Est +Spd -Res

Fodder and a new base for my 4* Corrin merge (changes his bane from def to res). It always feels like I go a bridge too far when summoning on these banners, hopefully I get to break this 9.5% before the week is out.

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Alright, one last try today?

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless

5* L!Lyn (5 for 5 on Lyns now. +Res/-Atk. More's the pity.), 4* Cordelia (What's her nature? +Atk/-Def, I'm looking for a different nature sadly.), 3 Wendy (OMG I CAN +10 WENDY! +Atk/-HP, might merge the +9 onto her.), 4* Oscar (Lancebreaker boy again. +Res/-Atk, why do I keep getting this nature?), 3* Felicia (Well, could be worse. +Def/-HP. Well, it is worse.)

That will do I think. Though my legendary hero luck is far better than usual, from getting none for 5 months to two in the one month. I think I'm good.

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1 Fallen Celica

1 Female Grima

1 Mage Eirika

1 Legendary Ephraim

1 Micaiah

1 Shigure

2 Legendary Lyn

1 Halloween Henry

1 Halloween Jakob

2 Genny



within 550 orbs ! pretty happy with the results

Edited by FiyaaEmburem
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My hauls...

Main: $200 budget this banner. PA!Shigure (+Atk -Def), PA!Inigo(+HP -Def), L!Lyn (+Spd -Def), and +1'd L!Ike and +4'd Micaiah (switching to +Atk -Def). Among 4-stars, a +HP -Res Chrom I will be merging into, a 4-star Gunter to make the Three Heroes quests not a complete nightmare, and a Nanna merge. Now to lay low until next month's Legendary, gotta +10 Gunnthra. Next New Heroes better not be bait.

F2P Alt: About 50 orbs for nothing. Most valuable thing was Reposition.

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@Cute Chao Congrats on finally getting L'Ephraim! You've been a patient one :D

@mampfoid At least you've got a quick 5 star! Congrats! As for Innes, darn. Well I think in terms of colorless units, you need CA3 anyway? CA2 doesn't really do much against Raven tomes, it's the 3rd level that you want. 

@Zeo @Rafiel's Aria @Vaximillian @Rezzy

Okay. This was THE legendary banner for me, since I've been waiting for Inigo and Halloween Jakob for so long. I wouldn't mind a Henry for my 2nd account, and a Genny for my 1st account since I don't have those.

Firstly my main account. First session had no 5 stars but...I finally have a +Atk Reinhardt! +Atk/-HP even, so he replaces my +1 +Res/-Spd one. (Looks like I'm back to using a -HP one haha)

Lo and behold, my first 5 star was the controversial lady herself- and relatively quickly!

tumblr_p81gm835dR1qcrdmuo1_250.png tumblr_p81gm835dR1qcrdmuo2_250.png

I got a +Res/-Def Legendary Lyn in my main account in the 3rd session. I finally have a Wind hero! I mean, I wanted the other greens more but I'll take it! And she brought a fellow Wind mage- another +Atk/-HP Merric @Rafiel's Aria! Saves me promoting the 3 star one.

Then I had to wade through coourless and green orb sniping. I was so focused on clearing space in the barracks each session, so I never properly looked at the pity rates. It took maybe about 4-7 sessions and I finally get-


It's the dancing man himself! +Res/-Def which is...unfortunate in terms of mix tanking Rein/Lyn but Bowbreaker wil still work. I just need TA3 to come. 

He also brought home my first Genny in the main account, and she's +Def/-Spd.

Then I spent about 60 more orbs, trying to snipe colourless for Jakob, but was instead met with another Genny, who was +Res/-Spd this time! I guess Elise will finally get Wrathful Staff! I think the +Def on should go right? (Normally it's an easy choice but @Zeo's +Def Genny impressed me. But I guess +Res seems better though..)

Oh and I also got a 3 star +Atk/-HP Leon as well, which is nice! I can merge him with the +Spd one I guess, since he has a nice Atk stat.


In my second account, Legendary Lyn also came to me first, I think in my 4th or 5th session although she had the unfortunate +Spd/-Atk. Nice boon but the superbane in Atk stings.

Then the next session immediately after that was another Legendary Lyn! This time she's +Def/-HP....which is strange. Not the best boon but a better bane. Maybe other Lyn can be Spd Tactic fodder then? -4 Atk is harder to fix than -3 Atk.

Then it was back to green.colourless hell. No green orbs appearing, and many, MANY Lachesis showing up. I never summoned so many in one day.

Then in one greenless session I opened a colourless orb and..


It's Halloween Jakob! +Def/-HP which sounds nice for a Guard Bow build? Although I think I might still give him Brave Bow depending on the map. Great news since I already had a Genny/Robin (although more is nice, especially for the -Atk Robin last month)

Now I can focus on greens. It took about 40 more orbs before I finally get another of my targets!


Halloween Armours are complete! This Henry is +Spd/-Res! @Zeo same bane as yours but..it seems like that's not the worst bane anyway since he still has pretty good Res. Very happy with the Spd boon though!

Notable 4 star pulls was a +Atk/-HP Kagero and a +Atk/-HP Nowi (better than my current +Atk/-Res one at 5 star..looks like a merge might be in order?). I also summoned a 3 star +Spd/-Res Maria but I'm not sure if it's worth replacing my 5 star +Atk/-Def one yet. 


Unfortunately still no Halloween Jakob in my main or Inigo in my second account.

Now down to just over a 100 orbs so I think I better stop. I've spent 150 orbs for this and I'm pretty happy. Maybe I should wait on other banner announcements before being greedy. I was in a summoning/hunting frenzy..which is scary. Also cost me a mistake inheriting Moonbow to Inigo- I only selected New Moon while sacrificing a 4 star Odin :(. What a wasted inheritance.

Also I'm really sick of Lachesis and normal Jakob now while hunting for Halloween Jakob.

At the very least I have all the current unique archers in my 2nd account! @mampfoid (Jakob, Green Lyn and Kinshi Hinoka. Still no Kinishinoka on my main though)


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2 5-Stars on the Legendary banner so far:

+SPD/-HP Shigure (Yes! Another Dancer!)

+SPD/-ATK Gleipnirika (-ATK hurts a little, but 38 SPD makes it sting less)

Also got a couple Hinatas for Fury fodder. Not sure who's gonna want those, but I'm sure I'll be wanting them sooner or later.

9.25% Pity Rate now. Can't wait to see if I get lucky again!

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Decided to roll on it and see what I got, seeing as I had quite a few orbs. I used more or less 100 orbs, I think a little less, and got Ephraim, Robin, and Celica.

I was rolling for colourless, and got Ephraim early one when there was a no colourless session. He's -HP / +Atk.

Robin and Celica were in the last session I pulled. I pulled Robin first, and then decided to just empty out the session, and pull the other four. Robin's -HP / +Def. I wouldn't mind her being +Def, I just find it counterinutive with +HP. And Celica is +HP / -Def. Already have a +Def / -Res one from her original banner, which I think would probably be more useful. I'll probably save this one for her skills, when a unit comes along that I'd want to just throw skills on, regardless of whether or not it makes sense.

Anyway, I'm more than satisfied enough with this, so won't be spending any more orbs on it. Genny is probably the only one that would tempt me to keep rolling, but that's because I want her wrathful staff. But she's in the main pool, so it'll happen eventually... hopefully...

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@mampfoid Cool that at least you got a *5 though! @mcsilas Fantastic pulls and I'm jealous! To get Lyn on not one but both of your accounts! Also Inigo is fantastic, Jakob is powerful and Henry has a great boon, better than mine for sure! Grats on Genny too! -SPD kinda sucks but she'll do her job well all the same.

@Rafiel's Aria @Cute Chao @Usana As for me... my pulls were.. conflicting. Started out with mostly terrible fodder and a +RES/-SPD Lukas (would be perfect if I was still doing the Berkut's Lance+ build but now I kinda want to do the Steady Breath build...) and as you'd expect Green orbs basically don't exist. It's a sea of colorless orbs and reds with some blues peppered in there. I commit to full pulls regardless, grab a *3 Klein and around the 80 orb mark (I started at around 120)-


Wouldn't you know it? The unit I wanted the very least on this banner. ToD!Jakob is a good unit even if I don't care about him. ToD!Henry is terrible fodder but he has potential for a better nature, Micaiah I already have but she's premium DD3 or Drive ATK 3 fodder, Eirika I don't care about but she's a red tome cav which I don't have. Celica does nothing for me. And what's worse? She's +DEF/-ATK. I'm leaning dangerously towards maxing out her HM and picking someone for Chill SPD. I'm extremely salty, this could have been a L!Ike.

So I keep going and shortly after-


Ok... I guess that's fine. She's a red mage cav which I've never had.. but oh wait.. she's +RES/-SPD. Unreal. At this point I'm at the 60 orb mark and... in an odd place. Mostly sour but then this happens.


That boy there? On the left? That's a Roy. A unit I wasn't sure still existed. I haven't pulled him since 2017, MID 2017. He's -ATK but I also pulled a +ATK/-DEF one at *3. But enough of that, see that Rein, that Rein there? That's a +ATK/-RES Reinhardt. BAM! FINALLY GOT A +ATK REIN! He's being merged immediately for a +4 ATK jump and I can finally give someone else my spare ATK+3 Seal (Looking at you, Lilina).

So we're nearing the end of the session, still no greens in sight, and in one of the red stones of the last 40 orbs.


Well look who's back? But guess what? Not bittersweet this time! This gal's +SPD/-RES! All is forgiven. Finally something I can use. I'm not that interested in merging so I guess I just might have Swift Sparrow fodder. That's certainly something I doubted I'd ever have.

So yeah, no Matthews, Ninos or Chroms. No L!Ike, L!Lyn, Genny, PA!Shigure or L!Ephraim. But I doubt I'm done with this banner. I'm at 13 orbs now with about 10 or so left from monthly quests, there's the GC orbs, the dailies and all that. I'm going to do one more full pull tomorrow and then I'm going to wait. I'll probably be in a hole for the New Heroes banner but I feel somewhat unsatisfied. 3 *5's for 120 orbs is certainly not bad, but the units themselves have me feeling very blah.

Still I press on. Got a powerful red tome cav with an optimal nature as well as potential Swift Sparrow 2 and Chill SPD 3 fodder.

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For 75 orbs on the legendary banner this is what I got









Genny, mage Eirika, LegEphraim, and LegLyn. Some nice units, but I'm going to stop here, for saving up on upcoming banner.

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@Zeo Nice! Newly summoned +Atk Reinhardt buddies!

Also I'm actually jealous of Roys. I need Roys. Although to be fair I skipped most of the red orbs so that's partly my fault.

And at least you have that Lukas for whenever you want to return to Berkut's Lance one day waiting haha.

Grats on the Eirika though! I'm still missing that fast red cav, but I had to prioritize my orbs. 150 orbs for four 5 stars (with 2 of them being duplicates) is okay I guess, since I have most of who I wanted. At least you came out with a few good units :D

I just have to be really careful with Genny- at least Dazzling refine would keep her safe. She's pretty slow anyway, so I guess Spd isn't as bad as -Atk. That said, she survives more encounters with +Def than +Res so I'm conflicted on who to fodder.

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@mcsilas Nice Archer collection, congratulations! I don't have any of those units you pulled, Inigo or SPD Tactic would have been cool for me. 

@Zeo Yeah, Celica wasn't my first choice either. At least you got a very good Horserika, I hope I'll see her too in the future. 

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I went in to the legendary banner with 655 orbs and my pulls were good here is the list:

Genny x2

Lachesis x2

Nanna x2



Micaiah x3

F!Grima x2


I am only listing new units I also pulled a lot of good fodder and I still have 219 orbs left.  I am now done with this banner:)

Edited by EricaofRenais
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Man, this Legendary Lyn banner has been stingy, and this is the one Legendary I REALLY wanted to pull from! After over 100 orbs, I got this awful pity rate:




But then...IT HAPPENED!


She's got awesome +Atk/-Def IVs, too! And I got another Genny and Halloween Henry!


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It was good to finally get the blighter xD I now have three blue 5*s to train up! It does mean that when Kaze and Kana come, I will be at a nice, round 200 and not 199 for catalogue heroes, too :D

Congrats for getting your guys. If you plan to keep pulling, I hope the others come for you :D


Congrats on that amazing Reinhardt and also on your first Roy pull for the year :D Hopefully you get everyone else you're look for, too, if you continue to pull :)


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Thanks to a bunch of quests and story missions I'm back up to 50 orbs. Going to snipe greens now since I only really want Lyn now.

  1. 5* PA!Inigo: Seriously? I'm not going to complain about such an easy 5*, but it's kind of silly that I got two of him so easily. Of course he's +Def/-Res where my first copy is +Res/-Def, so he's merge fodder.

And that was the one green. 45 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cecilia: Escape Route 3 fodder.
  2. 3* Boey: Bleh.
  3. 3* Hawkeye: Worthless.

Oh well. 32 orbs left.

  1. 4* Draug: Been a while since I've seen you.

No greens that time. 27 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lilina: And still no greens.

This is really annoying. 22 orbs left.

  1. 3* Cecilia: Worthless.

And with 17 orbs left that's enough for now. Cost me 33 orbs to get yet another PA!Inigo. Sadly he's not L!Lyn, but still nice to have him.

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The plan is to open reds, blues, and greens since I'm missing two out of three for each color. Best case scenario is landing a Halloween Henry - the only seasonal unit I'm missing. Hopefully I won't get Inigo instead, since I've got two of him and don't think he's been a particularly good unit. If I do get Henry or Lyn I'll leave the banner and save up for the next one which will have Winter's Envoy seasonals, of which I am missing all of them.

First attempt: 3 red, 2 blue


4* Gwendolyn +Res/-Spd

4* Effie +Spd/-Def

4* Caeda +Def/-HP

3* Seliph +Atk/-Def

3* Seth +Spd/-HP

Second attempt: 1 red, 1 blue, 2 green, 1 grey


3* Titania +Spd/-HP

4* Gunter +Res/-Def

4* Mathilda +Spd/-Res

5* NotCanon!Eirika Neutral

4* Virion +Def/-HP

Nice Eirika. Now I will stop pulling red. Also is that an optimal Titania? I've been using a -Atk version of her for a year now and can't imagine life without that superbane.

Third Attempt. Now only pulling blues and greens. 2 red, 2 blue, 1 green



4* Catria +Res/-HP

4* Catria +Atk/-Spd

4* Sheena +Res/-HP


Fourth attempt 2 red, 2 blue, 1 green



4* Catria +res/-Spd

4* Mae +Atk/-Spd

3* Hawkeye


Fifth attempt 1 red, 1 blue, 2 green, 1 grey



3* Beruka +Def/-Atk

4* Titania Neutral 

3* Oboro +Res/-Spd


Sixth attempt 3 red, 1 green, 1 grey


4* Beruka +atk/-Res

Seventh attempt 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 2 grey



3* Raven +Hp/-Def

4* M!Robin +spd/-HP


Eighth attempt with 9% pity rate. 2 red, 1 green, 2 grey



4* Raven +Atk/-Res

Already have an optimal Raven


Ninth attempt 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 2 grey



4* Gunter +Def/-Res

4* Sully +Res/-Def

Good fodder.


Tenth attempt with 9.5% pity rate. 3 red, 1 blue, 1 grey


3* Cordelia +Def/-Atk

Eleventh attempt. 2 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 grey



4* Subaki +Spd/-Atk

4* Arthur +Def/-Spd


Twelfth attempt. 3 blue, 1 green, 1 grey



4* Merric +Atk/-Spd

4* Oboro +Hp/-Spd

5* Micaiah +Atk/-Def

4* Abel +Res/-Atk

3* Serra +Def/-HP

Wow, Micaiah's optimal isn't she?


Right as I was deciding I would stop as soon as my pity rate broke. I've only got 15 orbs left and need to start saving for the next Legendary Banner which is guaranteed to have more than one missing seasonal. Shame about Henry though. Armor March and armored mages will forever remain elusive to me. Micaiah and Eirika are seriously good gets for 132 orbs.

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Looking for Miciah (spelled wrong, I know) and got Jakob instead... Along with a bunch of other stuff that I can use for fodder and challenge runs… Went down from around 80 orbs to three, but thanks to quests, will probably get back up to around 10… Can't say I'm too disappointed, seeing as Jokab’s costume is hilarious and he's a fairly good unit. Also found out I can do some of the higher-level quests with my Reinhardt led team, so that helps…

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Ugh. Around 130 orbs into the banner and what do I have? A -atk Genny and a -atk Inigo. At least that’s a merge to Inigo. Every healer I care for has Wrathful staff already but I guess I’ll keep her in hopes that Brady will be added one day.

I just want L!Lyn and ToD!Jakob but seeing as I have never gotten any character I wanted from these I should know that’s not going to happen. Legendary banners are the bane of my existence.

Edited by NegativeExponents-
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Well, I've already dumped a fair amount into legendary Lyn's banner with some pretty good returns. But before that, I made another attempt at F!Kana yesterday.



4* Merric, Wind Mage: +Atk/-Res
5* Kana, Dragon Princess: +HP/-Atk

And actually succeeded in getting her! That superbane in Atk stings, but at least I got her! The optimal(?) Merric there was a nice grab too.

Anyways, onto legendary Lyn's banner.

First Session



4* Cecilia, Etrurian General: +Atk/-Spd
4* Corrin, Fateful Prince: +Res/-Spd
3* Bartre, Fearless Warrior: +Atk/-HP
4* Maria, Minerva's Sister: +Def/-HP
5* Jakob, Devoted Monster: +Spd/-Atk

A ToD!Jakob merge is a good start. Too bad the rest of the pull was rather meh.

Second Session


4* Tharja, Dark Shadow: +Spd/-Atk
4* Lon'qu, Solitary Blade: +Def/-HP
3* Saizo, Angry Ninja: +Res/-Def
3* Henry, Twisted Mind: +Def/-Spd
3* Eliwood, Knight of Lycia: +Spd/-Atk

Nice to finally have a Henry that's worth promoting. Aside from that, nothing special here.

Third Session



4* Nanna, Nordion Princess: +Atk/-Def (new)
4* Felicia, Maid Mayhem: +Res/-HP
3* Tiki, Naga's Voice: +Atk/-Res
3* Donnel, Village Hero: +HP/-Spd
3* Felicia, Maid Mayhem: +Res/-Def

No 5*s here obviously, but what was here was my first Nanna and a fairly good one too. I'll certainly consider promoting her, too. The Tiki and Felicias are appreciated, as I might purse +10ing them both down the line. Donny...can just piss off back to the sticks for all I care.

Fourth Session


4* Gunter, Inveterate Soldier: +Def/-HP
3* Corrin, Fateful Prince: +Atk/-Def
4* Saizo, Angry Ninja: +Spd/-Def
4* Rebecca, Wildflower: +Spd/-Atk
3* Setsuna, Absent Archer: +Def/-Atk

Very ho-hum.

Fifth Session


4* Cain, The Bull: +Res/-HP
4* Palla, Eldest Whitewing: +Atk/-Res
3* Fae, Divine Dragon: +Atk/-Res
4* Klein, Silver Nobleman: +Def/-Res
3* Klein, Silver Nobleman: +Atk/-HP

Cool, I now only need one more Klein to be able to complete his +10 project! Pretty good fodder here in Cain and Palla as well, which is a nice bonus.

Sixth Session


3* Frederick, Polite Knight: +Spd/-Atk
4* Tharja, Dark Shadow: +Def/-HP
4* Ogma, Loyal Blade: +Def/-HP
4* Roy, Young Lion: +Atk/-Res
3* Hawkeye, Desert Guardian: +Atk/-Res

The search for an optimal Ogma continues still. More TA3 is nice at least.

Seventh Session



3* Merric, Wind Mage: +Atk/-Spd
5* Ephraim, Legendary Lord: +Def/-Atk
4* Oscar, Agile Horseman: +HP/-Res
4* Seliph, Heir of Light: +HP/-Res
5* Henry, Happy Vampire: +Res/-Def

About time another 5* shows up. Though like Jakob, these two were just used for merges. The Oscar was nice too, but not so much the Merric and Seliph.

Eighth Session


4* Eliwood, Knight of Lycia: +HP/-Atk
4* Clair, Highborn Flier: +Def/-Spd
3* Kagero, Honorable Ninja: +Def/-Atk
4* Oboro, Fierce Fighter: +HP/-Spd
4* Jeorge, Perfect Shot: +Res/-Spd

Nothing worth commenting on here. Well, aside from the clean sweep of -Atks and -Spds.

Ninth Session



5* Lyn, Lady of the Wind: +Atk/-Spd (new)
5* Ike, Vanguard Legend: +Atk/-Spd
3* Roy, Young Lion: +Atk/-Res
3* Gwendolyn, Adorable Knight: +Res/-Atk
4* Roderick, Steady Squire: +Res/-Atk

Not the best combo of course, but at least I snagged Lyn #5 considering she isn't coming back for a while after this. Finally pulling a Vanguard Ike was a nice bonus too.

Tenth Session


3* Raigh, Dark Child: +Res/-HP
4* Reinhardt, Thunder's Fist: +Spd/-Res
3* Seliph, Heir of Light: +Spd/-HP
4* Cherche, Wyvern Friend: +Def/-Spd
4* Tailtiu, Thunder Noble: +Def/-Spd

A plainly average pull.

I'd still very much like F!Grima so I'm going to keep going with this banner and if I don't get her, at least she'll be available next time too.

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This banner has been incredibly stingy with green orbs... 

Didnt get Legendary Lyn but I did get 3 of the units which is an improvement from the last legendary banner (why only 2 focus units). 

Notable pulls were: 

* FH! Celica: -ATK/+RES (Damn it)

* SM! Eirika: -SPD/+HP/DEF/RES (forgot her bane)

* SM! Eirika: +RES/-DEF/HP (forgot her bane but it finally wasn’t -ATK/-SPD :) )

* Micaiah: +RES/-DEF (Not the exact IVs I was looking for but it’s not -ATK/-SPD so I’m fine with that) 

* Micaiah: +RES/-SPD 

*4 Tiltyu: +SPD/-DEF (Sightly better than my +SPD/-RES one) 

*4 Sothe (fodder) 

*3 Cordelia: +SPD/-DEF (surprised this banner didn’t hand me more Cordelias like the last legendary banners)

*4 Chrom: fodder 

*4 Raven: +SPD/-ATK 

* 4 Nowi: +DEF/-SPD 

It seems that the banner wanted to give me SM! Eirika and Micaiah the most. 

Disapointed that I didn’t get the other units I wanted. However, it I did get the unit I wanted and needed the most (Micaiah). Overall, satisfied. 

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That was super fruitful of a banner!!

I got two Legendary Ephraim's (+Atk/-Res) (on the SAME pull)

Two Legendary Lyn's (yay Spd Tactic fodder!) (one was my free pull!)

Shigure (+Atk/-Spd) (literally I was at 80 orbs, I was freaking out)

And Inigo (more fodder!) (I pulled in the same pull as my second Legendary Lyn, but didn't care about him)

And didn't totally blow all 250 of my orbs (I have like 70 left). My only true goal was Ephraim and Shigure, so I'm super happy! I would like Henry for some Armor March fodder, but only with the extra orbs I get in the next 6 days (But gonna keep 70 as my base orb count to not go below). 

Also got a Boey/Soren/M!Robin! Which furthers my 5*+10 goal. Robin's at +5, and Boey is at +4 and Soren is at +3. So getting there slowly. Just need some feathers to get them to 5* so I can merge.

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