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11 minutes ago, Marcodian_Elite said:



This is only the 2nd time I've every had more that one 5* on a summon, I was at 3.5%

Tharja is unfortunately - atk +def 


Sanaki is -def +res

I'd like to first congratulate you for your amazing luck.  Expect a victory swatting in the next hour. lol

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14 minutes ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

I'd like to first congratulate you for your amazing luck.  Expect a victory swatting in the next hour. lol

Thanks - it may have been to compensate for the last 8% banner that treated me poorly lol, Still some-what disappointed with Tharjas IVs though, atleast the art is well done I guess xD

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Did two full pulls and then stopped there since this banner will outlive the upcoming Legendary Banner that I know will have a lot of units to add to my collection. Didn't get any brides, but I did get a +Atk/-Spd Cherche. That's the one I've been waiting for. Happy to have another unit to use. And should probably be around 200 orbs saved up again by the end of the month.

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Alright, this has been like the strangest banner ever for me. I've had both the best and worst luck I've ever managed in this game.

I started with 195 orbs, wanting at least a neutral Tharja and Ninian. My luck's been pretty bad for getting focus units these last few months, taking me at least 150 orbs per focus unit and often being a terrible IV (150 for +def -atk F Morgan, 300 orbs for 1 +spd -atk Bow Hinoka(400 after fixing her IV), for example). Little did I know 1 of those problems would completely flip today, while the other came out in full swing. I think I may have officially inherited @Rezzy's -atk curse.

I managed to pull:

  • +def -atk Bride Tharja (On the 3rd pull of first session and I was Elated.. until I saw the IV. Of course I couldn't stop there with her, and had to keep pulling more red)
  • +def -atk Bride Sanaki (Picked a sole green left on the second session to make sure the % bumped up next one. Not sure if it's as a bad or worse than -spd, but not a good one)
  • +spd -atk Zelgius (Totally caught me by surprise. Real bummer on the -atk,  so he won't be any better than my BK, but I didn't have him so +1 for the collection)
  • +def -spd Bride Ninian (Once again I was elated to see who I wanted so soon.. and then saw the IV. -spd really hurts the Blarblade build I had planned, so I continued for a better IV)
  • +hp -atk Ephraim (Second time I've gotten him off-banner. Unfortunately not better than my previous +atk -def one, so I guess he'll be getting merged into it)
  • +atk -spd Linde (Shocked to see her show up, since she's one of the original 5*'s I was missing. Another really bad IV, though)
  • +hp -res Bride Tharja (Finally something without a crippling IV. Still not very good, but I guess I'll settle on it since not many orbs left. Ninian still bothered me though..)
  • +def -spd Bride Ninian (Just WHAT. Absolutely freakish luck that she came on the first blue orb of the next summon session after getting Tharja, yet her IV's the same bad one)

I had 21 more orbs left by this point. Between Ninian's IV and still wanting lots of blue fodder units, I just threw the last 20 down the drain in hopes of some final luck. I didn't get another 5*, but I did get a Cordelia, Shanna, Peri among the last few summons, which are all ones I really needed.

So yeah, I feel really weird after this. I've never ever had such a great 5* ratio before, but I also got horrible IVs on literally everything but the second Tharja. Overall happy though, since despite the IVs this is still way better than I've been doing on recent banners and feels worth the 194 orbs. Luckily Ninian's still usable by being a dancer, Tharja got saved with a passable IV, and I got some new units for the collection from the pity breakers.(at least I can HM farm them even if they end up rotting on the bench)

Also worth noting, while I got 0 useful red fodder units, I did get some really nice blues near the end. 2 Peri, 3 Effie, 2 Shigure, 1 Odin, 1 Shanna, and 2 CORDELIA. I was about as pleased seeing those Cordelias show up as I was actual 5*s. @mampfoid

Edited by Alkaid
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@mampfoid i think my normal Ninian has max HM anyway so having Newnian is great in that aspect as well. I think i finally have someone that I could donate my -Atk Hinoka’s Hone Fliers to after much indecision.

it’s crazy how many good fliers I’m getting in that account.

congrats on the Leif though! Use him in the TT maybe? Quickened Pulse plus S drink would be fun.

@Zeo @Humanoid @Vaximillian Ah good point. I guess I was so used to having my current +Spd 5 star Lilina that I liked having some Spd in case she doubles something slow. She’s running a breaker and Forblaze anyway so -Spd does make sense.

also that 3 star +10 was me getting salty about 3 star Ests and i don’t particularly care about making her a 5 star and as an experiment to see if she’ll be better than a 4 star Est. I guess i have to use the new 4 star as a base anyway since merging down will lose her +Atk nature and i was waiting for that boon anyway.

@Cute Chao thanks! That’s a good point! I guess i was just in a frustrated mood overall so that’s a good perspective

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@mcsilas Nice Ninian!!! Glad you could get her! I'm sure she'll serve you well. I'm pretty jealous of that Morgan though. I was lucky enough to pull a neutral one to replace my -SPD one, so I can't complain, but I'm on the hunt for a +SPD one for sure! 

Hopefully we'll get a banner soon that tempts me with both red and blue... 

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I got Bride Sanaki as my free pull, but she's +HP/-Res. I guess that's not terrible, but still definitely not preferred. Aside from that, my quest to get Bride Ninian has been stalled by a pity-breaker Ishtar (also +HP/-Res) and a Brave Lucina (neutral). Ah well, I'm gonna save up the rest of my orbs for the Legendary banner, and after that see if I can't get Ninian.

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@Alkaid Wow, that's a lot of 5*, congratulations! Too bad about the natures, but I wouldn't worry too much about it if they won't make it into your first team anyway.

Also Cordelias, yeah! Now you have enough for +10? 

5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

congrats on the Leif though! Use him in the TT maybe? Quickened Pulse plus S drink would be fun.

He'll get some use in Tempest Trials, but not in this one since there are many red bonus units. I already had the idea to leave him at level 1 (usually I have a level 40 copy of everyone) and replay the story with him and some promoted units. 

Hone Fliers on Ninian sounds like a good plan. 

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Welp, guess I have Bridal Tharja now to. Not as beautiful as when I pulled Ninian, but she is still welcome with the rather great +Atk -HP nature.

I'm starting to think that the game knows that I not only want Sanaki, but also that I have lost all hope in getting what I want, because Ninian and Tharja both popped up at my most hopeless (Ninian with 5 blue orbs and only 3 chances to pick the right orb, Tharja when I had already reserved myself to the fate of a bad session with 2 colorless, a green, and 2 red), and with great natures to.

I also got +Spd -HP Camilla, so I can think about having a Camilla around at 5* again, only this time with a good weapon.

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One red, two blue so easy decision when I only want the freebie.

It's Marth, yay.

Oh, he's only 4-star, boo.

But he's +Atk -HP, yay.


Well that was a rollercoaster of emotions. First time I've ever pulled a decent Marth, and I do have enough feathers to promote him. Would welcome opinions on whether he prefers +Spd instead though.

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Went for my freebie pull and just one red was there. I pulled, hoping to add Sanaki to my collection, and instead got a +Atk/-Res Siegbert. This replaces the +HP/-Atk one I ALSO got from a freebie summon on his original banner.

I get so many good units on my freebie pulls. But I can't intentionally pull any focus unit without spending hundreds of hard earned orbs. It is a bizarre balance.

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Did a simple 20 orb summon and got a +Atk -Def Leif and a +Def -HP Young!Tiki. Though I wanted OG Sanaki, I can't really complain about a new 5* and a 5* merge in so few orbs. 

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So, there's 3 reds, but I'd like another Ninian.

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (Crap. You know what, I'll take the chance.)

3* Reinhardt (+Res/-Atk- Nope.), 4* M!Robin (Dangit. +Def/-Res, I wish he had better IV choices sometimes), 4* Clair (Well this was a waste. +Def/-HP, yeah no)

That was a letdown.

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Got two reds, so I decided to go ahead and pull both just in case an Ares was lurking in there. 4 star Raigh and 4 star Ogma. I've already got my ideal Raigh built, but I may consider him for a 5*+10 project if his brother gets added and drops to 4 stars...so I might as well save some copies. Was kind of hoping that Ogma was +SPD, but alas, he was +HP -RES. Another merge for my 4*+10 Firesweep copy.

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I've already got all 3 reds at 5*, so might as well try for Ninian again.

  1. 4* Mathilda: Bleh. I've got enough Hone Atk 3 fodder. There's 2 other blue orbs, so I might as well pull those. Need more Draw Back fodder anyway.
  2. 4* Nowi: Meh.
  3. 3* Cordelia: Useless.

That was a total waste of 8 orbs. Oh well.

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I managed to pull three pity breakers going for Bride Ninian. Somehow, they were all good pity breakers! I have Blarblade fodder Talitu, Young Tiki (thanks to a lack of blue orbs) and a Nephnee, who I will probably merge.

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Collected the free orbs and tried free summon and one blue pull from bride banner. No 5* this time. I know Ninian's stats are overall bad, but I'll still try to go for her because of the novelty she makes for me.

Better get good in chain challenges now.

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@Zeo @mcsilas 

Orb count went up to 80, so I though a yolo pull wouldn't hurt: 

  1. 4* Hinata
  2. 5* BB!Tharja +SPD/-RES


I absolutely don't need her since I'm packed with good red mages (+ATK Celica, +SPD Eirika, +RES Nowi, +ATK Lilina etc.), but I think this game needs more characters with darkish design. 


Edited by mampfoid
It's the bride!
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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid Oooh nice one! Is this normal Tharja or bride Tharja? Either way, that's a really nice nature. I have a normal Tharja like that and she wrecks things.

Ehr, I forgot that Tharja#1 is currently available on the TTs banner, edited my post now. Of course it's the black bride (Tharja#3) and her stats are really bonkers! 

She has got 4 more SPD and 3 more ATK (plus 1 ATK because of her prf) than my +SPD/-HP Tharja#1. I'm considering to run 3 red tomes with Ninian#1 in TTs, just to make it a challenge. 

If you think that I was without a 5* red tome mage for ages, I burned so many orbs only to not get Sanaki last summer. And now I have Eirika (+SPD), Lilina (+ATK), Celica (+ATK ... two times), Tharja #1 & #3 (+SPD), Nowi, Sanaki, Arvis, Morgan and Lyon. The only red mage with unfortunate nature is Tharja#2 (+DEF/-ATK). 

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