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25 orbs down and she decided to drop in. +Spd/-Res too. Guess I won't be relying on Masked Marth for the upcoming TT+ after all.


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I am in shock I went in for my free pull on the summer banner and pulled young S!Tiki who was the one I wanted most!  I am so happy and this is an early birthday present for me:)

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2 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

I am in shock I went in for my free pull on the summer banner and pulled young S!Tiki who was the one I wanted most!  I am so happy and this is an early birthday present for me:)


I will definitely be abstaining from anything other than free pulls for now until the Legendary Banner announcement, since I got the sun-kissed Lavender Lass.

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Just now, Karimlan said:


I will definitely be abstaining from anything other than free pulls for now until the Legendary Banner announcement, since I got the sun-kissed Lavender Lass.

Yeah I am saving orbs after this since I have who I want.  Good luck on the legendary banner.

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On my free pull for the new summer banner, there were two blue orbs and three green ones...I got a spare Nephenee. Hey, Wrath fodder!

I summoned again, and ended up getting Summer Camilla. She has +Spd/-Res IVs, so she's all set there at least. Although maybe I'd have preferred +Atk? Eh.

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And with my last orbs, on the lone session with no colorless, I get pitybroken by this...


On one hand, Karla isn't a bad pitybreak, she's someone I didn't already have, and she's pretty, even if I think she looks too much like Ayra and Ayra is probably cooler anyway.

But on the other, I have so many sword units I use already and she's +HP, -Atk. That really doesn't help her much except if I wanted to stick Panic Ploy on her and what good would that do her since she doesn't hit Res? I don't think -Atk is that detrimental when she has her blade AND Wrath on top of it to make her proc specials out the wazoo, but +HP is such a bad boon for her. :( It's not like she can take hits, her defenses are very low.

I would like to keep her though, I don't have many fast characters, and despite my preferred play style being enemy phase tanking, some situations may call for more speed and player phase action too.

...Hm, now that I think about it, we're getting a Flashing Blade seal in the upcoming TT. Since her weapon obviously stacks with Wrath, I bet this would stack too! Holy crap. lol Yeah, I want to do this if that's the case!

@Rezzy @Arcanite

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After I played the new paralogues, I broke down and tried summoning for S!Tiki. Got her in only a couple pulls. She's neutral, so I have no complaints in the IV departement. 

Now she and Takumi can tackle the arena and TTs together. :3

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No Takumi pitybreaks either! I grabbed a bunch of free orbs and did have to get a 3 orb pack in the end to pull both these colorless, but WORTH IT!

I got my main Archanea girl AND another Kaze for good measure. :D I want to +10 that guy someday, he's best ninja and dagger guy. <3 I just wish I'd actually pull him with good IVs for a change. He's either been neutral, -Atk, -Spd, or in the case of this one here, -Res. So I still have the free neutral Kaze from GC as the base. I've given him one merge for now though.

And Linde's IVs aren't optimal, but not real bad either since it's +Def, -Res. Her defenses aren't good anyway. Even +Res only puts her at 30. But I can work with this! She's on a horse anyway, so she can hang with my horse army and all their sweet buffs!

@Rezzy @Arcanite (sorry to tag both you guys twice so quickly lol)

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So...I guess there are no hard feelings for the whole "being fed to Henry for Panic Ploy" thing then. Though seriously, I think this Luke has identical IVs to that one (+Def/-HP). Perhaps this time I should seriously consider holding onto him given that he's been a banner no-show for more than a year now and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

So that's five off-focus pulls for this banner already. I'm clearly doing something right but getting an actual focus unit (preferably Camilla) at some point would be appreciated.

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@Anacybele Congrats on both the 5*s and at least you have a good reason to do TT now.  Kaze is pretty good with a neutral base I only have him at +3 because the free ones are all I have right now, but he is still fun and since he is my favorite husbando he gets every merge I can give him:)

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13 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

@Anacybele Congrats on both the 5*s and at least you have a good reason to do TT now.  Kaze is pretty good with a neutral base I only have him at +3 because the free ones are all I have right now, but he is still fun and since he is my favorite husbando he gets every merge I can give him:)

Thanks! Yeah, but he'd be even better with +Atk or +Spd. I would like to get +Spd for him myself so he can also use Flashing Blade if need be. He'll share it with Karla and I'll swap it between the two. It means I won't use them on the same team, at least not much, but that's fine. I probably would rarely do that anyway. And if I do need to, I'll give one of them a different seal just for that battle.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Thanks! Yeah, but he'd be even better with +Atk or +Spd. I would like to get +Spd for him myself so he can also use Flashing Blade if need be. He'll share it with Karla and I'll swap it between the two. It means I won't use them on the same team, at least not much, but that's fine. I probably would rarely do that anyway. And if I do need to, I'll give one of them a different seal just for that battle.

I am waiting for +atk but +spd is also really good, if only Kaze would show up when I pull.  Flashing blade is going to be fun on several units I have and it will be on my forge list.

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6 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

I am waiting for +atk but +spd is also really good, if only Kaze would show up when I pull.  Flashing blade is going to be fun on several units I have and it will be on my forge list.

Man, I've been pulling him like crazy, talk about totally different luck. At this rate, I'll have enough Kazes to +10 him in no time. Provided I have the feathers though. :P

Yeah though, if I do get a +Atk, -Def/-HP one first, I'll stick with that.

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4 hours ago, Anacybele said:



No Takumi pitybreaks either! I grabbed a bunch of free orbs and did have to get a 3 orb pack in the end to pull both these colorless, but WORTH IT!

I got my main Archanea girl AND another Kaze for good measure. :D I want to +10 that guy someday, he's best ninja and dagger guy. <3 I just wish I'd actually pull him with good IVs for a change. He's either been neutral, -Atk, -Spd, or in the case of this one here, -Res. So I still have the free neutral Kaze from GC as the base. I've given him one merge for now though.

And Linde's IVs aren't optimal, but not real bad either since it's +Def, -Res. Her defenses aren't good anyway. Even +Res only puts her at 30. But I can work with this! She's on a horse anyway, so she can hang with my horse army and all their sweet buffs!

@Rezzy @Arcanite (sorry to tag both you guys twice so quickly lol)

No prob, I don't mind being tagged.  I managed to pick up Linde myself earlier.  I'm trying to get Takumi.  He's grown on me a bit, and he's the only eye candy we get this summer, so I've gotta take what I can get.

I think I've gotten Jeorge 20 times today.  Maybe the ones I keep sending home are just coming back.

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16 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

No prob, I don't mind being tagged.  I managed to pick up Linde myself earlier.  I'm trying to get Takumi.  He's grown on me a bit, and he's the only eye candy we get this summer, so I've gotta take what I can get.

I think I've gotten Jeorge 20 times today.  Maybe the ones I keep sending home are just coming back.

I honestly don't think anyone this year is really eye candy. I do think Linde is pretty and cute, but I'm not into women THAT way, so... I'd rather have seen guys like Frederick, RD Ike, or Ryoma. THEY are eye candy to me. XD Frederick already got a summer alt though.

OMG, I've gotten Jeorge way too much too. I think I pulled him three times in a row earlier!

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@mcsilas Feel free to join the Hector club. XD Wow. Of all the pitybreakers out there, I think he may be the best even if you don't have someone who needs it. Congrats! I think it's great to put on Myrrh. My spare Hector is just sitting around until I'm inspired. I feel like I should put it on a blue unit. My spare DC fodders have gone to Myrrh, Titania, and Mia. I kinda wanna give it to a blue unit I could merge up and use on my Arena team. Hmmmm... Gotta keep thinking! 

As for me...my finger slipped. XD I had zero intention to pull on this banner, but the more I saw Takumi, the more I liked him. Great stats, a movement type I don't have, looks absolutely precious...and fishie bow. He's not one of my overall fave characters, but he shares his artist with Summer Leo... So now I can do Leo x Takumi Emblem. It didn't help that I watched a few summoning videos that made me want him more. So I went in to do a few summons. On my first circle without any colorless, I pulled a red and ended up with Little Tiki's summer incarnation. Wow. Unexpected. Zero pity rate built. And she's perfectly neutral. Not exactly on my want list, but I'll take her. 

I ended up deciding to end there...and then I woke up in the morning and decided to have another go. I think I spent about 70 or so orbs, and I got him with over 30 orbs to spare! He's +HP -RES...which I actually think is the same IV set as the Flying Hinoka I sacrificed to Lucius. lol 

So two new units that fill niches on my teams for about 100 orbs. Wow. I'll take it! Now to cry when the calendar has a ton of banners I wanna summon from. XD

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@Rafiel's Aria Nice! Half of the banner already yours! Yeah Takumi is looking enticing especially looking at my -Atk Kinoka haha, but i must wait for the calendar at least.

hector wasn’t a pitybreaker since it was the Hector and Matthew BHB banner haha. But yeah Titania is an option as well, I have a +Atk one but not sure if i should wait for +Spd first. I like her but she’s not at my priority if upgrading/DC right now. Maybe when I get more Hectors haha

@Cute Chao wow, congrats! Looks like the gacha wants you to forgive it after Innes haha. Treasure that Takumi! Looks like summer and pineapples go really well for you - you should totally have him and Tana team up in the TT as she creates magical pineapples while he shoots fish lol

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14 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Rafiel's Aria Nice! Half of the banner already yours! Yeah Takumi is looking enticing especially looking at my -Atk Kinoka haha, but i must wait for the calendar at least.

hector wasn’t a pitybreaker since it was the Hector and Matthew BHB banner haha. But yeah Titania is an option as well, I have a +Atk one but not sure if i should wait for +Spd first. I like her but she’s not at my priority if upgrading/DC right now. Maybe when I get more Hectors haha

I should've waited, but I'm not a patient person. At the very least, I know we have some good events coming up, and I'll be able to replenish the orbs I had relatively easily. But now I really do have to save. 

Oh RIP. That's what I get for not paying attention. My Titania is +ATK, but she's also the only 5 star Titania I ever pulled (and from that Triangle Advantage skills banner FOREVER ago). She does her job well. But +SPD is good. I will admit, I haven't had as much use for her lately since I mostly face armors like you. But I do whip her out on occasion to put Reinhardt back in his place. XD Good luck figuring out how to use him!

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@mcsilas I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little salty. ..Oh! Not of the Hector. DC Fodder is amazing and I wish you the best at picking whoever's best for it! Since you're not into merge projects I'd just say go with who appeals to you. Someone you use often who could use a serious upgrade. That or sit on it like I've done with my two DCs... and Steady Breath... and... Warding Breath and BAH, you get the idea.

No, what makes me salty is that Matthew you pulled... it's LITERALLY my ideal IV. 4 points of ATK would bump him up to 50 ATK with a hone... 51 when he's +10... ugh. Well, at least the Flashing Blade seal will take advantage of his +SPD/-HP nature and I can run an ATK Smoke/Flashing Blade/Aether solo clear build. That would be crazy fun.

@mampfoid Congrats on that Takumi! I wish I could do the same thing with K!Hinoka but Desp+Escape Route is definitely not an idea I thought of. Sounds like a lot of fun.

Sadly I didn't pull any of these units and now that I see what's potentially CYL3 (why is this banner a week longer than usual, hm?) I have no choice but to stockpile.

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