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Welp. Summons on the new banner gave me a *3 Lukas and an Effie. Still no Azura yet again. Oh well. @mcsilas @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @NegativeExponents-

Went back to the legendary banner with 20 orbs, only expecting 2 or 3 of the color I want but let's roll. Blue orb was just a Mae, but the green...


What are the odds that I'd not only get this one again, but that she'd be the exact same +HP/-ATK nature as the last?

So yeah, this could mean that I could keep her, or... I could have two Bold Fighter fodders instead of one and give one to Jakob so he can be the ultimate in archer terror. I'll keep you posted. Still not Lyn or Lucina but who even cares at this point? it's a *5 from 9 orbs and a base 8% rate. Super win.

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Didn't expect to be able to do a summon on the legendary banner today, but was happy to see the celebration quest orbs weren't restricted and could all be gotten immediately.

Then, not unexpectedly, no blues. Green, three reds and a grey. Was about to leave the circle after summoning Hawkeye but I decided screw it, I just want to break this 9.5% pity rate so I could just stop thinking about the banner until the final day.

Glad I did.

4* Hawkeye +HP -Atk
5* Flyoma +Def -Spd
4* Kagero +HP -Spd
4* Stahl +Res -Atk
3* Lon'qu +Res -Def

Yeah, -Spd kinda sucks, but fortunately for him, his sister is newly single (having divorced Summer Corrin who shacked up with Airzura instead) so he can a permanent Hone Flier partner. Probably means I should just keep him as an enemy phase unit too, at least for the time being. I may eventually build a DC Palla, but hopefully by that time I might already have upgraded Ryoma.

My two main targets this banner were Lucina and Ryoma, with Ishtar and Lyn being secondary. On the last day I'll decide whether to snipe blue or just leave it until next month.

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Opened a couple of orbs last night on the Legendary banner. The result was a 5* L!Ryoma - seems to be Atk-, but it doesn't bother me.

I really want to save up orbs, but Lilina is on my wishlist. Also the blue orbs looks like a good payoff for me.

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@Zeo wow, congrats on Bold Fighter fodder!

but yeah having the exact same bad nature can be annoying, like the -Atk Lyn i summoned

@mampfoid @Vaximillian @Rafiel's Aria

Anyway, i wanted to get at least one 5 star in my main, so i did another summon, this time more focused on sniping blue. Got a Lon’qu when there were no blues but the next one had 1 blue at least.


Neutral Ishtar! I needed a good speedy mage to replace my -Atk Linde so she’ll do just fine! Not Lucina but at least it wasn’t Azura who broke the rate because I already got her last week.

i decided to open the rest of the circle but got no other 5 stars. I did get Ward armour after months....but it turns out the Draug was +Atk/-Hp so no fodder for now. I guess i’m merging him to my current +Def one since he already had skills inherited.

in my second account i decided to snipe blue as well since except for Ishtar, i had none of the other blues (yeah i actually want Azura in the alt). Strangely enogh, blues were also rare- only 1 per session. 3 star Odin, 3 star Oboro...one more try and..

I got Ishtar in my second account as well. Sure she’s a repeat but I welcome it since my current one is +Res/-Spd. New one is +Def/-HP so she’s going to be super frail with the superbane, but at least her Spd is untouched.

so seems like this was a Thunderous Thursday for me. 28 orbs from the new monthly quests disappeared quickly (back to 3 like the end of July) but at least i didn’t go empty-handed.

also daily summons are here to scratch my summoning itch but those will strictly be free summons only to replenish my orbs.

oh and my free summons were both 3 stars- a Catria and a +Atk/-Res Oscar

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My thanks to IS for the incoming orb shower. Already back up to 34 for the legendary banner, but first a shot at another Azura.

  1. 4* Robin: Meh. Don't need more Bonfire fodder.

And back to searching for Lucina.

  1. 4* Catria: Meh.
  2. 4* Rebecca: Even more meh.
  3. 3* Rebecca: What?

21 orbs left, just enough for another set.

  1. 3* Oscar: Lancebreaker fodder.
  2. 4* Donnel: Worthless.
  3. 4* Jeorge: Okay.
  4. 4* Maria: Right, you were demoted...
  5. 3* Soren: SP fodder.

That was severely disappointing. Still, plenty of orbs on the horizon.

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@mcsilas Hey, cool that you got Ishtar as well! Glad to see you got something for a few orbs too. It's actually pretty funny but this game loves giving me blue mages, I mean... I didn't pull for Spring Catria or Lucina and I wasn't able to secure PA!Shigure but if I take a quick look at my barracks...

  • B!Caeda
  • Reinhardt
  • Delthea
  • Lute
  • Micaiah
  • S!Corrin
  • F!Morgan
  • LA!Lyn
  • Linde
  • and now Ishtar

Quite an abundance of them honestly.

I'm only in a slightly better spot with 11 orbs but there are plenty coming, though it'll vary how many orbs I spend considering there are some banners where I'll probably spend orbs on all of a certain color, like Colorless on any banner with Takumi or Jaffar, blue for Ephraim/Hinoka/Neph, Red for Elincia/Lyn and Green for Minerva. I'm actually kinda hoping I don't get too many of the colors I want, it'll make it a lot easier to save. Nevermind the seasonal banner coming that I hope I can just skip.

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And... she is +Atk -Spd.

But still, I was expecing to get trash like always, maybe 3* Hinata to be funny, not freaking Mia. And she is still pretty fast as is. I'll just slap Fury, Swordbreaker, and Moonbow on her and improvise the rest of her kit.

...also Henry and Seth, but neither are worth mentioning otherwise.

Edited by Xenomata
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@Zeo Bittersweet pulls, I know those. Bold Fighter fodder is super useful at least. 


@mcsilas double Ishtars, nice! Congratulations, even if you wanted someone else on your alt. 


Meanwhile I got a Cordelia! She is +7 now and I keep a spare for emergency GF fodder around. 

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Completely neutral Legendary Lyn, and 4 star Hinata as a free summon for today. I guess it also means I will stop summoning on the legendary banner, since I'm back at 8% from 10%. I should also save up orbs for CYL2 and the new banner, hoping it will be either Echoes or Sacred Stones focused.

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8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Wow, that's pretty good, congratulations! You got two times more 5* per orb than me from this banner, plus I'm unable to get F!Grima (or any other legendary without a bad nature). 

I'm looking forward to see Grima in your team, will you try to get her to +10?

Too bad about Nanna, but I guess 5*-wise you got 100% what you wanted? Also the natures of your Lucina and Lilina are pretty perfect. Will you use +SPD/-DEF Grima as base?

Thanks!  My goal is to get her to +10, yeah.  I figure if she's going to be on these legendary banners constantly, I might as well take advantage of it while I still need colorless summons.  I'm using a neutral Grima as my base right now, and while the +Spd was tempting I use her as an all-purpose tank, and the -Def hurt too much for my liking.  Grima uses all of her stats, so I actually like neutral in this case. 

Hopefully you'll be able to get her someday.  Colorless dragon is kind of weird, but it's strangely fun to use. 

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2 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

Hopefully you'll be able to get her someday.  Colorless dragon is kind of weird, but it's strangely fun to use. 

Thanks! Thing is, my merge projects have all colors but colorless. Good luck for +10-ing Grima and Nanna. 

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My free pull was 4* Tailtiu so someone will get bladetome and I decided to do a yolo pull on the legendary banner just because, there was one blue and it was Bowcina who I did want a bit since her art is great.  So now I have all colored bows again.

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FREE PULLS ERRY DAY! TA banner interests me for Titania because of Guard and that's it really.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Gunter (Merges I guess. +Spd/-Def, nope)


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Well I would have liked  to attempt for Azura withe the Daily Summon but, alas, no Blues appeared and I'm not bothering to waste Orbs on this. So I go for Green and pull Titania

A 3*

What is even the point in having the 3* as a chance if I could pull a 5* FFS, I'm forever haunted by pulling worthless Titanias -____-

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@mcsilas Your Walhart pull inspired me to try for Ryoma and horse Chrom once again (and taking all colorless for Robin):

A good sign?



Perhaps not? 




Chrom arrived!



The wrong one of course. :-/

Btw: Soleil is +ATK/-SPD... my third with that nature. Still waiting for a +SPD copy. 

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I ground up another 20 orbs thanks to the map, quests, and GC, and decided to dive into Legendary Banner again, and


It's weird, but my joy for getting her is outweighing that terrible +Res/-Atk nature.  I'll train her up and think of how I'll build her up.  In the meantime, I'll be diving back in before the banner ends.  It's Tall order, but I wanna gun for a better nature LL as well as an Ishtar and a Hinoka.

And after this, I'm gonna dip my toes into the YT banner again.  A better Olivia and a Maribelle would be nice catches.


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@Selena4Lyfe Congrats on getting a legendary hero! Don't let yourself get dragged down by the nature. I pulled a +DEF/-ATK Lucina myself and she is quite good.

Mine is like a +SPD/+DEF Jeorge with a very cool skillset, plus she has got WTA over the numerous red units. 

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Back to 8.5% on the Legendary banner. Last time it was around there when Lilina came back so I'll save 17~20 orbs before doing another roll.

For the daily banners, I'll make a list and post all the free summons on a single post during the last day. It'll be fun to see how unlucky I get with those.

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In the banner of three 3* focus units, I figured I'd pull whichever colour was only represented by one orb. Well, joke's on me, there's two greens and one each of the focus colours. Reinhardt probably would be the smarter pick if only for merge potential, but I see that red has a higher 5* rate, plus better fodder so I go for that.

4* Ares +Atk -Res

Excellent, my first Ares and he has a perfect nature. I'd say that's better than 90% of who I could have pulled at 5*. Glad I didn't spend my overnight feathers on merges, because he's an insta-promote. (And my +Spd -Atk Eldigan can go chill on the bench now)


EDIT: Alt account for 5* Gordin, because of course the alt account is always the one to free-pull 5-stars.

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