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Full-pull from Festival in Hoshido gave me no dancers, but it did give me +Res -Atk Lute.

Already have +Res -HP Lute, so this Lute is either merge fodder or Res Ploy fodder, whichever is most needed (probably the merge if I'm honest).

Well that was a successful pull, if I do say so myself! Didn't get any of the seasonal units, but got the headache of exhausting any pity rate out of the way by never getting a pity rate in the first place, so I can now focus on exhausting the pity rate on Fighters banner. Plus I didn't want any of the seasonals anyways.

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First, the DB banner. Aiming for another Klein.

  1. 4* Azama: No thanks.

And now to look for Elincia. I'll take the whole first set just in case of a luck 5*, then snipe greens with red as a fallback. Starting with 41 orbs.

  1. 3* Draug: Garbage.
  2. 4* Lukas: Meh.
  3. 3* Peri: Feathers.
  4. 4* Azama: Really?
  5. 4* Clarine: Meh.

That was extremely disappointing. 26 orbs left.

  1. 4* Libra: Hello hello. A new unit's always nice to have, and especially when they're an axe infantry.

Of course Libra was the only green. 21 orbs left.

  1. 3* Gunter: Worthless.

Ugh. At least there's tons more orbs on the way and I got Libra right off the bat.


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200 orbs in the dancer banner and fighter banner and I got:
x1 Micaiah
x2 Grima
x2 Hardin

And not a single Effie. Whew, feels good to have some good luck after so many -Atk pulls this year.

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@Zeo @mcsilas @mampfoid  @Ae†her I knew that I'm not being here often but this is one of the best of my luck.

I got 2 Dancer Ryoma with one of them is -HP/ +Spd.

and... Dancer Micaiah with -HP/+Atk !!

Oh my god, I thought I will never +10 Shiro with all my luck have been spent here lol.

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Pulled way too much on the dancer banner. Around 150 orbs spent.

Noteworthy results:

YT!Olivia. (+Def -Spd. meh)

A gold-plated Firesweep Sword.

My first ever Oscar/ Lancebreaker fodder.

Dancer!Ryouma. (+Res -Def)

Reposition fodder x2

a 4* M!Morgan (but with worse IVs than my first one)

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@Zeo @mampfoid @Vaximillian @Cute Chao @Rafiel's Aria

So my lack of self-control took over thanks to the free orbs today. After I did my first session I decided to do another because it will be our last seasonal for a while (thankfully).


Did red orb first and so glad it was Yukata Micaiah? (Yu-caiah?) I was mostly going for her, Elincia and maybe Xander. She's +HP/-Res, so she has the same superboon as Rafiel's Arias. -Res is kind of a bummer since she wants to tank mages, but 31 Res is still serviceable. More importantly, after missing out on regular Micaiah, I'm glad i have a dual-effective tome now! Red is probably a better colour against the green armours anyway!



Then I just went YOLO and summoned the rest, and so glad I did since I summoned my first Brave Lucina!! Now I can have Lucina Emblem (well minus bunny Lucina), and after that Brave Lyn, looks like today is a Brave Hero off-focus kind of day. (Maybe a sign to start saving now?) She's +HP/-Res so pretty decent combo as well. Now only missing Roy.



So yeah not bad for a 3.25% rate.

@Rafiel's Aria This looks like a session just for you- it's mostly your favourites haha. Leon is +Atk/HP.  Lucius is +Res/-HP. That Jagen was also welcome since Fortify Cav is pretty rare in this account but he also has a nice +Atk/-Spd.

Certainly a good way to end of the day after my relatively worse second summon in my main.

@GinkoOh wow those are really good pulls with great IVs!! Congrats!!

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@Vaximillian Thanks! I find it amusing that in the gold square portraits, you also see Yune on Micaiah's shoulder. Very fitting. (Oh hey, I can do bird Emblem now!) 51 neutral Attack is pretty good, so i'm glad she's not -Atk!

How did you build your Brave Lucina? So far I gave her Swap/Lancebreaker from a recent Arthur.

Also your Nino looks monstrous. yeah that Speed is crazy, and in my opinion the best green mage flier.

Now down to 1 orb now haha. The TT and the Tap Battle can't come sooner. 

@Cute Chao Forgot to say, congrats on your 5 stars! Halfway there to getting your guys!

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4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

How did you build your Brave Lucina? So far I gave her Swap/Lancebreaker from a recent Arthur.

Also your Nino looks monstrous. yeah that Speed is crazy, and in my opinion the best green mage flier.

I haven’t really built her, just gave her Reposition and Lancebreaker. She works well for arena assault and herding trainees, so there’s that.

not hard being best when you’re the only one that counts

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Tried the Festival in Hoshido banner. In two sessions, I got Elincia (No IVs, but I like her regardless) and Xander (+HP/-DEF, which looks good to me). Not sure I'm gonna keep trying on this banner now that I'm pretty sure CYL2 is coming next month and I have the unit I wanted most (and Elincia), but maybe.

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4 hours ago, mcsilas said:

i guess the candidate most likely to get it for now is my -Spd Elincia but something tells me i should save it for someone with a better nature i guess lol

She is such a cool unit, but that nature ... ouch. Perhaps Swift Sparrow for L'Arachel, if you have her build with Blarblade? 

28 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

So yeah not bad for a 3.25% rate.

Wow ... is self-control holding me back from such a great pull like yours? I don't know but this time I need to stay strong! 

Congratulations, Micaiah would be my first choice from this banner. Good luck getting Roy for your next off-banner pull, you saw how to build him. ;-) 

3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

But already two 5★s from the Grima banner… Sounds quite nice even if neither of them are Grima whom I wanted for Gwendy. Green stones really are a myth.

Too bad about Grima, but two useful 5* is pretty good! Congrats on those pulls! 

Are you sure you about sacrificing Hawkeye for DB3? There are quite some units that want Slaying Axe (and Klein does exist). 

4 hours ago, Zeo said:

These daily pulls haven't been kind to me. The best thing I've pulled since it started is my first *4 M!Morgan who I foddered to Nino for Spur DEF/RES 2. The full pull for this new banner is no different. I haven't pulled a *5 since that second Christmas Lissa, guess I needed to pay for having something as premium as Bold Fighter fodder.

Yeah, we share this fate. My last 5* has been pity breaker Lyn from the legendary banner. 

Btw: I promoted an Legault who didn't even have an ideal nature (+DEF/-RES), just because he is different from the other characters and because I could use him in TTs. 

1 hour ago, Ginko said:

@Zeo @mcsilas @mampfoid  @Ae†her I knew that I'm not being here often but this is one of the best of my luck.

I got 2 Dancer Ryoma with one of them is -HP/ +Spd.

and... Dancer Micaiah with -HP/+Atk !!

Oh my god, I thought I will never +10 Shiro with all my luck have been spent here lol.

Hey wow, congratulations! Pretty perfect natures for two great units! I'm looking forward to see them in one of your clears. 


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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Congrats on those pulls! 

Are you sure you about sacrificing Hawkeye for DB3? There are quite some units that want Slaying Axe (and Klein does exist). 


Klein would have existed if I pulled grey. Which I don’t because grey hell. But who would want slaying axe?

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


Klein would have existed if I pulled grey. Which I don’t because grey hell. But who would want slaying axe?

I will give it to my Cherche once she is +10. Other units that may profit: Airzura, Innes, M!Marth (yeah, I know ... seasonals), Titania (before her Refinement), Camilla, Legion and Narcian. To be honest, that list is far shorter than it would have been for Slaying Lance. 

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6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I will give it to my Cherche once she is +10. Other units that may profit: Titania (before her Refinement), Camilla, Legion and Narcian. To be honest, that list is far shorter than it would have been for Slaying Lance. 

My Cherche will keep the brave, Titania the poleaxe, Camilla her own axe, Narcian the emerald (or he might not, assuming I would even use him). This leaves only Legion, and using Legion without Legion’s Axe is sacrilege, and Narcian in case I would want to build him.

@mcsilas: Right, forgot about Barst, but as you say, he would probably want wo gún more than the killer. Bartre, if I wanted to build one, will probably get the brave. I don’t care about either Frederick or Gerome to invest into them, but Frederick would likely go brave too. Gerome is basically Cherche, so brave is obvious for him as well. And my Cherche is −Spd. For faster flying axes there are Camilla and Minerva.

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@Vaximillian Well you could go for the Killer Axe+ and DB3 (maybe use an Effie for DB2 or something) for the Hawkeye inheritance?

At the top of my head, someone like Barst wants Slaying Axe, since he has nice Spd that gets hampered by Brave Axe. Not sure if you want to build him but when I build mine that's going to be his weapon (well that or Wo Gunn if I ever get Libras). Non-Brave Cherche also works well with Slaying Axe, someone even utilises her Spd Superboon to make a Speedy Cherche. Legion also wants that, and Frederick/Gerome can utilise it well to get extra stats.

Not sure if you're interested in those but those are the non-seasonal non-prf options I can think of.

@mampfoid Well it's a risk looks at 1 orb but hey, I suppose it's better to summon on special banners for me since new heroes banners will be there after their banner ends. Legendary banners can be hit and miss- and they don't give you surprise pitybreakers like this Brave Lucina. Depends if you really need the niche- I really needed Micaiah's niche the most. Olivia's my only red dancer, too, so more variety is nice.

As for Swift Sparrow...well my L'arachel is -Atk though...

edit: @Vaximillian That's fair enough, whenever I promote a Hawkeye for Barst though, at least Death Blow 3 with the Killer Axe+ gives him the option to go Death Blow 3 + Brave Axe depending on the opponents (most likely in PvE when deleting blues fast is needed). It's just a nice combination with DB3 and the Weapon I guess, but if you have other non-Axe units that want DB3 then that is also a valid option :D

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

My Cherche will keep the brave, Titania the poleaxe, Camilla her own axe, Narcian the emerald. This leaves only Legion, and using Legion without Legion’s Axe is sacrilege.

Forgot Camilla got a prf too. If you don't have a good candidate, the DB3 option becomes a more practicable option. I sacrificed my only 5* Sheena once to give Marth Slaying Axe. 

2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

As for Swift Sparrow...well my L'arachel is -Atk though...

Ouch ... any other blade mages you want to build? 

3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid Well it's a risk looks at 1 orb but hey, I suppose it's better to summon on special banners for me since new heroes banners will be there after their banner ends. Legendary banners can be hit and miss- and they don't give you surprise pitybreakers like this Brave Lucina. Depends if you really need the niche- I really needed Micaiah's niche the most. Olivia's my only red dancer, too, so more variety is nice.


Yeah that's true. Micaiah is really nice & useful and it's hard to not try when I also didn't get flying Olivia, but in the end I don't need any of them (sorry Xander). 

At least I'll have nice options on future legendary banners which will help me over not getting another legendary unit ... 

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Main: Getting them all took 75 F2P orbs, bonus pack, and buying 7 75-packs.

Micaiah is +HP -Spd, Ryoma is +Spd -Def, Elincia is +Spd -Res (repulled for her after getting +HP -Spd), Xander is +Spd -Res.
Off-focus was Hector, Linde, and F!Kana.
Saw Libra for the first time among the common heroes.

I guess I came in about average here. The F2P orbs got me Xander, bad IV Elincia, and Hector, and then three of the paid packs yielded a fat lot of nothing.

Alt free-pulls...pfft.

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Wow grats to everyone who got a red tome dancer! My free summon was a 5* red tome. But not a dancer :(. Got a Celica. That said the boon/bane is better than my last one. This one is +ATK/-DEF. I think my other two were -SPD and -ATK. Or at least not good boon/bane. The rest of the haul wasn't great. All 4stars, but nothing that was particularly exciting for me(though some would be happy for Ares or Soliel I guess). Bought the pack since those are decent and got more nothing.

My goal is the red tome dancer. Hopefully I'll get a +ATK so I can focus on one shot builds, but really I just want her to round out my dancer tomes.

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DB Banner gave me a 4* Roderick on free pull. No immediate use for the chap...for now.

Estival orbs gave me a better Grima (+def/-spd) to replace the older, crummier one (+hp/-atk). That older one is now sacked to Zephiel for Vengeful Fighter. I'm banking on another Grima before his banner ends (earmarking a VF for a future Sheena merge project I'm doing).


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I wanted Klein from Death Blow banner, didn't even get a colorless. Turned into a 3* Bartre, which ironically I'm getting a lot lately.

Also 35 orbs went into the dancer banner without any 5* rewards.

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