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9 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

In two months there will be the next colorless Legendary ... let's hope it'll be a dagger. 

Sorry you didn't get a 5*, but new units are always nice. I'm tempted to fodder my Silvia to Oliver for her Stance skill. 

Thanks, I'll most likely turn her to 5*. I don't fodder off units to anyone if I only have 1 copy of them... I like to keep everyone around, even if I don't see their potential yet. The percentage is mocking me, so it's not over yet.

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I got Spring Catria from my first Summoning Session, OML~ My first pull was Est so I should have guessed her sister was nearby~

She's -Spd, +Def which is meh but this is the 2nd time I get a 5* in my first round so I'm happy about it~ IDK if I'll try to go for Tiki and Micaiah though even though I'd like to have both

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1 hour ago, Garlyle said:

Thanks, I'll most likely turn her to 5*. I don't fodder off units to anyone if I only have 1 copy of them... I like to keep everyone around, even if I don't see their potential yet. The percentage is mocking me, so it's not over yet

Me too, but there are rare exceptions if favs are in need of fodder. Also she is available at 4* so she'll return sooner or later.

Good luck on your next try!

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Well after not pulling a single 5* this whole september I finally got some luck. Got a Legendary Hector and a Spring Catria in only 40 orbs! :D Though I wish the Catria was a Tiki but oh well, I'll take her since I don't have her yet and I guess I do need a blue mage cav.

Now I can finally put DC on Soleil though :D

Now to continue for more Hectors (Young Tikini wants DC too) and poncho Tiki.

Edited by Mau
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Well I managed to get S!Catria which is nice since I did not pull on her banner and she was my favorite of that lot, but I will keep pulling until I get one more 5* which I am hoping will be Hector or Tiki.  I am only pulling blue and green, with a focus on green since I would like another fire legendary.

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I achieved a new record of 300+ saved orbs by the time this banner was announced and I had a bad feeling immediately. I started out hunting only reds and blues, but like last time, the game was giving me, no joke, 40-50% grey orbs. And there's no guarantee I'd get one of the units I want added to my collection if I stayed sniping reds and blues. So I switched to pulling everything to save orbs and was rewarded with one of the best possible outcomes - +Res/-Def Karla. Only 130 orbs spent.

I guess my bad feeling was unfounded. As much as I'd like to be drowning in five star units from these banners and orb stockpiles, there are so many worse outcomes from the one the game gave me. The game gave me a +Res/-Spd Wrys which I think is pretty optimal for him. Also I can once again say I have every FE7 unit in the game. Save for alts of course.

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Huh, what do you know? The blues were actually merciful and gave me the one I actually wanted.



What’s a legendary banner? Can I eat it? Oh and suck it, Silas!

The chosen heroine got +Res/-Def, which I’ll gladly take over an Atk or Spd bane. Flora and Nina are both still unaccounted for, which is something I’ll certainly try to fix. 


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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

Huh, what do you know? The blues were actually merciful and gave me the one I actually wanted.

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What’s a legendary banner? Can I eat it? Oh and suck it, Silas!

The chosen heroine got +Res/-Def, which I’ll gladly take over an Atk or Spd bane. Flora and Nina are both still unaccounted for, which is something I’ll certainly try to fix. 


Congrats on getting her! I'm waiting to see what Halloween looks like before I see if I should pull for her this banner. I want everyone but Silas off the banner (just since it's a waste as he'll drop), but Halloween is almost here and I don't have enough orbs for 2 banners. It's already a shame to skip the legendary banner, as I'd really like a few things there too.

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42 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Congrats on getting her! I'm waiting to see what Halloween looks like before I see if I should pull for her this banner. I want everyone but Silas off the banner (just since it's a waste as he'll drop), but Halloween is almost here and I don't have enough orbs for 2 banners. It's already a shame to skip the legendary banner, as I'd really like a few things there too.

Thank you! I would like legendary Tiki (especially since she won't come back until next year) myself but she's also the only thing I'd want from that banner. As for Halloween, I probably should wait and see what it'll bring too but I've never been a particularly patient type. So, don't be surprised if you see me kicking myself in the not-too-distant future should Leo be confirmed for that banner while I have no Flora or Nina to show for myself.

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6 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Thanks! Yeah, time was running out. I'm happy I got her at last. 

Congrats on your perfect Tiki! You spend quite some orbs on her, is she a favorite of yours? 

Yeah, I would say Tiki is my second most favorite female Fire Emblem character. I mostly have Heroes to thank for that since Y!Tiki was the very first 5 star I pulled, A!Tiki is the first unit I +10 and heavily invested high level skills on plus I just love using her because she tanks well on enemy phase plus using her makes this game's more difficult challenges more bearable for me. Tiki is also the first character I genuinely like to attain legendary status so it was pretty much 'well, I knew she was getting legendary status sooner or later and I have been saving orbs for a situation like this nor would I be disappointed getting pitybroken by Micaiah or Catria so I might as well go all out with my orbs'.

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I had an amazing pull this morning! Went in with 170 orbs, skipping colorless.

My 5 star grabs are as follows:

Red: (Wanted Karla > ike > Tharja)

- 2x Tharja, both bad IV's but hey, got four of her now so maybe fodder or merge some.

Blue: (Wanted Tiki & Micaiah)

- Tiki (- Hp, + Res, so not the best, but still 180 BST)

-Micaiah (-Atk, + Spd (Ouch!))

- Sping Catria, first one, so not a pity break at least, since a new unit is always welcome!


Green: (Wanted Hector, BM Ike)

- Hector(+Def, - Res)

- Ike (Good IV's so i can fodder my old one to my Nowi for the breath)

- Spring Sharena, same as catria, first one so no big deal


So 8 5 stars in 170 orbs, I might just go for some Pve content to scrounge up some more pulls.


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Something happened what I feared: I got greedy and dumped other ~100 orbs (down to 89), but I got a +SPD/-HP Tiki! 

Three new legendary units with decent natures from one banner in less than 200 orbs, plus one spare Micaiah. Can't complain at all. 

6 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

Let's just say, uh...it could be going better?

More details when and if I decide to keep going or wait until next month. 

Ouch ... that is hard, my condolences. How many copies do you miss until +10?

Good luck getting the rest! 

3 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Yeah, I would say Tiki is my second most favorite female Fire Emblem character. I mostly have Heroes to thank for that since Y!Tiki was the very first 5 star I pulled, A!Tiki is the first unit I +10 and heavily invested high level skills on plus I just love using her because she tanks well on enemy phase plus using her makes this game's more difficult challenges more bearable for me. Tiki is also the first character I genuinely like to attain legendary status so it was pretty much 'well, I knew she was getting legendary status sooner or later and I have been saving orbs for a situation like this nor would I be disappointed getting pitybroken by Micaiah or Catria so I might as well go all out with my orbs'.

Glad you got your fav! Funny I got her with the same nature. Now I'm looking forward to the next arena bonus rotation! 

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Brave Ike pity broke me on the Legendary Banner so I guess I will wait for another time to get Legendary Tiki, can't blow all my Orbs before Halloween~

His IVs are the same as the one I have now (horrible), so I'm guessing I'll give Nowi Steady Breath so she can have a decent A Skill~

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17 hours ago, Ginko said:

Cool, nice IV at the cost of 0 orb!! Moment like this happened to me once too. Mine was Spring Kagerou (+Atk, -Hp).

@Zeo @mcsilas @mampfoid @Rezzy

When I need some skill fodder, game always send them with perfect IV to me and this time is not exception (If you guys remember last time, I need Swift Sparrow and Spd Tactics, got both at perfect IV...)

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Lector is +Atk/-Spd,  fine I'll keep him but next copy of him will die for sure !!

Karla is neutral, maybe I can fodder Wrath to Vector this time ^^


Congrats on your pull.

I managed to pull 6 Scatrias before finally getting Bluki.


IS: Hey, let's make a skill to fix the BST problem in Arena, so it's not just armors!

One week later...

IS: Hey, let's make an armored 180 BST unit!


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One of the sillier reasons I've summoned, but I wanted to finish Forging Bonds and my previous levelling team of Garon, Draug, Subaki and Horse Alfonse just hit 40. So I figured I'd try to summon a levelling buddy for Tharja, LeHector and Sharena and YOLOed a round.

3* Mathilda +Res -Atk
5* Spring Catria +Spd -Atk
4* Odin +Res -Spd
4* Marth +Atk -Spd
4* Silvia +Res -Atk

It's hard to get excited even at good luck these days, which is perhaps more telling about engagement with the game rather than being angry at bad luck. Still, the goal was accomplished, not by Catria (I have an +Atk -Def copy) but by my first Silvia. I don't even use my Lene so the dancing utility is basically just for the duration of levelling, but new unit is 5000 feathers so hey.

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Well, I free summoned a (regular) Hector off his banner.

Definitely not complaining, but I REALLY wish I could've free summoned another Julia instead XD;

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Pulled Katharina the wrong focus unit

She's +spd / -res which isn't bad, just requires a total different build (different C and special skill). 

She'll become my fastest red mage, so that's nice.

Still I would like to have a good red mage knight sometime...


Edit: Freepulled Julia, with the same IVs as Katharina. Merged into my +spd / -HP version.

Edited by Hecatia Lapislazuli
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Morgan AND Julia on the SAME banner?! Well, I know where my 173 orbs are going. But first, the father's banner.

  1. 3* Cecilia: Bleh.

Now on to the banner I really care about. Blues and greens only. Lilina's nice, but I already have her at 5* and I don't need more.

  1. 4* Bartre: You're not Julia!

2 reds and 2 greys otherwise. Back we go!

  1. 3* Fae: Draw Back fodder.
  2. 4* Lukas: Meh.
  3. 4* Florina: More meh.

Oh well. I've still got 160 orbs.

  1. 3* Est: Garbage.

Damn summoning circles aren't cooperating. 155 orbs left.

  1. 3* Catria: Meh.
  2. 4* Tailtiu: Drive Spd fodder is nice.

Just need to keep going...146 orbs left.

  1. 4* Shigure: Somebody could probably use Ward Fliers.
  2. 5* Lewyn: You're not Julia, but another awesome Jugdrali green mage is fine by me! And he's +Spd/-Res, an absolute murder machine!
  3. 3* Hawkeye: Bleh.
  4. 4* Cherche: Meh.
  5. 3* Maria: Feathers.

Well, not the 5* I was expecting, but I can see Lewyn is going to annihilate my enemies very soon. Going to push my luck and keep trying. 126 orbs left.

  1. 4* Catria: Maybe I'll feed you to your summer counterpart...
  2. 5* Olwen: Hello there! Unfortunately for you I don't even use your brother, and with +HP/-Atk you're not even remotely comparable to him.
  3. 4* Tailtiu: Another one? Jugdral certainly likes me today.
  4. 3* Clarine: Garbage.
  5. 3* Wrys: Also garbage.

That was a cheap 5*. Of course she's totally pointless with those IVs, but I'll still take her. And since Olwen came so readily, back to the banner. 106 orbs left.

  1. 3* Nowi: Feathers.
  2. 4* Tailtiu: Okay? I'm not going to be short of SI fodder any time soon then.

A lot of Jugdralians (5 out of 20) are showing up today for some reason. Anyway, 97 orbs left.

  1. 3* Barst: Finally some Reposition fodder.
  2. 4* Effie: Meh.

Barst's a sorely needed pull, but I'm starting to seriously drain my orb stocks. 88 left.

  1. 3* Sheena: Eh.
  2. 4* Oboro: Haven't seen you in a while.
  3. 4* Oscar: More Lancebreaker fodder.

I need to stop after the next 5*. 75 orbs left.

  1. 3* Fae: More Draw Back fodder.
  2. 3* Abel: Finally some Swordbreaker fodder.
  3. 4* Catria: Again?

Can I please get some non-3* greens? 62 orbs left.

  1. 4* Wendy: Bleh.
  2. 5* F!Morgan: My daughter has come home for a second time! +Res/-HP, so she's fodder for my +Atk/-HP original. Still, I'm very happy now!
  3. 4* Silvia: Another new unit! She's +Spd/-Def too, excellent IVs like Lewyn. I'm not a fan of dancers, but I'll keep an eye on her.
  4. 4* Ogma: Meh.
  5. 4* Matthew: Feathers.

42 orbs left after that word vomit. For 131 spent, an awesome Lewyn, a terrible Olwen, a Morgan merge, a great 4* Silvia, and some good SI fodder. I'd call that a success, although the lack of Julia disappoints me greatly. I'm still peeved that Julia and Lucina, mainstays of my team since the beginning, are stuck at +0 when nobodies I barely use like Shiro and Celica are at +2.

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@mampfoid  Congratulations on finally getting her! Your orb saving paid off- by getting her quickly!

@Zeo @Vaximillian

Looks like the game knows what orbs you want. It's like Bector again, the game refuses to give me blue orbs. I don't think the game wants to give me blue armours (but really I'm mostly wanting Micaiah- the blue pool is good for me since I have none of them).

I did feel bad having to skip 3 greens in one session though, but I already have Lector and BIke...

Anyway, back to no orbs.

At least in my main, I ended with a 5 star- a +Def/-Res Brave Ike! Now I have 2 Steady Breath fodder, and I'll use the new Ike as my battle Ike. Still unsure who to give SB to- Shiro is doing fine right now without it. Maybe a dragon, I kind of like Adult Tiki but I'm not the biggest Dragon Emblem user.

Also since we have new VG banners, I did that as well.

Only notable thing was no green orbs in the Hector banner for my second account, so I pick blue since I kind of want to get a free Blarraven+ for PA Shigure. Instead I get a 5 star +Atk/-Res L'arachel! Now the neutral 5 star one can be Res Tactic fodder.

...although I have a +Spd/-Res at 4 stars that I have skills inherited to. I have a feeling +Spd is better for L'arachel anyway? Any thoughts @Rezzy?

Also congrats on your pull @Ginko!

Edited by mcsilas
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