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20 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Nice to get him for free!~ Are you gonna be trying to get more merges?

I'd normally go for Neutral, but with the fixes to banes coming up, no harm in keeping a bit of extra Def~

I wish I could, but my orbs are reserved for the beasts. If I have any leftover after, I also want to try for Laevatein and then L!Tiki's rerun at the end of the month. So budget for merges. :'D

Yeah, that was also my reasoning. I'll probably switch him over to Bond Skills instead of LnD to really get some use out of it.

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29 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I'm not getting as many comments on my +10 as Zeo did on his... I'm a bit envious. :P Oh well, I'm still happy!

Actually, I was just shy. Your Kaze is beautiful, congrats on getting him to +10! I'm so happy that he is usable. Mine is only +6 and currently +spd, but I think +res is fine, too.

Who will you +10 next?


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2 minutes ago, Granny said:

Actually, I was just shy. Your Kaze is beautiful, congrats on getting him to +10! I'm so happy that he is usable. Mine is only +6 and currently +spd, but I think +res is fine, too.

Who will you +10 next?


Oh, no prob, I'm shy too lol.

Thanks! Glad people here aren't just crapping on his build like when I showed him in a Heroes Discord... I never even asked for any build advice and they just got angry when I said I couldn't use or disagreed with their ideas... :/

I left that chat.

Anyway, male Morgan is probably next since he's already +6.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

I'm not getting as many comments on my +10 as Zeo did on his... I'm a bit envious. :P Oh well, I'm still happy!

Cheers on that +10 Wind. My +10 Caeda was waiting for that Atk boon for the longest time.

And here I was thinking it would be Silas...

Plopped 40 Orbs on the Legendary banner and obtained Summer Camilla and Fjorm while sniping blue stones. I don't really need to build either, so I guess I have Juicy Wave/Atk-Def Bond fodder.

Edited by Karimlan
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@Anacybele I am really jelly of your Kaze, my account seems to think he does not exist in the summoning pool so I only have mine at +2.

Well trying for L!Azura I was pity broken by Flora which was nice and by Fjorm which was just merge fodder.  I am just glad we get tickets for the NY banner, so I can still do some pulls for Hrid and keep trying for L!Azura.  Here is hoping I get her very soon.

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1 minute ago, EricaofRenais said:

@Anacybele I am really jelly of your Kaze, my account seems to think he does not exist in the summoning pool so I only have mine at +2.

Well trying for L!Azura I was pity broken by Flora which was nice and by Fjorm which was just merge fodder.  I am just glad we get tickets for the NY banner, so I can still do some pulls for Hrid and keep trying for L!Azura.  Here is hoping I get her very soon.

Aw, I'm sure you'll start pulling him again soon! Thanks though. :)

Yeah, same here, though it's Gunnthra and Laevatein I have to try for instead, since I got Hrid and Fjorm.

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I seriously seriously hate this game sometimes. 
Saved up for months to get Airzura, saved (specifically for her) 400 orbs. 

and I got
1 Surtr (Someone's getting that Steady Stance 4, Y'all) 
1 OG Hector (well DC fodder)
1 Julia (yay because i wanted her. NOT Yay that she brought a 5% pity rate and there was NOTHING ELSE IN THAT CIRCLE)

so i decided go kick myself in Legendary and in 63 orbs I got

Perfect IV Tiki (+spd/-hp). and 
Summer Takumi +def/-res- so basically, slap LND on him, and he's perfect anyway

Then i went to redeem a ticket + 4 orbs in 2019 

so i being stupid. went back to 2018 NY
and 4.00 pity rate I FINALLY get Airzura

I will take it but. seriously. 
several months of hard work and that's really all i get? (sigh) summoning sucks

(i also got perfect IVs on Setsuna (finally), Camilla, a decent enough Titania, perfect IV Fred, perfect IV spread on Raven (spd) and perfect spread on Soliel (spd, not atk, but that's fine as all the others were +atk/-spd). 

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Azura's Legendary Banner gave me Veronica today.

+HP/-ATK, but hey, Veronica's a healer so her ATK isn't super important, plus I could reasonably get pitybroken by her in the future to get a merge that could fix her ATK bane (and +HP might be enough to let her take a hit after Hlidskjalf is applied so that could be useful even if I never pull her again), so I can't really complain.

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My free pull? Gunnthra (of course!). And then, 40 orbs later, Eirika (tome version). So then I had to stop for the day cause I was sad. Gonna wait till that next ticket then pull two rounds. Then the next ticket, pull another 2 rounds.

Also lackluster red sniping potential. I kept getting 1 per pull session, so a waste of 5 orbs. =( Alas, I know Hrid will eventually come to me if I'm patient (and until then I'll just keep using his regular version who I got on like my second pull, so this is really just karma and the evil desire sensor).

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New Years Tidings, one and all!  I've been blessed with the ability to score Fjorm within 9 orbs and one ticket!



She's basically a substitute Legendary Lyn but with over 10 less RES, so it'll be interesting, building her up.


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got Hrid on my free summon! he's really all i wanted from that banner and i was planning to pass anyway to save for RD (esp Nailah the queen of my heart) but now i can just cruise on by with no regrets. unfortunately he's +Spd but i won't look a gift horse in the mouth.

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@Maaka @daisy jane @Alkaid @Baldrick @Sunsurge @Astellius @Landmaster @Azuris @mampfoid (I hope I got everyone - if I forgot you, I'm sorry!)

Congrats to everyone on their pulls!  Well - I've eyed the December legendary and NY 2018 rerun banners for the last 3 months.  I had 711 F2P orbs saved up with these goals in mind:

  • 1 copy of NY!Azura
  • 2+ merges for OG Fjorm (+2 coming in)
  • 2+ merges for L!Hector (unmerged coming in)
  • 1 copy of SF!Nino
  • 1 copy of L!Azura
  • 1 copy of Summer Camilla

Here are the results:

NY 2018 rerun (200-orb limit or NY!Azura, whichever came first):

  • Elincia (+Spd/-Atk) with no greens
  • NY!Camilla (+Atk/-Res) with no greens
  • NY!Takumi (+Def/-HP) with no greens
  • Lewyn #2 (+Atk/-HP); first Lewyn is +Atk/-Def

199 orbs spent here for no NY!Azura, but I hilariously get the other NY 2018 units.  Not a bad 5* rate here, though, and I got some nice units out of it, with everyone new except Lewyn.

December legendary banner:

  • Flora (+Def/-HP) with no blues or greens
  • SF!Nino (+Atk/-Def!)
  • L!Azura (+Spd/-Def!!!!)
  • Fjorm (+Res/-HP)
  • Fjorm (+Atk/-HP!)
  • SF!Nino (+HP/-Def)
  • Summer Camilla (+Spd/-Res!!)
  • SF!Nino (+Atk/-Res)

504 orbs spent here - most goals achieved except for L!Hector merges

Other goodies: perfect IVs for Tailtiu and Soren (+Spd/-Def each), Effie (+Atk/-Spd), my first Silvia, my first two Silases (one is +Def/-Res)

Here are the complete stats of my summons if anyone is curious.  My 5* rate is a little low for the December legendary banner, but the great IVs more than make up for it!  I'm overall very pleased!  Thank you to everyone who saw me summon!

Edited by DarkAlf
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@daisy jane Congrats on your pulls! I know the plan was to get Airzura much much faster, but I think it's better this way. 

Imagine getting her after 200-300 orbs but with -ATK/-SPD instead ... 

Also great summons on the legendary banner, Tak-Tak and Tiki will serve you well! Both very fun units. 

@DarkAlf Congrats again on your summons! Green didn't want to give you your goals, but great stuff regardless. 

I'm a little jealous of your Ninos, Lewyns and Azura. 

@Landmaster Thanks! 

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260 orbs for Winter Tharja to give Witch Nowi her weapon.  Pity breakers include Mia (merged with the current one), Fallen Celica (fed to Nowi for Chill Speed), and Soleil who I'm still deciding what to do with.  Essentially that's my $150 of NY orb packs just to give Nowi a belated Christmas gift.

Edited by Nowi's Husband
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@daisy janeCongrats on finally getting Airzura and with +atk too! :D That banner is absolute hell, I tried for both Airzura and NY!Takumi the whole month long last year, and didn't get a single thing :/ Managed to get NY!Takumi later in a legendary banner (with the worst IVs possible of course) but ugh I was pissssssed. You got quite a lot of other neat stuff though, so def think your orbs weren't wasted!

Meanwhile it's the second new year's day that's my lucky day apparently.

I started with the Legendary banner first cause it runs out the fastest and I'd like either Hector or Helbindi. This paid off right on my first pull today:



+HP, -Res, not ideal but I'll take everything that isn't -atk now :D Just gonna quit with the Legendary banner right there, I've seen enough of green hell.

Giving up on Winter Fae too since that's just more green hell, so next up: NY 2019. I'll be fine with anyone really, though my preferences lie with Laevetein and Hrid. Again, I'm being paid off on my first pull:



+HP, -Spd because all my seasonals suffer from 'worst IVs fate'. Oh well, Gunnthra is a beauty and with seasonals I'm just happy I get one at all. Gonna keep trying for Hrid though so maybe I'll bump into another Gunnthra along the way that either has better IVs or can be used to merge to fix the bane.

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Ohh @Mau she's so pretty! (she's my hope on legendary for sure. either that or just save up for her. and awesome on Helbindi. 
I wrote this in the general thread but i had to laugh. one of her lines are "Have you finished summoning this year?" and i'm like YOU TOOK ALL MY ORBS, SO YEAH, I DID, AIRZURA. 

i guess it's just more of.. i spent so many and only got 4, and other people in the NY2019 banner (heck in this banner) spent a bit less, and got like 10 5*s. i get it's the gatcha but it's sort of like.. really wish the hard work of saving up sometimes correlated w/the out put. BUT you are right. I got +atk airzura. (she just can't take a hit which is fine :) ) a Julia (which saves me from summoning on the New Power banner for her/Deidre), and either H!Myrrh or SY!Tiki is getting DC. 


always bright side. 
(hey did you give up on!Fae?)

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@daisy jane Lol I absolutely know that feel of being furious that everyone else is getting all kinds of good shit. Especially yesterday when everyone was getting 5* units on free pulls and 2-3 5* units in one summoning session, it made me cry with frustration. Especially since I haven't gotten anything I really wanted since the Legendary Banner in October :'(

  • Tried for Ylgr or Sutr cause good fodder and chance to get them was so high! Got nothing.
  • Tried for Mia, got Sword!Reinhardt instead (which wasn't too bad tbf, I do use him now).
  • Tried for Hrid/Laevetein/B!Hector/S!Cordelia on Nov. Legendary Banner, got Ryoma and L!Lucina instead.
  • Tried for B!Ike. Got nothing.
  • Tried for Owain. Got my second Flying!Olivia instead.
  • Tried for Winter!Fae, got Fallen!Celica and Ryoma instead.

Two whole months of just trash and (mostly) unwanted units :/ So I'm extremely happy my luck is finally turning around, at least for one day.

And yeah I'm giving up on Winter!Fae for now. Almost 50% of my sessions had no greens at all and I got pity broken by two red units while sniping solely for green. Not getting the unit you want is one thing, not being able to summon for them at all cause their color never shows up is just straight up infuriating. And the sessions that did have greens only had one for 90% of the time, so that pity rate built up slowly as hell. Getting pity broken by Ryoma after 1,5 weeks of summoning and dealing with no/one green every single day, it was the last straw. I really don't want to deal with that disappointment day after day again, so I'm just gonna quit it. Maybe will try again if I'm somehow done with the NY!Banner soon, which would be after also getting Hrid and Laevetein.

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and if trading was a thing @Mau, i'd give you my Owain for your Flying olivia in a heart beat.
I don't summon on red that often in regular banners so i have NO idea when i'm going to get her unless she's on a focus banner w/o sharing with someone

i'm glad you were lucky today. you deserved it. 

(I still can't believe you had like NO greens. honestly if green is gonna be a featured colour there should at least be more showing up)

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Got another ticket, so another shot for Fjorm.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless (Just..... Where are the green orbs?)

4* Henry (Look it's more fodder. +Def/-Atk)

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