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10 hours ago, Mau said:

Free summon:


Already have her but hell I'll take another one for free! Especially since her weapon seems to be good on NY!Hrid, who I don't have yet but if I get him this is just meant to be :D

Nice, congrats!

Won't forget my spoiler box this time~

10 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

I must have amazing luck today or something. Sees Helpful Chrom come back on another banner but he is sharing colors with other units once again and thought for sure I wasn't going to get him this time either. I get ready to do my free summon and only see one red orb, decide to pick it and...


I got Chrom for my free summon! One of the few lords I like in Fire Emblem and I have been trying to get this alt of Chrom since his release. He has a +Def/-HP nature which is decent enough and now my cavalry team finally has a unit that can fight dragons. All I am missing now is Linde, Flora, Sumia and Maribelle and I would have all my favorite characters.

Nice free Chrom, congrats!!

9 hours ago, Sasori said:

Uh sure. I'll take it


good summon.PNG

That's super lucky, congrats!

7 hours ago, Mau said:

Well the 2019 NY banner continues to be a gold mine of 5* units for me:


My third off-focus unit from this banner but didn't really have a pity rate going on yet so aren't really mad. Already had a Sothe though and he doesn't have much interesting SI, I mean I got enough 4* of him for L&D and don't have many units that use it. Maybe I'm destined to +10 him, this one at least is neutral which is better than my previous -atk one. Guess I'll just keep them in case I wanna +10 him in the future.

As much as I haven't minded the off-focus 5* units so far, do also give me the focus units please, dear banner?

Wow, 5* Sothe, nice~ Hope your NY units will come soon~

3 hours ago, daisy jane said:

Freebee was Draug (3*)
am sad for no Free Pull Lene. 

may she come on another banner soon. 

Next time, the seeds will prosper~

3 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Got someone I forgot (either Combat Manual’d or sent home) on the Sword Valor Banner.

Meanwhile I pulled Myrrh #3 on the third Ticket for Beast Banner, and while I kinda wish it had been Reyson just in case he stays 5-Star-locked I’m always happy to get merges for best girl (she’s +ATK/-HP, same as my current one).

Congrats on the Myrrh!

3 hours ago, Usana said:

Sounds like a bunch of luck on free summons today! Congrats to all with good pulls!

@Dayni It is like the Gacha is mocking you when it gives the low rarity version of the character to you, isn't it?


So first I was like "Why are they all red." Then I realized that sword valor can only be on red units. Ooops.

So My one pull has one red and some others. The one red is a

Original Celica. Odd. I don't think she has sword valor.

She is +ATK/-RES. My current base is +ATK/-DEF. Also looking at the fact that this will make her a +4, that means this is the FIFTH time she has pity broken me. I don't think I have ever gotten her when actually pulling for her. She just likes to surprise me. Wait. Does it count as pity breaking if it is on the free pull of a banner you don't plan to pull on and only did the freebie cause why not?

Wow, maybe she wants to be +10'd~ Congrats nonetheless~ 

2 hours ago, DarkAlf said:

I had to agonize over which red to pull for the free pick in the Sword Valor banner: Red/Red/Colorless/Red/Red (starting from the top and going clockwise).  I picked the top red and got...my second 5* Gray!  Sadly this copy is +HP/-Spd; my first is +Def/-Spd.  I get a feeling I might be inheriting Sword Valor on Flying Olivia soon for training sword units...

Freebie after the bad luck with tickets, nice!~

1 hour ago, EricaofRenais said:

Well free pull was Lene who I merged with my first one since I like her and use her a fair bit.  Sitting on a rising pity rate on the Laguz banner, but I am not too worried I have plenty of time.

Congrats, good luck with the Laguz!~

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I used my first ticket today and here what i got


He is +Atk/ -Def same IV like my NY Hrid.

Not the best but I won't complain.

(now i only need flying staff Elincia so i can pair them together)

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@Rezzy Late response but my condolences. Congrats on the beasts, but sorry it took so long to reach the light at the end of the tunnel.

@mcsilas Sorry about that Linde but at least you can merge her if you get another. Also fantastic Nailah!

@mampfoid I'm tired so no pictures today. Got pitybroken by a +SPD/-DEF Zelgius on my first batch on the beasts banner. I did wind up pulling a +DEF/-HP Nailah a while later though!

I kept going. I'm at a 4.00% rate and want to break it before being done with the banner for good.

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@Zeo Congrats on Nailah! Good you at least have one beast out of this banner, and she is one of the best ones to get with her niche.

Zelgius is a bummer but nice to have as well- maybe he responded to the RD part of the banner?

Hope you get another beast out of the banner, I need to wait for more orbs before trying again.

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This banner's been funny one for me. After some 500 orbs aside from getting Nailah and Reyson who I wanted, I've got my first copies of Leo, Katarina and Helbindi, as well as second copies of Libra and Sanaki (the latter with the exact same +hp -spd boon/bane my first one has). oh, and my first L'Arachel (4*) too.


Still missing my favorite hawk so the hunt continues as long as I have free orbs to throw at the gacha.

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Just used the last Ticket. It got me Reyson (+SPD/-RES, I'm so happy), and left me wondering what I did to get this lucky on this banner (the other four orbs contained feathers and a Combat Manual, but those aren't important).

Well, no Tibarn for me this time, but that's okay. I can save up for the Legendary Tiki rerun now (that's this month, right?), and then February can be spent stockpiling for Binding Blade's banner.

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@Zeo @mampfoid

Dumping some salt here. I had 3.25% on the beasts banner, and I don't have any beasts yet in my second account so I did another summoning after finally getting 20 orbs. Aim was Nailah but Tibarn is also good- session had no blues and 3 reds.

1st red was a 3 star Raigh. Should have stopped there.

2nd red was a pitybreaker dupe Horse Chrom. Same HP boon, but a worse Atk bane than my current Spd bane (well...I guess merge changes will fix this. Unless I found someone who wants Chill Def). Feels ironic considering he is on banner in Sword Valour banner (I want Gray but already have the other two.)

Then since I was pitybroken (low rate I guess?) I opened the rest including the 2 greens. Frederick, Bartre and Caeda. Darn it, I should have backed out and waited for a blue. Oh well, time to save more orbs again.

Second account tried for Tibarn again, but got Selena (YES Reposition!), Roy (YES! TA!) and a Jeorge. Well nice fodder at least!

edit: huh. decided to try for Staff Armour for my main with a YOLO 10 orbs.

Colourless was Niles, decided to open one of the 2 green orbs and..




+Res/-Def Winter Fae. That's going to be a humongous 44 Res. Super weak to Falchions though

Well at least I have all the dragon armours now on my main. Funny how my because the last pitybreaker from this banner was also a green dragon (Myrrh)



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I am here to officially say that I am quitting Fire Emblem Heroes the Beast Units Banner, because I got pity broken again!!! A +HP -Res Mage Eirika was summoned, for my unhappiness! Swift Sparrow and Rally Atk/Spd, I guess...

Saving orbs for the February Legendary Banner.

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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I am here to officially say that I am quitting Fire Emblem Heroes the Beast Units Banner, because I got pity broken again!!! A +HP -Res Mage Eirika was summoned, for my unhappiness! Swift Sparrow and Rally Atk/Spd, I guess...

Saving orbs for the February Legendary Banner.


awww sorry Divovani.  :(

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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I am here to officially say that I am quitting Fire Emblem Heroes the Beast Units Banner, because I got pity broken again!!! A +HP -Res Mage Eirika was summoned, for my unhappiness! Swift Sparrow and Rally Atk/Spd, I guess...

Saving orbs for the February Legendary Banner.

Ouch, I'm sorry. How was your ratio pity-breaker/focus on this banner?

@daisy jane Hey your new Avatar is looking good! 

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7 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Ouch, I'm sorry. How was your ratio pity-breaker/focus on this banner?

I believe for Eirika I was at 3.5%. At least it's a low percentage. To be fair, I wouldn't mind to be pity-broken by a unit that I don't have, but Amelia, Karel and SM Eirika are bad for me.

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29 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I believe for Eirika I was at 3.5%. At least it's a low percentage. To be fair, I wouldn't mind to be pity-broken by a unit that I don't have, but Amelia, Karel and SM Eirika are bad for me.

So it's three pity breakers to zero focus units? Ouch, that hurts. :-(

At least Amelia is good fodder. 

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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Double ouch, hope it didn't take too many orbs to get that disappointed. 

Hm... I had almost 100 orbs when we got the banner. I did the map, plus some quests and events... I believe I spent between 150~200 orbs.

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