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@Sunwoo Yeah, the guaranteed 5-Stars having natures caught me by surprise too.

I got lucky today, Normal Girl Tharja came home! And she’s +DEF/-HP. Gotta choose between Raudhrowl+ and Candleabra+ for her now...

Congrats on your cat princess @Poimagic!

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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Guess my day is getting even better: 



Not only is she my first flying healer, and an alt of a fav unit, but she also will be great support for my flier emblem. Unfortunately, her iv’s aren’t the best, with +def/-atk, but atk+3 will fix that up just fine


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The legendary banner trolled me, a season with no reds and I end up with HS!Ryoma...his nature is good to boot (+Spd -Res) so he won't become fodder ever. Haaa...I think I'm starting to reach the point of having too many dancers now and the only two that are a notch above are HS!Micaiah and L!Azura.

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Decided to do some of my free summons today.

Maria and Minerva banner gave me 4 star Marth, Duma banner got me 4 star Draug, 2017 seasonals anniversary denies me the chance to get PA!Azura once again and gave me S!Camilla instead (Gah, even the game is trying to shove Camilla on me at this point) and the Link banner gave me a 3 star F!Corrin. 

Got determined to pull Sumia so I ended up spending 170 more orbs on the Link banner and eventually got her with a +Spd/-Def nature. Great, now they just need to put Awakening Anna in the Heroes so I can pull her and then I can have all six of my favorite women from Awakening in the game.

I still have 417 orbs on me but I am hoping to avoid the temptation of pulling on future banners and save up about 2000 orbs by the time Brave Heroes and Farfetched/Brave Redux come around.

Edited by NSSKG151
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Have had a lot of luck with banners of late (Getting my targets early on).

HS.Hinoka & Duma were two that I wanted and I ended up getting both within 60 F2P orbs respectively (Along with some other cool stuff).

Anyway, I just took my 2nd Anniversary free summon. Targeted any green, as I'm still chasing a Spring Camilla copy.

Three green appeared. Ended up getting my second Winter Chrom (+Def/-HP). Pretty happy with that, as my other copy had meh IV's. Merge it is.

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Daily BHB banner first. Minerva merge?

  1. 4* Titania: Guess not.

Now for the free Hero from the first year. Going to pick blue, or else grey.

  1. 5* S!Corrin: I was hoping more for S!Robin, but she's not bad herself. I've got Morgan as a defensive blue flier, she can be the offensive one. +Spd/-HP certainly helps.

And with 20 orbs, back to the Mythic banner. Greys and reds.

  1. 3* Kaze: Meh.
  2. 3* Palla: Good SI fodder.
  3. 4* Cain: You've been showing up a lot lately.
  4. 3* Hana: Feathers.
  5. 3* Sophia: More feathers.

What a completely garbage set.

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Well no Springcina.  I guess now it's a wait until the easter holidays come around for a chance to get her.  I did get Santa Robin though so that's okay I guess...if I hadn't fucking pulled him on his banner rerun.


And I got a 3 star raven on the Minerva banner...well back to shit luck I guess...

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So, let's go again. BHB rerun first.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red

4* Camilla (I didn't expect anything and I got Savage Blow. +Spd/-HP)

Then the special summon (PLEASE GIVE CHRISSA)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

5* Summer Xander (At least it's a new unit. Neutral)

And back to the mythic banner.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Lachesis (Disappointing. +Res/-HP), 4* Saizo (Saino. +Atk/-Res, have.)

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Darn, sorry to hear about Elincia blocking you, although I'm low key jealous since I want her for her art but wasn't really pulling much in the legendary banner (or planned to not do much). Really hope Lyn comes to you soon sometime. Nice-natured Loki too as well.

...That said your post broke me and I summoned again for a bit since I don't have any of the colourless and Elincia's art is gorgeous. 

@mampfoid @Landmaster

Ended up getting a +Res/-HP Duma in my main which is cool. I feel like he needs DC (or Lightning Breath?) though but at least I have every armored dragon so far in my main. Second account had nothing.

Then I tried for Flying Sakura but nothing, although in muy second account there were no colourless and I also got a Towel Hinoka, although with the opposite and unfortunate +Def/-Spd

Darn. Too bad about your Hinoka. I was looking for Sakura but there were no colourless so I picked green and got Hinoka as well but with an unfortunate +Def/-Spd :(

At least I like her and she has a nice weapon to use.

@Alkaid 'Eyy, -Spd Hinoka buddies :P

EDIT: Oh, finally broke my rate in the legendary banner, 1 blue and all red so I picked blue and I got a +Spd/-HP Kliff! Villager Emblem becomes more varied! Tried one of the reds for maybe Eirika or Laegjarn but just had an Adult Tiki.

..RIP orbs again though.

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Main: BHB gave me 150 feathers. Year One gave me Spring Xander and now I will build Donnel.

Alt: BHB gave me my first Soleil in a long time. Of course the useless HP asset. Year One gave me Winter Chrom. Not sure I have anyone who could use his weapon.

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Continuing on the "many 5* pulls that I don't want" - train: Summer Leo... fuck off, game, just do that for me.

Same frustrating concept as last year with the chosen hero Ike, being forced to take something you don't care about while others are happy with their rng or preferences. It's just disheartening. Watch as I get another useless unit on the second seasonal collection, while I'll be forced to pick Azura on the "choice" banner later this month.

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19 hours ago, Landmaster said:

OOF, I hope either Hinoka or Sakura shows up for you >.> New Orbs should be coming our way soon~

Thanks. Sadly this anniversary gives us almost no orbs for some reason, which really sours me on it.

14 hours ago, Alkaid said:

I'm sorry about your luck. While I got a good Sakura at first, trying to hunt greens for Hinoka got me a 4.75% rate broken by a 5* Libra which was painful. Then using the remainder of my orbs got Hinoka finally.. but +hp -spd. Effectively 200 orbs for Libra and the worst IV Hinoka, after Sakura. My friend is also at 5% on this banner hunting for Sakura and I've seen some youtubers struggling too.

4 person banners suck so bad. Hopefully Valentine units aren't interesting for either of us so we can both keep trying on this one

Yeah, I am very scared of being pity broken by Mist, Jaffar or someone with 4-5* rarity. That would really piss me off. Congrats on the Sakura and Hinoka, even if the latter has bad IVs. It seems this banner is very cruel to some people, but after getting literally everyone else I wanted in the January banners, I shouldn't complain too loudly. 

I hope so too, but since unless they are giving Takumi a Valentine's alt, I don't think it will have a higher priority for me than this one. Fingers crossed.

The Special banner gave me a neutral Summer Elise, which isn't too bad. Was aiming for a red orb, but only green ones showed up. At least this way, I'll have an easier time training my green mages. 

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Wanted to pull green on the special banner, but it didn't give me one, so I went red. Got a duplicate Halloween Nowi, which was my least-wanted red outcome.

Decided to go back to the legendary banner to take another shot at getting Linde or Tiki. After 107 orbs and a 10% pity rate, I got forced into green and got a duplicate legendary Lyn. I could erase the Def bane on my original, but she's probably better off as Spd Tactic fodder, honestly. Although I don't have much of a use in mind for that.

I did get Silas on the way, though, which is nice. Now my only missing 4* is Reyson. Who would have been really nice to get instead of that Lyn.

I've got 198 orbs left, so I'll probably end up giving it another shot at some point, but I'm not in as much of a hurry.

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2 hours ago, Nanima said:

Thanks. Sadly this anniversary gives us almost no orbs for some reason, which really sours me on it.

Yeah, I am very scared of being pity broken by Mist, Jaffar or someone with 4-5* rarity. That would really piss me off. Congrats on the Sakura and Hinoka, even if the latter has bad IVs. It seems this banner is very cruel to some people, but after getting literally everyone else I wanted in the January banners, I shouldn't complain too loudly. 

I hope so too, but since unless they are giving Takumi a Valentine's alt, I don't think it will have a higher priority for me than this one. Fingers crossed.

The Special banner gave me a neutral Summer Elise, which isn't too bad. Was aiming for a red orb, but only green ones showed up. At least this way, I'll have an easier time training my green mages. 

Yeah that would have been nice to get a bushel of orbs
I really hope you get if not Sakura, an amazing healer, like. Veronica or Maribelle or something. (but we are gonna be focused on the prize here: Sakura WILL come for you). 

Maria/Minerva's battle banner gave me a Barst. (I will always accept free repo)
2017 Banner  gave me 1 Blue, 2 Green,  and 2 colourless.  It was a choice between Summer Adult TIki, and Nekomata Sakura both whom i want for being awesome, and also Axe Valour and Dagger Valour. 

Game gave me.... 

So i went from having zero Elises, to two elises (Original + This cutie) in a span of a week. (Making me wonder if i should take a few orbs and try to get Dagger Elise). 
She's +atk/-res. (so basically yay there). Pls don't hate me @Landmaster

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