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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas sorry about Hinokas nature, but I think Duma is a pretty cool pull! 

@daisy jane Go team! Yay Elise! Too bad you didn't get Tiki or Sakura (I also miss them), at least you got a new unit. 


that's basically what i wanted. someone new, with apparently - good IVs). and that's what Elise did :)
I am just a blue short from having a Summer Emblem team lol


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5 hours ago, mcsilas said:


@mampfoid @Landmaster

Ended up getting a +Res/-HP Duma in my main which is cool. I feel like he needs DC (or Lightning Breath?) though but at least I have every armored dragon so far in my main. Second account had nothing.

Then I tried for Flying Sakura but nothing, although in muy second account there were no colourless and I also got a Towel Hinoka, although with the opposite and unfortunate +Def/-Spd

Darn. Too bad about your Hinoka. I was looking for Sakura but there were no colourless so I picked green and got Hinoka as well but with an unfortunate +Def/-Spd :(

At least I like her and she has a nice weapon to use.

Nice, congrats on Duma! Yeah, DC will be good on him but LB isn't a bad alternative, much cheaper too~ Wow, are we all getting -Spd Towels? Mine was also -Spd, +Atk~ L&D or some Flier buffs can help patch it out, though~

3 hours ago, Nanima said:

Thanks. Sadly this anniversary gives us almost no orbs for some reason, which really sours me on it.

The Special banner gave me a neutral Summer Elise, which isn't too bad. Was aiming for a red orb, but only green ones showed up. At least this way, I'll have an easier time training my green mages. 

Yeah, really weird the downgrade on Orbs this year~ Super jelly of your Neutral Elise, tho~

34 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Maria/Minerva's battle banner gave me a Barst. (I will always accept free repo)
2017 Banner  gave me 1 Blue, 2 Green,  and 2 colourless.  It was a choice between Summer Adult TIki, and Nekomata Sakura both whom i want for being awesome, and also Axe Valour and Dagger Valour. 

Game gave me.... 

So i went from having zero Elises, to two elises (Original + This cutie) in a span of a week. (Making me wonder if i should take a few orbs and try to get Dagger Elise). 
She's +atk/-res. (so basically yay there). Pls don't hate me @Landmaster

+Atk is great! Congrats, at least one of use has success with Elise~

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Alright, went Colorless on the free Seasonal banner cause it has the most units I want, just praying I don't get Summer Gaius or Frederick:


WOOH! Not specifically one I was looking for, but didn't have him yet and I don't mind him for sure. And he's +Def, -HP too! :D

Decided to just go for green on the BHB banners for Reyson cause I mostly don't care about the units themselves. Got a 4* Frederick today, meh.

Was able to get some more orbs to try for HS!Hinoka a few more times. Got 4* Barst, 3* Beruka, and 4* Raven. The Reposition Fodder gods are with me, I now have 8 Reposition fodder which is very welcome cause I still have a bunch of units to build :D

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1 hour ago, Mau said:

Alright, went Colorless on the free Seasonal banner cause it has the most units I want, just praying I don't get Summer Gaius or Frederick:


WOOH! Not specifically one I was looking for, but didn't have him yet and I don't mind him for sure. And he's +Def, -HP too! :D

Decided to just go for green on the BHB banners for Reyson cause I mostly don't care about the units themselves. Got a 4* Frederick today, meh.

Was able to get some more orbs to try for HS!Hinoka a few more times. Got 4* Barst, 3* Beruka, and 4* Raven. The Reposition Fodder gods are with me, I now have 8 Reposition fodder which is very welcome cause I still have a bunch of units to build :D

Luucckkyy~ Congrats on getting him! And all the Repo fodder is nice too~

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Back to 20 again.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Shanna (I have to say, I've not seen this many of her in ages. +HP/-Def)

I think I'll hold off this round, see how much more I can get.

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Well no red on my free 5* pull so I went blue and got S!Lucina who I did not have so that was nice.  I am up to 9% pity rate on the legendary trying for Tiki I really hope she comes home soon because I am getting tiered of trying for her.

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1,553 total pulled units now. . .hey, don't look at me like that!


Tiki (+Spd/-Atk): This is literally her worst possible combo.  Who wants Lightning Breath+?

Titania (+Atk/-Spd): Not quite the worst thing ever, but pretty darn bad!

Leif (+Res/-HP): Superbane aside, he was my free pull off of the Sons banner.  So I'm supporting him.

Beruka (neutral): She really needs +Atk.
Clair (+Atk/-Res): She's not getting DC anytime soon, but this isn't half-bad!
Tiki (+Def/-Spd): Bold Fighter doesn't give a crap, and neither will the QR in her S slot.  She's going to be a wall, and she's going to be good at it!
Draug (+Def/-Res): If it wasn't for the fact that his offense sucks, I'd be happy with this.
Tharja (+Spd/-HP): Well. . .fuck, this one's competent.

Nina (+Spd/-Def): And here we have it, my least favorite FE character, with a damn good asset/flaw!  As much as I despise her, I won't deny that she's good. . .so I'll train her.

Cordelia (+Res/-Atk): The waifu curse strikes again.  I don't like Cordelia either, but unlike Nina, her asset/flaw sucks.  Her draw was her monstrous base Atk, but with 32 Atk, her offense is merely mediocre.  Still, this is the first one I've pulled, so I'll just have her sit there or something.

Jakob (+Atk/-Res): Wow.  Just.  Wow.  This is absolutely amazing, and he'll probably be my new base.
Donnel (+Spd/-Res): This is another good one.  Don't think he's quite worth Swift Sparrow, though.
Boey (+Def/-HP): Eh.
Wrys (+HP/-Res): Maybe he'll get an exclusive 5* staff, and it'll be a Vulnerary.
Gordin (neutral): Uh, thanks for the Vantage?

Kagero (+HP/-Res): One day.  But not today.
Reinhardt (+HP/-Spd): I use him to shank things, not to be bulky!
Frederick (+HP/-Spd): Second guy that appreciates the flaw, but that's the wrong asset.
Barst (+Atk/-HP): He's competent.  But I think he'd rather have something other than a Brave Axe.

Maria (+HP/-Atk): That's pacifism for you.
Oboro (+Spd/-Def): This is like Discount Donnel or something.
Subaki (+Atk/-Res): This is about as good as he gets.  Now all he needs is a good refine.
Tiki (+Def/-Atk): Guess who's donating Bonfire to Subaki?
Gunter (+Spd/-Atk): Oh goodness NO!

Effie (+HP/-Atk): adjflk;asjflasjflsd NO!
Jagen (+Atk/-HP): There, that's better!
Elise (+Res/-Def): On the upside, she is no one's waifu, even if she's in a bath towel.  Her offensive stats weren't touched, so I'm going to count this as a win.
Corrin (+Atk/-Res): I think he wants to make sure that no one creeps on Elise.  And I'm fine with that!
Athena (+Res/-Def): You, on the other hand, would rather be +Atk.

Yeah, I went back into the Hot Springs, and I finally have a proper TT unit!  Overall, I'm quite happy with this haul, and am quite surprised by the number of 5* units I got!


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Well, that went worse than I expected...



Neutral nature so it's the same one I foddered a year ago to give Y!Tiki Warding Breath because I was super salty that W!Tharja didn't won A Hero Rises. This time I'm going to keep this L!Ike, I still hate how he looks and I don't give a damn about f2p guides but having more options for AA/AR is always nice.


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So first, a free pull. Another Genny would be nice.

3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green

3* Azama (No, stop. +Res/-Spd)

Back to the Mythic banner.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* F!Corrin (I'm getting sick of getting something that partly describes what I'm looking for. Neutral), 4* M!Robin (Bonfire? +Atk/-Res)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Tailtiu (Good fodder. +Def/-Res), 3* Odin (No Odin, I don't need a 3* here. +Def/-Spd), 3* Odin (OKAY NO. STOP. Neutral)


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Free summon on the BHB banner: 4* Niles.

Got some more GHB quests done so tried a few more times for Bucket Hinoka. Of course got three sessions without green orbs, giving me only trash until....5* Mist -_- I guess it had to happen someday sigh. Oh well, I didn't have her yet so that's a +1 for the collection and I see she has Recover+ which NY!Laevatein can use so that saves me 20k feathers. So all is well.

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I went for Genny on this Banner since there's no telling when she could come back~ I was going to limit myself to 50 Orbs buuuuuttt...that didn't end up happening~

Was having some pretty bad luck and got to about 3.75% when I got to a Colorless-less circle and I just knew I was going to get pitybroken there~ I took my chances with Red since it could be Alm (like, it's Alm and Celica's Battle, if there's any time to give me Alm, now would be the time, game)




Kept going and I don't think I reached a pity-rate before she showed up~


+Spd, -Def~ I'm not particularly interested in her fodder so I may end up using her~ Flying Bow is always cool to have~ She can join Flying Taco, Flying Lobster, and Flying Dr. Sakura~

Still was not getting much Colorless luck, only one per circle, until


FINALLY THE SHEEP IS HERE~ +HP, -Def, so essentially Neutral~ Perfectly fine with me~ I spent way more Orbs on this Banner than @DarkAlf would ever allow, so I'm just taking DADDY ALM AND RUNNING

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With over 200 orbs, I got:

L!Eirika (+Atk -Def)

Laegjarn (+Spd -HP)

Summer Linde (+Def -Atk)

L!TIKI!!! (+Res -Spd)

...and lastly another L!Tiki (+Spd -Atk).

Very nice. If Duma would have come, it would have been perfect.

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Yesterday's free summon was a 4 star Roderick. Today the app crashed before my free summon was completed but once I was able to open it back up a 5 star Deirdre was there in my current summoning session. Neat, unfortunately though I don't really need her so she's probably going to get foddered off to pass Quick Riposte 3 to someone.

@Landmaster Nice 5 stars you summoned. Alm is my favorite of the Falchion users. Mine also has a speed flaw but he gets by just fine since his refine lets him attack twice anyways. Kinshi Hinoka is also fun to use.

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Today's free summon got me only blues and colorless while the banner units are green and red sigh. Oh well I got an F!Corrin on blue which is fine cause I might wanna +10 her one day.

Two more tries for HS!Hinoka got me:

  • 4* Frederick bleh
  • No greens, 3* Niles on colorless bleh
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Hmm, the current focus revivals didn't come with insane luck so far.

  • Day 1: no focus color, 3* Ogma
  • Day 2: 4* Jeorge (still no Genny for me, also I have no plans with him)
  • Day 3: 4* Beruka (not Julia, also crappy Hp+, Spd- IV on this one. More Glimmer fodder)
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@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster @Vaximillian



Free pull. It's amazing, mind you. But that's the double edged sword about shared focuses. This could have been Julia, whom I don't have. Instead she's cockblocked by her mom who funnily enough, pitybroke me when I was going for B!Ephraim back on the brave redux banner. This one's +SPD/-ATK. Which may seem throwaway, but my other is +RES/-SPD and as of the update I can merge her and lose the flaw. So she can have a surprisingly workable 31 speed if I want, or she can keep the +RES which will probably benefit her refine more.

Either way, I'm good. But Julia seems funner with her refine than her mom, so that's a bummer.

EDIT: Oh yeah, since I'm here I may as well throw out my other pulls on the Legendary banner from a few days ago. One full pull of nothing then I went in a second time. Two green stones were there, first one~



Finally got him! It's bittersweet though. He's got a fantastic +ATK Asset, but... comes with a -DEF flaw so that sucks. Moreso that when I eventually pull a 2nd one I'll be forced to merge it to fix him, rather than get some neat special fighter fodder. Still, he's a favorite and now I have almost every version of him. It's funny, I've got 3/4 of the CYL heroes now. I wonder if Celica will show up or if she'll be like Lucina and simply never exist.

Then I pulled the other one....



Oh my God... this could have been a L!Lyn... instead it's my 3rd... 3RD HF!Elincia... My 2nd one was already +ATK/-RES, this one's +ATK/-DEF which is great... except... THREE ELINCIAS COCKBLOCKING LYN. No one even wants L!Lyn... so why can't I get her? ATK/SPD Push is a niche skill, it only really has value on a unit with Mystic Boost and Eir is far too valuable in AR to fodder. Nevermind that Towel Hinoka completely invalidates her weapon.

Couldn't help but roll my eyes at this one. We'll see what happens with her.

So yeah.. not sure if I'm done with the legendary... I should really start stocking up now... still don't have L!Tiki though and this banner is so good... I don't have Kliff or HF!Ryoma either... or Duma.... or Eirika even if I'm not pulling colorless... ugh.

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3 minutes ago, Zeo said:

This could have been Julia, whom I don't have.

I got both Deirdre and Julia today from this focus. Not free pulls, of course, but well within 30 orbs.


Deirdre is Spd/Atk but that doesn’t matter because I can merge my HP/Spd into her and get a +Spd Deirdre+1 with neutral Atk. Julia is completely neutral.

Seems ironical that I got my first ever Julia a month after I quit.

@mampfoid @mcsilas

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

I got both Deirdre and Julia today from this focus. Not free pulls, of course, but well within 30 orbs.

Deirdre is Spd/Atk but that doesn’t matter because I can merge my HP/Spd into her and get a +Spd Deirdre+1 with neutral Atk.
Julia is completely neutral.

Seems ironical that I got my first ever Julia a month after I quit.

Lucky! But too many good banners are floating around and the chance of getting another Deirdre is too high so I have to call this one a loss.

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Well, I actually did succeed in getting one of the colorless units (all of which I didn't have going in) off of Duma's banner.



Albeit, it was the one out of the three who could show up on any other banner but hey, I'll take it. Asset/Flaw is bleh (+Res/-Spd), but I can't win them all.

As far as the free pulls go, I got 4* Kaze yesterday and 4* Sheena today.

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Today was my last day pulling in the Duma banner and I got pretty lucky. I got a L! Tiki she is -Atk +Spd I don't mind her nature as she was a unit I wanted for a long time and I finally got.

My free pulls in the daily banners are :

  • Minerva(she has bad natures)
  • Lachesis
  • Beruka

And my year one seasonal was a spring Camilla that I like a lot so far.

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I'm really starting to loathe Linde. Last Summer banner she repeatedly blocked me from getting Summer Takumi and I knew, I just knew she would block me from petting Duma as well. And indeed, my 10% pity rate was broken by Linda who I neither like, want or need. I'd be fine if Loki blocked Duma but Linda again. 

But at least I pulled a Legendary Eirika too. 

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