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One shot at another Julia (or Deirdre)...

  1. 4* M!Morgan: Not even a single green orb...

Figures that'd happen after my luck on the New Power banner. Anyway, another set from the Mythic banner. 25 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Seth: Trash.

I'd better not end with another pity rate. 20 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ares: Good.
  2. 4* Ares: What?
  3. 3* Hana: Garbage. Might as well go for the rest of the set and hope I get anything at all.
  4. 5* S!Ryoma: Of course it's the guy I couldn't care at all about. Well, +Atk/-Def is quite good IV-wise.
  5. 3* Titania: Meh.

Well, I got something in the end. Now to try to stock up again.

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Used 50 orbs on the banner with Deirdre. Worth it, got Deirdre, Julia merge and Reyson (4*). 
Still have 200 orbs left. And my Deirdre is +6. I could grow weak this day. xD

Edit: 108 orbs left. Deirdre is +8. Damn I am growing close to complete her. My Rinkah emergency orbs are still untouched btw.

Edit2: 57 orbs left. Deirdre is +9. I am so close...I just don't know if she will ever appear again.

Edit3: 52 orbs left. I'll be damned. Deirdre is +10 now. 

Edited by Stroud
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1 hour ago, Stroud said:

Used 50 orbs on the banner with Deirdre. Worth it, got Deirdre, Julia merge and Reyson (4*). 
Still have 200 orbs left. And my Deirdre is +6. I could grow weak this day. xD

Edit: 108 orbs left. Deirdre is +8. Damn I am growing close to complete her. My Rinkah emergency orbs are still untouched btw.

Edit2: 57 orbs left. Deirdre is +9. I am so close...I just don't know if she will ever appear again.

Edit3: 52 orbs left. I'll be damned. Deirdre is +10 now. 

Wow! Congrats for your +10 Deirdre. You got pretty lucky, getting a lot of Deirdres in a banner with 2 green focus units.

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44 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Wow! Congrats for your +10 Deirdre. You got pretty lucky, getting a lot of Deirdres in a banner with 2 green focus units.

Thanks. Yeah, I got more merges than last time with the triple amount of orbs. Can't believe this. Hopefully I behave myself better next time if I don't have luck. xD
Overall I got 9 5* in 200 orbs and only 1 Pity break. This is the most luck I ever experienced since I started the game.

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8 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Yesterday's free summon was a 4 star Roderick. Today the app crashed before my free summon was completed but once I was able to open it back up a 5 star Deirdre was there in my current summoning session. Neat, unfortunately though I don't really need her so she's probably going to get foddered off to pass Quick Riposte 3 to someone.

@Landmaster Nice 5 stars you summoned. Alm is my favorite of the Falchion users. Mine also has a speed flaw but he gets by just fine since his refine lets him attack twice anyways. Kinshi Hinoka is also fun to use.

Congrats on your Deirdre! Thanks, mind if I ask what spread you run on him? I'm at a bit of a loss with his lacking base kit other than his refine~

7 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster @Vaximillian



Free pull. It's amazing, mind you. But that's the double edged sword about shared focuses. This could have been Julia, whom I don't have. Instead she's cockblocked by her mom who funnily enough, pitybroke me when I was going for B!Ephraim back on the brave redux banner. This one's +SPD/-ATK. Which may seem throwaway, but my other is +RES/-SPD and as of the update I can merge her and lose the flaw. So she can have a surprisingly workable 31 speed if I want, or she can keep the +RES which will probably benefit her refine more.

Either way, I'm good. But Julia seems funner with her refine than her mom, so that's a bummer.

EDIT: Oh yeah, since I'm here I may as well throw out my other pulls on the Legendary banner from a few days ago. One full pull of nothing then I went in a second time. Two green stones were there, first one~

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Finally got him! It's bittersweet though. He's got a fantastic +ATK Asset, but... comes with a -DEF flaw so that sucks. Moreso that when I eventually pull a 2nd one I'll be forced to merge it to fix him, rather than get some neat special fighter fodder. Still, he's a favorite and now I have almost every version of him. It's funny, I've got 3/4 of the CYL heroes now. I wonder if Celica will show up or if she'll be like Lucina and simply never exist.

Then I pulled the other one....

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Oh my God... this could have been a L!Lyn... instead it's my 3rd... 3RD HF!Elincia... My 2nd one was already +ATK/-RES, this one's +ATK/-DEF which is great... except... THREE ELINCIAS COCKBLOCKING LYN. No one even wants L!Lyn... so why can't I get her? ATK/SPD Push is a niche skill, it only really has value on a unit with Mystic Boost and Eir is far too valuable in AR to fodder. Nevermind that Towel Hinoka completely invalidates her weapon.

Couldn't help but roll my eyes at this one. We'll see what happens with her.

So yeah.. not sure if I'm done with the legendary... I should really start stocking up now... still don't have L!Tiki though and this banner is so good... I don't have Kliff or HF!Ryoma either... or Duma.... or Eirika even if I'm not pulling colorless... ugh.

Sorry about missing out on Julia but at least you can have a pretty good Deirdre now~ Congrats on B!Ephraim but sucks about HS!Elincia~ L!Lyn's one of my favorites, I hope you can end up getting her and some of your other goals~

6 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Well, I actually did succeed in getting one of the colorless units (all of which I didn't have going in) off of Duma's banner.

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Albeit, it was the one out of the three who could show up on any other banner but hey, I'll take it. Asset/Flaw is bleh (+Res/-Spd), but I can't win them all.

As far as the free pulls go, I got 4* Kaze yesterday and 4* Sheena today.

Congrats on Loki (meanwhile me eyeing that Nowi and Lachesis)~

3 hours ago, Stroud said:

Used 50 orbs on the banner with Deirdre. Worth it, got Deirdre, Julia merge and Reyson (4*). 
Still have 200 orbs left. And my Deirdre is +6. I could grow weak this day. xD

Edit: 108 orbs left. Deirdre is +8. Damn I am growing close to complete her. My Rinkah emergency orbs are still untouched btw.

Edit2: 57 orbs left. Deirdre is +9. I am so close...I just don't know if she will ever appear again.

Edit3: 52 orbs left. I'll be damned. Deirdre is +10 now. 

Congrats! I remember you mentioned wanting to +10 her, and you got them relatively easily~ Really happy for you!

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@Zeo Congrats on the good natured Deirdre. She's going to be a good generalist unit with her refined weapon, I'm kinda jealous yours has a good nature when mine is +Def -Spd (although at this point in time I think she'll stay benched while I just use Julia for everything). 

B!Ephraim is a great asset, and while Special Fighter fodder is tempting I'd say only Amelia/Zelgius/L!Tiki make good use of it due to their Spd (H!Myrrh can use it too but she relies on being +Def to make it work). 

3 Elincias...ouch. Her weapon is inferior to the bucket but it's still good in case of Vantage dragons which aren't that rare if my AR experience is anything to go by.

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So I stopped playing when the Thracia banner happened so of course I've been getting a lot of orbs through missions and I've been using them to get as many Julia's as possible through the Julia/Deirdre/Seliph banner. I've always wanted another Julia and with the change coming to the boon/bane system I need another Julia so I can improve her awful +HP-Atk nature.

So please Deidre, stop showing up instead of your daughter. I've gotten 3 Deirdre's so far ;(

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6 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Congrats! I remember you mentioned wanting to +10 her, and you got them relatively easily~ Really happy for you!

Thanks, yeah. I really struggled on her Ploy banner with Sonya. I used up 700 orbs and got so many pity breaks. Just shows how it can work out either they. These 2 banner have the same chances. Overall I am happy that I could end this.

Hopefully I behave myself now for a while. I guess the next ones will be Nailah and Rinkah on my list. 

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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 8:08 AM, Landmaster said:

Congrats on your Deirdre! Thanks, mind if I ask what spread you run on him? I'm at a bit of a loss with his lacking base kit other than his refine~

This is what my Alm looks like. He is a great Player Phase unit.



Nothing too fancy, I just slap a bunch of budget skills on him and I get by just fine. Death Blow and Attack +3 helps boost Alm's attack as much as possible since his refined Falchion has a brave weapon effect when he is at full health. I gave him Renewal 2 instead of Renewal 3 since refined Falchion already gives Renewal 3 and healing 10 HP almost every turn is better than healing 20 HP every 2 turns at least to me anyways. Though what Alm really wants for his B-skill is Mythic Boost 3 since it pretty much cancels out the 5 HP recoil damage per attack so if you have an extra Eir you are not using you might want to consider that. C-Skill slot, assist skill and special skill can be whatever works best for you. Hopes this helps.

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2 hours ago, HolidayHeavy said:

Been trying to grab a L!Tiki because the one I have is -atk... but instead I have 5 summer Ryomas. Anyone have suggestions on what to do with 5 of these guys?

give the dagger to one of your main dagger user

keep one for HM (if you care about that).
book the rest for the Chill skill

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3 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

This is what my Alm looks like. He is a great Player Phase unit.

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Nothing too fancy, I just slap a bunch of budget skills on him and I get by just fine. Death Blow and Attack +3 helps boost Alm's attack as much as possible since his refined Falchion has a brave weapon effect when he is at full health. I gave him Renewal 2 instead of Renewal 3 since refined Falchion already gives Renewal 3 and healing 10 HP almost every turn is better than healing 20 HP every 2 turns at least to me anyways. Though what Alm really wants for his B-skill is Mythic Boost 3 since it pretty much cancels out the 5 HP recoil damage per attack so if you have an extra Eir you are not using you might want to consider that. C-Skill slot, assist skill and special skill can be whatever works best for you. Hopes this helps.

I like the idea of Renewal 2, I may have to try that out. I have considered Mystic Boost, too~ I have no plans to ever use my Eir so she may end up being fodder (Alm's defs the first candidate) but I like to hold on to her just in case~ Thanks for the tips!

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21 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

I got both Deirdre and Julia today from this focus. Not free pulls, of course, but well within 30 orbs.

Oh, nice congrats! Too bad they didn't come 1-2 years earlier. You didn't return to play them, did you? 

21 hours ago, Zeo said:


Free 5*, cool! 

Also congrats on Ephraim (who sadly pity broke me on the towel banner ... ). 

Too bad about Lyn. Will you vote for her in this Voting game thing? I think green shouldn't be as clearly decided as blue for example. 

On 3.2.2019 at 3:14 PM, Landmaster said:

FINALLY THE SHEEP IS HERE~ +HP, -Def, so essentially Neutral~ Perfectly fine with me~ I spent way more Orbs on this Banner than @DarkAlf would ever allow, so I'm just taking DADDY ALM AND RUNNING

Congrats again on your pulls, Alm and Genny are great and +SPD is an awesome nature for Hinoka! 

On 2.2.2019 at 5:24 PM, Mau said:

WOOH! Not specifically one I was looking for, but didn't have him yet and I don't mind him for sure. And he's +Def, -HP too! :D

Very nice, getting a new unit from this banner is a great thing. Congrats! 

On 3.2.2019 at 8:14 AM, Alexmender said:

Well, that went worse than I expected...

I feel you, I got number #3 & #4 from this banner ... 

12 hours ago, Nanima said:

I am at a 5.50% rate and so freaking sick of this banner, I wish it had never existed at all.

Ouch. :-(

Luck sure takes long to turn around for you. Hope that changes soon! 

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4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Oh, nice congrats! Too bad they didn't come 1-2 years earlier. You didn't return to play them, did you? 

Nope but they’ll sit there in my castle nicely waiting for me to maybe return. They won’t be lonely anyway, with the rest of their family in there (except Sigurd but who’s that douche).

Also it’s been how long, eight months since the Deirdre & Julia banner was run first? Time sure flies.

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Pulled on the Reinhardt & Ishtar BHB Banner. Got a Neutral Ishtar! That's pretty neat, I think!

Gave Duma's banner one last shot as well. Pulled Dancing Ryoma (+RES/-HP, seems kinda crap but I'm sure someone'll appreciate Chill DEF fodder, maybe Summer Linde?) and Legendary Eirika (+DEF/-ATK, not the best IVs but the ATK bane gets fixed by Storm Seiglinde and ATK/SPD Solo & Lunar Brace should help cover that flaw up too, plus being +DEF seems like it could be pretty good for her too). Feels good.

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@Vaximillian Wow, congrats on getting the Naga ladies! Such great art and voice work, you can at least enjoy them to your heart's content at your own pace with the rest of the family.

@Zeo Wow, congrats on finally getting B!Ephraim! Too bad about another Elincia but you're rally tempting me to try for her now with your 'luck' heh. Hopefully the Valentine's units aren't that appealing for you so you can try for Lyn again?

so I had nothing notable from the free summons so far, until today. Already have both Reinhardts and Ishtar, but I wouldn't say no to Odd Atk Wave and decided to risk a dupe Reinhardt...

...and it turns out I get a +Res/-Spd Lute! Already have a +HP/-Res one, so this is perfect since now she can tank/Ploy more reliably and the -Spd will disappear soon!

have a shaky 26 orb count right now, so I'm trying to control myself by waiting for the new units first before doing a final YOLO on the Duma banner (at this point I kind of want a Dancer Ryoma to make Lobster Emblem for a Walhart clear if I get lucky...)

but then Hector banner soon... and Danxer next month...  and H!Mia the month after that...(hope she is the colourless pick for the voting thing..)

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Woohoo! I finally did it. It’s only taken all my orbs in three separate banners but I pulled Owain!




Also my second Leif from this banner because he really likes me I guess. At least I can get rid of the -spd from my first Leif and have him be really helpful for Tempest Trials and other similar modes.

Owain came as a -spd/+def which is... eh it’s whatever. Wish I could keep pulling for him but I wanna stockpile what little orbs I have left for the seasonal banner.

I also ended up wasting some extra orbs because I guess I got too excited and ended continuing the session for one more orb instead of quitting like I meant to :>_<: It gave me a Boey so it wasn’t even worthwhile but it is what it is.


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4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@NegativeExponents- Ooh congrats on the double focus pull!

Yeah I hate accidentally clicking the wrong button and having to do another summon :(

Thanks! You got pretty lucky yourself with that free Lute. I have yet to pull anything worthwhile from the daily banners.

And yeah, hitting the wrong button sucks. Surprised there isn’t an “Are you sure you want to keep summoning?” choice for it.

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