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In the weekly banner I free pulled a 3* Abel. Then I pulled another blue orb and I got Lucina!! She is +Def -Res which is solid and I already refined her despite being Level 22 so far.

Really lucky these days, now I have to stop bored summoning and gather orbs for a good unit to pair Lucina with as now she only has berkut and a B.Ike without DC. If Lif comes he will be perfect especially if he is a Mythic (Hel too). Also Sothis is coming soon enough and I can't have enough orbs for her (aiming for +spd +1 so I need to gather many orbs). Hopefully the new banners don't bring more dragons (duos too I guess) so that I can go easier on them and save orbs. 

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so the first of my banner goals has arrived. Aiming to get a Brave Lucina, and I started with 49 orbs.

Free pull was a Shanna, which is always welcome! The 2 other blues were a Lukas and a Florina.

After that, blues became scarce, only giving me 1 blue per session. An Effie. Another Lukas.

Then I think on my 4th session, i pick the sole blue and.. I got +HP/-Res Brave Lucina!!!! Finally!

Funnily enough she's the same nature as the one in my alt account. As long as her good stats are untouched I'm happy.

Opened the green to test my luck but got a Titania but that's fine, Guard is good for Rokkr sieges.

I'm just glad I got her quickly, it took about 26 orbs. Now to wait for the other Halloween banner (the real test....) but hey at least TT stats soon and that banner lasts a month!

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8 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Then I think on my 4th session, i pick the sole blue and.. I got +HP/-Res Brave Lucina!!!! Finally!

Congrats! The most stylish of all Lucinas. What are you going to do with her? 

Who are aiming for on the old Halloween banner? Good luck with that. 

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5 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Congrats! The most stylish of all Lucinas. What are you going to do with her? 

Who are aiming for on the old Halloween banner? Good luck with that. 

Gonna refine her straight away. Awakening kids clears would be even more fun with her support capabilities. Plus I like her Great Lord look, and Kozaki art is one of my faves.

I'm trying for Halloween Jakob while hopefully avoiding more Sakuras.

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Good luck then!

I wouldn't mind a Sakura, I like her art and never got anything from 2017 Halloween than Nowi. 

Admittedly she has good art and adorable voice lines. And I got a +Atk and +Spd that I'm still indecisive on a year later lol. t's just I don't like getting too much of the same unit with colour-share banners.

Also I just wish Kitty Paddle was refineable 😞

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In an attempt to get Brave Lucina copies with 225 orbs my highlights are :

  • B Lucina +hp -spd
  • Nailah (+def -atk)
  • Gray (+hp -atk)
  • Azura (+spd -res)
  • B Lucina (+res -hp)

Didn't find a good iv for her, bit I least canceled out my speed bane. Nailah is a nice bonus.

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@Rezzy @mampfoid Cost more than it should have imo, but I got those four Brave Ikes I needed from the new banner! 😄 My first +10 Ike at last!! ❤️

I also got pitybroken by Edelgard and Laevatein along the way in green-less sessions. I'd have rather gotten a Gray so I could finally delete his -Atk...

Edited by Anacybele
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6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Congrats, that's great news! The pity breakers are cool as well, have fun with them. 

Yep! I already had a good Edelgard and Laevatein though. So I foddered the copy of the former (literal copy too, IVs were exactly the same) and merged the latter.

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@Zeo Congrats on that awesome Hector. He may not be as relevant as he used to be but with Berserk Armads he still packs a hefty punch! And if worse comes to worst DC fodder will always be valuable. 

- - - -

The Halloween rerun banner and the weekly one gave a bunch of nothing, as one would expect. 

I kinda forgot to post this one, it was like 3 days ago that I went back to the current Halloween banner to remove the -Atk from H!Hector but no such luck, I even ended with a Raigh in one circle, dejected I decided to go for the green on the right side of Raigh just to see if I'd end with a Soren or Titania as I always do, but instead I got this:


+Res -Hp. Basically neutral. She's not that great as a unit but I'd be lying if I said I'm not happy about getting mad scientist L'Arachel. Her lines are very funny and her art is top notch. I'll probably make her a Blade tome cav and call it a day.

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Literally got B!Ike yesterday.

Still might as well pull for free.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

3* Shanna (Worth it. +Atk/-Def)

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...godfuckingdamnit, I pull just a little more from the halloween banner, and who do I get but the one unit I didn't particularly want, Hector and Lilina.

...at least the asset/flaw isn't perfect like it always is. +Res -Hp is... not great, but it's not +Spd-Atk or even worse... +Atk -Spd... *shudder*

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@Alexmender Eyy! Nice LA'Rachel there! I don't use mage cavs often to be honest, but she's probably the most appealing both sound and visual wise. Everything about her is top notch.

@mcsilas @mampfoid @Ginko @SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster

Ok... this is just getting weird now.


I'm gonna go for B!Lucina so of course there's no blue stones. Instead there's 3 green. Against my better judgement I go for a B!Ike even though I have a perfect nature one already and 2 Steady Breath fodders and this guy comes out for the free pull. +RES/-HP. What is going on with these free pulls? It's freaking crazy? Mostly green ones, too. Kana, Hector and now him.

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11 hours ago, Zeo said:

@Alexmender Eyy! Nice LA'Rachel there! I don't use mage cavs often to be honest, but she's probably the most appealing both sound and visual wise. Everything about her is top notch.

@mcsilas @mampfoid @Ginko @SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster

Ok... this is just getting weird now.


I'm gonna go for B!Lucina so of course there's no blue stones. Instead there's 3 green. Against my better judgement I go for a B!Ike even though I have a perfect nature one already and 2 Steady Breath fodders and this guy comes out for the free pull. +RES/-HP. What is going on with these free pulls? It's freaking crazy? Mostly green ones, too. Kana, Hector and now him.

Clearly an apology for fucking you over the last few banners?

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Is Caeda just.... gone from my summoning pool? I wasted orbs on reds since I do not know when, using Hector/Lilina this time as a consolation prize if I don't get her.... and I actually got them at 4% while only pulling Raighs, Sophias, Raighs, Chroms, Raighs, Tikis, and Raighs. I wish I had kept note on when I started wasting orbs on red just to get Caedas for my Flier teams.... and I'm almost at a point to waste 20k feathers and grails for this nonsense. Of course Hector is +Spd/-Def (lol), so he might just be Distant Counter fodder, tho I guess I should keep him for his uniqueness.

Sigh.... back to waiting for more orbs on another banner with a red unit.

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 102

Edited by MonkeyCheez3K
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1 hour ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Is Caeda just.... gone from my summoning pool? I wasted orbs on reds since I do not know when, using Hector/Lilina this time as a consolation prize if I don't get her.... and I actually got them at 4% while only pulling Raighs, Sophias, Raighs, Chroms, Raighs, Tikis, and Raighs. I wish I had kept note on when I started wasting orbs on red just to get Caedas for my Flier teams.... and I'm almost at a point to waste 20k feathers and grails for this nonsense. Of course Hector is +Spd/-Def (lol), so he might just be Distant Counter fodder, tho I guess I should keep him for his uniqueness.

Sigh.... back to waiting for more orbs on another banner with a red unit.

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 102


LOL i felt like that for such a long time. Caeda took forever to show up for me at times and when i did get her she was -atk which made it even worse. She'll show up for you though, I know it. 

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Well my pulling for H!Hector and Lilina have netted me: Bantu and Mercedes both new, +atk versions for my new bases of Ares, Roy, Marth, Brady and Seliph, and my sole 5* so far has been Tibarn who is +spd which was better the my old +hp one so new base.  I am sick of seeing Stahl, Chrom and Solieil over half my pulls have been them.  I have already used all the TT orbs.  I just want 1 H!Hector and Lilina and then I am going to save.  I hope that they come home soon so I can stop seeing the same 3 4* red units over and over again. 

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7 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

Well my pulling for H!Hector and Lilina have netted me: Bantu and Mercedes both new, +atk versions for my new bases of Ares, Roy, Marth, Brady and Seliph, and my sole 5* so far has been Tibarn who is +spd which was better the my old +hp one so new base.  I am sick of seeing Stahl, Chrom and Solieil over half my pulls have been them.  I have already used all the TT orbs.  I just want 1 H!Hector and Lilina and then I am going to save.  I hope that they come home soon so I can stop seeing the same 3 4* red units over and over again. 

I wish I could pull half as many Chroms as you. He's been a merge project for the longest and while I currently have enough to +10 him. I have both a +SPD and +ATK variant of him and thus no Aether fodder. I can't remember the last time I had Aether fodder.

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