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Daily: 3* Tanya

Weekly: 4* M Morgan


Won't have enough orbs to do much on the CYL2 Hero Fest so I think I'll settle for a full first round then snipe green on tickets because Ephraim is unmerged while Hector and Veronica are. Don't have Celica, don't want Celica.

4* Beruka
4* Sully
4* Wrys
3* Ares
4* Lucius

4* Fae

Wowee, first Ares in like half a year. Glad I opened the red against my better judgement.


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First, the BHB banner. I've got everyone here at 5*, so I'll go grey for the small chance of Norne.

  1. 4* Norne: Finally! It took a while, but she's finally here. Unfortunately +Res/-Atk is lousy as far as the flaw goes, but whatever.

That pleased me greatly. Now for Weekly Revival 16. Blue since Ephraim needs a merge.

  1. 4* Roderick: Eh.

As usual CYL2 can wait until I've got all of the tickets. I'm just happy to finally have Norne.

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3,696 total pulled units.

"Geez clipsey, why even bother"


Chrom (+HP/-Res): This is Chrom on a horse.  On the Brave banner.  He's being merged.  That's why I'm logging it.

Priscilla (+Atk/-Def): A perfect mirror of the one I have already!

Camilla (neutral): Man, we're going way back.

Nino (+Spd/-Atk): Sorry girl, not quite.
Niles (+Res/-Atk): NO.
Ares (+Res/-HP): Wonder who'd like his A skill?
Draug (+Res/-Atk): ALSO NO.
Cordelia (+Res/-Def): These guys must've been traumatized by mages in the past.

Corrin (+Res/-Atk): He joins the "help me a mage did bad things to me" club.

Priscilla (+Atk/-Spd): At this rate she's gonna be my first +10 staffbot.
Jaffar (+Atk/-Spd): I DON'T CARE I'LL TAKE IT!  Time to chip everyone down to size.


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@mcsilas Congrats on those Brave units pulls. I could say this CYL 3 banner give me a chance to collect all of them in last week. The only real fodder for me is B! Camilla, she pitybreak me in some random banner with worst IV possible +HP/-Atk. (Of course, I sac her lol )

After I got +Atk B!Eliwood, I also got +Spd/-Res B!Alm (Yes, I want to fodder him but he came with perfect IV again!!)

Good way to cheat the game, always pulling units in the purpose of skills inheritance and they will come to you with perfect IV hahaha, just kidding... (In my case, it's true lol)

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I free-pulled a Brave Celica.

She's neutral, just like my first one.




She's even +atk -HP. Jeez game, why.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Hero fest: Let’s go for a hector merge! 

Banner be like: Have five green stone!


BHB: An azura would be nice for a lance infantry dancer!

banner be like: have 5 green stone!


Bound hero party: A hector would be nice, and since I got two full green circles just now...

Bannner be like: hAVe fiVE bLuE sToNeS!


thanks game... that was just great.

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An OG Lyn banner complicates things... anyways, spent a ticket on a Red on the CYL2 banner. Nothing of note. Wasn't interested as I said in Colorless which made up the bulk of the circle.

A lot of banners this month which... makes things tricky for orbs. So many orbs were burned for NY!Alfonse, I'd have 400+ orbs this time around. I don't know my gameplan is going to be this month.

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6 hours ago, Ginko said:

@mcsilas Congrats on those Brave units pulls. I could say this CYL 3 banner give me a chance to collect all of them in last week. The only real fodder for me is B! Camilla, she pitybreak me in some random banner with worst IV possible +HP/-Atk. (Of course, I sac her lol )

After I got +Atk B!Eliwood, I also got +Spd/-Res B!Alm (Yes, I want to fodder him but he came with perfect IV again!!)

Good way to cheat the game, always pulling units in the purpose of skills inheritance and they will come to you with perfect IV hahaha, just kidding... (In my case, it's true lol)

Congrats on the fodder, even if they had good IVs lol

So I have a feeling Wolt will be in the double seasonal, so I should save.

Then the BHB banner happened to have Hector and had 3 green stones.

It took the 3rd stone, but I got a neutral Hector!

Okay...maybe saving starts a little bit later but I risked it on a feeling and it was worth it

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For my third session, I got Lovely Gifts Alm as my first 5*! I think I might try to get one more copy to see if a I get a better nature next time. My current one is [+Def, -HP]. I think I am done for summoning for tonight though. I do not want to push my luck too much all in one go.

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Heroes is a messed up game.


Me going into the Lyn BhB banner: I really need Lyn to round out my collection, since I got Hector off his revival banner.  *proceeds to puls red and gets Cain again* Crap, looks like I get more WoM Fodder, yay...

Me going into Azura and Corrin M banner: I need desperation fodder, I hope I get the desperation 3 for Male Morgan *proceeds to pull the single blue orb and nets a free 5 ☆ OG Azura +Hp -Res* Crap, the unit I didn't need and don't want to build up, holy fuck.


My only hope is Grimmy isn't so awful in the orb cost...and I get at least another merge for him.  Though knowing FEH the moment I want/need something it ain't coming...

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On 2/8/2020 at 11:07 PM, eclipse said:

Valbar (+Res/-Def): He keeps trolling me.

well, he follows Leon around now, instead of the opposite.

No great pulls over the weekend after getting the two LG!Fayes, but I did two Cherches which will go to the merge project.

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I did some more summons in the Valentine Banner, and with 40 orbs I got this:

W1TOptk.png enmFHQ2.png

With some dragonflowers, my Duo Alm & Celica looks like this:


I am orbless again but it was worthy, because I removed the Spd bane from my Alm! I even got a 4* Reyson as well, so he is +7 now.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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I can't quite remember the banner I got her on, but I remembered that I got a Hilda recently. Kind of surprising. Also, I was pulling for Alm/Rudolf when I got pitybroken by an Adrift F!Corrin...who happened to have the same boon/bane as the last time she pitybroke me. I'm a little mystified by it. And yet, I still don't have her male counterpart: the ONE from the Adrift banner I actually cared about. Oh well. *keeps fishing for Rigelian rulers*

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Okey ... long story short: Alm robbed Alm. 

Somehow (nearly) all of my saved orbs disappeared on the new sweet heart banner. Alm and Celica collections can't remain incomplete for long.

250 orbs for this: 








  • Conrad is +HP/-ATK and new
  • Gerik is +ATK/-RES and new
  • Mamori is +HP/-RES and new
  • Verlouria switched her boon to +ATK with +1 merge
  • Edelgard is +4 now
  • Kaden is +DEF/-HP, but he doesn't need merges

I wasn't interested in any of those units. Only the new +ATK boon for Verlouria is cool, since she is an important member of my Astra teams. 


And finally (25 orbs remaining): 



+RES/-DEF and new. My first duo hero btw. 

(why did you want a RES boon again, @Diovani Bressan? I think +SPD and +ATK are better)




So, it doesn't look like I'll get many L!Alm merges in 3 weeks. Might reach 100 orbs until then. 


Edited by mampfoid
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. . . My luck is nuts this past week or so. I keep getting 5*'s left and right. True. Not the ones I want, but 5*stars never the less.

Free pulled a Priscilla. Don't recall what I was going for in that banner or even if I just took the free pull at random. But free 5*. Free pulled a Leo on something, and I am pretty sure he wasn't the aim. Part 2 Hero Fest anniversary tickets have given me a Brave Celica and a Brave Veronica so far. I was hoping for special fighter, but no green orbs. And just now when trying to dump my 13 orbs on a the Alm Duo I get no green stones. Just colorless and red. Guess who? Valentine Faye. She really wants to steal Jakob's spot. Now I just have to decide between Neutral or +RES for the base.

But seriously, this is an insane number of 5*s for what I have spent orb wise. And 3 of them aren't terrible pulls. Brave Veronica I am always happy to get merges of, and Brave Celica has DB4 or maybe I should just merge her since she keeps showing up, I think this makes three. And of course Faye just straight up powercreeps one of my main armors. Now Leo. . . I guess I have QR3 without having to spend feathers. And Priscilla can give out Panic+ without costing feathers. So not useless. . . but not great either.

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Daily BHB first. Grey since I have Chrom and Robin at 5* already.

  1. 4* Valbar: Meh.

And now it's time to pull for my baby girl! Let's go, Morgan. 167 orbs to start.

  1. 3* Cordelia: Eh.
  2. 5* F!Morgan: That was quick! +HP/-Spd for the record.

I'm a happy tactician. Now to see if I can get more merges. 163 orbs left.

  1. 4* Legault: Meh.

No blues that time. 158 orbs left.

  1. 4* L'Arachel: Okay.
  2. 4* Valbar: Hello again.

Moving on...149 orbs left.

  1. 4* Robin: Heh.

Close, but not quite. 144 orbs left.

  1. 3* Oboro: Worthless.
  2. 3* Femui: Okay.
  3. 5* Petra: Why hello there! Not the right flier, but a nice surprise nonetheless! Unfortunately +Res/-Spd is quite bad, but beast effectiveness is always handy.

A nice pitybreaker, although I really would have preferred another Morgan. 131 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mathilda: Feathers.

And again. 126 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sully: Draw Back fodder.

I'd prefer more blue orbs, Feh. 121 orbs left.

  1. 3* Abel: Swordbreaker fodder.
  2. 4* Wendy: Meh.
  3. 3* Lukas: Eh.

That's more like it. 108 orbs left.

  1. 3* Catria: Eh.

That isn't. 103 orbs left.

  1. 4* Robin: Hello again.
  2. 4* Sully: Really?
  3. 4* Sully: What the hell?

That was ridiculous. 90 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sully: Are you serious?!
  2. 4* Reinhardt: Whatever.

They really need to demote some more units. 81 orbs left.

  1. 3* Donnel: Worthless.
  2. 3* Silas: Repostion fodder.
  3. 4* Peri: Meh.

Moving on. 68 orbs left.

  1. 4* Subaki: Eh.

So much luck earlier, none now. 63 orbs left.

  1. 5* F!Morgan: I stand corrected! +Res/-Spd is tempting as a master copy, but I'll stick with my original +Atk version.

Leave it to Feh to immediately contradict me. 58 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tanya: Hello. +Res/-Atk is garbage, so still no spot for you.

I would like a good Tanya one of these days. 53 orbs left.

  1. 4* Valbar: Three times today.

Starting to run low. 48 orbs left.

  1. 3* Peri: No.
  2. 3* Valbar: Make that four times.
  3. 3* Wendy: Ugh.

So many blues and not a single Shanna...35 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mordecai: Feathers.

30 orbs left.

  1. 4* Florina: Feathers.
  2. 5* F!Morgan: Ah yeah! I was not expecting three merges today! +Atk/-HP for the record.

That was an excellent way to end the session. I might come back near the end depending on how many orbs I scrape together. Overall I made out like a bandit. Only 146 orbs for 3 copies of F!Morgan and 1 Petra, even if her asset and flaw were awful. Now to give M!Morgan three merges to keep pace with his sister. The only annoyance is that I still got zero copies of Shanna even though Feh saw fit to give me Sully three times and Valbar four. Still, a great day for me.

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55 minutes ago, KMT4ever said:

That was an excellent way to end the session. I might come back near the end depending on how many orbs I scrape together. Overall I made out like a bandit. Only 146 orbs for 3 copies of F!Morgan and 1 Petra, even if her asset and flaw were awful. Now to give M!Morgan three merges to keep pace with his sister. The only annoyance is that I still got zero copies of Shanna even though Feh saw fit to give me Sully three times and Valbar four. Still, a great day for me.

congrats!!! My morgan is actually +res (i only have her at +1) i was tempted to get her her PRF, and take it out for a test drive but i actually do like the Distant DEF/Mirror Stance build i have on her. she does her job as a magic tank flying for the most part. 

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