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~140 orbs for Edelgard! I ended up with a -Atk/+Res dupe Eir when I got a 0 green circle, and finally a -Def/+Res Edelgard! 

Eir I fed Mystic Boost to my new merge project Henry, and I will happily keep Edelgard. She should be super helpful in future content...

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There's some weird stuff going on with some datamined tickets as Golden Week quest rewards. They're called ' TRIAL_Summon_200403_legend_02' which kind of imply the legendary banner, but then there's no counter for tickets on the banner we just got. So will there be another banner to use the tickets on? Maybe an equivalent of the double seasonal banner, but containing legendaries? Dunno, going to hold off summoning either way. Of course, if you're going to summon so much that you're going to do ticketless rounds regardless, then obviously go for your life.

Actually managed to get a green orb to appear on my freebie round. It's 4* Arthur of course. Summoning finger is itchy but I've resisted successfully.

Edited by Humanoid
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Well, first the luck I had in the last days with free summons and yolos bit me back a little. It took almost 200 orbs sniping green to get  a merge for Celica with no other 5* to show. Celica is +6 now which is cool. I gave the banner another chance and 4 circles after Celica, I got this: 




The newest unit for Galeforce fun, I'm happy. 

Saving the rest of my orbs for golden week, Alm/Leif sharing in the next Mythic banner and for the next celica banner that will come soon hopefully. 

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@Alexmender Nice, that's a great haul with some good natures! Kind of jealous haha.

@mampfoid Wow that's a nice superboon Edelgard! congrats on the Celica too!

@Zeo @Landmaster @daisy jane

So uh...my summoning finger was itchy with the late datamines.

Tried for last Rinkah YOLOs but got nothing. Oh well.

Now for the Edelgard banner. Aim is to get 1 green unit.

Out of 101 orbs from my main (rip about 20 from Rinkah), I got a +Def/-Res Edelgard. Took about 43 orbs (and multiple 1 green orb sessions)

As for my second account, out of 80 orbs (-5 from picking the wrong banner by accident)....it took me all of them and with my last 4 orbs I got a neutral Nagi. Not the most ideal but also pretty good since my current one is +HP/-Def and the neutral is slightly better anyway, so I won anyway with any green.

....now i REALLY hope New Heroes is a skip. Or Golden Week.

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It took more orbs than I was happy with....


But OP Student came home!!!!!!!!!


+Spd/-Def (Uh, sweetheart, as happy as I am with you, I don't particularly like the spread.)


Oh boy is this going to get fun, since her C skill is inheritable...not that I'd even use her for something as stupid as fodder, since El is my absolute favorite Black Eagle Student.  Looks like the two Els will be fighting over who gets M!Byleth...

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i've been stupidly lucky lately, which makes me think i'll be extremely unlucky when a banner i really care about will pop up

+spd -def L!Celica (the green unit i wanted the most) and +atk -spd Duo Ephraim (wasn't really pulling for him but that's a new unit for me so i'm happy i got him), both in the same summoning circle, with exactly 9 orbs (1st summon and 2nd summon), and my pity rate was at 8%

can't wait to spend 500+ orbs trying to get one single copy of Rhea with trashy ivs when she's added to the game

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Decided to do one full circle after getting Duo Ephraim and this happened.


It wasn't Edelgard, at least. And Hríd now has at least one more merge, bringing him to +3. He'll probably be my slowest Legendary to +10...no pun intended. Hríd was the only red I was interested in, so yay!

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I managed to pull a -HP +RES L!Edelgard on my second summon on the banner this morning, so that's awesome. Immediately after that, I pulled a -ATK +SPD Nagi, so I gave Distant Counter and Special Fighter to L!Edelgard. 

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Hrid was not being nearly as kind to me as he was the last time he was on a banner. Dang it, man. ;_; I guess I got too lucky with him when I got four copies back when he was sharing with RD Ike of all peeps. >_< I just wanted a couple more merges for him at least...

But I did get two Ryoma merges (he is still a sorta fav) and then a redless session happened...


Wow, okay. This was only the second green total that I pulled. +Res, -Spd too, not bad at all! This is a keeper. I may be annoyed at all the attention Edelgard and her house get compared to the other two houses whom I like more, but I don't hate her. I'm just indifferent to her and generally disagree with her.

A couple sessions later:


THANK YOU. I just wanted ONE more merge right now. +6 Hrid. Still four more to go, but... yeah I'm not gonna press my luck more right now.

Ryoma's +6 too, btw. lol I never really was trying to merge him up, but he kept showing up on banners where I wanted to pull red. lol

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Was with 80 orbs but because Edelgard I decided to go for it. Could have gone better but it was fine. Not a single blue orb for potential Ephraim or even Naga. And the green ones were in total 5. The rest colourless and red. However, the only 5* I got was green thankfully and it was a +Hp -def Celica, which I didn't appreciate at the beginning however after she cleared 4 abyssals out of the box I am just hoping a +Atk version comes now or in September. And the one I am truly happy about the last merge for Fae. 

Don't care about whatever golden week might bring so will keep going for greens and pray that the new banner is Tellius to skip. 

Edited by SuperNova125
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5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

So uh...my summoning finger was itchy with the late datamines.

Tried for last Rinkah YOLOs but got nothing. Oh well.

Now for the Edelgard banner. Aim is to get 1 green unit.

Out of 101 orbs from my main (rip about 20 from Rinkah), I got a +Def/-Res Edelgard. Took about 43 orbs (and multiple 1 green orb sessions)

As for my second account, out of 80 orbs (-5 from picking the wrong banner by accident)....it took me all of them and with my last 4 orbs I got a neutral Nagi. Not the most ideal but also pretty good since my current one is +HP/-Def and the neutral is slightly better anyway, so I won anyway with any green.

....now i REALLY hope New Heroes is a skip. Or Golden Week.

Ayyyee congrats on Edelgard and Nagi~

5 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Well, first the luck I had in the last days with free summons and yolos bit me back a little. It took almost 200 orbs sniping green to get  a merge for Celica with no other 5* to show. Celica is +6 now which is cool. I gave the banner another chance and 4 circles after Celica, I got this: 

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The newest unit for Galeforce fun, I'm happy. 

Saving the rest of my orbs for golden week, Alm/Leif sharing in the next Mythic banner and for the next celica banner that will come soon hopefully. 

Noice new Galeforcer, congrats!

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Sniping green with 130 orbs, first 80 orbs got me nothing, until the next circle gave me Queen Celica. Went to finish that circle and also got a Hrid. Already had them both, but these ended up both being +Atk so I got them both with best boons after merging.

33 orbs left, decided to go all in. Two circles with no greens gave me Abel and Oboro. Next circle, One Green, it's all or nothing... and I get +Def/-Res Empress Edelgard. Very happy with these results, so I'm done with this banner for good.

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The Start of It All drained my orb supply, so I'll just take the first circle from Edelgard's banner and leave it at that. 56 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Camilla: Worthless.
  2. 4* Sheena: Wrong axe armor.
  3. 3* A!Tiki: Bleh.
  4. 4* Priscilla: Feathers.
  5. 3* Jeorge: More feathers.

That was a waste of 15 orbs. I'm not really invested in anyone on this banner, so it'll have to do.

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My TT+ score got to 48,777 and I got a little birthday money today. I felt like that was telling me something. lol

And in just a few more pulls, I got another Hrid merge indeed! HELL YEAH! Handsome ice prince is at +7 now and will get to +10 in August when he comes back again at this rate!

"777" really is lucky!

Edited by Anacybele
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How the fu...

Well, I'm calling it on the Legacy banner. I'm done with it. I got a merge for Palla (now which asset do I pick, +HP or +Def...), I got a good Caeda, and I can merge Marth to +5. If I wanna +10 the kid, I'll just wait for the Seasonal Demotes banner that I'm sure will happen someday. Also Merric can go... study in Khaedin or whatever it was. I'm done, I feel good about these guys, time to save for the next New Heroes banner.

But... I got 5 copies of Legacy Marth +HP... how the hell does the same unit get the same asset 5 separate times...?

Edited by Xenomata
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3,962 total pulled units~!



Normally, I stop after getting a 5*.  This time. . .

Hawkeye (+Res/-Def): Eh.
Oboro (+Res/-Atk): Now that's bad.
Thea (+Def/-Atk): Also bad, but at least she's good fodder.
Reinhardt (+Def/-Atk): Third one in a row!
Lilina (+Def/-Res): She's not -Atk, but this is still far from ideal.

Cordelia (+Atk/-Def): Takes notes everyone, this is how you do it.
Odin (+Atk/-Res): Hell yeah~!
Athena (+Atk/-Res): Keep it up everyone~!
Sophia (+Def/-HP): I mean, after three stellar picks, I was bound for a not-so-hot one.
Chrom (+Def/-HP): I wonder who could possibly use Aether--

Edelgard (+Res/-Atk): I'm supposed to be mad about this.  But with her Atk, Def, and Res all equal, I'm too busy laughing.  Plus, that feeling earlier?  Yep, figured she'd show up.  I guess she was proud of my CF run!


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Looks like we're getting a ton of tickets for the Picnic banner. I can only be bothered to get two of the quest ones right now, so combined with the free pull and the daily gift that's four summons. Aiming for Flora since I missed her last time.

  1. 3* Ares: Bleh.
  2. 3* Python: Ugh.
  3. 4* Cecilia: No thanks.
  4. 3* Rath: +Def/-HP, so not a good master copy.

Only 1 red in 4 circles. Freaking ridiculous.

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I have extra orbs to spend, so I’m doing full circles. I actually got all of the picnic units last year, and I wouldn’t mind merges on them—my beautiful boy Lukas in particular!

I managed to pull a dupe Deirdre and my first Quan at neutral!

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Let the circle be broken.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Cordelia (Bah. +Def/-Atk), 4* Altena (Oh boy, another one! +HP/-Res, please another one.), 4* Y!Marth (Oh joy, another one. +Spd/-Atk)

Also, picnics. So many tickets for picnics.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red ( I already got Felicia and Genny)

4* Hana (No free pull I guess. +HP/-Def)

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless

4* Kaze (I mean, he's not a Book 1 Colourless. Still, there's so many I've never seen. +Res/-Def)

I'll be back, still as miserable with this game I bet.

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So Golden Week is a write-off then. I'll do 16 single summons on the Picnic banner and that's that. So I figure I'll try to nab a couple of 5-stars from the Legendary banner to scratch my summoning itch for the month, sniping green, with no fixed second colour (whatever turns up with one orb in a circle mostly). A little over 100 orbs yielded me ...Nagi and Naga. Happy with the first, disappointed with the second, but oh well, average outcome on ...average.

There's admittedly a bit of pleasing symmetry about them, plus their natures being pretty good for them:
Nagi +Def -Spd
Naga +Spd -Def

I then frittered away my remaining 130 orbs on the kids banner with no 5-star to show for it. Blergh. I did at least get my final Ares to finally +10 him, plus another Altena and a couple kid Marths, so not a total loss. I hope the upcoming New Heroes banner doesn't have anyone I'd want, because I obviously can no longer afford to get the guaranteed 5-star pull.

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So...golden week...


1 x 4 Star Forest -Atk/+Spd he's new, so okay.

And CYL Roy pity broke me...








Wtf?!  I don't have a single picnic unit and I get the CYL I've already got?  I swear if I wasn't building the Hall of Forms one up right now I would have found this result to be hilarious.  As it is he's actually halfway decent -HP/+Spd)

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Broke a 4.75% pity rate on the kids banner with a -Atk +Res Kid Merric. Unfortunate, but hopefully something I can address in future when he appears on a Legendary banner. I'm down to four orbs so unless there's some absolutely godly unit on the next banner (in which case I'd be force to tap my Story Map orb cache), that's it for me until the Mythic banner, in which I'll have an unfortunately low number of orbs to try for Leif merges with. Not too cut up about it though, ideally I want to wait until Leif appears alongside a hot new unit instead of established ones.

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