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I got a free regular Takumi.

That's pretty good, honestly. Was really hoping for Leanne, but guess it wasn't meant to be. At least it was something.

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Got another TSD!Ethlyn, so I am done with colorless too. Just summoning from red and blue now.

Also got Kiria,Ā Say'ri, DB!Julia, and ANF!DimitriĀ as pity breakers. With Spurn out now, I do not think I am going to need anymore Close Call fodder, but I am not sure I really want to use Kestrel Stance either.

Got TSD!Quan now, so I got everyone. I just need a merge on TSD!Quan and TSD!Sigurd left.

Edited by XRay
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Good units, bad odds, no blues. 3* Virion. I think I'm going to end up just shy of 100 orbs when the New Heroes banner launches Friday, so I'm probably looking at sparking next week. Assuming the units are good of course - the increased BST is a start but not the decisive factor.

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I am saving for B Micaiah, and told myself I would only break the bank for really needed fodder, which was Panic amoke for Eliwood(got it from sparking Larcei), Close Foil for Norne and Leila as a stand-alone unit since she trivialises Light season when you can hit and run.


So, 624 orbs in the bank. After 100 orbs finally Midori shows up. Thatā€™s one, but I am not willing to go below 500.

Next circle, a free pickup Velouria! I willĀ not merge her immediately, it might be better to have two for some teams. My first one has Timeā€™s pulse already so that one is staying. A fantastic pickup though! Very happy!

ok, 512 orbs left and two grey stones... Virion and the last one, on a 3% rate, Leila! And she is even +Spd, -Hp! Wow, that is lucky! I am done, Peony has a buddy now.


So what happened? Peony and Leila will be a great hit and run duo, Norne will have close foil, I have an additional Velouria and to top it all off, I also got my final Tethys merge! Now I donā€™t need to spend anything until the double special heroes.

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This rally banner's pretty good, shame New Power this month was so short but at least this was a good replacement.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

4* Tharja (I can safely say no thanks ja. +Def/-Atk), 4* Olivia (Get my hopes up too. Stupid idea. +Spd/-Def)

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@daisy janeĀ @Landmaster

I think this is my luckiest first circle ever. Just what I needed in the middle of a stressful week.


Shame no Eliwood but I can't complain. Ephraim was first and is +Res/-HP (dupe), then Leila (+Atk/-Spd) and the final summon was my 3rd Keaton (+HP/-Spd).

Also as an update since my last post, some 5 stars I got include:

Main: (Including the above), +Atk/-Def Eleanora, 2 x +HP/-Res Bramimonds, +HP/-Res Mila, +Spd/-Res L!Corrin and the sparked B!Dimitri/Free B!Claude

Alt: +HP/-Atk Bramimond, neutral Pirate Tibarn, a +Atk/-HP Duo Sigurd and +HP/-Def Dancing Lachesis (same circle and only 2nd one too!), +Spd/-Atk Larcei and finally a free +Atk/-Spd Leanne from the Phalanx banners.


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20 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@daisy janeĀ @Landmaster

I think this is my luckiest first circle ever. Just what I needed in the middle of a stressful week.


Shame no Eliwood but I can't complain. Ephraim was first and is +Res/-HP (dupe), then Leila (+Atk/-Spd) and the final summon was my 3rd Keaton (+HP/-Spd).

Also as an update since my last post, some 5 stars I got include:

Main: (Including the above), +Atk/-Def Eleanora, 2 x +HP/-Res Bramimonds, +HP/-Res Mila, +Spd/-Res L!Corrin and the sparked B!Dimitri/Free B!Claude

Alt: +HP/-Atk Bramimond, neutral Pirate Tibarn, a +Atk/-HP Duo Sigurd and +HP/-Def Dancing Lachesis (same circle and only 2nd one too!), +Spd/-Atk Larcei and finally a free +Atk/-Spd Leanne from the Phalanx banners.


Congrats Silas! You are indeed a lucky boy!

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

@daisy janeĀ @Landmaster

I think this is my luckiest first circle ever. Just what I needed in the middle of a stressful week.


Shame no Eliwood but I can't complain. Ephraim was first and is +Res/-HP (dupe), then Leila (+Atk/-Spd) and the final summon was my 3rd Keaton (+HP/-Spd).

Also as an update since my last post, some 5 stars I got include:

Main: (Including the above), +Atk/-Def Eleanora, 2 x +HP/-Res Bramimonds, +HP/-Res Mila, +Spd/-Res L!Corrin and the sparked B!Dimitri/Free B!Claude

Alt: +HP/-Atk Bramimond, neutral Pirate Tibarn, a +Atk/-HP Duo Sigurd and +HP/-Def Dancing Lachesis (same circle and only 2nd one too!), +Spd/-Atk Larcei and finally a free +Atk/-Spd Leanne from the Phalanx banners.


KEATTOON!! Congrats on that lucky circle!

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Clearly this free pull means that Tellius is confirmed for Friday.



I didnā€™t get anything of note from the Phalanx free pulls, so this was a nice surprise.

This would be my third Mia merge, and this one also happened to be +Atk so I had that overwrite the +Def I previously had to settle with.


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I don't know how but I got Brave Dimitri and another Brave Claude? I just wanted a Leanne or a Nailah, but thanks.Ā 

Hoping to get Ethlyn on the dancer banner, but I also don't want to spend all my orbs...

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Got my second copies of TSD!Quan and TSD!Sigurd, so I am done now.

Also got pity broken by Mareeta and ANF!Lysithea.

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I... am not having the smoothest time on the Dancing banner. So far I've only gotten one focus dancer, and it was Lachesis at 5* +Spd -Res. Heh, kinda ironic that she got traits that almost any other dancer would have appreciated... but I did get Lugh and Nah in one pull.

Decided to start merging Nah, might have good skills but what does it matter if I never actually use them? She is now +Atk +5.

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Only have ~100 orbs so the spark ain't happening today, but my summoning finger is itchy so I might as well do this piecemeal rather than all at once. Sniping Green and Grey mostly.

3* Libra
4* Tanya
4* Lissa
3* Brady
4* Florina

4* Legault

5* Leila +HP -Atk
4* Clarine

Rubbish nature but not a bad start all-in-all.

4* Emmeryn
4* Boey
3* Gordin
4* Legault
3* Reyson

3* Saizo
4* Tethys

There's the Tethys for my +10. Pity I just spent 40k feathers on making 4*+10 Bartre and Hana perhaps, but my lack of feathers baited the RNG gods into giving me this I suppose. All tickets gone now.

3* Azama

3* Lachesis
4* Fae
4* Klein

4* Nanna
4* Lachesis

5* Mamori +Spd -Def

Another decent unit with an awful nature. Carrying on...

3* Mercedes
3* Jeorge
3* Soren
3* Cecilia
4* Arthur

Needed to mine a few quest orbs here.

3* Virion
4* Bartre

3* Ross

Down to 15 orbs with only Training Stratum quests left to do so that's it for now. Exactly 30 summons in, so two 5-stars is about the expected number. Happy enough to get Leila though I'll need another copy to fix her Atk bane. Mamori is whatever. I'll probably keep going after the spark to get one last 5-star, hopefully it'll be a focus one so I can have each of my targets, but not particularly optimistic on that. If the spark arrives first then ugh, it's tricky. Maybe Shinon because being grey he'll be harder to get in the future, especially since I'm now done with my only other grey target in Tethys.

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