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@mcsilas ...Amazing.. I'm outdone really. You got him. Every fiber of my being wants to pull with the last few orbs I have but the thought of more disappointment. I just can't do it. I've blown so many orbs on that banner with none of the units I want that putting myself in a hole for the next banner is something I just can't do. You're a lucky man.

There could be a Vector waiting in a green stone in my next pool. Or it could simply be another beruka, and I'm not going to find out. Props to you. Maybe one day he'll appear on a legendary banner. I hope I have orbs when that time comes and the game is kind to me. I have to press forward.

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@Zeo I've resigned myself to not ever pulling a bonus unit, or getting bad luck for the next month. I'm prepared for future consequences.

I don't blame you for not pulling, it sounds like you really need the new, upcoming units in the next hour anyway. 

but yes I do feel you when you were desperate for Lyn last year. Now that I thought about how she fills a niche in my team, she hides even more haha.

I can't be mad about it though. This has been the most 5 stars in a banner I ever had, and my seasonal luck is usually hit and miss anyway. I wish you luck when you pull! I'm...going to need more orbs before I do my free pull. Maybe even wait to see what the other TT bonus units are.

@mampfoid Thanks! Yeah it's a wild ride. Unfortunately I don't have the orbs to hunt a Klein for Brave Bow+/QR 3 but he'll be back some day. He pops up in a lot of banners actually, now that I think about it..


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30 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid Thanks! Yeah it's a wild ride. Unfortunately I don't have the orbs to hunt a Klein for Brave Bow+/QR 3 but he'll be back some day. He pops up in a lot of banners actually, now that I think about it..


He has been the unit with the most banners at all, chances are high you'll get him again. 

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*SOBS* Guys, I finally did it. I got LA! Lyn! Not only that I somehow miraculously got LA! Hector & Ninian!

But now I can't pull for my best friend on a horse & my daughter! Why did I so much effort in Blazing Sword!? *SOBS*

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It's been a while since this happened to me...

This was my free summon:


My plan was to pull on this banner until I got one of the focus characters.  So, uh, I guess the game is telling me to hold on to my 97 orbs.  Sweet!  :D:

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Just now, Infinite Dreams said:

This was my free summon:My plan was to pull on this banner until I got one of the focus characters.  So, uh, I guess the game is telling me to hold on to my 97 orbs.  Sweet!  :D:

Congrats on your free summon, mine was a 5* Knight Exalted Chrom. 

I can now skip the banner with ease. I just hope that his stats aren’t bad.

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Original plan was to just do the free round. But the result was no red orbs and two Oboros. This was clearly completely unacceptable, so I went in for a second bite of the cherry. Four red orbs eh? More orbs than I had planned to spend but what the hell.

4* Oboro +Def -Atk - Into a half-hearted merge project I guess.
3* Oboro +Spd -Res - You, on the other hand, can go home.

4* M Corrin +Def -HP - I'm starting to think a 4*+10 merge project for him, I have five now so I need one more to match a 5*.
5* Horse Chrom +HP -Res - Happy about that, he's being helpful today. A little better neutral nature so I can't complain about that.
4* Olivia +Def -HP - Already +10 so Hone Atk fodder I guess.
5* Horse Roy +HP -Spd - Nice bonus I guess, terrible nature but I have a HP/Res one so it's just a merge so that's fine.

Done with this banner I think, unless the upcoming bunnies are awful.

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Free summon: 4* Shanna. Desperation is nice so it's fine.

That aside, I dumped about 50 orbs and so far got nothing, I still have the Lunatic chapter and quest orbs so I'll give this a try later. The good news is that I got another merge for Eirika! Just 1 more for the +10!

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Well, he wasn't my free pull. That was a 4 star Soleil. The first pull of my next session (and the only red) was M. Morgan (+RES -SPD)! I'm happy to have gotten my son. :3 I still had some leftover orbs (about 60), so I decided to go in one more time (only pulling red) and got Chrom as well with 15 orbs to spare. (+RES -DEF). XD I mean...not the greatest, but I'm fine with this. I also got a surprise 5 star Mathilda. +HP -RES. I'll probably raise her to level 40 for the confession before maybe foddering her off...

It's been a while since I've gotten lucky like this with free orbs. XD I'm not going to press my luck.

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Free summon was a -HP +Res F!Morgan. Perfect IVs for a DD9 build as well as making her ploy skill better. I tried getting Chrom but the most notable red I got was a 4* Draug who was fed to my H!Jakob right away for Ward Armor. 

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M!Morgan +Def -Spd... here I was thinking "well, maybe Morgan has rede-oh wait his base lv 40 def is 20"

I'll have to either save this Morgan for a future Morgan when I mass summon later this month or take him and run with him as far as I can go...

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Got a Branded Chrom. +def/-spd which is acceptable but I would have rather not lowered spd.

I suppose I’ll take it. I really wanted F!Morgan but I have hopes of her dropping down to 4* rarity so I’ll just stop here.

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No 5* from the first summoning session, but a +SPD/-RES Raven. I'm fine with that. 

/Edit: F!Morgan shows up after 30 orbs. Perfect, now I can save the rest of my orbs. Nature is decent too (+SPD/-HP). @Poimagic 

Totally weird ... opened the second blue orb of that session and who shows up? Shiro .... lol @mcsilas

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I was sniping for M!Morgan, though I figured that snagging Chrom wouldn't be so bad in my search for M!Morgan. I had 320 orbs saved up. Plenty. PLENTY. (I'm optimistic.)

Well. Amid many 3★ and 4★ pulls, here are my 5★ adventures:

1. M!Corrin. Okay, fine.

2. Saber. That's ... not who I wanted, but pity breaking happens, I'll deal.

3. Oh, hey Chrom! Cool! Great to see you, but where's your son?

4. Eirika, I wasn't looking for you.

5. Chrom?! Again? Dude, I'm not... you know what, fine, just don't let it happen again.




It got to the point that I actually double-checked to make sure that I was sniping for the correct colour. I'm not ungrateful for Chrom x4. I'm not. But that's not who I was looking for. I don't care about the upcoming Thracia characters so I didn't feel too bad about dumping a lot of orbs in the beginning. But. Damn it, Morgan.

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@Zeo @mampfoid @Cute Chao @Rafiel's Aria @Vaximillian

So I didn't end up getting Lyn in the end. I scrounged up all the orbs until the last minute with a 4% but time ran out. Oh well, I did get 3 L'Arachels and some nice fodder like Shannas and an Oscar. But yeah now low on orbs.

Free summon was a Tharja and then the only other red was Stahl. No blues. Now I shall wait for the TT bonus units.

On the other hand, on my second account.....


Ummm..... Wow. 

Chrom was my free summon! He was the one I wanted the most! +HP/-Spd which is workable I guess. He's not exactly the fastest but hey a bonus unit that I thought I'd never pull! And finally Sword Valour! I'm going to have fun with Fury and TT boosted stats!

I decided to pull the other reds anyway since I'm lacking some red fodder, and my final red was a +Spd/-Res Eirika! I was waiting for a +Spd one, maybe she'll be upgraded with the new refinement! Also I actually lack Jagens so Jagen can stay, too! Maybe he can be fed to Chrom!

So yeah...between this and the last minute Vector, Roy and yesterday's Lilina.. my luck finally turned around on my 2nd account. This has been the luckiest two days in my FEH life. It was definitely an orb drain, but it was worth it.

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3* F!Corrin was my free pull, but then I got this two stones over.



Second 5* Mathilda this week, though off-focus this time. This one is also a pretty bleh +Res/-Atk so she'll make for a nice merge or nice fodder, not sure which at this point.

Next circle, I open my first red of this banner and get:



neo Chrom. He also got a less than favorable boon/bane (+HP/-Atk; guess this is to offset the two +Atk 5*s I pulled Monday) but hey, I got Chrom Emblem complete now.

I also made a full pull from the fodder banner and got a 4* Hinata, 4* Abel and 4* Barst (4* Sophia, 3* Azama being the other two) for my troubles. Quite nice, I'd say.

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas Cool, congratulations! 

Did I mention I pulled my 6th Shiro together with flying Morgan? ^^

Ah, just saw that and was replying to it!

He really wants the merge huh? (Or Steady Stance fodder so you can pass Steady Breath + Aether with B!Ike)

Congrats on the nice F!Morgan though!

@Zangetsu Congrats! Sounds like a nice pull, especially when you really want the units!

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

He really wants the merge huh? (Or Steady Stance fodder so you can pass Steady Breath + Aether with B!Ike)


Uh, I nearly forgot about the Steady + Breath + Aether combo ... but a +5 Shiro would allow me to stay in top 5k in AA a little longer. I will think over it in the weekend. 

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Spent 120 orbs getting nothing but Sullys, Donnels and Cordelias. I did one more summon session and after I pulled a MRobin I finally got FMorgan. Of course she would come right after pulling her dad. Her nature is +Res/-Spd but her speed is kind of low to begin with so its not that important I guess?

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3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

 Congrats! Sounds like a nice pull, especially when you really want the units!

It really is, in fact when I was pulling for Grima & I also got Dorcas. But I spend about over 300 orbs & used my daily & trial log-in orbs as well


I only have 28 orbs left & I don't have enough missions to get the orbs for F!Morgan. I really shouldn't be looking a gift horse in the mouth, but I really wanted F!Morgan. Well her, Sumia, Kaze, & Silas.

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23 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

Spent 120 orbs getting nothing but Sullys, Donnels and Cordelias. I did one more summon session and after I pulled a MRobin I finally got FMorgan. Of course she would come right after pulling her dad. Her nature is +Res/-Spd but her speed is kind of low to begin with so its not that important I guess?

That's actually one of the best IVs. -def is a super bane that decreases arena score. -spd is preferred if you want to make into a mage tank

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