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We Need Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 5 After All! - GAME OVER


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EDIT of other post above (But obviously not actually being able to edit it 'cause of game rules and such): Starting from Page 12, not 13, since there was stuff happening this morning that I didn't get to read much before I had to head into work.

Also, if you haven't dealt/seen a Eurykins wall post yet, feel free to buckle up and get your reading glasses handy! :D

Page 12

> Bibbon and Fable (back-to-back posts no less?) assert that the Athena slot is looking more like a mislynch target.

1. Regarding Bibbon's notion: In Bibbon's first post (which contained basically all town-reads and two weird/not so great reads on BBM/Weapons respectively), Athena was not mentioned at all, in either direction of read. So when did the concept of Athena being town (therefore being a target of mislynch) enter into your reads? And is coming off as a newer player full justification of any questionable gameplay Athena has employed thus far? At what point does bad gameplay due to being newer (and how much leeway as a result) become unacceptable and actually liable to being labeled as scummy? @Bibbon

2. Regarding Fable's notion: The logic behind finding Athena possibly not scummy (due to not pushing Satsuma as much) actually bothers me slightly, because the logic used is basically: "Had I been the wolf/one pushing, I would've kept doing so." which is a pretty easy way to hand-wave someone's actions. I'm not sure if the right term/notion would be employing "self-meta" but it strikes me as though the expectation of a certain action (based on what YOU would've done) is weak at best in terms of justification in reading someone. Not everyone is necessarily a bold/aggressive/passive/etc. as another player would be- some take risky gambits all the time; others prefer a safer game as scum. And you even noted that Satsuma's reactions weren't unreasonable, so was that not enough substance for someone outside of yourself to move away from Satsuna (or at least seek to apply pressure elsewhere) @Fable?

> Refa's statement of wagon choice seems peculiar to me:  Bartozio (1st choice) > Zeus (2nd choice) > Satsuma (3rd choice) > Kirsche (4th choice). 

1. Looking back through Refa's ISO, I see an Athena vote/case (in which he later backs off from), then Kirsche (whom he seems highly bothered/locked onto), and then this post, which includes a Weapons Vote and a mention that he likes Shinori's Bartozio vote/case, as well as stating that Zeus's active unhelpfulness being a NULL for him. Seems to then back away from Weapons (despite having said he was confident in his scummish read on Weapons...) and then votes Satsuma (while complaining that he doesn't want to lynch either Satsuma or Bartozio in lieu of more information from those 2???).

((Also, on a side note @Refa, why does asking "who do I sheep?" and not agreeing with rolespeccing (which is a common thing to do, especially in ED1) make for a non-scum read? The former action literally is asking for a free handout case/vote to sheep- easy and free gameplay. The latter can be easily done in either regard as well- how is either alignment indicative?))

> You seem to be bothered most FREQUENTLY (in multiple posts) by Kirsche and Satsuma. If that's the case, why is Bartozio on the top of that tier list of lynch candidates? Why is Kirsche the lowest on there, yet you showed the most frequent interest in him? What caused Zeus to go from a NULL to 2nd top in lynch candidate? Also you listed that you wanted to not lynch either Bartozio nor Satsuma, yet they remain on the priority anyways. This list doesn't make sense to me.

For the most part, I actually liked this post from Bartozio? However, @Bartozio, what is causing Athena to be the sole Null read here? You seem to have plenty of other reads (with decent justification/explanation to them as well) leaning one way or the other, but none on Athena?

>> I agree with Jaybee regarding the tone behind Bartozio's response regarding the role claim- it could've been chalked up/responded with a simple, "I goofed at my reading my PM, BBM reading skills activated!" sort of response, but seems a bit waspish in the counter-questions given out instead. Granted, I do not find someone misreading their role PM or missing something vital as necessarily being a scummy action in itself. I did not personally find his initial claim to be scummy in any way (would've been moreso scummy had he withheld that info until D2 and potentially fucked over someone else's night actions N1 as a result of it), but the way he reacted was mildly defensive/prickly? Unsure if it's townie frustration bleeding through, or skittish scum though.

> @Jaybee Are you implying that Kirsche gets extra leeway due to possible meta-Kirsche (or tunneling habits) things? Does it rectify his gameplay of tunneling, or make it any less of something to be concerned with? And does that leeway apply to Satsuma or no? (Is one worse than the other?)

>  Kirsche's Post and vote on Junko feel alright to me. I can see the points against Nightmare, and (re-reading Junko's ISO), the reason for voting isn't terrible. Though I personally have more of an issue with how Junko's posts have been very wall-sitting and questionable reads, as opposed to being scummy for the vote-sitting on Kirsche alone.

Something about Marth's read on BBM feels weird here.  Feels extremely wishy-washy wall sitting and doesn't really help define where his BBM read is, and seems disinterested in pushing or applying any sort of interest or pressure towards him. Why?

I don't like the dismissive notion towards Zeus in this post by Marth. If you think someone is scum, newbscum or not, why not apply more pressure to verify your concerns? If you want someone to "show you their true colors as the day advances"? Pressure is the key to doing so. Ignoring them doesn't do anything- it actually lets them fly under people's radar sand lets them continue playing as they are.

Zeus's Fable Vote post is just bad. Zero case/notions against Fable in prior votes, and nothing else to justify the action. Also, no real prior content either. 

What scum do you think exist on the Athena wagon, if Athena is not scum? @Bibbon And what prevents town from being just as distracted/liable to getting on Athena's case (when a good handful of players have already found issues with the slot) and possibly supporting the wagon as well (not just scum) if what seems to be bad/suspect gameplay (sometimes defensiveness is a pretty bad reactionary sign to certain comments/situations that can indicate scum squirming under pressure) is happening from Athena's slot? Who is most liable to being the scum on Athena's wagon and why?

Page 13

> Zeus seems to "acknowledge" not being productive, yet still doesn't seem to do anything to change that fact. Mildly annoying because we're getting nothing out of this slot.

Eclipse's Post seems cool.  I can see the Marth vote and agree with it, since I already had issues with it in my above points.

What sort of read is this on JB? @BBM I agree with the assertions of Bibbon's comment and such, but I don't quite understand the JB notion in this post.

Bibbon notes Zeus as being in the scum pile, but doesn't seem to want to vote Zeus? Even if you have "other scum reads", are they of higher priority? Kind of weird vibes coming from this post.

This post feels super bad. "if I've defended myself well they will question someone else" tells me that your entire train of gameplay is self-centered. That once the questioning of you is done, people will opt to move on and forget about you. That you have no obligation to do anything outside of answer questions given to you by the rest of the player base. This is not only terribly lazy gameplay, but something that SCUM has moreso to gain out of doing (coasting through the game without providing content or pursuing active scum hunting) than townside.

It's not considered fake when it was the simple truth of the lack of meaningful gameplay coming from your slot, Fable.

Page 14

Nothing really to note- just more verification that Zeus is having self-interest/centered gameplay and seems highly disinterested in being an active scum hunter (Which is still really bad). Moving on.

Page 15

Zeus is being Zeus, still no content or interest in doing so, outside of "Fable" being his interest. Moving on (again).

Page 16

Inactive Player Slots Suck. People who do not play the game, who do not actively scum hunt or contribute, are detriments to town-side and are NOT slots that should be kept around until *LYO circumstances. Scum will not bother killing those slots, and instead will leave them alive to aim at the more active, PRODUCTIVE townies. Policy lynching/vigging inactives or players that are massively distracting for one reason or another is a thing for a reason.

Unsure if this vote on Zeus feels OMGUS/reactionary? We all know Zeus's slot sucks, but the timing of this vote seems spiteful in a sense? (I'd say in response to Zeus just dipping out to sleep and not saying anything, lol...) I don't disagree with voting Zeus in general though, just this vote seemed reactionary to the circumstance/timing.

> @Snike This post alone makes up for having to re-read things page by page.  10/10.

> Also @Snike, role miller? As opposed to a regular miller?

Page 17

Chewing into Nightmare's Post @Nightmare A few questions if you don't mind:

1. You seem to dismiss Zeus's plays based on being inexperienced town- okay. Why not as newbscum? Which alignment benefits more from not bothering actually attempting any sort of meaningful content, activity level/quality, or scum hunting? And if he is inexperienced as you say he is, why would he attempt to crumb something like a vig role? (Why attempt to do something like that, but not employ generic townie mafia gameplay of trying to offer reads or look for suspect things? Seems odd to me.)

2. Bibbon town read notion seemed fine (though I'm not sure I agree with it) until you seemed to doubt yourself with a backpedal "might actually be scum Bibbon" comment. Kinda dropped weird vibes there, in terms of not being sure if you wanted to commit to that town read or not?

3. Both the notions on Satsuma and Marth basically just note spectating reactions and not offering any reads currently. Also not quite sure what you meant by "interesting" regarding cases around Satsuma. Care to elaborate? Are the cases on Marth making you start to lean towards a semi-scum read on him? Or is he (and Satsuma) still in the null zones?

4. Regarding JB- you said his attempts to "escape the scum reads"? As in, avoiding giving/making scum reads for association tells? Or trying to avoid having other players looking at him in a scummy light? Wording was a bit weird for me, sorry, but trying to figure out why the vote you chose to make is on JB in this post.

5. Lackluster posts from BBM, but still seems like town. Lackluster in what way, and is it something that you feel would be considered noteworthy enough to influence your read at all on his slot?

LMAO BBM reading skills and sheeping voting skills at an all time low. Feelsbad. Realtalk, I'm OK with the Bibbon's vote here, but can't say I'm overly fond of the labeling of Zeus as moreso newb mislynch bait over Satsuma. Also, I highly doubt a scum team would be interested in attempting to bail out a sinking buddy when they don't even try to help themselves. BUSSING EXISTS FOR A REASON. And at this point, would be 1000000x safer for scum members to do at this point (if Zeus flips scum) than to try to protect him.

Page 18

> @Fable I get that, by this point, Zeus slot sucks and he's been playing scummily. Any other reads though? Any other candidates outside of Zeus?

> Kirsche's post doesn't give me any real feels on himself as a player slot (not anything against HIM, but I have the hardest time reading him IDEK why). 

> Holy multiple Shinori walls. Why you gotta make this harder on me rereading? :[ A few questions though @Shinori

1. In the circumstance of BIbbon/Athena/Zeus, is Athena worse than Bibbon or not? (I'm not asking for OVERALL read between the two, but in the direct situation/circumstance). Also, if Athena was plausibly assisting Bibbon in fanning the flames, is this grounds for correlations of scumbuddies bussing, or would that be too obvious of a tactic to employ? (Would they risk doing so in such an open manner as actual scum buddies on a ship that's sinking on its own volition?)

2. Thoughts on Fable's Zeus vote? Any reads/vibes from it one way or another?

3. What makes Marth ez lynchbait? Do you agree with other people's notions about Satsuma or Zeus likewise being newb/ez lynchbait? Trying to look through your ISO, but I'm not actually finding much thoughts/reads on the Marth slot from you? I get that you "can understand" the cases on him, but do you agree and read his slot in the same light, or do you think otherwise?

> @Junk If someone is anti-town or doing anti-town things, then inadvertently you're harming town in some way, shape, or form. For what reason would townside WANT to be doing anti-town things, especially once they themselves realize and acknowledge that they are? Who benefits more from anti-town actions- town or scum?

Also, whether it occurred early, mid, or late D1, if someone (in this case Bartozio according to your post) does something scummy, why does the timing of him being/doing scummy things ED1 make him a lower priority? Is this to imply that his later gameplay has been better since then or not? It's a bit difficult to pinpoint where you stand and why he is where he is on your reads list.

Page 19 (my brain is starting to slow down rn... I think I'm taking too long with this wallpost, ugh.)

> Bouncing between Satsuma and Snike's post is getting confusing for me in reading the slot. ;[ I've been fine with the majority of Snike's post during my reading of the pages, and I DO feel that Satsuma's content/quality of posting has picked up in terms of offering more reads/insight than before. Trying to keep their cases/slot's cases cohesive and together is boggling my mind right now. @_@

At the time of Weapon's Vote swap to Athena Athena/Bartozio were both at 2 votes, with 5 on Marth and 4 on Snike/Satsuma's Slot. You say you aren't interested in Marth (so don't feel like supporting it), Snike's one is outdated (so not touching that one), so with Athena/Bartozio sitting at 2:2,  you shift to Athena's wagon? While still sporting active interest in Bartozio and willing to vote him down as well? I am uncertain if this is an easy way of you shifting away from Bartozio into a more pleasant (in this case I mean "a wagon that is more likely to be moved by other players and to gain momentum given the current cases floating around") wagon, but there was still time (was 19hrs left around the time that the vote swap happened) to push a case, yet you chose not to in lieu of a consolidation vote? This feels a bit too easy for me.

Aaaaaaaaaand then back to Bartozio. Wtf lmao.

Page 20

One person shows disinterest in your wagon, and you bail? Wishy washy voting at its best.

> @Bibbon I pushed through the pages hoping to see more content regarding someone NOT Zeus. Can you offer more insight on the rest of the player base currently? If Zeus is not picked for the lynch, who else would you seek a flip/lynch from and why? Also, is Weapons scummy for not asking your question referenced here? Is there scum intent in his action (or in this case, not answering) or something else noteworthy?

> I can agree with most of the points BBM noted wrt Bibbon (strictly speaking on this page. I know he's posted more stuff on this page (21) above while I was making this post, but my notion here is specifically on this page as of right now.


I can't bring myself to read page 21. I'm sorry lol. Tiredness and soreness in my hands is actually starting to set in, RIP me.

TLDR of overall thoughts from re-reading MOST of the stuff:

There's a lot of things pinging me on Bibbon. Massive tunneling on Zeus, and I'm having trouble following a lot of lines of logic when it comes to reads on other player slots. Also, the initial hesitance to vote Zeus, but then voting later feels pretty bad too. Leaving some pretty bad vibes with me at atm. OK with lynching.

Fable is like, literally Bibbon gameplay 2.0. The only "scum read" I'm getting out of this slot is Zeus, mixed in with a lot of defense of Bibbon (hard townread on Bibbon, notions against the gameplay not being part of scum!Bibbon's meta, etc.). Similar distancing of Athena that Bibbon employed (at eerily similar time punches/posting times as well), and that's about it. It's kinda giving me bad vibes too, because I'm not garnering anything more from this slot than I did Bibbon's, and that's kind of a bad feeling. Two slots, basically same read (Zeus) and nothing else to offer. Same as above- fine lynching this slot.

Zeus just needs to not be a slot anymore. Honestly. Vig or lynch, either works and needs to happen sooner than later. Not a slot I want around in *YLO.

Marth is bothering me due to the hand-waving and flimsy reads I'm seeing in his posts. Not sure if it's a "I don't want to commit to a read", but he seems to not really be taking a hard stance on the majority of his reads, which is bothering me. Willing to consolidate.

Junko is in a meh position for me. I don't agree with the "being anti-town doesn't mean they're being scummy", because scum should be the ONLY ones interested in doing anything that could be considered "anti-town" or otherwise harmful to townside's well-being. I also found the shift of where Bart was in relation to the others in his reads list odd? Not the strongest scum read for me currently, but willing to consolidate as a last resort if need be.

Weapons is mildly triggering me with the late D1 vote swaps. If you're so interested in Bart, why are you not pushing harder for his case? You seem to easily consolidate or otherwise move to Athena's wagon, while not reaching beyond that situation. I'm not sure if scum intent or not, but it distracted me a good amount while reading. Doesn't warrant lynching today though, just more information from the slot if possible @WeaponsofMassConstruction.

Via, Shinori, and Eclipse remain as my most prominent town reads currently.

Refa is slightly under them, due to the inquiries above. Not by much though.

The above fall in the following priority: Zeus (vig if possible) = Bibbon = Fable > Marth >>>> Junko 

PEDIT: I recall that Athena has been an issue for some, and I recall reading some of the cases mostly from Shinori and Snike (I think?). However, I did not recall many meaningful posts from that slot through my read/re-reading (which may be a bad thing, all things considered), but I will be re-reading the slot when I wake up tomorrow morning [probs going to sleep soon]. My vote will therefore reflect the current priority above, and if my re-read on Athena later shifts my priority, I will repost it accordingly. 

For now though:


##Vote: Fable

> Nothing will change in voting Zeus at this point, so I feel. Bibbon has pressure, and I want more from the Bibb/Fable before I'm content to moving onto Marth (who has ample pressure already as well). However, any of the above are fair game for me to consolidate on if/when the day phase ends.

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I'll probably be up in time for phase end, but I'll switch to Bartozio for now cause gut says athena wouldn't wifom the self-meta question like that. @Eurykins, I went more off the thread vibe than the votals, where a number of people were scumreading athena and no one was really talking about Bartozio. I don't really feel particularly strongly about a Bart lynch either, so I'm not pushing it that much, and I'm also not feeling the effort right now. I'm ever so slightly annoyed that you say it's distracting though, cause saying that sort of thing gets townies to be more self-conscious about their posts, which makes them act scummier, which is also distracting.


##Vote: Bartozio

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It's almost like me and bibbon play together all the time and have similar styles or something and thus have a lot of similar thoughts, shocking.

Like eurykins vote on me feels less like she thinks less like I'm a wolf and more I'm not playing the way she wants me to play and that's just obnoxious. 

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6 hours ago, BBM said:

what do you think was particularly townie about that? i think people giving advice is generally pretty null because it's easy to fake for scum. it doesn't require scum to think like a townie to give a townie advice.

Because I'd think a wolf wouldn't care to do it? Like if your a wolf your job is to stay alive and get villagers lynched, going out of your way trying to get thoughts out of a villager who you could probably just as easily try to get lynch or ignore doesn't make sense to me. It would only make sense if needed to know what they thought because you needed to actually figure them out, which would then make that person a villager. That's how I see it anyway, I don't see wolves trying to be helpful like that very often.  

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Also ftr to make something 100% clear I don't wallpost ever, I play by interactions and stream of consciousness while mainly figuring out a lot of stuff through VCA and if anyone thinks that by itself is wolfy you will never ever be able to read me and further more if you think that's ever changing and your just going to overwrite habits developed over 6 years of playing you're crazy. 

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5 hours ago, athena_57 said:

To be fair, it was 11 PM for us at the time and he said he was tired. However, your post was made an hour earlier and he definitely could've responded there.


I wanna be clear about what my problem was there. My specific problem was he ignored my post the first time yes but then I brought it up again and asked what it was and then just left after you posted it again to show it to him. It feels like he didn't actually care about what the point was and he just voted/sus'd me because well you gotta vote/sus someone at this point and that's just so lazy/agenda-y to me. 

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Here is where I'd post a video of that "too many cooks" skit with the word cooks replaced with posts and everyone's faces turned into avatars, but that is actuallky more effort than reading so imagine that's here and is very funny.

Junko comes in and doesn't bother to read my version of events regarding the interpretation of BBM's via comment made at the start of the phase. I'm his biggest scumread for a vote on BBM made at the start of D1 and he clearly has no interest in updating it. All my posts since then have been fine apparently but I'm not convinced he's read them.


I literally said i'd give thoughts on other players when I had more time

You can't just say this and get away with it forever. You're not the only one guilty of it but that doesn't clear you. Your comments about eclipse/ weapons and BBM felt like padded stuff added to make the post look more like it wasn't just sitting on me.

His Athena suspicion is also based around his play at the start of the phase too. Out of his 4 scum reads, two are based around ED1 play, 1 is an OMGUS and 1 is Bartozio who I don't recall posting in like 10 pages. It is not a good reads post. he's been coasting on tehse reads all phase.

Shinori also has been coasting hardcore, constantly trying in vain to get up to date is lame. Would like maybe some more reads because right now his content is focused mostly on responses. He did make a good post against Nightmare though.

Bibbon's engagement with the thread feels real and frustration with BBM as well. It's frustrating that he doesn't want to share his thoughts and reasons more though because his stuff on Weapons and his observation of BBM is good. I can understand BBM's viewpoint switch on Zeus though because Zeus' recent content is really crazy to come from scum whereas the earlier stuff was still more plasuibly newbscum (although I do think scum wouldn't behave like Zeus did early either).

Athena and Bartozio both fell off the face of the earth. Again none of their content screams that bad. I think Snike is kind of overblowing Athena's early game stuff because Satsuma was being rather retaliatory and it does feel like natural responses. Satsuma going crazy over the "time for redemption thing" and I mean tonally that is nothing to get worked up over. Satsuma's next accusations are kind of OMGUSy too but Athena's unvote and overreaction to the OMGUS are the main points of contention. I'm ok to lynch Athena but would really much rather Junko. Snike is much easier to read than Satsuma though so I'm happier with the slot, he seems interested in forcing reads out of people.

Junko usually being flaky and making a large post does not excuse the mediocre content of said posts and I woudl really like it addressed a bit more. It's very frustrating because the people most likely to be lynched are people who I haven't really cared about and while the cases on them are fine I'm just not convinced.

Reads list, ordered within tiers:







AFK Trio





I'll try to read Eury's/JBs posts N1 because I basically just glossed over them.

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21 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Because I'm the type to rethink and reread things about a million times over. Why do you feel me rereading my role pm is more suspicious then someone jumping through all kinds of hoops to avoid giving reads? Why is what I did scummy as opposed to just weird to you?

@Shin Shinori: Why does my vote on SoySoy seem hypocrytical? I'm voting him because he's trying to argue it's normal for him to not have reads nstead of trying to obtain them. When did I do something even remotely similar?
Also, I didn't really use Athena's quote as an explanation, since I still explained why in my own words and more dept afterwards.

Not a big fan of any of these people who are trying to get out of giving opinions (Fable, Zeus, SoySoy), but SoySoy strikes me as the worst offender for reasons I mentioned earlier. Fables latest posts seem to at least try to form opinions, which is good.

All of the bolded are why Bartozio bothers me.  The first one is obvious, asking "why I am more suspicious than the person I'm voting" is trying to deflect suspicion, especially considering Weapons did not give a strong read on you.  Arguing that it's normal to not have reads does not make Satsuma scum.  Also don't like how his only scumreads are people not giving out opinions.

@Jaybee FTR, I meant that Fable asking who to sheep in thread draws unnecessary attention to itself.  I also don't think it's a scummy action, so not even WIFOM.  It's just lazy.

@Zkirsche I can get where you're coming from on your BBM read now.

@Magnificence Incarnate Why is Bartozio tonally town to you?  Also fair enough on your Athena read, I'd sheep it.

@athena_57 Don't like Athena's interactions w/Zeus.  My understanding is that he's obviously scumreading the dude, but the tone doesn't come across that way to me.  Just compare his interactions w/Bibbon's.

@WeaponsofMassConstruction Bibbons makes a good point here, would like it answered.

@SatsumaFSoysoy @Snike The Zeus case

"At this point, I'm inclined to believe zeus is just Town but confused. He doesn't have much direction in his posts, and he's mostly just agreeing with people critiquing his play instead of trying to defend himself from eclipse and others. Even if he does flip scum, we won't really get an idea of who could be related to him; so far, only Bibbon (and me) have had second thoughts about lynching him. Still, he's probably the best candidate for a lynch, since I'm getting the feeling that even if we push him on later days we won't get much more than what we have right now."

Is really suspicious.  He doesn't explain how not having much direction makes Zeus town, and then goes into hypotheticals on "what if" Zeus flips scum.  Yeah, wouldn't that be crazy?  And then ending with "oh, but he's the best candidate to be lynched".  This is actually so scummy.  Don't know what to make of Snike's claim, though.  My gut is that it's more likely to come from town, I really don't get why scum would claim ROLE MILLER.  Would like more opinions on this role, because as it is, I wouldn't lynch Satsuma.

I don't get the issues w/Zeus post Via's initial case (which I agree was good).  It doesn't read as newb scum, it reads as someone who can't get a handle on the game to me (especially if his primary experience is Town of Salem lol).  Worst part is probably his Fable read, because it seems divorced from reality.  Zeus' latter interactions are actually pretty bad, though.  Really don't like how he's actively refusing to give content and doesn't even explain his Fable vote.  Would be okay with voting.  Okay nevermind, I get the issues.  @Vi-astra Can you explain why this is bad new town as opposed to bad new scum?

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I have four more pages to go but let me organize my suspicions because I'm very confused right now.

I'd vote Athena and Bartozio.  To summarize Athena because spoilers going to vote, I agree w/Marth's assessment of his early play and I REALLY don't like the interactions w/Zeus, other people please read and give me thoughts because no one has commented on that front.  Marth I really don't get the scumreads behind still, I'm mixed on Zeus, and I think I don't have any more scumreads.  Weapons did something suspicious that he should answer for.  Putting my vote where my mouth is, but has Marth posted during the last four pages?  Someone ping me if he was because that might be context that I'm missing.


##Vote: Athena

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I have like an hour before class so let's see how much I can read before then. I started yesterday but didn't get to read through that much ;-; As of page 5 I have a scumlean on Athena. Their first post is like "Alright let's get out of RVS quickly"  and they proceed to just randvote Zeus and not do much towards exiting RVS, and although I see them asking a lot of questions I don't see much indicating they're considering the answers they receive. Kind of feels like they're just trying to appear helpful. 

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On 4/10/2018 at 12:51 PM, Walrein said:

overnight posting didn't really change my reads much 

my initial athena vote was for saying "I'd like to break us out of rvs" and doing exactly nothing to help us do so

and now it's also for the post i quoted above + some general gut vibes 

nobody else stands out as sus to me

I'm going to have a fun time catching up.

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5 hours ago, BBM said:

athena, why don't you like the marth wagon?

Because I honestly don't see the case on him. If I'm understanding the votes correctly it's mostly because he said zeus was newbscum, only to vote Junko instead. I don't really think this is weird, as I can see the argument of thinking applying pressure on Junko is more likely to give results. He could be scumreading zeus more and still prefer to pressure Junko.
He's not been too active and has been a bit vague at times, but there are others acting worse imo.

Correct me if I'm missing something, but I think people are overreacting.

19 minutes ago, Refa said:


@athena_57 Don't like Athena's interactions w/Zeus.  My understanding is that he's obviously scumreading the dude, but the tone doesn't come across that way to me.  Just compare his interactions w/Bibbon's.

Where do people keep getting this from? He's null to me, he has been null to me this entire game, I was trying to get him to post actual things to move beyond that, not scumreading him.


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1 minute ago, athena_57 said:

Because I honestly don't see the case on him. If I'm understanding the votes correctly it's mostly because he said zeus was newbscum, only to vote Junko instead. I don't really think this is weird, as I can see the argument of thinking applying pressure on Junko is more likely to give results. He could be scumreading zeus more and still prefer to pressure Junko.
He's not been too active and has been a bit vague at times, but there are others acting worse imo.

Correct me if I'm missing something, but I think people are overreacting.

Where do people keep getting this from? He's null to me, he has been null to me this entire game, I was trying to get him to post actual things to move beyond that, not scumreading him.

Ughhh...I don't know why you'd protest the Marth wagon as scum unless this is scum/scum.  Athena, who is scum to you?

Fair enough, but the issue still stands of you not really developing a read on him.  Your interactions just seemed really passive to me.

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Like, we're obviously not lynching Nightmare (null for me, I dunno I haven't really bothered to analyze his posts because nothing stood out as obviously scummy), so who do you want to lynch?

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On 4/10/2018 at 1:33 PM, Bartozio said:

See Refa, the answer to this fairly obvious.... oh...

Basicly this, yeah. New players tend to have difficulty coming up with reads, which is fine. However, they can then at least say stuff like I don't really find anyone suspisious, or be asked for their opinion on things. SoySoy on the other hand is basicly saying he shouldn't give opinions on anything because his reasoning will be different from most of ours, which is ???

It feels more like he's avoiding giving reads, instead of just not having them.

I don't get the feeling Soysoy is a new player though; he mentions being unfamiliar with the environment/meta here as opposed to the game of Mafia in general. I also don't see the post you're referring to when you say you think Soysoy's making excuses-my best guess would be that you mean the post re: environment/meta in which case I didn't really see that as an attempt to make an excuse for something.


I don't think Athena's overexplaining in their Soysoy vote, but it does feel like felt pressured to explain their "own reasons" for voting even though they also explicitly stated they were sheeping it for pressure.

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4 minutes ago, Refa said:

Ughhh...I don't know why you'd protest the Marth wagon as scum unless this is scum/scum.  Athena, who is scum to you?

Fair enough, but the issue still stands of you not really developing a read on him.  Your interactions just seemed really passive to me.


3 minutes ago, Refa said:

Like, we're obviously not lynching Nightmare (null for me, I dunno I haven't really bothered to analyze his posts because nothing stood out as obviously scummy), so who do you want to lynch?

See my post on page 21. Of the currently existing wagons I prefer Bartozio, but a good/bad defense from either him or Marth could change my mind.

Of the wagons that exist currently:
Bart > Marth > Zeus

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As just a general question, what's with so many people showing up and being like "my meta is that I'm a passive player"? Like I get that it's über unlikely they're all scum but "passive" doesn't mean "lurking."

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Athena, still catching up on Page 19, but fair enough on your lynch priority.

@Fable Assuming Zeus is off the table, who would you want to lynch today and why?

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