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Posts posted by Zeo

  1. So my free pull was a +4 Y!Marth but he was +RES/-ATK which sucked so I kind of wanted to keep pulling at red and green until I got a better one. Dumped around 50 or so orbs over a period of time in constant pools of saturated colorless and blue with one red or green or one of both until I hit 9 orbs, then naturally it was a pool of 4 reds because of course, right?

    Picked one of the reds and-


    This is actually fine. Could have been a Caeda but my goal was pretty much reached. Annoyingly this Marth was also +RES/-ATK but since I can just merge him I'll take the superboon in RES at the very least. Caeda could have been in one of the two reds I couldn't pull which is annoying but with a reset rate and a fresh unit to grind in TT I'm pretty much content.

    27 orbs left to get from the tempest, orbs coming from the BHB and other sources will give me a steady supply to restock for coming banners so I think I'll be alright.

  2. 4 hours ago, Humanoid said:

    Hm? I just checked and I also have 290, and I don't think I missed any. By my calculation I believe we got 120 from the latest FB, 120 from the Rokkr, and 50 from the TT that's just started. Will pick up Alm with the income we get from Hjall of Fjorms on the 26th.


    Anyone who has more want to chime in?


    EDIT: We got a total of 750 Season 3 Ephemera by the way, so hopefully there's a similar buffer for this month anyway.


    EDITEDIT: This post should confirm that 290 is the current maximum.

    Oh... That's a relief then. Thanks for the clarification.

  3. 20 hours ago, XRay said:

    If you do not mind the extra cost in Feathers, I recommend building 2 Rosses. I got two Cecilias, two Cordelias, two BB!Cordelias, four Reinhardts, etc.; besides the Reinhardts (3 of them are +Atk, 1 is neutral for following guides), everyone else has a different build to better take advantage of their particular nature. Since he is a 3*/4* unit and he does not have any particular valuable skills for inheritance, you will eventually have a lot of copies for him.

    I lean towards +Spd if you are going with a tank build to help him avoid doubles. Spd in the low 40s is not exactly fast. Low 40s should be enough to avoid most doubles in Abyssal, but I do not think it is enough for him to double naturally, so I think Quick Riposte would still be good.

    I am kind of hesitant to use Wrath on Enemy Phase units since it needs the tank to be almost out of Quick Riposte range in order for it to work. But if the enemy does not deal enough damage, then Wrath does not do anything. I personally prefer Lull Atk/Spd on the B slot for increasing bulkiness.

    In his current state he triggers Wrath pretty quickly but a Lull is a good idea as well. I kind of used him as a mixed phase unit as well but I understand he's very incomplete currently. He'll probably get something like Lull ATK/DEF at some point.

    Also that feeling you get when you grab the Emephera from the TT and excitedly go to claim your free Alm to fix your -SPD only to realize you FORGOT TO CLAIM THE 40 EPHEMERA FROM ROKKR SEIGES ALONG WITH THE ORB BEFORE IT EXPIRED.

    Sitting at 290, feels bad man. Life is so busy. First time something like that slipped my mind. I hope I'll still have enough to get him and the free Olwen before the next update.

  4. 9 minutes ago, XRay said:

    It mostly depends on application.

    I went with +Atk for my Ross since I am using him as a Brave Axe Galeforcer with Time's Pulse. If you are giving Ross a regular Desperation build with Slaying Axe, +Spd is better. If you want him to stick with Brave Axe, then +Atk is better.

    Same for Echidna. +Spd is generally better to future proof the unit against fast enemies. +Atk is better if you want her to use Brave Axe.

    He's my favorite FE8 character so I'm going to give him a lot of stuff. Guard Axe, Slaying, Rearguard, Rouse SPD/DEF, Aether and I'm also considering using him as an AR tank with Null-C at some point down the line, but this is my current build goal with him.


    He's supported with Lute who I have Infantry Breath fodder for when the time comes. The idea for him in most content will be to take a hit and heal up with Sol +20. He does a pretty good job with Odd Spd Wave/Rouse SPD/DEF and Noontime in place of Sol/Time's Pulse but his survivability would shoot up with TP. Only thing is the QR seal would be a lot less necessary if I keep +SPD at high merges, it'll probably have to be a staple if he's +ATK though.

  5. Huh... so before I knew it, I had enough copies to +5 Ross, but I'm so indecisive as to weather or not I want +ATK or +SPD for his final nature, I'm sitting on those two respective copies in my barracks.

    I know the SPD ceiling for Echidna is significantly higher and she'll almost certainly be that instead of +ATK but I can't help but feel like Ross will benefit a lot from the +3 SPD, especially in AR and PvE content rather than the +4 ATK even if it is a fantastic superboon. I just don't know.... maybe it'll matter less at +10, you know? 

    At +4 Ross will have 40 SPD with his +SPD, +5 DF and the +3 SPD on his weapon which is pretty freaking nice. On the other hand he could have 58 ATK and 37 SPD which will eventually be around 60+ and 41 at +10 if I opt for +ATK.

    Question is what's better? 61 ATK and 39 SPD or 57 ATK and 42 SPD?

    With Echidna it's a much simpler choice. +ATK is 56 ATK and 44 SPD and +SPD is 53 ATK and 47 SPD. 

  6. Another banner, another Bartre and Libra. I feel like I've been pulling nothing but those two recently... If I pulled as many copies of Ross as I have them since his debut he'd be +10 which is really irritating to think about.

    Not having Julia is almost a running joke for me at this point. She's a unit I feel like almost everyone has except for me. It wouldn't bother me if I didn't think her CC refine was awesome but I really like the idea of slapping dragons in the face with effective magic.

    Oh well, always next time.

  7. Just goes to show how powercreep has invalidated a lot of these more dated maps. "Abyssal" was a cake walk.


    Altina blew up the top half of the map. B!Ike tanked the armor and reinforcement fliers and Tibarn sweeped the bottom half except for the blue manakete which B!Ike easily took care of. Shoutout to Elincia who needed to kill the blue cav that Altina couldn't twoshot. Threw the SS2 seal on her and called it a day. May do a clear for this one.

    Not looking forward to newer maps on Abyssal with limited units though.

  8. I'm early for a change!

    Marth looks great, which says a lot since he's the demote! His weapon is great and he'll do well with DC and his prf special is pretty nice as well.

    Caeda is utterly busted. Effective damage against half of the physical cast and innate vantage against them plus a damage/bulk increasing B skill. Note that the Vantage against everyone else has the HP requirement but against those she has effective damage against it procs at FULL HEALTH. Just unfair. Oh and she has DC cause screw you. She actually makes Marth look like a bad pitybreaker which is saying something. She'll die to Matthew, but that's about it.

    Merric looks top notch too. no understanding for why his younger self would be so strong and his older self would be so crappy. Cause reasons I guess. The combination of his kit and weapon effectively makes him a firesweep mage. Good luck baiting him if you aren't faster. And likely you won't be as he'll probably be min-maxed and have a superboon in spd.

    Whitewings are ironically the most tame in my eyes. They're designed to be an absolute terror in the players hands and in flier teams but likely underwhelming everywhere else. It's scary to think of what @BoaFerox's AR team would look like with these three on the frontlines. *shivers*

    Smol Minerva looks fine, though from what I'm hearing she's canonically incorrect. Hopefully she has a prf since everyone else does.

    I want everyone but the whitewings actually. Probably not going to go hard on the banner as I... literally can't but I'll probably pull everything except blue and colorless. Also seasonal *4's don't go into the general pool so grab Marth here while you can, I'll be trying to get at least one copy during the tempest. Overall good banner, good seasonal banner. Since there's no inherent theme I wonder why these couldn't just be New Heroes like Adrift.

  9. @mcsilas @Alexmender @DLNarshen @SatsumaFSoysoy @daisy jane @Landmaster @eclipse

    Sorry I haven't been watching and responding to clears, busy as always but know that I do see those notifications and will respond and watch in time. Anyways.

    So I re-built my stash rather quickly with 10 orbs in the bank and 41 orbs on hand. Seeing that special heroes banner with Dancing Ishtar and Duo Hector made me waver though...

    ...and I'm glad I did.


    If you're going to spend your stash, it should be on favorites, and this guy here is my favorite male character in the FE universe and #2 overall, 2nd only to Lyn. +DEF/-RES so magic will hurt him a bit more but he's on par with Lukas in physical combat. And with that, I once again have all the Hectors and I couldn't be happier. Hope pulls have been going well for you all and congrats to anyone who's been pulling well.

    Back to stocking up once again.

  10. I'm a bit late so a synopsis here, too much going on to do clears though.

    Alm and Celica was cake. The trainees smoked it. Ross and Amelia tanked everything, Lute killed Alm and Ewan walled Celica for a turn.

    Lyon was a little trickier but it only took 3 tries, Chrom/PA!Inigo/B!Lucina/Maribelle. OG Chrom destroyed pretty much everything with B!Lucina support. The failed attempts were approaching on the left side. Switching to the right more or less trivialized it. I honestly took more tries beating lunatic somehow.

    Cecillia and Lillina, do I even need to say anything?... Matthew/Leila/Serra/Bramimond. Leila set up Matt who expectedly wasted the map in pretty much 2 turns. I tried to throw Serra and Bram both a bone but Serra herself lacked a single point of ATK to get her kill, a shame.

    Not looking forward to Takumi whenever he shows up. Pretty easy overall though these maps. Can't imagine doing these as a newer player though, especially not on infernal.

  11. Oliver GHB wasn't so bad. Some kiting, double Wrath Barst, WoM Wrys, Linde and L!Marth got the job done pretty nicely. I have the feeling all those units I built and regretted to an extent from inactivity are about to come in handy.

  12. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Roy still has 2 Spd over Eliwood regardless. Blazing Durandal prevents the opponent's follow-up, but doesn't give the user a follow-up, just 7 Spd. And 7 Spd only barely puts both of them into the current Spd creep range.

    I wasn't saying that it didn't exist, but It's almost negligible. 2 points of speed can make a difference, but considering we're applying natures, merges, A skills and Seals the both of them will easily pass into the 50s. At that point the difference between 51 SPD and 53 is, outside of a few key scenarios, insignificant. I'm certain Eliwood's  +10 RES will prove beneficial a lot more than +2 SPD will be a detriment. 

  13. One of the best Forging Bonds easily. I liked them all but I may have been partial to Midori's. Eir was such an interesting character for her to interact with and I loved hearing the differences in their views of life and death. This is what all FB's should be. Giving you a taste of the characters but also just having fun with the FE cast and throwing together a lot of what-if interactions in an interesting way.

    3H was shafted in comparison, but I think that FB was wound really tight because they wanted to try to avoid spoilers at all costs. Fates has been out for years now so they were more or less free to do whatever they wanted. Chances are if we get a FB for the CYL units we'll get a much more fleshed out and interesting FB.

  14. With his resplendent buffs, Eliwood and Roy are virtually interchangable.

    (R)Eliwood: 41 / 33 / 32 / 25 / 34

    BH!Roy:       38 / 32 / 34 / 26 / 24

    Actually, Eliwood is a bit better. He swaps out 2 points of SPD and a point of DEF for 3 HP, 1 ATK and a massive 10 RES. He's far better than his son at dueling dragons and the effect from Blazing Durandal basically equalizes the speed difference. Yeah, he's literally better.

    Eliwood was already a consideration for a +10 candidate.... kinda wish I would crack and get the pass. Yet I'm not going to.

  15. @Alexmender Fantastic pull there. She'll serve you well, especially if you want to toss her into AR.

    Saving going forward. Lyn's about to disappear, and while B!Ike is a fantastic merge project, he's not one I'm pursuing right now. Best thing to do is build up orbs and see what comes next. If that Dawn Brigade banner spooks us in the next few months I'd like to at least guarantee myself one Edward.

    ...Might toss a few orbs at Takumi though. I really need more Close Counter...

  16. Eliwood looks pretty great. Something about him is off to me, but it's leagues better than his standard outfit.

    Still wouldn't buy the pass, not even for Nino. However, if a resplendent Matthew shows up, I will have no choice but to buy it. No question. Matt's pretty low priority though so I don't see that happening any time soon. Same for Serra who would probably make me buy the pass as well.

  17. @mcsilas @Alexmender @mampfoid @DLNarshen @Landmaster @SatsumaFSoysoy @daisy jane @Sunwoo @Dayni

    @Roflolxp54 Congrats on your +10 Lyn! As someone who's wanted to +10 her myself, I feel bad for not giving you the props you deserve!

    So if you guys didn't see, I got a Hector for my free *5 which was great. I went in on the tickets on the new heroes banner. Passed up a lot of reds and blues so no *5's wasn't a big surprise but I only spent 4 orbs so no big loss there. I went back to the revival banner with 29 orbs and a 4.67% rate. With just a little hope and the comfort of the Hector I just pulled, I pulled any reds I saw and passed on all greens but one, lucky me, as that one green I pulled finally netted me another Ross!

    Down to 10 orbs rather quickly, I went back in expecting 3 red stones as that's how things usually go. To my surprise there was just one, and inside it?



    The relief I feel inside is immesurable. Maybe it's only one, but maybe only one is all I need. After blowing my 140+ stash on Bramimond (whom I did get!) I didn't have much hope at pulling even a single Lyn merge, but I persisted all the same with the meager orbs I had left and after a bit of rate raising, here she is. +SPD/-RES so I actually maybe should think weather I want to keep +ATK or go +SPD since I'm not sure what's better at the highest level.

    All the same... Lyn is a record breaker as my first *5 exclusive to go up to +4 (Hector would already be there, but DC is too good to pass up. Ironically he's my favorite male character and he'd be around +5 if I only merged him.) And she gets a beautiful +1 to ATK and SPD. I think I'll start giving her Dragonflowers now. Maybe next year we'll get her to +10. Who knows? 

    Now I can officially save.

  18. @mcsilas Sheesh those are some quality pulls! Especially that Mareeta!

    Everyone's pulls have been so great on this banner. I hope the same will ring true for me as I haven't used my tickets yet. I did however, use my free *5 summon. (excuse the volume icon)


    Literally best case scenario. One green stone, Hector's in it, and he's even +ATK/-HP. I don't even know where to begin. If this is a sign of things to come I'm ecstatic.

  19. I was annoyed that such a useless unit for fodder appeared as our next Ephemera prize, then I realized I actually have a -SPD OG Alm. Suddenly this is a nice little reward.

    No real use for Green Olwen, but it'll be nice to have her in my pocket if I pull a -ATK or -SPD one. Since she's pretty useless for fodder there's no real chance of me feeding her to anyone.

  20. Overwhelmingly disappointing batch of refines.

    Gunter's refine is decent. Gives him a bit of support and utility. He debuffs likely the bulkiest unit on the enemy team while buffing cav/inf allies for the same stat as well as himself. It's a nice little buff that he can stack with drives and a chill for support utility. The weapon isn't the problem. The problem is it's on Gunter who just doesn't have the stats to utilize this weapon as anything other than a support bot. He's shoehorned into a support role which is one newer units fill better due to overall superior statlines. He's servicable, it's just that there's still little reason to use him. He needed an OP weapon like the newer units and he didn't get one. Expected, but still a shame. Guess it's time the old man retired.

    Eirika's refine is worthless. I figured they'd take the 100% HP requirement off and give her an additional effect. Instead they doubled down on it. Giving her a decent stat boost when her opponent is at full health, but the tome remains worthless in any other scenario. Removing penalties is a nice bonus but it's just a cherry on top of an already mediocre cake. A blade tome is still better which is sad. To think I was prepared to use dew on my +2 Eirika. Hard pass.

    Gaius refine is a weird one. He only get a few more points of damage from his % increase along with Darting Blow 2 but he's pretty fast so it's decent. Then if the opponent is at 100% and he's got an AoE special he gets true damage added during combat and a flat +7 added to his AoE special. They are neat perks that help him and they carve him out a little niche but they aren't enough to help his abysmal damage. If anything though, the true damage during combat will help seal the deal against opponents he'd normally do a flat 0 to so it's a servicable refine. I don't think it's enough to put him on par with a lot of the other daggers but those who love him and want to invest in him will be able to put in work. Special Spiral and Flashing Blade 4 seem like pretty great choices for his kit also. He's the clear winner, but only if you plan to +10 him and invest at the highest level, otherwise keep moving.

    Ursula's is trash. It's literally just Matthew's refine on a Wolf tome which is unbelievably lazy. What's worse is that it's on a weapon with no natural debuffs which means she either relies on team comp or is restricted to Chills, Threatens and Smokes to increase damage.

    The only bright side to this set of refines is that I don't have any real investment in any of these characters or units so I'm unaffected. I will say though that the idea of a +SPD Flashing Blade 4, Special Spiral, SPD Smoke, Darting Blow/Brazen ATK SPD Gaius with his refine sounds pretty fun. Like a Mini-Igrene.

    EDIT: I think a build like this would be pretty good for Gaius.


    +12 True damage whenever he's faster than his opponent which is basically all the time. Special Spiral which will proc and FB4 will get his special ready immediately, Rouse SPD/DEF for additional speed on the constant (Rouse ATK/SPD would be ideal if it existed at the time of writing) and Darting Blow basically for insurance but Swift Sparrow if you want a bit more kick would work just as well. With a build like this Gaius would need a round of combat in order to get going unless you run Quickened + Time's Pulse and ran him on a double IP team. But as soon as his special is ready (Which it would be after a single round of combat he's good to go.

    @XRay Your thoughts?

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