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Posts posted by Zeo

  1. So this is the New Heroes banner, huh? Forgot Fallen Heroes was a may thing... well, let's take a look. Obviously no *4 unit or demote here. I think they could have done the *4 thing without demoting the unit ala' seasonals, but given how powerful the units on these banners tend to be (barring F!Celica lol) it makes sense that it's not a thing here. So let's see...

    FM!Corrin looks like a monster, right down the the art. Everything about him screams "I'm better than my female counterpart" or at least it would if he wasn't blue. Being colorless keeps her a notch above him. The Guard effect on him is going to be a nightmare to deal with and since he's in the normal pool we can look forward to seeing him in Training Tower, Tempest Trials and... *shudders* Hall of Forms.... ugh. Also T4 Solo skills suck. You have have gone for a penalty nullification or at the very least +8. Given how hard it'll be to procure these skills, the +1 difference is peanuts. Enough rambling.

    F!Lyon is actually the star here. He straight up says "oh you're ranged? screw you" with a non-conditional, straight up 50% damage reduction from all sources and colorless advantage. He alone is going to completely change the way Aether raids is played. I may have to make a new team just to account for him. Ugh... facing him on defense teams is going to suck royally. Lets just give him Bonus Doubler and Null-C on top just to make sure you can't chip him either. Disgusting.

    F!Julia is horrific also. -8 ATK/RES pretty much all the time so she's incredibly tanky, packs a huge punch and if you're not part of the 10% of the roster that deals effective damage to dragons then you basically just lose. Naga circumvents her a bit as far as AR goes in Astra season but considering her ATK is likely going to be through the roof she probably doesn't even need 2 hits to kill you.

    F!Ike was a shameless choice when Greil canonically went berserk, of course they did it for the money but it was a big missed opportunity. He's shared with Julia but don't let that deter you. First he gets a powercrept Ragnell that turns debuffs into combat buffs which is just nonsense on top of a DC weapon. Then he gets reskinned radiant aether because duh. Then we top it off with Repel and Darting Breath after a thousand years. So pretty much he's designed to screw you over in Aether Raids. If you don't have a strong enough blue you're done.

    All of these units trigger me heavily because they invalidate my Matthew massively. Especially Lyon. This is going to change the way I and a lot of people play AR which.... frankly, sucks. As far as fodder value goes this banner is as premium as it gets. But honestly I'm not super interested in any of the units. It would be an easy skip if not for the tickets. I'll probably nab greens and reds and be done with it.

  2. @mampfoid @Alexmender @mcsilas @DLNarshen @Landmaster @SatsumaFSoysoy

    Don't think I haven't seen everyone's posts. Jealous of people pulling Edelgard but I can live without her for now. My new budget forces me to use a lot more restraint and think about my choices.

    So it's my birthday today~ And I was thinking I'd allot 20 more orbs to the legendary banner to see what I can grab if anything. So I went back to the Legendary banner one last time and 14 orbs later~


    Technically speaking this is worst case scenario (aside from of course nothing) but I couldn't lose sniping green and colorless. This Larum is +DEF/-SPD, but she's a dancer, one with eff damage against dragons and 40 Dragonflowers. So the value is 100% there. Plus now I have a dancer for FE6 clears if I want to be a purist. Not the best *5 in the world but I'll take the birthday present regardless and I got it for a steal.

    With 11 tickets unclaimed on the picnic banner, 4 more on the way and a strong Fallen Heroes banner with 5 free summons there I seriously have to watch my orbs right now. I'm at 55 now after spending the 14 on the Leg just now and I'm 37/120 on my budget so I have to be really careful or I'll be SoL when the mythic drops or heaven forbid the seasonal banner has something that catches my interest.

  3. 1 hour ago, eclipse said:

    My inner score freak wants every last point!

    61M to 72M. Not bad at all. This round could go either way. It also means this round is particularly susceptible to same hell for hours and hours.

    Of course I love Nino, so I'll be supporting her like I've already been doing. It's honestly criminal that my Nino has cookie cutter fury desp. I wonder what premium fodder I could give her.

    Oh! I know! Fury 4!

  4. 11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Looks like the next trailer's gonna go up tomorrow and on my birthday! It better be something exciting for me or it's going to feel like my day is ruined. 😞

    ...Your birthday is a day before mine?

    Anyways I was expecting it to come on the 6th, but either way and long as it drops before the legendary banner expires I'm good so I can know If it's safe to go back in for mystic boost fodder, or of course Edelgard herself.

  5. So... I was thinking about doing an actual defense team for dark season and I kinda want to do an armor core (stacking Wary Fighter + Ward Armor still a thing?) but I lack OP armor dragons so I'm kinda at a loss, is it possible for me to make one?

    This is what I have for armors.

    • Valentine Ike
    • Halloween Hector
    • Arden
    • Black Knight
    • Zelgius
    • Winter Nino
    • Halloween Ilyana
    • Winter Robin
    • Brave Hector
    • Valentine Lyn
    • Effie
    • Picnic Lukas
    • OG Hector
    • Valentine Hector
    • Brave Ephraim
    • Halloween Henry
    • Surtr
    • Amelia
    • Winter Jaffar
    • Winter Lissa
    • Picnic Felicia
    • Halloween Dorcas
    • Winter Eirika
    • Halloween Jakob
    • Winter Cecillia

    Brammimond is my only dark mythic so he'd be off to the side giving everyone HP+5/ATK+3 but I was thinking stacking Ward Armor and maybe Wary Fighter for everyone except Winter Eirika and giving her her base kit with a couple of armors that share ATK so everyone can get +7 ATK/+5 DEF & RES. Then give her QP so she can proc Heavenly Light on the first turn and have a healing station right next to the team. Maybe Surtr in front with Brave Hector to his side and V!Ike to his other with like Halloween Ilyana behind the unit on the left and Eirika behind Surtr.


    Just spitballing currently. I don't really know how to make defense teams. Never learned.

  6. 56 minutes ago, mampfoid said:


    (deep voice) Yay! 

    Good luck holding your stash together. 😉


    70 orbs already. Not doing too bad so far. One colorless orb on this new banner made it easy to avoid spending any orbs. But I may yolo just a little for a last try at close counter before today is over. Who knows when the chance for it will come around again.

    My new limit is 100-120 per month though so I'm trying to avoid spending anything at least  until looking at the new heroes banner trailer that'll probably drop on my birthday (the 6th).

  7. @XRay @DLNarshen @Alexmender @mampfoid @mcsilas @SatsumaFSoysoy @Hilda @Landmaster @Ice Dragon @Kaden @Tybrosion

    I've got more than one question, but I'm going to keep this post brief with just the one.

    Ross wants Infantry Breath support badly, and Lute, his best pal would love nothing more than to prove her superiority by boasting just how useless he is without her support. And she wants to rub it in his face even further by giving him instant Sol/Noontime procs. Problem is... I have 2 Nahs... and both natures are great, so I don't know which one to fodder.

    (I know units like OG Marth, etc may be better units for Infantry Breath but Lute/Ross is a pair made in heaven so I've 100% decided she's getting it. Still you can give me suggestions if you think there are other Inf. Breath candidates I should look at, my mind's made up though.)

    So... my first Nah is +DEF/-HP and my 2nd Nah who I was ready to fodder as soon as I saw her is... +ATK/-RES. Yep, so I'm torn as to which I should part with. On one hand, +ATK is probably one of her best natures if not her best and if I grab a merge for her later on It'll get rid of her -RES bane and she'll probably have the best boon. On the other hand, with +DEF/-HP she trades the 38/29 bulk spread she'd have with the +ATK nature for a much much nicer 41/32 which just looks a lot nicer to my eye.

    I know realistically she would like something like Distant Counter or Lightning Breath or... more investment to be a powerhouse and I basically haven't even used either Nah since I got her outside of training to get to level 40, but It's my perpetual indecisiveness that's stopping me from just throwing my hands up and foddering one, so I'd like some help. Though I'm leaning towards +DEF/-HP because I feel like +3 to both DEF/RES may be better than +3 ATK alone.


  8. 10 hours ago, Kaden said:

    In some stroke of fortune or misfortune, I am now one of the few summoners of Luke. May his legend never be remembered.

    I remember my first Luke pitybreaker. He was even +HP/-ATK. The exact nature every other unfortunate soul that pulls him gets. I pulled a +SPD one later on and he does have a refine he can get now with easy dull close fodder ala' Cormag. Still it's hard to justify his value or even worth as a *5 exclusive today.

    Man... if the 15 tickets had been on the Takumi banner that's about to expire... I would have been all in. It's pretty sad, considering how an outdated banner like that one has more value for me (and probably a lot of other people) than this one. It seems like this banner was either a really random decision, or an intentional one to see how many people would spend on a banner as uninteresting as this one.

  9. Pretty fantastic start to the month as far as getting me to save and be more disciplined. I have a new self imposed budget of 100-120 orbs I can spend per month. With that, plus documentation in an excel file (overkill I know) it'll be much easier to stock up on orbs for Lyn/Edward.

    This banner made it pretty easy with me already having Genny, Felicia and an optimal Lukas. Red and Green are pretty much the only appealing colors for fodder purposes and wouldn't you know it? No greens and only one red showed up in the circle. Laslow graced me with his presence for 0 orbs spent.

    In an act of new found discipline, I've decided I'm not going to summon on this banner until I have all 15 tickets.

    I've also decided that barring a last minute yolo on the Close Counter banner tomorrow, I'm not going to spend any orbs until my birthday on the 6th.

    Look at me, I'm a big boy now.

  10. Spoiler

    Hm... 15 tickets for one banner and it's just the picnic one? That's disappointing. I suppose the best way to look at that would be 15 chances for Bold or Special Fighter fodder depending on your needs. I already have everyone but Flora (somehow) on the banner so it's pretty easy to grab fodder.

    20 orbs is nice, for Golden week they could have sprung for more but it's ok. Disappointing that it's just a rudimentary log-in bonus. Should have just dropped the 20 orbs straight away.

    Lack of Divine Codes (Part 1) is also disappointing. Guess we can't say no to free stuff though. Hope I can nab at least one P!Felicia to give SF to Amelia.


  11. 31 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Only problem with Reinhardt and Olwen getting separate refines is that their Dire Thunders are the same weapon, while there are effectively multiple Falchions in the game. Base Marth has a different Falchion than base Alm, who has a different Falchion from base Chrom, Lucina, and Masked Marth. The latter three have the same refine because theirs are the same.

    I say coding work because it should technically be possible within the game itself. 

    As far as lore goes, are we really restricting ourselves to something as flimsy as continuity in the game where units that don't have prfs in their original games have prfs (Lute, Mia, etc) and pre-time skip characters are getting their post-time skip weapons? (Annette). Just separate the weapons. Game balance should always be the most important thing with things like lore and source material faithfulness as maybe a close 2nd.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Still couldn't be more annoying than Kiria or Lysithea. Especially Kiria.

    The lull res refine would really help Olwen out, but I suppose if IS were afraid of Reinhardt snapping the game in half they could do a heavy blade refine instead. It wouldn't be nearly as useful on Olwen though.

    Problem with Heavy Blade is that Rein becomes that much more of a pain, can run Moonbow for free with Death Blow 7 and get instant special procs while Olwen gets effectively nothing. Then if we take it up to HB4, Olwen becomes a better unit, but still not great and Reinhardt successfully snaps the game in half.

    Best way would just to do some coding work if possible and give them two separate refines ala' Falchion.

    5 minutes ago, XRay said:

    It is honestly not that bad.

    For something game breaking, I recommend Raging Storm as part of the the base effect with the Refinement being unconditional Wings of Mercy/Escape Route.


    You know what? Forget that, why not just give him Holsety with the Bold Fighter effect?

  13. 6 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

    @Zeo You can finally grab old accessories now in the Accessory Shop with the new update!

    Just need R&R affinity for those sunglasses!

    It's about time! Seigbert and Narcian are getting refines as well! I feel bad for the two of them as Siegbert probably won't get the golden boy treatment Roy did even though he's his direct competition and Narcian... they just don't really care about GHBs. Runeaxe gives me hope though since that had HP siphon in FE6 so maybe it'll be like Sol Lance which would admittedly be pretty cool (but not enough to make me use Narcian until he gets a resplendent form to replace that terrible art of his.).

    Gwendolyn just makes me feel bad for all the Sheena players since she's a far more commonly invested OG armor and Leon... meh, archers never get good refines (sans Niles) and I don't care for that particular one.

    As for us being on topic! I have 44 orbs now and I'm itching to spend them but I've gotta wait.... Close Call... Close Counter... Distant Counter, Special Fighter, ATK/SPD Solo, Lull ATK/SPD, Edelgard, Mystic Boost, Melancholy+.... so many things floating around right now, it's crazy. Plus there's Golden week and that's not even accounting for the New Heroes banner coming on the 8th which could be Edward... then when the month starts my self imposed limit of 100-120 orbs per month will be inacted and It'll be torture not being able to spend anything if I blow them all at the start of the month.


    So yeah.

  14. @Hilda This GHB is pretty easy but I admire your ability to clear it with the trio with no SI. Sure it's possible, but the effort to do it is something I'm sure most people lack. Your dedication is something else.

    @LordFrigid Kinda refreshing seeing Naesala more or less take Tibarn's place as the flying beast sweeper in this clear. Even if Tibarn himself does a better job at the role overall. Fun.

    @Nanima I'd almost forgotten how satisfying it is to see Skadi's effect in action. F!Takumi set the stage for this battle. Wiping the raven mage clean and setting up all the enemies for basically a clean sweep. I'm actually pretty interested in seeing what kind of refines him and Gharnef would get if they were on the table.

    @Alexmender A classic Eirika clear. No less than I'd expect. Still, taking no damage from the boss of the level with WTD is pretty much impressive no matter what. Even if this is an old clear it still holds up.

    @Sasori Siegbert MVP here. He opened up the map in a particularly brave fashion (ha, I made a joke, cause he was competition for Brave Roy before his refine, eh? eh?) and laid the groundwork for the rest of the team. They stood their ground pretty impressively the next couple turns. But it was all just setup so he could come back in and sweep again at the end. Bonus points for using Alfonse as well, don't see that every day. Not then, not now.

    @mampfoid Wow... watching one of your clears brought me down a bit. In a nostalgic way but still. Unlike me, after you stopped doing clears you really stopped and didn't come back. Can't imagine how easy it must be for you to clear content now if you're still doing one turn clears without recording.

    @kirauza343 Another classic. Admittedly I didn't start watching your clears until much later but I don't see you do clears too much now either. A fun watch as always, I can always count on you to showcase why Celica is still one of the strongest mages around.

    @Landmaster Nah ate the map. M!Morgan and Yarne pitched in to be sure and S!Lucina did some surprise tanking but the lead of this team was obvious. She's actually really a powerhouse. I'd forgotten with all these armor dragons running around. Too many units want DC though, she needs that to be great. Also reminds me that I have a +ATK/-RES and +DEF/-HP one and I don't know which one to keep and which to feed to Lute... on one hand I'm getting more ATK power and when I eventually get a 3rd Nah I'm set... on the other hand the other Nah has +3 to both DEF and RES as a trade off... crap I started rambling. Anyways, great clear and the theme was... oddly satisfying. I felt like I should have been cringing, yet I actually enjoyed it. To my own surprise.

    Elise clear was great as well.

    @DLNarshen Ah yes... lord Julius. What can I say about this guy that I haven't already. Such a fun unit. His damage is insane and the healing from Mystic Boost is so good. Then there's the -6 damage from all sources. He's a freaking beast and It's never not fun to watch him work. As someone who always wanted a Mystic Boost tank but never pulled a 4th Eir, I really enjoy him.

    @Ginko Ha, I've missed these guys. deceptively fast Shiro, galeforcer Siegbert, tactical nuke Kagero and clutch dancer Ryoma. Map? what map? All I saw was a slaughter.

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Almost missed this one. Hm, so this is when Kagero's refine was new, huh? Bunch of different feelings from this clear. Kagero has me wondering what my game would have turned out like if I'd picked her as my dagger project instead of Matthew way back when. Eirika is a unit I've never actually seen in a clear which is neat and Sophia seriously takes me back to the early days where she was one of my best clutch units. I lowkey wanted resplendent Sophia if we're being honest. Clear was great as I'm sure you already know.

    @Frosty Nice Canas clear with fun editing. Poor guy needs a prf so bad. Blade tomes can allow anyone to shine however so at least mages have that (except for colorless ones!) I remember I considered building him when I saw he was going to be a unit and it depended on his skills and stats.... I'm sure you know that didn't happen. Which only makes me respect your favoritism even more.

    @mcsilas Team effort here. I kept being terrified that Gerome was going to get wiped by many of the magic users on this map but his team mates had his back and your positioning was on point. Everybody flowed well here, especially considering there was no healing to speak of. Due to the nature of all the ranged units Owain didn't get to do too much, but at the very least he got to claim the glory of the final strike. Thing about him is that his skill set practically screams (Give me Distant Counter!!!!) it's like that for a lot of units, sadly.

    @daisy jane @eclipse @BoaFerox @Cute Chao @Usana @Sunwoo @Dayni

    Jesus that was a lot... I definitely understand why I'm so backed up. Watching and commenting on clears is more time consuming than actually doing and uploading my own. After everything I just typed though I'm gonna be brief. I have a lot of clears... like 10+ I haven't uploaded because I simply haven't had the time. The only way I could realistically pump them out with any relative speed would be to skip other people's clears and that would make me feel a certain way so we'll have to go about this at a snail's pace.

    This particular clear is from quite a while ago. Not her debut but probably her 2nd or 3rd rerun, not sure which. I did it quite a while ago. I'm picking this GHB to post because it's just one clear.

    For my own very, very late clear. This is one of my earlier clears taking Ross for a spin with his bestie, Lute. Their teammates today are Mia and Silque. I remember getting a little annoyed when I was actually recording but when I look back on it this was a pretty simple clear. Just a matter of giving people the right seals for some key moments. I highlighted them for the most part during the clear. I know for one that the Spur ATK/SPD seal on Mia and the Darting Blow seal on Ross were crucial.

    Anyways, that's all. Just watch Ross be a boss. Oh, and the others are there too~


  15. As busted as I expected, and then some.

    Edelgard is ridiculous. If she's alone she gets ATK/DEF Solo and a dual phase Impact skill so lol @ doubling her if you don't have Null Followup. Then she gets automatic Galeforce if she initiates combat so essentially she gets to run 2 specials unless you give her GF in which case she's the only unit in the game that can move 3 times on one turn which is terrifying, oh and she destroys beasts and dragons if they're alone just cause. Then you have her inheritable C skill which gives her Armor March without the need to waste her seal or be in an armor emblem team just as the cherry on top. And she gets ATK/RES Solo just to prop up her ATK more and give her mixed bulk just in case you think you're going to oneshot her with magic.

    She is a terrifying unit. Both on her own and because of what her C skill means for armor units that want to be run out of emblem teams. I know my Amelia would love her C Skill.

    Now lets look at everything else, Edelgard for one is in good company. L!Celica is amazing and Nagi is not only fantastic but delicious fodder on all fronts. 

    Blue has Duo Ephraim who's very powerful and good fodder but there's also Tsubasa who's uninteresting due to her saturated class and Nagi, who while nice for AR has decreased massively in quality and desirability after Altina was given for free. So blue is a pretty meh color.

    Red is the stinker, Marth is fine but if you're not merging him then more than one is a waste. Ryoma is in need of a refine or something because he's lacking. Hrid is the only standout because of DC but it's not worth pulling either of the other two even if my current L!Ryoma is -ATK, I didn't even pull that one intentionally.

    Colorless is actually pretty great. You can't go wrong with Mystic Boost fodder and Silque holds probably the best staff in the game so that's just stellar on two different fronts. Larum is probably the stinker here but that's not saying much as she's a pretty strong dancer in her own right and even as fodder her weapon, Disarm Trap and SPD/RES gap are passable. Chances are you will find a use for one of those things if you don't need another dancer, which generally you always could use an extra.

    Green > Colorless >>> Red = Blue

    Red and blue are pretty much hard skips outside of the discounted circle. I'm going to go for a full pull when the banner drops but chances are if I get say, one green or one colorless and then 4 red/blue or better yet, no green/colorless I'm just going to do the full pull and bounce. Between this banner, Close Counter, Close Call and Merric/Caeda (all of which I've unsuccessfully spent a few orbs for) I'm spread too thin currently and after we go into may I'm starting my self imposed 100-120 orb spending limit per month which will be torn into if I do a bunch of spending as soon as the may orbs come in. I've got to wait for the New Heroes banner and see if Edward is going to drop. So saving is crucial right now.

    Wish I could go all in on this banner though, for sure. It's a good one.

  16. Between Marth, Seliph, M!Byleth and Leif, Chrom's best shot is in 2022 assuming the game is still kicking at that point, which is sad as I like Chrom but yeah. I'll be shocked if he wins before the game croaks. That being said, even with the the escalation of powercreep and the game's inevitable decline, I hope it doesn't go anywhere anytime soon.

  17. 22 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The trigger was back in October when I needed to do repairs on my car (broken diagnostics sensors), which ended up costing me a bit over $1,000 and dug pretty sharply into my gacha fund, requiring me to reduce spending for a while. Additionally, the meta has been pretty stagnant since then and there really hasn't been anything that has been added to the game that has been a must-have to merge (besides Altina, but I got lucky and pulled 9 copies of her on a fraction of my usual budget on her release banner), so I haven't really felt the need to spend the same amount of money on the game as before.

    There's also the fact that I'm splitting my (now smaller) gacha fund four ways now due to the release of Monster Hunter Riders and the fact that I'm buying console games again (and that's now coming from my gacha fund instead of my anime merch fund).

    What is your job and how can I apply for it? If you have a gacha and anime merch fund and either of those even combined exceeds $1000 I want to jump on the bandwagon ASAP...

    In a way FEH is quite demanding when it comes to microtransactions. 1000+ orbs on average is what's necessary to +10 a unit on a new or special heroes banner if I recall. Even if you subtract the 350 or so orbs we get for the month that's still 750, if you haven't saved that's $375 per +10 every 2 weeks.  That's a lot to spend on a mobile game. And that's if you only want to +10 one unit and they aren't sharing a focus.


  18. Staff units are fine as is. Razzle Dazzle remains a particularly potent combination that only the likes of the rare Null-C-Disrupt skill counters and they are terrifying debuffs that double as healers. The Melancholy staff is a particularly scary thing to face if you don't go the traditional Pain+ route.

    The only thing they really need is for older staff units to get their own prfs. As they currently function healers are more or less interchangable with newer ones with superior statlines being strictly better than their Gen 1-2 counterparts. The only exceptions are those with prfs. Those prfs would promote a unique additional role a lot of the healers could play in addition to the standard Razzle Dazzle. Without this, character bias aside there's no real reason to use, say, Serra/Lucius over Mercedes.

  19. Incredibly boring results... mostly.

    F!Byleth was an entirely predictable and boring choice. Protag from the newest FE and it's a girl so duh.

    Lyon was nice, kinda boring but fine. I do like him and he deserves an alt if we're headed there.

    Dancing Duo made sense from a canonical perspective but it's still the most boring choice considering both of these units already have DANCING ALTS IN THE GAME.

    Detective Duo is by far the most interesting with Matt and Leila but I can't help but that feel like there were funner choices outside of two obvious spies.

    Camilla is just a perpetual facepalm and a sexually charged vote magnet. It's sad that the reasons most of the voters would pick her for their sibling are likely incestual in nature which... I can't even entertain.

    I hope units won't come out of this.... a Matthew/Leila duo unit would utterly devour any semblance of orb stash that I could potentially build up.

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