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Posts posted by Zeo

  1. 40 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

    Thanks, good luck on getting Lyn! Hope things are well for you.

    @mampfoid @daisy jane

    I decided this is the best chance to get Idunn after so long, so I spent my 60 orbs.

    Main got a +HP/-Atk Idunn in the 3rd circle after 20 total orbs which is nice. Unfortunate bane but just glad to have her since she always colour-shared after her debut.

    Then on my second account, it wasn't until I had 3 orbs left before I left with a +Atk/-Spd Idunn. Mucccch better. Now if I somehow free summon Spring Idunn then I can finally complete the two-eye colour team with Ranulf and Peri.

    ...Sadly I tried again on my main for a better Idunn but just left with 0 orbs. Well I have decent fodder with a Hinata in there somewhere at least. Better call it quits and save TT orbs for the mythic. 


    Yeah, things are pretty good I'd say.

    Fantastic on those Idunn pulls despite the bane on your main. It really tempts me to keep trying as those 9 orbs were actually on the 2nd circle... I could try a 3rd but probably a bad idea. I should probably just leave well enough alone.

  2. Wow... this is one of the most skippable banners in recent memory.

    Est is whatever. Duel Chill is interesting but ultimately the only purpose she serves is to make AR Light Season a pain. Her offenses are to be expected but it's just... stale and somewhat toxic in the grand scheme of things.

    Fir is the most interesting one on the banner as a fast axe flier. Null Followup Armor Eff Slaying weapon is great. Just don't care for bunnies and she's unecessary for me still.

    Narcian is the trash demote unit the game is obligated to give now so they purposefully make them garbage. Lance flier cause of course we want more of those. Only thing interesting is the lance but most of the lance units that matter have prfs so it's almost like what's the point.

    Duo Idunn is disgusting. I still don't have a red armor dragon so I'm sure she'd be fantastic. Can't help but feel like she'll just be even more cancer for AR though. Regular Idunn was hard enough to deal with but this Idunn is just too much. I may have to actually craft a second light team just for units like this. Matthew can do literally nothing against her.

    Bartre is the sacrifice. They had a chance to make him interesting and give us FE7 Bartre but instead is just dad Bartre again and they even shoved him into the most saturated class in the game so he's doomed to a life of mediocrity and being overshadowed. His weapon will probably be a sword version of Narcians which is cool I guess but then the problem is the same as the lances for units to inherit it on.

    It's like the game knew I wanted to save. And with no Forging Bonds for Tickets and the TT featuring one of my main team's units (Fae!) there's 0 incentive to spend orbs on anything more than the initial discounted pool.

    Pulling all but colorless on the first circle and I'm out.

  3. @mcsilas Fantastic set of pulls there! Dierdre at the end is great too. Sorry I've been dark a while. Things are busy this month.

    Spent 9 orbs for a chance at Idunn. Regretted it. Reposition fodder would make people happy, but I have like 10 Silases so it's pretty meh for me.

    63 went down to 54 which is negligible... or it would be if the weekly revival for Lyn wasn't in a month. Those few orbs could have been a lucky merge.

  4. 4 hours ago, Baldrick said:

    I've only timed out when using a EP team against a stall map, but that's just me being lazy. When taking this mode seriously, I would always build a PP team and use it when I see a map designed to stall you out. It's foolhardy to rely on one team for every kind of map instead of using a horses-for-courses approach.

    Guess you could say I'm lazy then. I use Matthew/Aversa/Eirx3 for everything in light season and win 80% of the time. I will admit that the occasional Idunn can be problematic and certain compositions with firesweep/dazzling can be an issue, the biggest issue being Tibarn + dancers. But generally things are pretty cake.

    Astra is a lot harder, I used a makeshift team and barely got by until I got NY!Alfonse and gave him an astra blessing. My strat with him uses bonus doubler and L!Azura so Panic Manor is a bigger presence but he gets by, though it's considerably harder. I'm pretty bad with Galeforce and meh with PP teams these days. Matthew has spoiled me at this point. Before him I'd use nothing but Nino and Bridelia in the old days.

  5. That feeling you get when your Leif is 10 points of ATK short of killing a stat inflated Beruka and realize if you'd replaced Growing Light with Blazing Wind instead of grabbing Warding Stance 3 you could have killed her, then you lose Chamber 21 because of it and have to wait until tomorrow to finish HoF. 

    Worst. Feeling. Ever.

  6. At this point in the game the Askr trio deserves a definitive upgrade. We could go the merge route with manuals but I think on top of that we could do something a little special for the trio themselves. We could do manuals plus a story mode upgrade but only if you've cleared a certain chapter in Book V (yes, next book) and all story chapters beforehand. So newer players have access to it, but it'll take a long time.

    As for the upgrades, the manuals would allow for you to eventually +10 them all so that's 4 stats, then the story upgrade would give them new skills and prfs along with +2 for all stats and new art ala resplendent making for +6 to all stats which I think isn't bad at all. With that their statlines would be a lot more respectable, though still a bit dated. It's like them promoting.

    Along with that we'd get a new toys and upgrades for each one. As usual I'll spitball out of my own head. 

    • Alfonse: 49/41/31/38/28
    • Weapon: Folkvangr (Awakened): Grants weapon-triangle advantage against colorless foes, and inflicts weapon-triangle disadvantage on colorless foes during combat.
      At start of combat, if unit's HP ≤ 80%, grants ATK/DEF +7 during combat. If unit's HP > 50% at start of combat unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
    • Special: Open The Future (3 Cooldown): Boosts damage by 50% of unit's Def. Restores HP = 25% of damage dealt.
    • Prf B Skill: Gustav's BlessingGives Atk+20% if weapon-triangle advantage, If affinity disadvantage exists, weapon triangle affinity granted by foe's color and skills is reversed. 


    • Sharena: 49/38/38/35/28
    • Weapon: Fensalir (Awakened)Neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat (fortify, rally, etc), if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants ATK/SPD/DEF/RES +4 during combat and Special cooldown charge +1 per attack.
    • Assist: Accel: Grants +4 to ATK/SPD/DEF/RES  to target ally for 1 turn, grants Special cooldown charge +1 to target ally.
    • Prf C Skill: Rejuvinate: At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to an ally, removes all penalties and negative status effects for unit and adjacent allies. Grants effective damage to unit and adjacent allies against foes of the same movement type. (IE, Armors get armor effective damage).


    • Anna: 47/35/44/28/34
    • Weapon: Noatun (Awakened): Accelerates Special Trigger (Cooldown count -1), If unit's HP ≤ 50%, unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally. If unit's HP ≥ 50%, unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces. Calculate's damage using the lower of foe's DEF or RES.
    • Special: 2nd Act (4 Cooldown): If unit initiates combat, grants another action to unit after combat. (Once per turn.) When Special triggers, inflicts "restricts movement to 1 space" on unit and Pair Up cohort through their next action. If special is ready at start of combat, grant's Special cooldown charge +1 per attack.
    • Prf A Skill: Commander's Charge: If unit initiates combat, grants Atk+6, Def+10 during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

    I pretty much busted the trio wide open. If you TL:DR then they all get +6 to all stats and a short paragraph for each.

    Alfonse gets an onmi-breaker if he's above half health, the raven tome effect on his sword along with triangle adept so 40% ATK against greens and colorless and Cancel Affinity 4 against blues. Giving him +40% ATK against greens and greys and a neutral matchup against reds and blues. He's an omni-tank at this point. He still gets oneshot by strong mages though. He also gets Open the Future because duh.

    Sharena gets an a spectrum rally along with the first assist that gives +1 to cooldown. She also neutralizes all buffs and gets +4 to all stats and  gets a breath effect if she's near an ally. She also neutralizes all negative effects and stat debuffs and grants effective damage to herself and allies against units of the same movement type.

    Anna gets adaptive damage (which she always needed) and a killer effect on top of her warping and gets Sturdy Impact with a Guard effect tacked on for good measure. She gets Leif's prf galeforce at 4 CD instead of 3, but with the added effect of +1 cooldown if she starts combat with the special already ready.

    I don't think even all these things make any of them best-in-class but it certainly makes them forces of nature. I'd see it as Book V going back to Embla, Veronica returning as the villain and the Trio all promoting for one final assault to close the story (at least the Embla era of it). This would be a free upgrade but you would need Dew for their weapons and you'd have to have completed every chapter of every book up to the current one.

  7. I'm actually on Chamber 18 because I failed once or twice in a later stage and also went back a couple times to grind levels/skills in prep for the higher chambers. It's highly likely I'll be able to beat chamber 21, get those torches and wrap up all the new ones in one fell swoop, but I'll only have one chance to do it. Anyways, my units.


    Leif: The star, surprisingly. He grew extraordinarily well, his Prf came quick and though I missed S-Drink on the first go it just kept coming back. ATK/SPD Push 4 was his initial A Skill but then DC came as a surprise and I grabbed it immediately. Since then he's been the carry instead of Olwen, surprisingly. ATK/SPD Gap came literally the Chamber before the last. I'm not sure if I'd replace it with Time's Pulse if it showed up but that's a bridge we may or may not cross. All I'm waiting for now is a 3-cooldown special so he can insta proc against someone on the first turn on EP. The rally is just there for Olwen.

    Finn: The struggler. I was really indecicive about him and good skills not coming certainly didn't help. Blue Flame showed up later but I missed a prime opportunity to grab "It's Curtains!" instead of ATK Smoke a few chambers before getting a special (terrible decision) which would have set Finn up for a one-turn Blue Flame which I'm still regretting. He got his last 2 levels on the final chamber by killing stragglers and just got the Carrot Lance a chamber or so before the final one.

    Reinhardt: Struggler #2. It's pretty interesting, good specials would not come except for when SS3, his prf and Joint Hone ATK showed up and no good ones would show up any other time. Even with SS3 he's been having trouble securing kills without a special and he's pretty much cannon fodder on EP as he lacks oomph needed to kill stuff. Heavy Blade 4 showed up but his ATK stat isn't quite where it needs to be for him to benefit. His biggest contribution is his C skill and Rally for Olwen/Leif.

    Olwen: She carried a few chambers with so safe openings for the others but until the rallies started coming for the others she struggled to be the powerhouse you'd expect her to be. She didn't get her prf until halfway through and the lacked access to buffs for a while along with NO good A or B showing up except Fort DEF/RES which I passed on. She does a bit better now but she needs help skill. after all the chambers are done.

    Imagine my joy when Leif grabbed ATK/SPD Gap 3 and it effected both Finn and Olwen who had a combined offensive value of 83 only for Finn to gain a point of SPD and ruin it. If Olwen gets the merge she'll get +1 to ATK and SPD so I'll have to give a merge to both her and him in order for their values to even out again which is annoying.

    I may post up again once all the chambers are done which hopefully I can do tomorrow. I'll have to not fail any of the first three stages (including Chamber 21) but I think I can do it.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Johann said:

    Not to say I have any interest in spending money on this game, but does it say anywhere about hoarding the Forma Souls? Like, could a player save up a few and get multiple Formas if a particular event has multiple characters they want?

    You can stock up, I'm fairly certain I read you don't have to use them on any specific HoF. But I'm also pretty sure you can only grab one unit per HoF. So I don't think you could save up 4 Souls and then like grab all 4 units from one HoF.

  9. So for all those Forma Soul pack buyers I'm going to say the best unit to grab from this HoF is definitely Finn. He costs grails, but if you +10 him he doesn't require any orbs, has no access to natures anyways and this is a prime opportunity to deck him out with premium skills. Of all the units in this group I think he's definitely the best choice.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

    So atk+3 for Elise is too much effort, but building a completely new galeforcer is an easy to make option? 


    Your choices regarding characters are as baffling as your skill in AR.

    I'm really trying not to be that guy, but could you stop being so Vicious, Sal?

  11. Probably the most scary prospect of the FEH Pass for me at this point is the precedent that Sophia being one of the choices brings as well as the reality that if Matthew got a resplendent version I would buy the pass without question. And that's saying a lot because I didn't buy the pass when Lyn was available, and she's my favorite FE character. But I've come to realize she's my favorite character in general FE, but in FEH, Matthew by far takes the cake as my favorite character and unit. I've had my ups and downs in this game but he is the one that has carried me from mid-late game all the way to end game. He has brought me the most enjoyment and fun out of this game as a whole and has continued to do that. He is quite frankly the very reason why I'm still playing this game today.

    If he got a resplendent version with +2 to all stats. I'd buy the pass immediately. 100% guaranteed. And that's somewhat scary to think about, knowing there are plenty of other players that have "that" unit they'd buy the pass for. Lloyd, Rebecca and Eliwood come to mind almost immediately. Athena too.

  12. @mampfoid Nice! +SPD only when you merge her! It's usually you congratulating me. I'm glad I get the chance for once to do the same!

    Nothing for me, spend 4 orbs going for Gray since there were no greens, sadly nothing. I went back into the New Heroes banner, not for a *5 but I actually wanted to try to grab a *4 Ferdinand for his fodder. Not the best use of orbs but I did it anyway, spent 13 orbs as a result which kinda felt like a waste but I did get him! 

    +RES/-DEF so he's pretty safe to fodder. Gonna get him to 40, grab his flowers and probably fodder his Rouse skill to Ross.


  13. 3 hours ago, Icelerate said:

    Would you pull for this Edward? Do you think he will be a trainee? 

    Absolutely. Guard Weapon with Close Call built in? Sign me up. I'd like a few more points in SPD instead of RES or equalize ATK with SPD and a potential superboon in either. I'd be pretty happy with him though even if it's odd to have a Guard weapon instead of a slaying one Makes him deceptively tanky. Aside from that though, his stats are pretty inline with today's units. I have more of a problem with the other units in that post (particularly Leonardo) but that's not relevant.

    And yes, I absolutely think any Tier 1 unit from RD should classify as a trainee. Including the oh so popular Jill.

  14. 41 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

    Do you pull full circles when you get tickets and free summons on new hero banners nowadays? I ended up pulling full circles on this new hero banner because all the characters came with premium skills except Ferdinand and pulling full circle when you get free summons is cost effective. Sadly I didn't get any 5* after spending 75 orbs which is equivalent to 100 orbs if I didn't have tickets and free summon. 

    I do think from now on I will pull full circle 5 times on every new hero banner as long as it comes with 4 free tickets and free summon. 

    Depends, sometimes the units don't appeal to me. If the color of the units that I may want to pull for fill up all the slots in a discounted session then I'll spend the full 15 orbs, maybe even for all the tickets. For the recent new heroes banner I pulled everything but blue and even a little blue (Which I regretted) but I actually ran out of orbs near the end because I hadn't done the quest orbs and don't redeem mailbox orbs anymore (no matter what I'm saving to an extent by doing this.).

    I'm not going to do full circles for every ticket/free summon session, but when it's a good deal for me then sure.

    We're getting close to Tellius banner though, I can feel it. And if we get a Dawn Brigade banner I'm going to be in trouble because I want to +10 Edward as he's probably my 2nd most favorite sword character next to Lyn and he'll be a way more powerful unit due to his BST. Praying he's not in next month's banner.

  15. 27 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    We don't actually get any additional stamina with which to do the additional five stages do we? Worried I'll have to optimise instead of playing super casually like I have been in this mode.

    One forma torch and I think 10 red codes for each stage clear. So a total of 15 additional runs in HoF from all previous ones. If you can actually clear the chambers, that is.

    Chamber 20 was hellish enough, can't even imagine Chamber 25.

  16. So yeah, seems like a pretty easy month to save.

    • None of the rabbits tend to interest me so that's an easy skip. Before Eir was a thing I wanted Kagero and I used to want Camilla for the novelty but with a +2 +SPD Giga!Nino I don't need either. New banner would be shocking if it appealed to me.
    • Valentian Catria and Petra would be pretty cool, but I need neither, so pulling red and blue there in the discounted pull so then I move on.
    • The BHB Banner would be enticing if I cared about Dimitri but I don't, already have Edelgard, one of the Byleths would cool but Claude is just as likely and he's a pass. I'll probably do the full circle so that's 15 orbs down on that banner aside from the non-focus color but then that's done.
    • Wave skills is a wildcard because of how many units could be on that banner. Probably a skip though.
    • Between the likely choices on the orders banner, B!Micaiah is the only unit I'd pull for. Not vigorusly though, so green there and gone.
    • Will pull green and red on the new power banner as I do want Gray, but I'm not going past the discount session there either.

    135 is the max amount of orbs I would be spending if I did a full session on every banner this month. Considering how unlikely that is, I'm predicting around 40-75 orbs being spent across the banners excluding the mythic which is up in the air but likely a 3H one so a pass (unless COLORLESS TOME).

    I'm already getting close to 60 orbs saved up already. It's looking like it's going to be a good month for saving.

  17. @mcsilas Cute clear. It was funny watching everyone's health get chopped away in the EP except for Nah and then have her go "I am SO strong!" directly after. F!Morgan was window dressing for most of the clear but played a crucial role with Tactics buffs and got the decisive kill in the end. Also watched one of your older clears that I saw. M!Kana is a great tank with double brazens but F!Kana did a pretty great job too. I wonder who'd be a good candidate for double Brazen DEF/RES when the seal eventually gets released...

    @Landmaster Really menacing music for a really fast clear. I know from the use of Miracle that the clear took a bit of doing to get done, but the Elises certainly made it look like a cakewalk. S!Elise takes a lot of punishment for a squishy mage I have to say. It's impressive for a Gen 1 seasonal.

    No desire to revisit this map for me. I could have had Serra laugh at it but I didn't see the point. Not unless I could do something fun and I'm currently too indecisive as I continue to sit on my ever growing compendium of unused premium fodder.

  18. @mcsilas I find that the enemy clerics with Trilemma always tend to help my team rather than hurt them. You may have done an awakening clear too, but L!Lucina was the clear star of this one. It's pretty funny, I'm very jealous of yours surviving that blue mage at the beginning because that is something I could not make happen no matter what I did. She zipped around the field gracefully here, showing L!Chrom just who's swapping skill is better. Brady came in clutch for her with his infantry rush while providing some key chipping, Owain (who has the exact same nature as mine btw!) was more on the backend of things but he did his part as well and Inigo did a fantastic job of tanking Chrom with the classic TA Raven. I was wondering if he was going to have to do that for me in my clear but it didn't end up happening. Great stuff here! You wanted to post before me because of similar themes but your clear is in a league all it's own~

    On 3/5/2020 at 7:26 PM, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I thought you've seen my Celica before... Though I didn't use her last month. Kagero really got to do something I think not many other units (or any?) could've done in this one, so I was pretty happy about it.

    Nice power couple. Leila's Ruse was important, and Ross held out better than expected. I knew it was over when Leila was in position to swap Matthew in for the last few enemies. Did you Repo Leila back in so they could get a kill each?

    Serra is always so strong. Unrelated, but I wonder how many people S Supported Serra and Matthew, then pulled Leila.

    I'd actually seen her in your Thrasir clear now that I remember. I actually haven't seen her since then. In anyone elses videos or in FEH itself. The infantry sword pool is just so bloated now.

    I literally did swap her in for that exact reason. It's funny that someone noticed. Matt could have easily taken the last two enemies by himself.

    It's pretty funny actually, I considered supporting Serra and Matt when Matt was freshly build, but Serra was a newly promoted +0 that lacked direction and by the time she was worthy of a support partner, Matt and Inigo had already become bros 4 lyfe.

    On 3/5/2020 at 7:30 PM, DLNarshen said:

    Watching this, I believe it!  Matthew and Leila did what they're built to do of course, but if I'm being honest I was most impressed by Ross's contributions.  One wouldn't think a +1, instant 3-4 unit with no Prf would be able to stand out much on most Abyssal maps, but her comes Ross ready to one-round Chrom and tank red mages of all things.  I could only wish to clear the map without triggering all the reinforcements. x)

    You think he's impressive now? Just wait until he gets his +10 merges, or Time's Pulse... or Rouse SPD/DEF, or Infantry Breath support from Lute... or a prf.


    On 3/5/2020 at 7:30 PM, DLNarshen said:

    Serra and a young male mage huh?  Perhaps we're due for another reunion on the next FE7-themed banner.  Some kind of clever attack + splash damage combo was something I really wanted to do with Kempf in my own clear, but Serra pulls it off really nicely here.  If nothing else it kept the healer distracted. 

    Nice to see that one of Serra's partners in crime, Fae, was able to nab a spot on this team!  It's rare to see anyone using Naga outside of AR (and probably won't be used much there once we get the free Altina).  I'm sure you have mixed feelings about the result of the voting gauntlet, especially since you have the ideal bane on your Altina, but if nothing else this makes me excited to try her out once she's distributed. 

    Galeforce Fred looks fun!  A true hit and run star with his Wings of Mercy.  I admit, I was not expecting OG Chrom of all people to not only tank, but one-round bow Chrom in return.  What a powerhouse.  Hopefully he's been doing some good work for you in Rokkr Sieges with his Brave Sword build as well! 

    I'm not ready for Erk haha. It still feels really weird having Matt and Inigo ripped apart. Even if Matt and Leila have perfect synergy.

    On 3/5/2020 at 7:30 PM, DLNarshen said:

    Nice to see that one of Serra's partners in crime, Fae, was able to nab a spot on this team!  It's rare to see anyone using Naga outside of AR (and probably won't be used much there once we get the free Altina).  I'm sure you have mixed feelings about the result of the voting gauntlet, especially since you have the ideal bane on your Altina, but if nothing else this makes me excited to try her out once she's distributed.

    Naga would probably be a decent unit if anyone cared enough to invest into her. She's doomed to be an AR bot though. I don't know of anyone that likes her enough to +10 her. She's not really a character. She's just... God. Basically.

    Yeah, Altina was one of the worst case scenarios for me unfortunately. Sothis, Alfonse, Leif, W!Sothis, even potentially Edelgard would have been better choices for me. But had I not had her already she'd be far and away the best choice to win and my #1 pick so I understand people's excitement. At the very least I'll have to choose between either merging her (neutral +1 would probably be better than +HP/-SPD +1 I think), keeping the two copies for scoring or giving ATK/DEF Oath to Chrom.

    You'll have tons of fun with her when you get her though. She's absurdly powerful.

    On 3/5/2020 at 7:30 PM, DLNarshen said:

    Galeforce Fred looks fun!  A true hit and run star with his Wings of Mercy.  I admit, I was not expecting OG Chrom of all people to not only tank, but one-round bow Chrom in return.  What a powerhouse.  Hopefully he's been doing some good work for you in Rokkr Sieges with his Brave Sword build as well! 

    It's actually pretty funny... I didn't use him in the last Rokkr Sieges. I used my staple Brave Roy and.... Altina.

  19. @mcsilas @Diovani Bressan Nice on those +SPD Annettes! Everyone seems to be pulling her.

    ...Including me~


    She was in the second ticket. She's not +SPD for me though.... SHE'S +ATK/RES because YEP, SUPERBOON. Didn't pull a couple of colorless so I could have missed out on Bernadetta, but I already spent more orbs than I intended to. Used 20 altogether.

    No Lysithea this time. I want Time's Pulse but I don't have enough banked orbs to reliably pull her. Ferdinand will demote so Rouse SPD/DEF will come naturally later and Bernie, while a fodder goldmine, is not top priority right now.

    30 mailbox orbs and around 20 orbs to gather from quests and things. 

  20. Tobin's refine is trash. +4 to all stats still gives him an incredibly average spread and it's conditional for PvE because of how high enemy HP tends to be. For PvP even other Gen 1 sword units are superior options. Heck if you want an armor slayer you could just refine Hana, an infinitely better unit that's even outclassed by others herself. You could literally just refine an Armorslasher and give it to Soleil for better less expensive results! They could have given him a busted weapon with 3-4 effects and it wouldn't have made him much better than a Gen 3 trainee, instead they give him this. I don't even care about Tobin and I'm still disappointed.

    Jagen was going to struggle no matter what he got, even still he's still just a fairly weak niche magic tank, but at least with his weapon he can double as a support somewhat with his RES and Sabotage skill. It's ok but I can't help but feel like it was a missed opportunity not giving him a Distant Ward refine. It would have been really freaking cool. Distant Ward remains his best A s kill (or Mirror Stance) so it's ok, just... disappointing considering Saber got conditional DC. They could have thrown Jagen a bone.

    Olwen's is similar to Tharja's in a way which is cool. Blade tome on top is neat of course. She has a decent spread so she wasn't going to get anything too good. As it stands I don't see this making her OP or anything like that. If you like her then go ahead but it's kind of a take it or leave it type refine. She gets a little support utility.

    Gray is the winner of this batch. Spectrum stat boosts are the most boring thing you can give units but they did it right with Gray. With fairly easy conditions he can get +8 to all stats which makes him really want merges. A +10 Gray with +10 DF gets +14 to all stats which is just crazy. You can give him DC because of this or give him Solo/Rouse skills which make him a more than viable option for your sword slot, nevermind cavalry effectiveness as the cherry on top. If you want to slap on stat boosts this is how you do it, you can tell the favoritism for *5 units based on comparing this and Tobin's refine, especially considering Gray was already a better unit.

    If I had no direction for *5 exclusive +10 projects. Gray would be a strong consideration. A maximum investment Gray would have a spread of 52/49/46/44/36 without Summoner Support, any skills or ally/drive support. That's insane.

    ...I want a Gray.

  21. 4 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    @Zeo I really liked your videos. Leila and Matthew work so well together!

    Also, thank you for complimenting my "disgusting" units.

    I'm sorry, I'm originally from the Fighting game community. We have lots of... different terms we use to describe things that are good or strong. Disgusting is a compliment in and of itself lol. Units like Altina and W!Sothis are "disgusting" in that regard so please take it that way if you hadn't already. 

  22. @Hilda That music takes me way back to the Valter clear with the Askr Trio which I'm pretty sure was the first clear of yours I ever watched and probably still my favorite. As usual you make the trio look like titans. Veronica's ATK/SPD Push lasted just about the whole map and you make Anna look like a credible threat which to this day I lack understanding for. Alfonse's Aether proc at the beginning was also disgusting. All of the Askr trio having SS is also amazing and a great boon to you. You're probably one of the few people on this earth to use all your SS slots on them.

    @LordFrigid Well, the enemies were lined up rather nicely and this was one of the easier Abyssal maps. So this was pretty expected. One of your units not even using Galeforce was pretty funny too.

    @Diovani Bressan What a disgusting team. We all know how well Nowi holds up after all this time, especially with merges, Duo Alm with DC and Repel is gross and Marth's support capabilities on top just make things unfair. Then you brought a healer. The map should have just made all the enemies disappear as soon as it started, but they did that relatively quickly anyway I suppose.

    I pretty much had no doubt you could crush the map without Nowi, but Reinhardt smacking things around was a nice bonus. Obviously he still holds up and Lull ATK/RES will only serve to keep him relevant.

    @Sasori You beat the map without any overpowered or really strong units or builds. Respect for that. Bonus points for using Ross who may as well have been level 1 here given his potential, but he did a great job, especially smacking Chrom into oblivion.

    @DLNarshen What a unique team! Ishtar is a fantastic choice for a +10 project and yours really shines here. FB4 gave her the oomph she needed to one-two punch most of the enemies and both her and Julius sit on opposite sides of the spectrum as far as phases go. Julius is fun to watch as usual, nothing really can scratch him enough to matter. Kempf and Narcian did their jobs exceptionally well also. Shout outs to Narcian softening up Chrom so Ishtar could finish the job, but I'll be honest, I thought Julius was going to deal with him somehow. I hope to see a clear with him, Ishtar and Julia in the future if you can manage it.

    @Landmaster Elise kept taking quite a bit of punishment early on in the clear, but luckily Elise was there to keep Elise healthy. Jokes aside the clear was smooth but it didn't feel as easy as some of the other ones while watching. Despite his bulk it seemed like Nowi was going to have a lot easier of a time dealing with him than she ended up having. OG Elise swooping in to get the kill was surprise, though cool. A bit comedic for Nowi to run away in that moment and then the moment Chrom is gone she just gets repositioned back into the same spot like "HEY I'M BACK!" Dull Ranged was also pretty brilliant to completely shut down the blade tome bonuses. I couldn't understand how the red tome was doing 1 damage to her, even with her WTA.

    @SatsumaFSoysoy I legit forgot Brave Celica existed. Being able to apply the brave effect to any weapon remains something so unique that she'll probably be the only unit to ever have it. Her and Kagero rocked this map. Kagero tanking things she should not have been able to tank and Celica not only killing but surviving things I wouldn't have expected her too. There were so many close calls and low-1 HP moments in this clear. It got a little scary when Chrom started moving, doing so somewhat unpredictably but your teams maneuvers were on point and Kagero turning 51 damage into a hit she could survive and subsequently ending Chrom without Desparation was easily the highlight of the clear. Never get tired of seeing her work. I love seeing people's +10 daggers. Everyone should have one. They always choose a different one which speaks so much to uniqueness and personality.

    @mcsilas @Alexmender @daisy jane @Ginko @BoaFerox @NegativeExponents- @eclipse @Othin @Usana @Ice Dragon @XRay

    So I'm a day late. Really disappointing. I actually recorded half of my clears on like the second day of the map. But didn't get to the other half until 2 days before the map's expiry. I was really trying to upload on the last day but the entire 2nd half of my day unexpectedly got swallowed up, so here I am. Haven't really been doing normal team clears these days, trying different stuff to be more interesting, no bible's worth of text today. There are 4 clears so a quick synopsis as always.

    Everyone's got a great Abyssal clear for this one so I'm going to jump right into the meat and potatoes of my clears with my own Abyssal clear. This is one of the easier Abyssal maps given how straightforward it is. Ruse skills own this map. The power couple returns for this clear (if you've watched one of my recent clears you know who those two are) and Ross and Lute come along for the ride in a "partners" clear. This is historically the easiest Abyssal map I've ever cleared. I was literally disappointed when I beat it in 2-3 tries without even triggering all the reinforcements. Once I took a slightly different approach and utilized the Ruse skill more along with doing a quick seal swap on Ross the map fell like a ton of bricks. Biggest irony is that I just threw together the 4 units I used to see if they could challenge the map, I would never have imagined it to to be so easy.

    I was hoping to be able to use the entire song that I picked for the clear, I literally had to cut a 3rd of it.

    The 2nd clear was a lot more on the spot than the first. Serra and Morgan take a break from their respective teams and come together in a crossover clear. Nils comes along instead of Ninian for freshness and F!Grima rounds out the team in what I'm pretty sure is her debut. I don't think I've ever used her in a clear. It took a try or so but it was relatively straightforward. I'm not sure I had to swap anything out at all. Nils gets a bit more action than you would expect also, so he's the thumbnail for this one.

    It was so quick in fact that when it was time to record I literally forgot what I did to clear it the first time halfway through the map. So what you see here is actually improv on the spot. It's nice to have more of an organic clear every once in a while though I guess. It's not like it was really hard. Serra and Morgan are pretty established units even outside of their designated teams.

    For the third clear I wanted to do something interesting that I'm pretty sure I've never done. This one is a "Divine" themed clear. Altina is human but her weapons are blessed by a goddess, Naga is the literal God of the Fire Emblem universe, Fae is a divine dragon and if you played through Book III you know what Eir's roots are.

    I'd been waiting to do a clear with Altina so this was incredibly fun. She ended up sharing the spotlight with Fae who did an equal amount of work though which was a bit of a twist. The entire clear kind of was though, as it originally was going to be an all staves clear but that didn't work without giving Serra CC which I wasn't ready to do yet. I still incorperated Serra into the 3rd clear, which actually makes this clear the 2nd one, I just posted them out of order.

    A little tinkering had to be done to get the kill on Chrom safely but Eir's healing and a bit of strategy remedied that with no skill or seal swapping on my units. A fun clear to be sure.

    The last one is a tried and true themed special clear. I knew going in I wanted to do an Awakening clear and I haven't done one worth it's salt since the Aversa clear with Lon'Qu. Tagging @Anacybele for this one. You can scroll up for my other clears but I'm tagging you specifically for this one.

    I played around with a lot of different Awakening units before settling on the four you see here. I knew in my heart I wanted to use my OG Chrom for this clear, he's been rather lukewarm in almost every clear he's been in and lacked clear direction so I've really wanted him to shine. After settling on Chrom, GF Frederick, L!Lucina, PA!Inigo for the team I still hit multiple roadblocks and fullstops reminiscent of the Aversa clear that had me contemplating quitting. Then after taking a minute to collect my thoughts, I finally decided to just pull the plug on giving Chrom some SI that I've always considered giving him in the back of my head. I just didn't want to regret it, and so far? I don't.

    Lots of skill and seal swapping needed to get this whopper done. I managed to finish it a certain way, but after all this time I wanted Chrom to truly shine, so I did a bit more seal and skill swapping than necessary, but it was worth it. The only thing I don't regret was giving him that last merge. I didn't want to potentially tamper with AI movement after I'd finally got it done. I think though with the Speed ceiling having raised, I finally am able to settle on +ATK for his endgame nature and do away with my memey dreams of a +SPD Chrom.

    But enough about that, blood sweat and tears in this one, but it was more than worth it. Chrom's first true Awakening clear where he shines. It might just be my favorite clear of the batch.

    Enjoy the ride.


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