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Rate the Unit, Day 35: Karel


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Rate the Unit, Day 35: Karel


- Ratings are assumed to be on LHM and HHM. Also, they should be based on when the unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Marcus/10", etc.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is okay, but no more.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Makes it easy to calculate, please and thank you~!

- Make votes easily visible, please~! ##Vote:

- Every ranking phase ends approximately at 20:00 EST. Do the math for your timezone.

Scores (in ascending order)

Wallace: 1.12

Wil: 1.85

Bartre: 2.78

Rebecca: 2.84

Dart: 3.86

Dorcas: 4.19

Rath: 4.28

Canas: 5.07

Eliwood: 5.34

Louise: 5.52

Guy: 5.71

Farina: 5.95

Erk: 6.01

Lyn: 6.07

Matthew: 6.17

Serra: 6.27

Geitz: 6.50

Legault: 6.55

Lowen: 6.71

Lucius: 6.94

Oswin: 6.98

Hawkeye: 7.21

Isadora: 7.24

Hector: 7.63

Heath: 7.67

Fiora: 7.99

Kent: 8.17

Priscilla: 8.38

Raven: 8.39

Florina: 8.41

Pent: 8.60

Ninian/Nils: 8.80

Sain: 8.83

Marcus: 9.63


vote and score for Louise up later~

Edited by Iris
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Karel... If you can get Harken then do so. No point in using Karel unless you want since Harken is generally better at taking and dealing damage and comes with the Brave Sword which any sword user can wield rather than a Swordmaster only weapon. Overall Karel is a decent unit who can help out but being locked to swords kinda sucks. 4/10

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3.5/10. Usable, but it's just that swordmasters have it bad in FE7 and getting him means you miss out on Harken and the Brave Sword.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Thank you, Iris. Louise is at a 5.52 (better than Eliwood yessss)

Karel by himself is an usable unit. He has serviceable bases and can kill things by hitting them twice. He has the standard SM issues like swordlock and low defenses, etc.

I don't think it's entirely fair to give him such a low rating in the 1s and 2s since he's honestly better than some of the people who shows up early and suck (and at least a lot better than Wallace starting with having 6 move), since he's at the very least usable without putting in effort. It's just SMs are rather inferior in FE7 and having Karel excludes you from Harken, who's a far superior unit and even comes with a better weapon. But yeah, I suppose if you really really like SMs but don't want to bother with Guy's not-quite-so-attractiveness (or he gets badly str screwed and you need a replacement), Karel would work here. He can't really compete with Harken as a unit, so theoretically he never actually exists in HHM play, but if someone for some reasons wants to use him, he works.

4.5/10. .5 for playing to Lumi's weaknesses for long haired guys with nice-looking faces.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Thank you, Iris. Louise is at a 5.52 (better than Eliwood yessss)

Karel rating coming up

Since you look so happy...

Sorry, couldn't resist.

I'm actually surprised that she got that high, tbh.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Since you look so happy...

Sorry, couldn't resist.

I'm actually surprised that she got that high, tbh.

|D yay c:

Well, +3 to Pent and being able to be useful in one of the bitchiest chapters in HHM counts for something in her favor.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Well, I think it's fair to assume we're using him for the rating... Doing so, I would at first be inclined to give him a six or thereabout. Solid stats and a nice sword, although his stats could certainly be better and swordlock isn't fun. Given that he forces you to miss out on Harken and the Brave Sword, however, I'm going to give him a 4.5/10.

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|D yay c:

Well, +3 to Pent and being able to be useful in one of the bitchiest chapters in HHM counts for something in her favor.

Indeed. Especially considering that the strongest non-Luna users won't be doing much to her with a Pure Water boost along with the Pent support.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Passable, but makes you NOT get Harken and brave sword.

And, he can use Steel Swords without any AS loss (Or very little)

Wish he had+2 to all bases, S swords, and came with a Wo Dao, Brave Sword, and Runesword.

I'd have a reason to choose him over Harken sometimes then.

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He's just not that good, considering the context. It's hard to accurately judge the SM without using him, but I'd rather have him deleted in the game before Guy was; at least Guy is pretty ownage early game and you don't have to forgo Raven the second to get him. Plus, you have to given up Harken to get him; Harken is a good unit -- there's no denying that.

He pretty much wins versus a 20/2 Guy, which isn't surpising considering his 20/8 base. Oh, did I mention that while Guy is faster, everybody HM Geitz's AS and faster is doubling almost all of the time by promotion, and Karel will basically win all of the time STR-wise (which is all that matters offensively once you always double since swords are super accurate and enemy avoid is balls) and especially RES-wise (Cogs of Destiny, anyone?). But Guy's LUK lead will get him...lol, yeah, nothing important.

I would actually double his score (maybe even slightly more) if his recruitment wasn't tied with Harken's. A shame, really.

EDIT: I accidentally mixed up his image with Karla, the SM with tits. So I kept on saying her in my post. Damnit. Why are their names so similar?

EDIT2: Somebody caught it before the edit. Double damnit.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Karel is that hot dude that kinda just comes out of nowhere and tries very hard to kill stuff. Swordies have it bad in this game. Its just...yeah.



Wo Dao thing.


Not that great.

You miss out on Harken.

Supports are meh.

Joins too late.

He isnt unusable but hes just not fantastic. Ive used him before as backup and hes ok for that but he just...cant do that much. Ehh..

4/10 No personal bias score this time.

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They must've known Harken was better than Karel, because getting the former's a little tough. Either you let those promoted units live until he shows up, or you let four specific magic users (two of which are your healers) languish in favor of... Bartre just to get to the other map.

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You can get both on either map, you know. So if you wind up with Kenneth's chapter, just dont kill more than one or two promoted units and dont unlock that other door until Harken arrives. :B Karel seems harder to get on the Jerme map however....

Edited by Florina
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Ah, Karel. If I see you, that means I don't get Harken's better stats, class, equipment, etc. You are insane, but you are also my favorite support for Guy (for the dialogue).


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He has Wo Dao, but it makes you miss out the better unit known as Harken who also looks good.

His offenses are okay until his Wo Dao breaks; and then it becomes meh, although he doubles a lot of stuff although is nulled by Harken who doubles stuff; and makes it nastier with his Brave Sword!



Edited by Icicle Spear
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