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[FE4] Rate the Unit XLV

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Rules (Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications)

- Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning.

- Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Sigurd/10", etc.

- Personality / Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please!

- Make votes easily visible, please and thank you!

- Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 10:00 PM (or 22:00), EST.

-Second Generation Note: Assume that Substitutes are done on a Subs-only run. Any "not ________" will not be accepted.

Units and Ranking (Least to Greatest):

First Generation

Diadora: 1.19

Ardan: 1.39

Tiltyu: 2.00

Briggid: 3.71

Claude: 4.42

Azel: 4.63

Jamka: 5.25

Midir: 5.47

Dew: 5.68

Holyn: 5.90

Lachesis: 6.13

Noish: 6.15

Alec: 6.17

Beowulf: 6.40

Aideen: 6.57

Ayra: 6.79

Levin: 7.87

Fin (First Generation): 7.88

Fury: 8.25

Cuan: 8.41

Lex: 8.83

Ethlin: 9.15

Sylvia: 9.50

Sigurd: 9.96

Second Generation

Roddlevan: 3.33

Radney: 3.44

Johalva: 3.93

Amid: 4.85

Dimna: 4.89

Mana: 4.98

Tristan: 5.00

Johan: 5.08

Skasaher: 6.00

Lakche: 6.35

Femina: 6.50

Lester: 6.59

Julia: 7.12

Lana: 8.24

Delmud: 8.45

Shanan: 8.56

Oifaye: 8.58

Arthur: 8.67

Fee: 8.86

Celice: 9.54



Can I say walking bank? That's what Patty is. And... that's about it. Sadly, Patty's not that useful outside of Thief utility. She can get easily screwed by parenting, unless she has a sword father. She doesn't have Pursuit until promotion, but she can inherit sword skills. Of course, having attack? LOL.

Besides thief utility Patty isn't that good. She has some decent conversations... but that's it in my eyes.


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Patty desperately wants a good dad. Unfortunately, most dads are lacking something she needs. Go with Holyn? Enjoy no Pursuit before promotion. Go with somebody like Midir? Have fun with no inheritance. It's a balancing act Patty always seems to lose on in some way, even when you focus exclusively on her (which you normally can; Faval's pretty easy).

But... she dodges okay, has access to a better variety of swords than Dew did, and she supplies everybody with cash. Plus she's got the Sleep Sword to whore the Arena or knock a few guys she can't kill out. And worse comes to worse, she can stand next to Faval and maybe get him a sibling crit.


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I don't know about you guys, but my Sleep Sword never hits anything, so I find it like, utterly useless. Still, it doesn't detract from Patty's usefulness; what does detract from her is, as the OP said, her inability to have her cake and eat it too. One father gives her one thing but not the other, and so on. Still, she isn't useless, and makes a decent fighter if you ever get her to promotion provided she has an alright father. She also gets 7 movement, which is nice, and can at least use magic swords if she can't damage anything with her strength. 6/10 from me.

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I think thieves in this game have a slow start and Patty is no exception. However, with some work they turn out ok. Anywho I think the sleep sword helps her. If Dew is the father his bargain skill helps buy some rings to help her. If you want a laugh have Levin be her father. Anyways slow start but turns out ok.


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1: base patty is balls

just balls

2: patty can eventually kill things, but never as well as ...anybody else except maybe lana

and i've had more luck with lana fighting

yes, fighting

3: throwing money around is really damn useful sometimes, and she isn't as terrible at fighting initially as poor dew because inheritance and the potential for nice things like luna/pursuit and she might maybe take the second hero sword

so hell, add a full bias and I'll give her a 6.5/10

Edited by Integrity
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Wants a decent papa like Lex or Midale... heck, even the mighty Turban isn't bad. She provides cash for those who need it, and fight if she has to. Her growths are never going to be amazing, but she still has some utility.


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She provides cash for everyone to buy their rings for fix their stuff (especially when it comes to the Mistolteinn). That is pretty much it, since her stats make her difficult to use in battle. At least you can abuse the give command with her lover and train her that way. Once she gets a few levels in her she gets better and may actually not die. But I won't be using her for battling any time soon.


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and i've had more luck with lana fighting

yes, fighting

Post-promotion Lana isn't really bad at fighting, she just needs like a Wind tome and you're dealing with 20 Mag/20 Spd with Pursuit. She does have shitty mobility though.

You can make Patty have both Pursuit and swords at base, but then she needs Beowulf as her dad and she can only get C-level trash. I guess the Prayer Sword is kind of cool. Patty is at her most useful if you are very good at planning, e.g. in ballerzak's ranked run. She blows at fighting but she can provide extra use of Elite Ring on people. But for most casual runs and such, she adds very little.


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She can hardly survive a single round agaisnt anything. The Sleep Sword is more of a russian rolette than one of the pros, and giving money to others isn't that useful, especially when you can't get more money because A. You can't survive two rounds or one or B. You can't win at the arena more than a single match. The money given to the chars at the end of the chapters is too low to be of any use.

2/10 for her lack of usefulness. I'm not saying she's useless, but that's my opinion. >:

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It will always cost several turns to pair Briggid no matter what. For that you get a cash machine. Even the cash machine part is nearly pointless if you aren't using Laylea, since everyone will have inherited gobs of stuff you convert back to cash; on top of that the gen 2 characters can generally nuke arenas with iron weapons and you have the thief sword for the entire generation. Patty is amazing useless for your only choice for thief utility in a Fire Emblem game - they don't even get her any freebies to make her important like Dew's bridge lowering trick. If you wast the turns to give her a good father and then give her good weapons you get... a weak combat footie when you are already overflowing with footies that cause any enemy they look at to explode.

2/10 with some positive bias 'cause I like the sprite.

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Umm... I generally have her give her starting money to Lana and then bench her. I mean, at least with Dew, his combat started of really shitty when he was surrounded by a bunch of mediocre units. Patty's combat is mediocre while surrounded by a bunch of great units. I suppose in a ranked run she facilitates the passing around of the Elite Ring and other expensive items, as Mekkah pointed out, but I don't have much use for her generally. 3/10.

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