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Rate the Unit 45: Miranda


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Rules (adapted from Integrity's)

- Ratings are for Normal Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a unit above 10 or below 0.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around noon EST.

- A character being inferior relative to another character does not explicitly reduce their rating.

- Characters do not get credit for recruiting others or allowing access to side quests.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Characters do not get credit for bringing items.

- I reserve the right to ignore any votes which are not well-supported.

- You may allow a character to use scrolls (and adjust their rating appropriately) so long as it is reasonable (you may debate what constitutes "reasonable" if you feel people may disagree with you). You cannot arbitrarily increase a unit's score by arguing that they may exclusively use half a dozen scrolls for themself. In general, scrolls will probably not add more than +1 to a character's overall rating.

- Warp skipping has an impact on scores in so far as "Safy has an high base staff rank". Nanna would score lower than Safy because of her lower rank, but no chapter is explicitly said to be skipped. You can't get Warp and then suddenly say every character after doesn't exist or requires turns to recruit. Something could be said of Xavier, or Conomore/Amalda who are in an escape chapter where Leaf starts next to the escape point.

Shanam: 0.89

Robert: 2.33

Ronan: 2.42

Alva: 2.5

Marty: 2.89

Kein: 3.5

Tanya: 3.82

Misha: 4.10

Eda: 4.29

Dalsin: 4.38

Trude: 4.69

Evayl: 5.02

Ralph: 5.28

Selphina: 5.37

Glade: 5.75

Hicks: 5.89

Fred: 6.00

Brighton: 6.90

Machua: 7.03

Olwen: 7.05

Mareeta: 7.13

Linoan: 7.24

Halvan: 7.35

Carrion: 7.54

Dagda: 7.54

Homer: 7.54

Rifis: 7.70

Leaf: 8.18

Eyrios: 8.20

Shiva: 8.26

Salem: 8.30

Karin: 8.50

Pahn: 8.66

Dean: 8.70

Felgus: 8.79

Sleuf: 8.84

Othin: 8.86

Tina: 8.90

Lara: 8.92

Fin: 9.06

Sara: 9.11

Nanna: 9.13

Safy: 9.48

Asvel: 9.58

While not as bad as Shanam, Miranda is one of those units who just doesn't quite cut it. She's another late joining magic user who joins at an extremely low level with pretty poor base stats, but there are a few of these that recently showed up (Homer, Linoan, Sara) who were all usable, so lets compare. Miranda's weapon ranks are nothing interesting, her highest being Fire at C rank. Unfortunately, Fire is probably the least useful of the magic types (other than maybe dark) because it's often heavier and less common than the other types (there are quite a few Thoron, Blizzard, Bolting etc tomes in the later part of the game). Her base stats are obviously bad, and the only skill to her name is Wrath, which, while powerful, is not particularly useful in her case because her defenses are so poor that her counterattacking is extremely unlikely. She has no staff utility, as she promotes to Mage Knight instead of Sage like the others. Her growths are decent, but nothing particularly out of the park: Sara's are better in almost every stat (especially the ones that matter), and she lacks Elite. Basically, she brings nothing to the table: no special weapons, no utility, mediocre combat even when trained, which is difficult. 1/10

Also, perhaps unsurprisingly, Shanam takes up the spot as the worst unit in the game (for now).

Edited by Silvercrow
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B route characters are pretty much why I always pick the A route.

Anyway, Miranda is pretty bad when she joins. Unlike Linoan or Sara, she can't use staves when unpromoted, or even promoted, and unlike Homeros she doesn't have Elite to make her training easier. She does have Wrath, but it's mostly useful when you can take hits in the frontlines. With wonderful bases of 19 HP/1 Defense/6 Movement, not only is she far away from combat most of the time, but she won't be able to take many attacks as well. Thankfully for her, chapter 18 is full of level 1 Lenster Soldiers even she can beat with relative ease, but she likely won't kill enough to promote by the end of the chapter.

Her ranks are low, but she can at least use Wind, though she specializes in Fire. If you do manage to train her, she has a certain potential in terms of Magic, Skill and Speed, but her Defense is going to remain crap unless you stick the Dain scroll to her. She promotes to Mage Knight, which is great for movement, but she can't use staves and her swordfighting is abysmal at best.

More potential than Shanam as a unit for sure, but getting her there requires too much favoritism.


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Wait, she promotes to Mage Knight? But she has no strength and a nearly non-existent strength growth.

And the last few chapters are all indoors so it's a poor tradeoff for the extra movement and awesome promo gains of the sage given how late she joins.

Man, she is even worse then I thought.

Still, Wraith probably isn't entirely useless on her. Her magic growth is completely overkill, so she can probably deal easily with all those dark mages near the end.

And having a lot of magic is useful in the last few chapters in general. But if she is promoting to mage knight, she will move sooo slowly. *sigh*

Edited by BrightBow
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Joins very late as a un-promoted unit at level 5. She may want the Elite manual to catch up with the rest of the units but there are better candidates for Elite M. She has nice growths in HP, Magic, Skill and Speed, the rest are low. She promotes to a Mage Knight instead of Sage, which is kinda disappointing, no Sage bonuses, Staves or the innate Continue skill and the last few chapters are indoor maps.

2.5/10 including bias point cause Miranda's one of my favorite characters. and I don't wanna see her getting lower points than Shanam's.

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She has high rank in Fire, which is one of the heaviest and most useless magic, promotes to Mage Knight, but unless you use a lot of scrolls and get lucky her sword ranks wouldn't be too much of help, is a Est done wrong, as, even if some high grownths in some stats it's hard for her to catch up.

2/10 -> As I refuse to let her be ranked lower than Shanam because at least she can batle shit and because I have mage bias.

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She might excel well in Fire, but by the time you even get a chance to use her, most, if not all of your characters would already have class changed.


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2/10 -> As I refuse to let her be ranked lower than Shanam because at least she can batle shit and because I have mage bias.

Shanam is actually better. Because he's a walking Silver Card and that he is incredibly helpful to buying any of the stuff in the Chapter 22's shops. (Stuff that is usually hard as hell to get, or can't get any other way) Especially 4K in a Knight's Proof is pretty effing good!

Edited by アイネ
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