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3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

But you have to use five teams for Squad Assault?

That’s where Plan A falls apart, obviously.

Edited by Vaximillian
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2 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:



i counter team map 1




Ursula'd map 2




Dancer.... the rest?

That works. Now go do it.

1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

That’s where Plan A breaks down, obviously.

Shame, Plan A was kinda good.

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Y'all need to diversify. Only took me 2 tries to beat SA, first loss was due to careless positioning.



Seal upgrade costs. It's very expensive, but we're getting sacred coin quests along with the update.

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35 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Hm... I'm not sure. Maybe Tana? Then that's largely what I tried the first time, just without a healer.

The only thing Tana cannot do that my Camus may have done is take a hit from the archer without lancebreaker, but she could still work as long as you don't have to have her in range of the bow.

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53 minutes ago, Korath88 said:


Seal upgrade costs. It's very expensive, but we're getting sacred coin quests along with the update.

Well, it seems you can win 45 coins from every voting gauntlet round. That makes the sacred coins gain from AA a little small ... 

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14 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Well, it seems you can win 45 coins from every voting gauntlet round. That makes the sacred coins gain from AA a little small ... 

Probably not a permanent thing, just preparing us to have the ability to upgrade at least once.

And if it does turn out to happen every time there's a Voting Gauntlet (135 coins assuming you get 15 coins from 3 quests in each round of a Voting Gauntlet)... well that's pretty sweet.

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Just now, phineas81707 said:

Anyone else noticed the intermission?

It was a neat little thing (and more orbs which is never a bad thing), but the unit selection was... weird. Nephenee, Niles, Julia, and a sword unit I honestly don't remember because I always killed him/her too quickly to notice. Maybe Lucina? Either way, still an odd set of characters. Maybe they just picked one unit at random for every color.

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5 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Anyone else noticed the intermission?

Seeing as completing it is required to access the seal forge, I doubt that anyone has missed it.

@DefaultBeep: it’s Alm. Also all four of them bear seals: Julia has BoL, Nephenee has Distant Def, Niles has Atk Ploy, and Alm has Phantom Spd.

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1 minute ago, phineas81707 said:

I would've completely overlooked it if I wasn't going into the Squad Assault.

It’s because you were too distracted gazing at Tana. Can’t blame you for that.

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Got myself Deflect Magic 1 and 2. Now I've got 60 coins and the third level is worth 100 coins. So I should get enough rewards by time I finish some Voting Gauntlet stuff to get the 3rd version. That's going to be SUPER helpful in the Arena next season.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

it’s Alm. Also all four of them bear seals: Julia has BoL, Nephenee has Distant Def, Niles has Atk Ply, and Alm has Phantom Spd.

Aw, I was actually really close with Lucina! I got the weapon right at least, though wrong design.

The seals weren't random, at least; those are all pretty fitting. Except maybe Nephenee, but it's not unfitting for her either I guess. I'm surprised none of them had one of the new seals though, just to show them off.

Speaking of the new seals, I'm trying to think if there were any units in Genealogy that could introduce the skill version of one of the Deflect skills. If they're not left as just seals, then the next banner seems like the best time to bring them in, but I'm not sure who would work best with one. Maybe Arvis, and let them be introduced through the GHB instead?

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11 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

So, how do the Hardy Bearing Seals work? I don't understand how 2 is different from 3.

It doesn’t seem to be different. I wonder if anyone actually uses that enough to bother upgrading it...I guess it could also be datamined.


At any rate, if there was any curiosity on the subject, Lv 3 Seal upgrades are 400 great badges, 1000 normal badges, and 100 coins. It’s going to be a while before I manage one of those lol.

Strangely enough, my first upgrade is actually Deflect Missile, because my teams are much more scared of Brave Bows than they are of Reinhardt (being heavily biased toward a lot of units that happen to have high Res comes in handy sometimes)...Don’t get me wrong, Deflect Magic is definitely next to Lv. 2...I’m going to try and surprise Rein users with Bride Caeda on my defense team =P .

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13 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Got myself Deflect Magic 1 and 2. Now I've got 60 coins and the third level is worth 100 coins. So I should get enough rewards by time I finish some Voting Gauntlet stuff to get the 3rd version. That's going to be SUPER helpful in the Arena next season.

i did exactly the same thing... Reinhardts gonna bleed!!! Hopefully maybe i dont know. I am also upgrading the distant def seal.

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I might be one of the only people who went for upgrading Attack Plus before anything else. Gotta get those brave weapon users that +4 Atk!

I'll probably try to buy up all of the new seals after upgrading to Attack +3, but then I'm not sure what to upgrade first. Probably a Deflect seal, I guess. Those will be very helpful for GHB/BHB, not to mention in the Arena modes.

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1 minute ago, Hilda said:

i did exactly the same thing... Reinhardts gonna bleed!!! Hopefully maybe i dont know. I am also upgrading the distant def seal.

I've got my fingers crossed. I think my next priority will be Panic Ploy. It's a skill I've been wanting to give to my Virion for a while, but it's such a rare skill this is like...a really, really nice way to give it to him. Distant Defense is definitely next though. My Cecilia loves having it.

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The decision  is clear, Panic Ploy Seal upgrade for Tiki and Distant def Seal upgrade for Sheena.
I could also go for deflect Magic on Sheena, give Distant Def to Tiki and Nowi with Panic ploy.

Also as expected. Team Nowi is too strong for us who like adult characters like adult tiki. D= 

update thoughts: I forgot that deflect Magic on sheena is pointless, because of distant Counter.


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Well I'm going to get distant defence 3 first. Its enough for my S support nowi to survive reinharts and will also allow her to just tank brave bows. Plus with a fortify dragon up she MIGHT survive a neutral julia...

Though I want another celica or nephanie for wrath or distant def...

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