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1 hour ago, Garlyle said:

EDIT: I wonder how you create Gen 2 Askr trio.

What do you mean? Actually giving them gen 2 stats by somehow getting them main series-like lord promotion in Heroes or giving them alts with gen 2 stats and versions of their current weapons like "Shining Fensalir" for Sharena?

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23 minutes ago, Kaden said:

What do you mean? Actually giving them gen 2 stats by somehow getting them main series-like lord promotion in Heroes or giving them alts with gen 2 stats and versions of their current weapons like "Shining Fensalir" for Sharena?

Gen 2 stats of course.

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15 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I wouldn't say thrown away, she made my best healer better and let me do that one turn clear of a really hard map (hard to be cleared in one turn). Of course Elise was shortly after powercrept by Veronica, but I'm sure we'll get an even better regular red flyer as @Vaximillian mentioned. 

She wasn't that much better than my Nowi, since my copy of her was -ATK. I also got many red pity breakers on my way pulling her and I still would like to get her back eventually, but you gotta play the game and not sit on a heap of unused units. 

It was a very hard decision, since the only collection I have is of great Flyers and I also liked her kit and art. I think I'll compensate by giving her OG variant the refinement. 

Atk/Spd push right, such a valued skill for healers.  Veronica wants that too, as does just about every healer.  One of the few actual great options they have for A slot which is ridiculously limited.  

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

Dammit guys, now you're making me upset because Tormod is not in this game all over again XD

Sorry and same. 

I loved the little dude, even if i got screwed with his stats and had to replace him with Bastion.

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2 hours ago, Lewyn said:

Atk/Spd push right, such a valued skill for healers.  Veronica wants that too, as does just about every healer.  One of the few actual great options they have for A slot which is ridiculously limited.  

I would not give healers Atk/Spd Push just yet though. If Atk/Spd Solo becomes a thing, that would work even better by removing the HP restriction. Not being adjacent to any ally is pretty easy to achieve for Player Phase units since they need to break formation when attacking.

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51 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would not give healers Atk/Spd Push just yet though. If Atk/Spd Solo becomes a thing, that would work even better by removing the HP restriction. Not being adjacent to any ally is pretty easy to achieve for Player Phase units since they need to break formation when attacking.

Didn't know the solo skills were possible to inherit for healers ... didn't know solo skills would become a think when I sacrificed Tana. 

3 hours ago, Lewyn said:

Atk/Spd push right, such a valued skill for healers.  Veronica wants that too, as does just about every healer.  One of the few actual great options they have for A slot which is ridiculously limited.  

I think IS should re-think many restrictions of skills (Flashing Blade!) before starting book III or FEH 3.0. 

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I ended up with a Bridal Tharja from the legendary banner, and many of my strongest contenders for Atk/Spd Bond are healers. I think many of them lack the Spd to get the most from it though, so I'll be mulling it over for a long time

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7 hours ago, Garlyle said:

Gen 2 stats of course.

Then I have no idea. Part of me wonders if one of the reasons they aren't increasing the BST of older units is because they straight-up can't. For instance, people were able to datamine and figure out the stat growths of the non-playable unique units where for book 2, so the Muspell enemies, had much higher BST than regular, gen 2 units. Surtr has 181 BST before poncho Tiki was introduced with 53/39/14/40/35. Each of those characters have a note saying "These stats were obtained from reading the unit's data from the game files. These stats are only used in derived maps (e.g. Chain Challenge, Squad Assault) for leveling up enemy units, and are not used to produce other enemy stats, which are hardcoded."

When Helbindi, Laegjarn, and Laevatein were made playable, their stats were scaled down to gen 2, but Gamepedia doesn't list their enemy-only stats and growths anymore. Bruno and Veronica, however, are still not playable and Veronica has gen 1, infantry mage stats. Bruno has 33/29/35/22/25 and Veronica has 41/35/22/29/21. Bruno would likely have the same stats since only BH Lyn was given increased BST as the first place winner of the women's side of CYL1 while Veronica if she were made playable, would likely have gen 2 BST.

So, part of me thinks that once a unit is made playable, their stats are final and they cannot change it which is why they haven't changed it. If this is actually true, then it means older units are simply fucked. If not, then I have no idea. I doubt people would get mad that their favorite character suddenly gained more attack, speed, defense, resistance, or HP. Even from a money perspective, they still have units with good skills who are also good units. For example, Eldigan suddenly gaining more stats would make him even more appealing as a sword cavalier and as Fury fodder on a banner. Or Bartre who'd also be Fury fodder, but Bartre going from 49/36/25/33/13 to 51/38/25/36/13 might make people's mouths water when he'd be a stupidly easy anti-blue and green armor grunt to invest in for arena assault which is literally his default kit or general use let alone his stat spread becoming even better.

Now for something else. I had an idea that I thought would be funny if Severa introduced Reprisal Axe because she's a tsundere and if she were an axe pegasus flier because sword infantry Severa probably wouldn't be that interesting, axe hero Severa would be all right, and bow knight seems to be her thing as Selena. Also, she'd be able to wreck her mom so long as it's not her mom about to get married.

Severa: Secret Dreamer, axe flier

37 HP, 31 Atk, 35 Spd, 32 Def, 28 Res

Reprisal Axe+: 14 Mt. "If foe initiates combat, grants Atk+6 during combat."


Fierce Stance 3: "If foe initiates combat, grants Atk+6 during combat."

Lancebreaker 3

It's Selena, but if she gets really, really angry if you attack her and who is geared to destroy her lance-wielding versions of her mom. Maybe she should have a unique axe instead called the Sunder Axe where it's Reprisal Axe, but with effective damage against cavalry and fliers and a Killer effect. :p

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So here's a prediction: We'll get Farfetched Heroes 2 before November, and it'll be the last New Heroes banner before Book 3. It'll have Owain, Kliff, Louise, and Aversa. Owain will be a TT unit, Kliff will be a blue infantry mage, Aversa a red flying mage, and Louise a colorless infantry bow unit with Rienfleche.

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did a lot of work on the special banner for training today. I almost have Karla, 2nd Mia, both Likis, finished, got Black Knight, Hardin finished,and really got working on Cherche 1 (of 7), Fred 1 (of 10), Clair 1 (of 4) and Cordelia 1 (of 4). I accidently booked a Clair - but that book made giving Cordelia hit and run very easily. Landmaster (and gamepress) suggested i give Cordelia a Firesweep lance, and I thought i would have to  go hunting for Rodericks. but my luck! i have two. So when i'm ready to do some promoting, Cordelia is ready to go.

I also sacrificed my Niles for Clair (Iceberg).  and will have to wait for more feathers to promote Klein for my LA! Roy. :) this is so much fun!

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I just realized how much synergy Sealed Falchion would have had with Double Lion the skill. If CYL Celica had access to Sealed Falchion or Royal Sword had Sealed Falchion's < 100% HP, Spectrum Brazen 2 effect, then Celica would have had an amazing player phase and enemy phase. At full health, Double Lion gives her a Brave effect letting her nuke units and after that, she takes 1 recoil damage putting her in Sealed Falchion's range giving her Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5.

With her default kit and Sealed Falchion in place of Royal Sword, CYL Celica would have 38/49/39/29/24 normally. On initiation at full health, she'd have 57 attack and 39 speed. If she doesn't take damage, then she'd have 37/54/44/34/29 after Double Lion's 1 recoil damage and Sealed Falchion's Spectrum Brazen 2. She'd have 71 total or 53x2 physical and 66 total or 48x2 magical bulk remaining where you'd need Swordbreaker or 49 speed to double her. This is before skills like Close Def, Fury, Steady Breath, etc. giving her more bulk. Dropping down into Brazen range would be even crazier. Brazen Atk/Spd would give her 61/51 offenses and Brazen Def/Res give her 41/36 defenses.

Why wasn't this a thing? Oh, wait. It is, but for a different Celica.

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1 hour ago, Kaden said:

I just realized how much synergy Sealed Falchion would have had with Double Lion the skill. If CYL Celica had access to Sealed Falchion or Royal Sword had Sealed Falchion's < 100% HP, Spectrum Brazen 2 effect, then Celica would have had an amazing player phase and enemy phase. At full health, Double Lion gives her a Brave effect letting her nuke units and after that, she takes 1 recoil damage putting her in Sealed Falchion's range giving her Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5.

With her default kit and Sealed Falchion in place of Royal Sword, CYL Celica would have 38/49/39/29/24 normally. On initiation at full health, she'd have 57 attack and 39 speed. If she doesn't take damage, then she'd have 37/54/44/34/29 after Double Lion's 1 recoil damage and Sealed Falchion's Spectrum Brazen 2. She'd have 71 total or 53x2 physical and 66 total or 48x2 magical bulk remaining where you'd need Swordbreaker or 49 speed to double her. This is before skills like Close Def, Fury, Steady Breath, etc. giving her more bulk. Dropping down into Brazen range would be even crazier. Brazen Atk/Spd would give her 61/51 offenses and Brazen Def/Res give her 41/36 defenses.

Why wasn't this a thing? Oh, wait. It is, but for a different Celica.


A lot of game designer simply decided to focus on strength instead of making up of shortcoming. For a good reason too, fundamentally speaking its one of the easiest way to put a limitation that is natural to the design instead of being forced

In that sense, essentially given a pick between Sealed Falchion or Beloved Zophia, the pick would have been Beloved Zophia because it operates on its strength of full health instead of covering the not full health period where double Lion isn't up. Granted many build in FEH didn't exactly operates under this idea regardless



Armormasher Cellica is secret god build though

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I know I'm rather late, but I wanted to chime in on the discussion while it's still relevant.

@Anacybele Sure some of the higher-end units like Innes, Tana, Celica, Linde etc don't necessarily need the help all that much, but in pretty much every case their weapon has been since outdated and will eventually be powercreeped by another if it hasn't already but also the most prominent at least one unit like this is chosen (Neph being the best example!) is so there will be an enticing unit to pull for on the "New Power" banner. It's pretty smart if you think about it. A unit with a potentially outdated weapon gets upgraded, anyone with that unit reaps the benefits and anyone who doesn't have said unit gets the chance to pull for them if not for the unit themselves than for fodder purposes.

Most people have pulled Cherche and Odin, but not everyone has a Celica, and some of those people will pay. It's a win-win and I don't really have a problem with it. I just wish more outdated units would be mixed in or at the very least, more than 3 units would be upgraded per month.

@mcsilas @silveraura25 @Vaximillian @mampfoid @SilvertheShadow @Alexmender @NegativeExponents- As for the refines, I have all 3 units now thanks to random pitybreaker Tana who happens to be +DEF so I'm definitely interested in the refines, Like Silas said, an Owl effect on the weapon but increasing the range by one space would be perfect, problem is it would be directly powercreeping the tomes from the second batch of seasonal brides. Tana will likely just get stacked DEF on top of the Safeguard+ effect or simply get a combination of a Safeguard Lance and Reprisal Lance+ for added ATK and DEF on enemy phase.

As for Lon'Qu, I'm shocked people are treating him like such a throwaway. He's one of the literal best of the units that could possibly get a refine. He's directly powercreeped by all of the fast, powerful PP infantry swords in the game. Every single one of them (most notably Ayra, Karla, B!Celica and most notably: Mia). People talk about how Mia powercreeped Athena, but Athena had already powercreeped Lon'Qu. 

Then on the other hand they count out his potential and call him "another sword unit" which, while entirely possible, shouldn't be assumed in the least. The ladies I named are the cream of the crop and most people would kill for such top of the line sword units. Before I go fully into possibilities, let's analyze the fact that ATK/SPD Solo 3 on his weapon is extremely likely and that if his Solitary Blade has that skill he's rocking 35/45 offenses without an A skill which is the single best offensive spread of any infantry sword unit in the entire game at a neutral nature. And yes, that includes the stat boosts that most of the swordswomen have on their weapons. Then he gets another ability on top of it. Think about that. Lon'Qu honestly is one OP refine from being the single best Player Phase Sword infantry in the game.

You guys might be sleeping on him, but I'm not. And I'm fully prepared for what's coming and glad I didn't inherit anything onto him.


As for what he'll actually get. I'll be shocked if he doesn't get ATK/SPD Solo as his refine. It's literally perfect for him given his weapon and title. It patches his up his slightly outdated offensive spread while once again making him the fastest unit in the game (provided he's alone). 35/45 for most with 38/45 for others or in my case: 40/47 before LnD3 which will bump him up to 45/52 which... with his weapon's might should give him.... 61/52 offenses. Yeah, you guys are right, he's crap. But enough bragging.

I think a killing effect is the most unbelievably lazy and boring option they could possibly go with and honestly a waste. This is how you make him the same as everyone else. Even if he relies on special activation and runs Luna. It's the same thing if you give him a Wo Dao+ effect. He's literally the same as the premium swordswomen this way. Personally I think they should mix it up and give him Wrath as his default skill. It would completely distinguish him from the other swords, the most you could call him is "Better Lyn" which is pretty bogus but hey, what can you do? (Mani Katti sidegrade when?) 

If you wanted to take advantage of Vantage you could give him an enhanced Desperation effect akin to Swordhardt (like the idea I had in the refine topic) where if he attacks first (not just if he initiates, but if he simply gets to strike first) he makes both strikes in succession. Then he could run a scary Super Vantage/Desperation combo that takes advantage of his default kit. God forbid Vantage becomes a seal in this case because then he could run DC+Wrath in his base kit with Odd/Even ATK Wave and be a mixed phase scourge. Point is, the man has potential, so don't count him out. My hopes are cautiously high.

TL;DR Lon'Qu's weapon will determine weather he becomes another swordie to toss on the pile or the best sword infantry in the entire game.

Oh yeah, the update. I may actually switch over to the Lite version of my nephew's phone as his space is starting to dry up, so this is actually pretty cool for me. Recording runs has started to become difficult for me though so I'll likely be taking the GHB's slow. Refines are cool but I'm obviously looking the most forward to Lon'Qu's.

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42 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Before I go fully into possibilities, let's analyze the fact that ATK/SPD Solo 3 on his weapon is extremely likely and that if his Solitary Blade has that skill he's rocking 35/45 offenses without an A skill which is the single best offensive spread of any infantry sword unit in the entire game at a neutral nature.

Karla's effective 42/40 is better. So is Mia's effective 40/40.

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@Ice Dragon Karla's extra 7 damage only triggers if she's got a big enough SPD advantage over her opponent. But given her speed, I'll let you have that. However, where are you getting 40/40 from for Mia? She has 32 base ATK. Give her the +3 from her weapon and that's 35/40. With a +ATK nature that's still only 38/40. Where is this supposed extra 5 ATK coming from?


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5 hours ago, Zeo said:

Sure some of the higher-end units like Innes, Tana, Celica, Linde etc don't necessarily need the help all that much, but in pretty much every case their weapon has been since outdated and will eventually be powercreeped by another if it hasn't already but also the most prominent at least one unit like this is chosen (Neph being the best example!) is so there will be an enticing unit to pull for on the "New Power" banner. It's pretty smart if you think about it. A unit with a potentially outdated weapon gets upgraded, anyone with that unit reaps the benefits and anyone who doesn't have said unit gets the chance to pull for them if not for the unit themselves than for fodder purposes.

Most people have pulled Cherche and Odin, but not everyone has a Celica, and some of those people will pay. It's a win-win and I don't really have a problem with it. I just wish more outdated units would be mixed in or at the very least, more than 3 units would be upgraded per month

But then in that case, one more highly sought after unit should be fine enough, not two. So only Tana or Innes for the first one and Lon'qu and someone else without a prf for the other two. That would still make money, right?

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10 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Hmmmm. i keep winning my matches in arena... but it still shows i'm gonna move from tier 18 to 17 again. it's not movin from 3001. bummer

Assuming you got no losses, you may need to feed more kills to your bonus unit, run some high SP skills, or get more merges.

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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

Assuming you got no losses, you may need to feed more kills to your bonus unit, run some high SP skills, or get more merges.

ahh. okie dokes. well the only one i have is Fjorm and she's trying to hold her own. lol

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1 minute ago, daisy jane said:

ahh. okie dokes. well the only one i have is Fjorm and she's trying to hold her own. lol

The Askr Trio and Fjorm are always bonus units. If you are on a budget, Fjorm's default kit is okay, so you just need to put Quick Riposte Sacred Seal on her and she should be fine.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

The Askr Trio and Fjorm are always bonus units. If you are on a budget, Fjorm's default kit is okay, so you just need to put Quick Riposte Sacred Seal on her and she should be fine.

here is the "Daisy Dumb Dumb Question of the day."
What the heck are the sacred seals? i have zero idea what they are, where they are or how to use them.

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9 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

here is the "Daisy Dumb Dumb Question of the day."
What the heck are the sacred seals? i have zero idea what they are, where they are or how to use them.

In the <Home> screen, tap the silver coin icon that is right below your Hero Feather number. In the <Sacred Seal Forge> screen, you will see either the <Enhancement> or <Creation> menu. Swipe to the <Creation> menu and choose Quick Riposte.

Once you have created it, tap <Allies>, then tap <Change Equipment>, then tap <Equip Seals>, then tap Fjorm and tap Quick Riposte.

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