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Just now, silveraura25 said:

Did you give her double rally? If no, then it's a bigger waste

I did not, sigh.

Guess it's good to have options, at least.

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10 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Yea. 4* Takumi. Still incredible.

Yeah, unless if you’re someone who had to break the bank in order to pull him. I imagine this turn of events won’t sit well with them.

I, however, don’t fall into that crowd and I still don’t have OG taco so, yay I guess? Once he gets handed out, I’ll only be missing two Day 1 heroes (Linde, Elise).

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I also realized that I gave my Camilla emerald axe+, however I'm not as annoyed about this one because she's had that axe for a very long time.

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I'm sick and I fell asleep earlier than usual after taking medicine for my fever, and now I wake up at 3:30am to A CAMILLA REFINE?? Tell me this isn't a fever dream fellas.

Okay, now to pray this is actually better than Slaying Axe on her. Please be good, IS. Hopefully they don't do something stupid like keep going down the line of her initial Brave Axe. Even like an axe Amiti probably wouldn't actually be good on her..

And what the.. free Takumi?? Free Close Counter sounds amazing.

@mcsilas Well now that's just funny! I thought it was neat to get him off that December legendary banner, but that bane.. and the poor guy got done dirty having his res advantage for sniping dragons get bamboozled by the refinery update. He's ended up as one of the very few units in my barracks really lacking any use..

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I have ~options~ for Clair!  I still have my first Camilla, who is +Atk/-Res.  And I have Corrin, ready to rock.

Goodbye Divine Dew, it was nice knowing you!

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my mage/dargon/redsword slaying Clair +10 5star is ready for this update. I hope the refinement is good!!!

What i wish: combined slaying and wo dao effect. but thats wishfull thinking

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I'll try to guess the new weapon effects based on their original game effects. I'm going to have to improvise for Camilla

Rhomphaia- Effective against cavalry and armored
Refinement: Grants 30% of unit's Spd to damage when Special triggers (best I could come up for dragonhaze)

Camilla's Axe: Grants Spd/Res+4 during combat if infantry or flying ally is within 2 spaces of unit.
Refinement: If unit is within 2 spaces of an infantry sword ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 during combat.

@Alkaid Get well soon

Edited by silveraura25
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Gah, just noticed we'll have to do 9x1 multiplier battles in GC to get Kaze in any sort of timely fashion, no saving up and just doing a single octuple multiplier battle.

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Bonus allies in the arena get uber bonuses like in TT.

First of all: zuh?

Second:  Not also in Voting Gauntlet? Come on.

The Camilla I promoted is +Atk/-HP and the Corrin I promoted is +Spd/-Res. Here's hoping they're still optimal. I've also got a ton of great natures for Clair as well to choose from.

Edited by Glennstavos
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@silveraura25Thank you. At least this update is already making me feel a bit better. FEH coming through with the Camilla refine medicine

And I expect something similar for Clair's weapon. Cav/Armored effectiveness for sure, at least. Hopefully Camilla's Axe really manages to pull off being better than Slaying. I'm so used to Iceberg nukes with her, which are genuinely very effective as-is, it's hard to imagine what they might go for if not a Slaying Effect + more effects that'd beat it. I'm not sure straight combat buffs would make up for her noodle arms otherwise.

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Oh my gosh, my +Spd Clair is excited for the update! Saves me feathers as well since she was a pitybreaker. Not sure what the weapon effect will be, I never did get the more advanced weapons in SoV.

I just gave Camilla an Emerald Axe last night but fortunately not the + version yet. 

@Zeo free CC! That’s pretty big but then now i have more indecision on who to give it to! I do want more though if I’m gonna give one to Saizo/Matthew down the road. Not sure if Jakob will get it yet, i just gave Death Blow last night to prepare him for Klein’s Brave Bow and DB3.

@Alkaid funnily enough my Innes was a pitybreaker during my failed hunt at halloween Jakob last year. Well if 1st session 5 stars are considered pitybreakers. At least I have Jakob now last night.

i use him in AA from time to time, especially against Raven Fliers. He is still nice at mage killing because of his Res but he just has the vanilla set (except Fortress Res). At least Atk makes for nice damage- i still want to wait for a dupe before foddering though.

i hope getting defense wins isn’t too hard with bonus stats. 

And enemy phase music option woooooo!!

still waiting for barracks upgrade but we already have a lot of good updates!

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I just recognized a nice side effect of the update: Since SP/XP won't be reduced anymore for reruns, I might replay the story with a fresh team. Too bad the only possibility to reset the level of a unit to 0 is to promote. 

@Alkaid Get well soon! May the prospect of Camillas refinement help you to forget a little about your condition. 

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What does this mean:


  • There will be a new option added to the Settings menu: Foe/Ally Auto-Battle Movement. It will let you control how much movement is shown on screen for AI-controlled characters, such as enemy units or when playing via auto-battle.
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1 minute ago, Vince777 said:

What does this mean:


  • There will be a new option added to the Settings menu: Foe/Ally Auto-Battle Movement. It will let you control how much movement is shown on screen for AI-controlled characters, such as enemy units or when playing via auto-battle.

I'm guessing it shows how AI will predict

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Yeah, unless if you’re someone who had to break the bank in order to pull him. I imagine this turn of events won’t sit well with them.

I, however, don’t fall into that crowd and I still don’t have OG taco so, yay I guess? Once he gets handed out, I’ll only be missing two Day 1 heroes (Linde, Elise).

I broke the bank a while back to get him and Hector on Hero Fest (well, not quite whaled, but I did spend a fair bit for me).

I'm still over the moon about free close counter fodder :D I can't imagine there will be that many people who don't feel the same.

My biggest problem is overcoming my indecision on who to use it on. I mean, I still have a spare Hector I keep holding back in case another unit comes along that needs it xD

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6 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

What does this mean:


  • There will be a new option added to the Settings menu: Foe/Ally Auto-Battle Movement. It will let you control how much movement is shown on screen for AI-controlled characters, such as enemy units or when playing via auto-battle.

I assume it will let you skip the part where the unit zooms from where it was to where it wants to go when it moves and just has it teleport to save time.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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6 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

Never got Takumi before so I don't see myself foddering a new unit, as tempting as Close Counter is. :o

You can grind him for hero merit, but he's really fallen from grace ever since SI rolled around. You can use him well if you decide to summoner support him, but that can be said about any unit. Fujin Yumi's refinement isn't that great (guess you can't translate everything well from other games into Heroes) and you'd more likely use brave bow

@Vince777 That and I think they're just looking back at the beginning of the game realizing that quality of life for newer players is not so great

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@mcsilas The fact that you just considered the prospect of giving Matthew or Saizo CC at any point humbles me. But I'll say think long and hard on it. It's a significant skill for a unit.

@mampfoid Yeah! I can't believe they're giving one of him away for free. And I already have a +SPD/-HP one so I'm good for the actual unit. As for who'll get CC though...




This is not going to be an easy decision... And yes, B!Caeda is there because a refined Blessed Bouquet+ gives +5 DEF/RES to her and her allies if she attacks the enemy. Couple that with a Seal/Smoke and she becomes blue tome Matthew with reversed DEF and RES.

Now my 2 cents on the update.

  • I don't think the TT bonus carrying over to Arena was necessary. It can be frustrating but I enjoy the challenge arena brings. That's about to be mitigated now, but it's fine. It's purely for those who are frustrated with arena and trying to get a good score.
  • The Chain bonus being cut down I'm good with, makes for a much less stressful attempt at a good deathless run. I don't know if by offensive rewards they mean the feathers you get for 4k arena score and higher but we'll see, so far it's looking good.
  • M!Corrin finally gets his refine! Not interested in any of the units getting new weapons/refines, but I have copies of each of them at a good nature so if they're good I'll consider investing in them.
  • Tap battle being expanded upon beyond the first few days is nice. It didn't feel all that worth it to keep playing once you clear stage 95-100.
  • Rival Domains just became child's play. I'm not sure how I feel about this. It had potential to be occasionally frustrating, but now it's about to be easy-mode. Which it kinda already was after playing the Infernal+ variant of it in Grand Conquest.
  • FREE CLOSE COUNTER. 13k feathers is absurdly generous as well.
  • Not losing all my progress when the unit I'm training dies in the training map is a welcome change. Yes please.
  • The animation change I don't fully understand yet, I'll have to wait and see what that's about, chances are nothing will change for me though.

This game just gets better and better. The update is fantastic. Not excited about the units getting new weapons but they could certainly use them and between all the new shifts, rewards and for the love of God free CC fodder? It's hard to complain or say IS doesn't care about the player experience.


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So there's a bunch of little things about the update.

I'm curious about the shifts in the arena that will come from less rounds being allowed. As for bonus allies getting a boost, say goodbye to defence wins.

Free CC. Thank you Takumi, it'll be nice sacrificing you on the alter of sheep. I already had upgraded the Askrtrio and I think sent the other three home ( :( I shouldn't have done that to Matthew, he was too rare for me) so the rest of the package is just a bonus and enough feathers to promote Takumi.

I have none of the units getting refined weapons at 5*. Camilla's axe was inevitable and the Yato might be amazing and get multiple refines.

Rival domains being non-random might be nightmarish if the team destroys yours.

Enemy phase music can be off now. Praise to the button.

Interesting seeing a QoL for Autobattle allowing things to be sped up. Nothing about the AI itself being tinkered (I think. Am I wrong?)

I will never see the Lucina move now. RIP.

More seals. Start guessing!

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