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Pulled about 70 orbs and got AYRA ( +Atk - Def)! The only unit I wanted so I am OUT and back to saving orbs until the next banner ^.^!

Oh and I pulled a -SPD + HP Celica, so I am going to merge her into my + SPD - DEF one ;)

Good luck on your pulls guys!!

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The bad news: legendary banner decides to give me only one red orb.

The good news: I managed to get a Hector. Somehow. He's +def -HP, like my Takumi.

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I need to be more careful about pulling during the middle of night. I got nothing but trash (my free summon was a freaking 3* Bartre ffs!). 

I'm going to sleep and grind some orbs later. Maybe my luck will improve during the afternoon.

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Welp. Boyfriend got me a giftcard, so I guess I was pulling from this banner. INSANE luck. My first pull had 3 five stars (Caeda, Xander, and Genny). I ended up pulling an Ike (+SPD -RES), Caeda again (+ATK -RES), Celica (+HP -ATK), Fjorm (+HP -ATK), and another Genny. I've already got a fabulous Genny who's +ATK -HP, but the two other ones are welcome fodder. Xander was neutral. I already had a +ATK -HP one. So fodder. And the first Caeda was +DEF. So maybe merges? I've got a +SPD Celica already, so another merge. And I only wanted a second Fjorm for skill fodder since I have the neutral one. Boey would probably really like her A skill if I could pull a decent Boey. XD

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With 45 orbs, I got Ayra(+HP, -Def). I got a +Def, -Atk Mia yesterday, so when it comes to infantry swords I think I'm good. I'll probably try to get one or two more characters from the Legendary banner and then save for the next one.

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My free pull was a neutral Hector. How unbelievable. Just sucks he's neutral. Well, better than +RES or something.

I also finally got Lachesis with shit IVs in the same session and Wrys with -ATK and +DEF - which is actually pretty cool because now I can finally sack my neutral Wrys.

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Four full summons, and three 5-stars, although two of those were in the same one. Deirdre, who is great and someone I wanted, but her boon/bane is pretty meh: +HP/-Res. Then Ike, who I'm kinda indifferent about, but with a great boon/bane: +Atk/-Res. And finally, of course, Spring Xander. But also with a solid boon/bane: +Def/-HP. Not too bad overall, but could be better. Oh, but I did finally get Raven as well, for the first time ever! He's +HP/-Res, which is just slightly better than neutral I suppose, so I'll take it. I still want everyone on this banner, so I might buy more orbs in a few days, if I can get some spare money.

Edit: @Korath88, my apologies. I think my Ike may have taken your Ike's Atk in exchange for that Res.

Edited by DefaultBeep
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Well, here's what I walked away with 200+ orbs later.




Boon/Bane Combos and Notes


Genny #1: +Spd, -HP
Genny #2: +Def, -Spd
SF!Camilla: +Res, -Def
Deirdre #1: +Def, -Res
Deirdre #2: +HP, -Res
Celica: +Res, -Def

  • I'm no longer missing a single FE2/15 character, since my first Mae (+HP, -Def 11 Def lmao) came alongside my first Deirdre.
  • I got my first two 4* Oscars who funnily enough had the reverse boon/bane of the other (one was +Spd/-Res, the other was +Res/-Spd).
  • I've successfully completed the mage flier trio.
  • Celica means that I now have every 5* exclusive red mage, seasonals included.
  • Merric is now the only green mage I don't have as a 5*, seasonals included.


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1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

Used about 110 orbs so far. No 5* units at all, I'm at 10.5% pity rate. Honestly just end my life, the trash summonings just never end for me.

I feel ya. 180 orbs later and the only 5* I got was Bride Cordelia. Good news is that see is a new unit for me and has great IV's (+spd/-hp) but I was hoping to get more than 1 5* with that amount of orbs.
Only have 7 orbs now and also at a 10.5% rate like you. Gonna scrounge up the rest of the orbs from book 2 and hopefully get my rate broken so that I can start saving orbs again as I really want Shiro

Edit: welp got Genny (+def/-atk) why?  so I am officially done with this banner. I just wanted Spring Camilla and Spring Xander but looks like it wasn't meant to be

Edited by Symphonica
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Total orbs spent: 195 (120 free orbs and 75 purchased orbs)

My results:












Boons/Banes of the 5* Dudes:

  • (New!) Spring Camilla: +Def/-Atk.  Hahaha, just like my Summer Corrin... Oh well, I have her now, and that's what matters.
  • Brave Lyn: Neutral.  I already have a neutral B-Lyn.  To merge or use as SS fodder?  Hmmm...
  • Ayra: +Res/-Atk.  Baaaad nature.  Once again, merge or use as SS fodder?
  • Hector: +Atk/-HP.  Heh, just like my current Hector.  This one will be DC fodder for someone.
  • Ike: Neutral.  He will be Aether fodder (to boost my Arena score).

5 5*s in 50 pulls (10 full pulls) seems pretty close to average.  Not bad.  I think I'll avoid colourless orbs from now on.  There's a lot of good stuff on this banner, so I'll keep pulling on it until it ends. :]

Edited by Infinite Dreams
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Spent $40. That + ~70 saved orbs net me a Fjorm  (+Spd/-Def), Hector (-HP/+Res), Genny (+HP/-ATK), and B.Cordelia (+Spd/-Res).

None of them were new units, but the Fjorm and Cordelia natures are nice, so all in all value.

Wasn't interested in pulling on legendary heroes banner again after getting my B.Cordelia, so I dumped the rest of my orbs looking for another (not-minus-atk) Nephenee, but to no avail. Just sadly looking at a 3.75% now.

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So, 2.0 is here. I'll just do some sessions for now, leave the rest for the 4th.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Frederick (The last 3 summons have been Fred. Seriously? +HP/-Spd), 4* Camilla (No egg again. +Atk/-Def. Sacrifice), 3* Hinata (Fury Sacrifice is nice), 3* Serra (Disappointing), 3* Serra (....I don't know what I expected from the colour that's given me two Virions at the same time twice)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

3* Niles (Haven't gotten him in a while. And I mean a WHILE. He's also +Res/-Spd sadly), 4* Selena (TA + Reposition's nice. +Res/-HP, so I'd sacrifice her), 5* Ike (Fine, I'll like him! Not so much if he's +Res/-Atk), 4* Tailtu (+Res/-Def. Better than the first one), 3* F!Corrin (Hone+ Draconic Aura fodder. +Spd/-Def)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

5* Ayra (YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I AM THRILLED! She's Neutral, so that's alright by me), 4* Leon (+Atk/-Spd. Bit disappointing), 3* Felicia (BoL fodder? BoL fodder), 3* Beruka (....Glimmer's going to be more relevant, right?)

2/12 today. Neat. Shame about all the 3* units.

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@Jedi Well dang I wish I had your luck!

Good news: I survived colourless hell and got a 5 star. Green orbs were super scarce, and I pulled on the occasional red but always came out with disappointment. Red orbs a freaking trap dammit.

I started with 80+ orbs on each again, and left with about 12 or 13.


Prize for my main account was BRIDELIA! Neutral IVs but I wanted either her or Spring Camilla the most so not being -Atk/-Spd is already a victory. Looks like I know where my next Gordin is going to go.

Honourable mentions: +Spd/-Res Seth, +Atk/-Res Sakura (?), +Spd Niles (although -Res..), Barst reposition fodder and a +Atk/-Spd Donnel as a free summon from the Nephenee banner

Dishonourable mentions: +Res/-Atk Kagero (it seems all my first Kageros are lacking in attack), Virions, +Spd Sheena/-HP, +Def/-Spd Nino, Merric and Double Marth on the same summon as Bridelia (a sign I needed to stop, have I received @Zeo's curse?)



Second account gave me a dupe GENNY who is +Def/-Res. Already built up a neutral Genny so I'm not sure if this is really worth it or just going to be Wrathful Staff fodder. (Are you happy now @MrSmokestack? Your love for sheep daughters caused her to visit me again) 

Honourable mentions: +Atk Raven! (finally a good Raven), my 2nd neutral Priscilla, +Atk/-HP Boey! (TA build so -HP shouldn't be too bad), +HP/-Res Leon (my first one!), +Atk/-Res Selena, my second +Atk/-Res Klein (more Death Blow is fine), +Res/-HP Caeda (is this good?), +Atk/-HP Laslow (although I have a -Res one)

Dishonourable mentions: +Spd/-Atk Gaius (another -Atk one of him), -Atk Leon, 2 Berukas, Sophia, Serra, Hawkeye

So yeah I was blessed by Echoes a lot today in this account.

Edited by mcsilas
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Welp, spent 75 orbs and the latter 60 was almost all junk, surprisingly there were more *3's than *4's which is pretty astounding. But the good portion of it is that the rate is real, and I realized that with the very first full pull.



Ayra is +HP/-RES which works with me. Ike is +DEF/-ATK but I already have a good one so I've got a free merge, Heavy Blade fodder or Aether fodder.

Rate currently at 9.50% I wanted Ayra and S!Camilla above all, so I've got one last goal, everything else is gravy.

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