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I want to share my joy on the recent pulls. Paging all regulars @Jingle Jangle @Rezzy @Arcanite @Vaximillian @GuiltyLove @SatsumaFSoysoy @Glennstavos:

Free pull in the BHB banner:



Nowi was the free pull, then Tana came immediately after. Thanks RNG gods.

And my pulls in the Winter Banner:








Seliph is the freaking bane of my FEH existance, with this being the second and third time he spoils my pity rate. All of them became merged with my original Seliph, thus becoming my first 5* 40+3. Fortunately Wintharja still came home, and I'm not complaining about Eldigan, Santa Chroums and Cain.


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1 minute ago, Jave said:

I want to share my joy on the recent pulls. Paging all regulars @Jingle Jangle @Rezzy @Arcanite @Vaximillian @GuiltyLove @SatsumaFSoysoy @Glennstavos:

Free pull in the BHB banner:

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Nowi was the free pull, then Tana came immediately after. Thanks RNG gods.

And my pulls in the Winter Banner:

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Seliph is the freaking bane of my FEH existance, with this being the second and third time he spoils my pity rate. All of them became merged with my original Seliph, thus becoming my first 5* 40+3. Fortunately Wintharja still came home, and I'm not complaining about Eldigan, Santa Chroums and Cain.



How someone gets so many 5*'s is beyond my comprehension. My luck is so bad that I rarely get banner units or any 5*'s in general

Hope you like the Santa units~

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4 minutes ago, Jave said:

I want to share my joy on the recent pulls. Paging all regulars @Jingle Jangle @Rezzy @Arcanite @Vaximillian @GuiltyLove @SatsumaFSoysoy @Glennstavos:

Free pull in the BHB banner:

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Nowi was the free pull, then Tana came immediately after. Thanks RNG gods.

And my pulls in the Winter Banner:

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Seliph is the freaking bane of my FEH existance, with this being the second and third time he spoils my pity rate. All of them became merged with my original Seliph, thus becoming my first 5* 40+3. Fortunately Wintharja still came home, and I'm not complaining about Eldigan, Santa Chroums and Cain.


Nice, a good amount of 5*s and good skill fodder. That's a win in my book.

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3 minutes ago, Jave said:

I want to share my joy on the recent pulls. Paging all regulars @Jingle Jangle @Rezzy @Arcanite @Vaximillian @GuiltyLove @SatsumaFSoysoy @Glennstavos:

Free pull in the BHB banner:

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Nowi was the free pull, then Tana came immediately after. Thanks RNG gods.

And my pulls in the Winter Banner:

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Seliph is the freaking bane of my FEH existance, with this being the second and third time he spoils my pity rate. All of them became merged with my original Seliph, thus becoming my first 5* 40+3. Fortunately Wintharja still came home, and I'm not complaining about Eldigan, Santa Chroums and Cain.


Congrats are in order.  What natures did you get?

It's funny that you get Seliph and Eldigan as pitybreakers.  I'd like to introduce you to this guy...


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12 minutes ago, Jave said:

I want to share my joy on the recent pulls. Paging all regulars @Jingle Jangle @Rezzy @Arcanite @Vaximillian @GuiltyLove @SatsumaFSoysoy @Glennstavos:

Free pull in the BHB banner:

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Nowi was the free pull, then Tana came immediately after. Thanks RNG gods.

And my pulls in the Winter Banner:

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Seliph is the freaking bane of my FEH existance, with this being the second and third time he spoils my pity rate. All of them became merged with my original Seliph, thus becoming my first 5* 40+3. Fortunately Wintharja still came home, and I'm not complaining about Eldigan, Santa Chroums and Cain.


How many animal sacrifices did you make to pull THAT off?

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Everyone, I am back, and I have a lot of pulls to document.  I'm up to 582 total pulled units.  Yeah.










In no particular order.

And for boons/banes:


Serra (+HP/-Atk): Not quite.  NEXT!
Bartre (+Spd/-Atk): Eeep.  Uh, thanks for Smite?

Titania (+Def/-HP): Alas, that's not your offensive stats!
Hinata (+Res/-Def): FURY FODDER~!
Ogma (+Def/-HP): I think I have a better one trained up.

Eliwood (+Res/-Atk): Can you reverse that?  No?  Alas. . .
Hinata (+Res/-Spd): While he doesn't mind that bane, that boon is a waste.  Oh, well, more Fury fodder~!
Marth (+HP/-Def): Escape Route is a nice skill!
Maria (+Def/-Res): Try as you might, you don't work as a mixed tank.
Gordin (+HP/-Def): One day, I'll find a bunch of units that want Attack +3!

Subaki (+Def/-HP): I'm so tempted to slap Iote's Shield on him and troll everything.
Sully (+Spd/-Res): I think I have one with this combo already.  But I do enjoy giving my mages Draw Back and Swordbreaker~!
Eirika (+Atk/-Def): That's. . .the fourth one with an amazing boon/bane combo?  But I think she's a repeat, so Hone Speed here I come~!
Frederick (+Def/-HP): They sort-of cancel each other out.  But not in a good way.
Leon (+Spd/-Def): What the shit.  This is the other legit variant of Leon.  I really need to think about this!

Nino (+Res/-Atk): Draw Back is still a useful skill.
Lissa (+Atk/-HP): That isn't going to work.  At all.
Cecilia (+Res/-Spd): Thank you for Escape Route.
Palla (+Spd/-Def): Oh, this is interesting. . .might keep her, since it bumps her to 34 Speed (a.k.a. "respectable").
Serra (+HP/-Res): NO.

Reinhardt (+Atk/-Res): WE HAVE A WINNER!  Sorry Klein, your Death Blow just found a better use.
Gunter (+HP/-Res): And there's some Hone Cavalry fodder to go along with it~!
Siegbert (+Atk/-Def): YES I AM KEEPING YOU!  If it wasn't for the fact that his default weapon was so damn good, I'd slap a Brave Sword on him and have fun.
Wrys (+Atk/-Res): You should swap boon/bane combos with Gunter. ;/
Wrys (+Spd/-Atk): This is just a lost cause.  Sorry, man.

Lukas (+Def/-Res): This screams meme.  So tempting to give him Close Def for more giggles.  But alas, I already have another Lukas.
Shanna (+Res/-Spd): DESPERATION.  I need you~!
Jagen (+Spd/-Res): Alas, you need to swap combos with Shanna above you. ;/
Eirika (+HP/-Atk): I think a merge level for my existing Eirika is in order!
Azama (+HP/-Res): Huh, that's not a bad boon.  But that bane. . .

Lukas (+Atk/-HP): If I had the will/feathers, I'd 5* him and merge the old one into him.  Brave Lance+ is absolutely hilarious.
Setsuna (+HP/-Res): I'm sure there's a boon/bane combo out there that makes you usable.  This isn't it.
Sully (+Def/-HP): This isn't particularly interesting.
Frederick (+Atk/-Res): I NEED A BRAVE AXE, NOW!
Ogma (+Def/-HP): That's. . .a Brave Sword.  I swear I'll get a good 5* Ogma one day!

Felicia (+Res/-Spd): That is most definitely NOT going to work.
Wrys (+HP/-Def): If this was -Res, I'd build it for shits and giggles.
Henry (+Spd/-Def): He needs +Atk, full stop.
Shanna (+Def/-Spd): I appreciate the continued applications of Desperation.
Boey (+HP/-Atk): I have a use for Earth Boost, but I need to pull a specific boon/bane on a specific unit.

The horses won here.


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8 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Went in with 78 orbs, came out with 12, and no Tana... @Vaximillian @GuiltyLove

But I then yolo'd on the Christmas one because I couldn't shake the feeling in my gut, and bam:


+Atk -Spd (perfect!!) Chrom! @Arcanite My -Spd curse became a good thing? @Rezzy

Low Speed can sometimes be a good thing.  Oddly, most of my +Spd units are low speed guys, like Eldigan and BIke.

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12 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats are in order.  What natures did you get?

It's funny that you get Seliph and Eldigan as pitybreakers.  I'd like to introduce you to this guy...

Oh yeah, the natures.

Tana was +Res /-Def

Eldigan was +Def/-HP, replacing my previous +Spd/-Atk one.

Winter Chrom is +Atk/-Def. Pretty mixed feelings on that one.

The Seliphs were +HP/-Spd and +Def/-HP, both got merged into my original +Atk/-HP.

Cain was +Def/-HP, replacing my previous +Res/-Atk.

Winter Tharja was +Def/-Res. I'm totally cool with that.

Also wow at that 40+7 Seliph. Is it made entirely out of pity breakers?

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

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Shame people wont let others do their best ;-;

Congrats on the Rein though


And thanks~!  Took me forever to pull my first Rein.  This is the second one.  Glad he's awesome.

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39 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

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Shame people wont let others do their best ;-;

Congrats on the Rein though

Hey, I've promoted some Ninos to help her do her best.



......What? I never specified who the "her" was.


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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

Low Speed can sometimes be a good thing.  Oddly, most of my +Spd units are low speed guys, like Eldigan and BIke.

+Spd on those two units is good, though, fortunately. If your Eldigan is +Spd -HP or -Def, you have a super Eldigan that actually counts as infantry for Arena scoring! Because of how superboons and BST tiers work.

1 hour ago, Jave said:

Free pull in the BHB banner:

It hurts.

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Starting to finally dig into the last of my CC's in order to get orbs. Let's just hope I'll get some present. It'll be like my birthday again otherwise!

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Chrom (Was concerned for a second. Still poor fodder. +Res/-Spd), 4* Athena (It's not bad, but I do not need one when I have +Atk/-Res. Moonbow's not bad still), 4* Fir (She finally shows up at 4*. Even better she's +Spd/-Def. I have Glacies fodder lying around now), 3* Shanna (+Res/-HP. Would rather a better IV), 3* Gordin (Atk +3 fodder? Or shove/Vantage 2 fodder?)

Well that's disappointing.

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My luck has hit rock bottom on this banner. Saved up 280 orbs for this banner, and after spending all 280 got no christmas units. Was pity broken 3 times throughout. Been scrounging up orbs since and sniping reds and greens, still got nothing. Not giving up hope yet though! I have a little over a week, hopefully with a TT by Friday and whatever else the next week brings orb wise. I hope to at least walk away from this with someone, hopefully Tharja or Chrom.

Edited by Tolvir
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Uhhh ...

I got Jaffar as my free 5-star summon.

Definitely not my first free 5-star summon, but I believe he is my first NEW free 5-star summon.

Now I shall roll on all of these.

EDIT: He is +atk -def. DANG.

Edited by Sunwoo
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I was dumb and decided to do a full pull on the Refinery 2 banner.

3* Eliwood +Res -Def

3* Laslow +HP -Spd

4* Hana +HP - Res

3* Lissa +Atk -Def

4* Catria +Res -HP


I have nothing positive to say about any of that, so in a huff, I went to the Christmas banner. My self control is poor, I know.

4* Shanna +Spd -Res

3* Frederick +HP -Def

4* Mathilda +Res -Atk

5* Reinhardt +Spd -Def

4* Soleil +Spd -HP


Okay, the game saved the best to last, I'm happy now. Rein goes to +1 and Soleil is definite promotion material. Only tricky part is that I was going to promote Tiki and Effie this weekend as soon or as I could farm up 3000 feathers. But now it's a three way battle for the two promotions.

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