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2 hours ago, mcsilas said:


+Spd/-Def! I would have been happy with any of the reds, since I fail at pulling sword units in this account, but I'm stoked about this one!

 @Cute Chao @Vaximillian @mampfoid

I finally completed the Children of Fate set! (along with Shiro and that 5 star Soleil). Also he's not exactly Brave Roy, but I'm happy about that Spd boon in my -Spd cursed main account! I wonder if he likes Galeforce (have a spare Cordelia) or maybe a damaging special instead?

But wow this has probably been my best red pull ever in my main. And after session no 2 I decided to back out since I already have 2 Axuras from PA banner. Brave Lucina would be nice, or Lance Valour as well but I won't spend too much for now (unlike my second account :( )

Wow, congratulations!

He is actually better than BH!Roy. With his vanilla set and your SPD boon Siegbert already reaches 42 SPD (and 60 ATK!) on player phase. Heavy Blade seal + Galeforce would be perfect for him. Swift Sparrow would be very cool too (46 SPD and 58 ATK on PP), but it's rare. 

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Ugh. Tanked a lot of saved orbs and only got Siegbert and Sanaki to show for it. I already has a Siegbert in my barracks for fodder, so I guess having two is fine. And Sanaki doesn't even HAVE good skills to fodder off. I just want RD!Ike even if I have like literally TOO many reds. I don't even mean too, but I love them.

Also the new Ike totally destroys original Ike, so maybe I'll switch the two instead of adding another Red to a team that doesn't need it.

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7 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Condensing two pulling sessions into one. @Vaximillian @GuiltyLove @Rezzy @Arcanite

A week ago, I went into the Sacred Memories banner with ~120 orbs, hoping mostly for Eirika, but that night was off-focus night...

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-Spd, didn't bother checking boon. Firesweep/merge fodder I guess.


+Res -Def Brave Lucina. A step up from my +Res -Spd one, so I merged.


+Atk -Def! Great improvement over my +HP -Atk 5* Lilina, so I merged, and I'm going to give her Raudhrblade soon.

I ended up stopping with about 55 orbs to spare, planning to try my luck another day. I pulled last night, and...


In ten orbs! @Alexmender @DefaultBeep +Atk -Res too, which is super super good. My life is complete for now.

"For now"

Wait until the next banner :( What a way to live life

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4 colorless and 1 blue... so much for potential free Vanguard Ike...

Fem Corrin, Matthew, Azama, and Sothe. Of the four, Sothe is the only one I care about because LnD3 fodder at 4* booyah.

...oh the last one? Faye, +Res -HP. Which, according to a calculator, is worse than +Atk -Res with Guard Bow, DD6, and QR3???

Well whatever, guess I got more Firesweep Bows I'll never use... seriously can we trade units already, I know I'll never give anyone but maaaaaybe Setsuna these Firesweep bows.

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It's that time again! Will I get more than staves this time?

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless (No Ike chance r/n)

4* Nino (Didn't get in a while. +HP/-Res, sacrifice), 4* Gunter (Can.... can you stop? I don't have new cavalry to use you on. +HP/-Def), 4* Rebecca (Poor choice to pull, but you can't be 5* this time HUH? Neutral, no need), 4* Donnel (Well, I can sacrifice this. +Res/-Def), 4* Est (WORST FODDER! -Spd, merge)

8.5% now.

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Legendary banner...But I still need Eirika with her horse...Ah, screw it, here we go for Ike.

  1. 4* Lon'qu: I do need more Vantage fodder.
  2. 4* Clair: Meh.
  3. 4* Kagerou: It's been a while, but no thanks.
  4. 4* Saizo: Ugh. At least I'll get more feathers than if he was a 3*.
  5. 3* Setsuna: Worthless.

Not unexpected, but kind of disappointing, since I really want to be done with this banner quickly.

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Oh boy oh boy I had a wild time summoning on this banner last night. It was not kind to me, I went in with 138 orbs, I left with four

Let me share the nonsense!

I dive headfirst into the hypocrite pool, I’m not happy what they did with Erika but damnit I want that Vangaurd Ike!

Free summon, my free summon was good! A +spd/-def Sanaki, awesome! I have a soft spot for the gremlin emeperes and my original was -atk so I’m happy with her, and the free summon too!



That was the point where my luck hit the pits for a long time.



This is by far the worst pity rate I’ve gotten on one of these hellish bait banners. I still consider the pity rates I hit on Sigurd original banner and the battling Zephiel banner from way back to have been worse.

The only thing of note to come out of the giant pity gap was a 4* Seliph. That was a nice pull, I now have a +6 Seliph!

Then I got two circles in a row with no colorless and the inevitable happened. 



My least favorite character on the banner. Woopee. Yeah that was disheartening. Especially since this is yet another dagger unit with a nature I would really have loved for my poor Jaffar to end up with, +spd/-hp. That is a moot point now though because that Fredrick has immediately fulfilled his purpose and now Jaffar has silly daggers! 

At this point I was down to about 50 some orbs, which was originally going to be my stopping point. I have no self control. 

Right after that Fred I got Siegbert, much happier about him as a pity breaker even when there was not rate to break. 



+Atk/-Spd, the speed loss stinks but I can make attack, attack, attack! work on him I think. 

And so I just kept going because I don’t know when to quit all the way down until I had four orbs left and ho boy I could have cried. 


Ike you dick, thank you for taking pity on me in the end! He is neutral nature, that was also a huge relief. 

Ffffffff these 8% banners are terrible terrible sinks. Thank goodness there’s the TT and anniversary stuff to replenish my stockpile of orbs. 

@Rezzy(sorry, I’m dead and can’t think of anyone else to ping)

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@Rezzy @Arcanite

Wow did I get a haul. o.o

BUT IKE IS IN IT!! WOOO!! LEGENDARY BICEPS CAME! With my last orbs, no less.


He's +HP, -Spd, so not the most ideal, but I don't think it'll hurt him much... At least I hope.

But I said I had a haul, so here's what else I got!




That's two Fayes, yup. I merged them. The main one was +Atk, -HP, so I kept it. The other was +HP, -Spd. So of course I kept the +Atk one. Sanaki is +Spd, -HP, and Siegbert is +HP, -Def.

...Wait, three out of these five pulls were +HP. Wut. That's so weird. But nobody's -Atk at least! And only Ike is -Spd which as I said won't hurt him much, I hope.

No Summer Freddy yet sadly, but I'm going to keep trying for him tomorrow with the 50 free orbs.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

...Wait, four out of these five pulls were +HP

Now everyone can use Panic Ploy! :PPPPpp

You didnt get freddy yet but holy moly! Maybe with the 50 orbs you'll be able to get him though. Congratulations on getting the babe Ike!

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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Now everyone can use Panic Ploy! :PPPPpp

You didnt get freddy yet but holy moly! Maybe with the 50 orbs you'll be able to get him though. Congratulations on getting the babe Ike!

It was actually just three, not four, I edited the post. lol oops. But that's still weird. XD

Yeah, I hope! I need not -Spd and not -Atk. Plzzzz game.

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Saved up 220 orbs in preparation for this banner. That's the most I've ever had at one time, and I could sit on a higher record if I wait for the 50 on Thursday or add all these easy orbs from the TT, but that's all going toward next month's haul. Actually spent 14 of these orbs expanding my barracks because the latest FEH comic scarred me for life. Most wanted orb colors are grey and green. I want to own all three of the grey units, and this is a good time to go for Guunthra because Azura is the last of the PA dancers I need to collect. Also missing two of the reds, but I'll be able to grab Ike once a month so he's not high priority.

First pull. 4 reds, 1 grey. Mmm...yeah, I'd better check if an Ike is in here.


4* Lucius +Atk/-Spd

3* Henry +Res/-Atk

4* Roy +res/-Atk

4* Draug +Atk/-Res

4* Selena +Def/-Res

I'm still hoping to get a good natured Henry despite having Lyon. That Roy is begging to be foddered. Probably giving TA3 to Lyon. And hey, that's a great Draug nature. Not that I'd need to ever use him when Arden is straight up superior, but I'm sure he'll be there when I'm that far into my backlog in a year or so.

Second pull. 1 red, 3 blue, 1 grey


4* Setsuna +Atk/-Def

Yeah, gotta back out in hopes of more greys. Good fodder though. Already promoted a +Spd/-Res to 5 star.

Third pull.  2 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 grey. Yeah, I'll full pull this.


4* Priscilla +HP/-Def

4* Sheena Neutral

4* Eirika +Hp/-Atk

4* Corrin +res/-Spd

4* Oscar +Atk/-Res

The real prize here is Oscar. He's new to the collection and an optimal nature! The only 4 star unit I'm missing now is Sothe - whom I hope to pick up while hunting for greys! A -Atk Eirika might not be unsalvageable in the future when she gets her refinery upgrade. Since I expect she'll get something that turns her into a super rally bot. But +HP, can't imagine that being optimal.

Fourth pull with 9% pity rate. 1 red, 2 blue, 2 grey


4* Rebecca +HP/-Spd

5* Summer Frederick +Atk/-Res

4* Corrin +HP/-Spd

4* Subaki +Hp/-Def

4* Oscar +Res/-Atk

Whoa dude, that's a good Freddy. Decided to finish the pull to take advantage of the pity rate. Subaki is great fodder too. And another Oscar to fodder off so I'd say it's worth it.

Fifth pull. 1 red, 2 blue, 2 grey 


4* Lucius +Def/-HP

4* Gaius Neutral

3* Lonqu +HP/-Res

Nothing to see here

Sixth Pull. 2 red, 1 blue, 2 grey. Can I get some Greens, game?



4* Kagero +HP/-Res

3* Niles Neutral

3* Stahl +Res/-HP

4* Lilina +Spd/-Def

3* Jagen +Atk/-Res

Impressively bad. Best thing here is the Jagen since the game gives me very few of him. Great natures for Lilina and Jagen but I have that Lilina promoted, and a superior +Atk/-Def Jagen in the backlog.


Seventh pull with 9% pity rate. 2 red, 1 blue, 2 grey



4* Lachesis +Atk/-Def

3* Azama +Def/-HP

3* Odin +Def/-HP

4* Eliwood +Res/-Def

4* Marth +Spd/-Res

Have I finally pulled an optimal Marth? Thanks for salvaging this pull, bud! Great Lachesis too.


Eighth pull with 9.5% pity rate. 2 red, 1 green, 2 grey



3* Bartre +Def/-Spd

3* Virion +Res/-Atk

4* Lachesis +Spd/-Res

3* Henry +Def/-HP

4* A!Tiki +Res/-Def

Yeah pulls can't get any worse than this.


Ninth pull with 10% pity rate. 1 red, 2 green, 2 grey.



4* Klein +Res/-Atk

4* Serra +HP/-Res

4* Cecilia +Res/-Def

3* Gunter +Def/-Spd

4* Ogma +Spd/-Res

Klein and Gunter are keeping my sanity here. Ogma's a great nature for a non brave build. But I've already got a +Atk/-Res waiting for a promotion and don't see myself investing in some luxury weapon for him.


Tenth pull with 10.5% pity rate. 2 red, 1 blue, 2 green



4* Soren +Def/-Res

4* Fae +HP/-Atk

Passing on the rest since I need to preserve this pity rate.


Eleventh pull with 10.5% pity rate. 2 red, 1 green, 2 grey



4* Sothe +res/-Def

5* Takumi +Res/-Spd

3* Gunter +Atk/-HP

3* Stahl +Spd/-Def

3* Stahl +Spd/-Def

And this is where I'm done nabbing greys. Sothe and Takumi are new to the collection. Wish they had neutral or better natures, but I won't complain.


Twelfth pull, now ignoring greys. 1 red, 4 blue. Thanks game...


3* Lonqu +HP/-Res

Thirteenth pull. 1 red, 4 greys. Where were these greys earlier?



4* Cain. +HP/-Atk

Wish I could know if Faye was in one those...


Fourteenth pull. 4 red, 1 blue. Game.


4* Draug +Res/-Spd

Fifteenth pull 3 red, 1 blue, 1 grey


3*Lonqu +Atk/-Def

And I'm stopping here after having spent just over 200 orbs. 200 orbs for two five stars is well below the statistical average for these banners, but at least I nabbed one of the seasonals I was missing. I really want Azura though, so I'm going to scrounge up orbs to snipe greens. Might even dig into next month's orbs too. What a pain. Back to the TT grind.

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After about 160 orbs saved up, this is what I got,

























P Azura, Siegbert (+atk), Faye, Fjorm, and S Xander, pretty good. I'm still looking for RD Ike and Gunnthrá.

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7 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

"For now"

Wait until the next banner :( What a way to live life

Yes, only pulling anime girls with gacha money can temporarily fulfill me. :^)

@DefaultBeep RIP on the -Atk, but like you said, yeah, it's not too hard to build around. -Atk Eirika is like.... Olwen.

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Free summon... and I got Faye (+HP/-Def) so far. I just hope I don't get the missing color curse like I did with the New Years Banner. At least I finally have Firesweep Bow+ fodder now though, yay.


P Azura, Siegbert (+atk), Faye, Fjorm, and S Xander, pretty good. I'm still looking for RD Ike and Gunnthrá.

You pulled a +Atk Siegbert and Firesweep Bow+ fodder at the same time? Damn it, I'm really jealous now lol. The two Siegberts that I whaled for were -Atk/+HP and -Spd/+HP. Anyways congrats looks like you got good pulls, which has been hard for a lot of people on the past Hero Fest banners.

Edited by Ae†her
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I went into the legendary banner gunning for red and green orbs. As long as I didn’t get Summer Xander, I’d be good. So of course, I pull him in my first circle. +Hp -Spd, so I’ll level him and then leave him on the bench as Infantry Pulse fodder I’ll never use. 

One hundred orbs later, I got the unit I wanted most, Legendary Ike!...who is +Def -Atk. Of course he is. My only solace is that he’ll make an amazing tank and QR Ather counters should make up for the -Atk. I hope. 

Edit: I forgot the one bright spot to this session: a 4-Star +Atk -Res Soleil. I’m contemplating either Firesweep or Slaying Edge for her, but that’ll have to wait until after the TT. 

Edited by Eridras
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9 hours ago, DarkLordIvy said:

Oh boy oh boy I had a wild time summoning on this banner last night. It was not kind to me, I went in with 138 orbs, I left with four

Let me share the nonsense!

I dive headfirst into the hypocrite pool, I’m not happy what they did with Erika but damnit I want that Vangaurd Ike!

Free summon, my free summon was good! A +spd/-def Sanaki, awesome! I have a soft spot for the gremlin emeperes and my original was -atk so I’m happy with her, and the free summon too!

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That was the point where my luck hit the pits for a long time.

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This is by far the worst pity rate I’ve gotten on one of these hellish bait banners. I still consider the pity rates I hit on Sigurd original banner and the battling Zephiel banner from way back to have been worse.

The only thing of note to come out of the giant pity gap was a 4* Seliph. That was a nice pull, I now have a +6 Seliph!

Then I got two circles in a row with no colorless and the inevitable happened. 

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My least favorite character on the banner. Woopee. Yeah that was disheartening. Especially since this is yet another dagger unit with a nature I would really have loved for my poor Jaffar to end up with, +spd/-hp. That is a moot point now though because that Fredrick has immediately fulfilled his purpose and now Jaffar has silly daggers! 

At this point I was down to about 50 some orbs, which was originally going to be my stopping point. I have no self control. 

Right after that Fred I got Siegbert, much happier about him as a pity breaker even when there was not rate to break. 

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+Atk/-Spd, the speed loss stinks but I can make attack, attack, attack! work on him I think. 

And so I just kept going because I don’t know when to quit all the way down until I had four orbs left and ho boy I could have cried. 


Ike you dick, thank you for taking pity on me in the end! He is neutral nature, that was also a huge relief. 

Ffffffff these 8% banners are terrible terrible sinks. Thank goodness there’s the TT and anniversary stuff to replenish my stockpile of orbs. 

@Rezzy(sorry, I’m dead and can’t think of anyone else to ping)

I feel honored to be your sole ping; thanks for thinking of me.

I'm afraid I got the exact same freebie summon as you.  I went into the pull thinking I'd go Red and maybe get lucky.  I really want that Ike, but I also really don't want Sanaki (again).  I've gotten her off-focus twice already.


And she's +Spd-Def too.  Does it count as off-focus if she's the color parasite for the unit I want?

I think I'll have to wait until next legendary banner to fish for my Ike, with my luck, I'll just get more Sanakis.  That's always the case when the unit I want shares a color with somebody.  I don't feel 62 Orbs would be enough to get me Ike, and I don't want to whale right now.


9 hours ago, Anacybele said:

@Rezzy @Arcanite

Wow did I get a haul. o.o

BUT IKE IS IN IT!! WOOO!! LEGENDARY BICEPS CAME! With my last orbs, no less.


He's +HP, -Spd, so not the most ideal, but I don't think it'll hurt him much... At least I hope.

But I said I had a haul, so here's what else I got!

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That's two Fayes, yup. I merged them. The main one was +Atk, -HP, so I kept it. The other was +HP, -Spd. So of course I kept the +Atk one. Sanaki is +Spd, -HP, and Siegbert is +HP, -Def.

...Wait, three out of these five pulls were +HP. Wut. That's so weird. But nobody's -Atk at least! And only Ike is -Spd which as I said won't hurt him much, I hope.

No Summer Freddy yet sadly, but I'm going to keep trying for him tomorrow with the 50 free orbs.

Cool, don't you have Summer Frederick, or are you going for a better nature?

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Back to trying for Eirika. No joy.

4* Chrom +Atk -Res - Only my third Chrom ever and my first good one, I'm okay with this.
4* Arthur +Atk -Res - IV buddies eh? Already have one though so just Swap fodder which I've been short on lately.
4* Hana +HP -Res - With the addition of Sothe in the 4* pool I'm now pretty open to making a 4*+10 Hana I guess.
4* Laslow +Def -Atk - Bleh.
3* Lon'qu Neutral - Has got to be my most common unit of recent times, no more please.

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