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@mcsilas Can't complain about a Myrrh. XD 

My pitybreaker trend continues. I went in with a little over 50 orbs. After experimenting with a summon simulator and managing to get up to 12% (on a 3% banner...how?), I knew my luck wouldn't be great. I did manage to get a 4* star Silas, my first one. He's +SPD -DEF however, so he may just be Steady Stance fodder for someone. With a relatively low pity rate of around 3.50%, I also got a Sumia who is +SPD -RES. One one hand, she's a new character, so I'm grateful it's her and not like...5 star Tailtiu. On the other hand, I really don't need blue fliers with my super Shigure...and Tana...and Hinoka...and Cordelia... But on the other OTHER hand...her art is pretty. 

So this is already slightly better than the Muspell banner. At least I have a month and an upcoming TT.

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Couldn't stop myself with spending on a lot of red and colorless orb. about 80 orbs gone and not a single F!ing 5* unit, and up to 4% rate.

Why Gacha, JUST WHY?

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@KMT4ever Wow that's a really nice way to end the banner, congrats!

@Vaximillian Yeah Myrrh just has the perfect combination of art and voice artist. Her artist is a bit hit or miss but for Myrrh it just seems to mesh well.

@mampfoid Thanks! I actually forgot she comes with Armor March, so she's the perfect unit for the TT.

@Rafiel's Aria Is Silas's 4 star skill Steady Stance? Use the +Spd superboon Sumia is a neat pitybreaker though, somehow getting Atk/Def/Res boost on enemy phase with her supersonic speed sounds fun to play around with

@Garlyle Darn, sorry to hear that. 4 unit banners can be kind of harsh to pull. At least a TT will come to replenish some of the stock.

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Yeah Myrrh just has the perfect combination of art and voice artist. Her artist is a bit hit or miss but for Myrrh it just seems to mesh well.

Yeah, Myrrh is this one case where the style just worked. Same for Sakura Miwabe and her Delthea and Kana. These worked really well unlike, say, Lachesis or Est.

I threw my orbs at Laegjarn’s banner for two Chroms, a Selena, a Seliph, a Hana, a Corrin, and a Rachel. Why did I pull anyway? Wasn’t I going to save up? I feel pathetic.
At least Corrin is five thousand feathers once I cap his HM.

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2 hours ago, Garlyle said:

Couldn't stop myself with spending on a lot of red and colorless orb. about 80 orbs gone and not a single F!ing 5* unit, and up to 4% rate.

Why Gacha, JUST WHY?


it's a drug. 
Free Pull - Tharja. 3 star. 
Second Pull -New to me unit, Silvia (Another dancer, Nice!)
Third Pull: Athena 3 Star. (Book)
Fourth Pull: Soliel 4 star (YAY, project!)
Finally getting some colourless
Fifth Pull: Nanna
Sixth Pull: Athena (4 star)
Seventh Pull: Cain  4 Star (can't be mad - wings of mercy!)
Eighth Pull: Nanna 
Ninth Pull:  Klein (and now i realise i am not gonna be lucky (sigh)
Tenth pull: Serra (4 Star)
Eleventh Pull: Seth. Twelth Pull 3 Star Seth
(booked. 3 star matthew, 3 star elise, and 3 star serra). 

whomp. whomp. 
got a 3.75 pity rate going. 
i guess for the "good unit/new unit." mantra. yay for the dancer... yay for Nanna (i love heavenly light). yay for ain and Soliel.. 
but. :( man. would be nice for me to get the job done in under a few orbs. well. i did what i wanted to do. get a good start, then i can come back. i have a month 


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So my free pull for this banner was:cxz9sQN.jpg

Yes, even I am suprised by this. Kagero is+atk/-spd, which is probably perfect iv’s. And the then session right after this, I got:KSpYcid.jpg

Two five stars in a row, both at 3%. Sadly, neither were the ones I really wanted, but I did want to get them, so that is good. Myrrh is +def/-res, which helps with the build I want to do with her. All that is left is to try for Mia.

@mcsilas @mampfoid

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@Poimagic Oooh congrats on already having half the banner!

I strangely had a lot of green orbs during my sessions but I had to prioritise colourless and red with my few orbs so I feel bad ignoring them. Congrats on the perfect IV kagero, the more I read about her statline the better she sounds.

+Def Myrrh is going to be a beast

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I got Myrrh on my second circle! So happy! +RES/-HP is perfectly okay for me, especially since now her RES is high enough to consider running a Ploy Sacred Seal, though honestly I’m mostly just glad her ATK and DEF are untouched.

I also got a 5-Star M!Morgan, which I completely forgot could happen since I only ever see him at 4-Star... like I did in the other red orb of that session. I’ll check stats on him later, need to train up Myrrh now.

Probably gonna dive back into this Banner when my Orbs are replenished (thank you, upcoming Tempest Trial+), since I want Mia, and getting Niles or another Myrrh would be alright by me as well.

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my 5.25 pity rate was Broken by Myrrh 
(and go figure 5.25 pity rate, Myrrh was my second summon and i still had nothing in that summoning circle)

plus attack - minus defense. LOL always one or the other with me but i got her. 
going to wait to go back in. i do want Mia

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Well 40 orbs in and no 5*s, this is the first banner am doing full pulls on in forever.  At least TT is soon so I have more chances at getting someone I want.

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Wanted to pull a couple blues on my free summon set to see if I got lucky and got Niles, naturally I get no blues to start with but do pull a nina to +1 so I go again get blues and got Niles, decided to try a little more for Mia since I was having good luck, pulled another brave lyn (my +1 upped to +2) but came out without Mia although everything else I got was a pleasant surprise, also 1 unit away from having 200 unique. Dorcas will probably get me there in the new tempest trials as well as finally give me a long overdue armored axe unit.

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Wanted Mia and Myrrh with a priority to Myrrh. Went 1 full round then started sniping. Then Leo appeared. I decided to finish the round anyways then Mia(+HP/ -Def) appeared in the next stone. Finished the round without getting anyone then decided to go snipe for Myrrh. First red stone, got her. Sadly she’s -Atk/+Def, but her attack is pretty good anyways so it could work. Overall spent about 69 orbs, definitely one of my best seasonal pulls.

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Everyone needs a Myrrh. unless you don't like dragons or adorable.

Just now, shayminskyforme88 said:

Wanted Mia and Myrrh with a priority to Myrrh. Went 1 full round then started sniping. Then Leo appeared. I decided to finish the round anyways then Mia(+HP/ -Def) appeared in the next stone. Finished the round without getting anyone then decided to go snipe for Myrrh. First red stone, got her. Sadly she’s -Atk/+Def, but her attack is pretty good anyways so it could work. Overall spent about 69 orbs, definitely one of my best seasonal pulls.

congrats. mine is the reverse - +Atk,/- Def so i'm hoping i can mitigate the defense somehow. 
I'm going save up some more orbs, and trying to get Mia. I just don't know if now i wanna just do colourless,, try for Kagero or another Myrrh. or what. 

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I spend all the orbs I had, 54, then the 12 from doing the new paralogue.  Unfortunately nothing.  Well I did get reposition, so Laegjarn is now complete.  Anyways this is month long, tempest trials, I have all of book 2 chain challenges and 1 more set of book 1 chain challenges if it comes to that.  In addition to whatever other orb rewards we get.  I want to get both Mia and Myrrh, and I think the average for that is 300+ orbs.  I think I'm going to need a lot of luck to get them, and it looks like this month's legendary banner will be a skip (along with any other banners this month) barring some miracle.  

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Several sessions with no red... And Niles pitybreaks me. Twice.

But it's Swift Sparrow fodder for Summer Freddy! Only question is, do I fodder the +Spd, -Atk one or the +Def, -Res one?

Oh yeah, Leo pitybroke me too. And I already have him! But QR3 fodder for Silas I guess!

I also got two male Morgans, so Freddy's boy is +5 now. :D

So this luck is both good and bad. Just wish I could get Myrrh. The more I look at her, the more I like her outfit. xP

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Today is a pretty good day all things considered. I woke up expecting nothing and this was my free summon:


It's funny because she was the only colorless orb in the summoning circle, sadly the red orbs were only fodder so no double 5* units for me. She's +Res -Def which isn't the best possible nature but it doesn't hurt her and having 36 Res with her A skill active is pretty handy.

Oh well, it's time to clear the 3 heroes quests and snipe for H!Myrrh.

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@Alexmender Wow, great free pull, congrats. Meanwhile I needed more orbs:  

Overall 100 orbs went into this: 



Lene neutral

Can't complain about two useful new units. But in the end it feels a little sad I couldn't resist the new Flier/weapon combination bait again ... back to 100 orbs for the legendary. 

@Zeo @Poimagic @mcsilas

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3 hours ago, Lewyn said:

I spend all the orbs I had, 54, then the 12 from doing the new paralogue.  Unfortunately nothing.  Well I did get reposition, so Laegjarn is now complete.  Anyways this is month long, tempest trials, I have all of book 2 chain challenges and 1 more set of book 1 chain challenges if it comes to that.  In addition to whatever other orb rewards we get.  I want to get both Mia and Myrrh, and I think the average for that is 300+ orbs.  I think I'm going to need a lot of luck to get them, and it looks like this month's legendary banner will be a skip (along with any other banners this month) barring some miracle.  

i had 2 5.75  pity breaks before i got one 5* unit. (Myrrh both times). (and a rando 5* in Green!Olwen). 
i might have to wait to have to wait until after legendary to try for mia 

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10 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

i had 2 5.75  pity breaks before i got one 5* unit. (Myrrh both times). (and a rando 5* in Green!Olwen). 
i might have to wait to have to wait until after legendary to try for mia 

Man that is really rough, however at least you got Myrrh finally (and twice!).   I think the math was something like one in 10 people would need 400+ orbs to summon a single Myrrh, and the average was 180 or something like that.  I think you may have noticed as well, IS has been releasing so many good banners that it is incredibly difficult to skip and save orbs. 

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