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Managed to get another 18 orbs....and got another sessions with no colorless orbs (the fourth) :/ :/ :/

Also already had three sessions with four blues I swear I'm gonna be pity broken by Tana at this rate.

Innes really is cursed for me ugh.

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@mampfoid Just so you know I am getting notifications to your posts. Just haven't had time to respond to every single thing, but I will get there. I've mostly been posting before bed.

@mcsilas @Alexmender @Rafiel's Aria @Cute Chao @Usana @NegativeExponents-

Yeah... so I said that until the next week (or thereafter until the Legendary) I wouldn't spend a single orb outside of the inital 0-15 for new banners and I'm sticking to that. But we had a new banner and technically pulling now is within that rule even if I have all the units. I figure this is a chance for a better nature of my Tana (+DEF/-ATK) or Innes (+1 +ATK/-SPD) and let's be honest, it'll probably just be a bunch of red and green stones right?

...Nope. 5, FIVE. COLORLESS. STONES. Now I know what you're thinking "lol Colorless hell" or "you already have Innes" well not only that, I have virtually every powerful colorless archer you can get in this game and most with optimal natures. Still, it's probably been almost a year since I've had a full colorless pool. There could be a Sothe, Klein, Kagero, Nanna, my first Legault or most importantly, that all too important Matthew merge. I told myself I would continue to pull colorless until I got him so I'm sticking to that. So I bite it and decide to pull all 5 stones. Even if it's all 3 stars if I could get even 1 Matthew or even just a Kagero/Klein, it's worth it.

Yeah... free pull~



....Are you serious? I hear the five stars without looking and think it's Innes and lo and behold. This has appeared before me. I didn't even pull for her on her banner. She was a great unit and is potential fodder if I managed to pull 2, but I just couldn't afford to pull for her. And here she is, pitybreaking me just like B!Veronica. Literally better than almost anything I could have gotten as a pitybreaker from colorless again. Sure she's a bit outclassed by Veronica, but who cares? Not only has my Razzle Dazzle staff count gone from 2 to 4 in weeks, but I have a source of Staff Valor and I'm free to fodder the next to Serra for Dazzling Staff should that happen.

And oh yeah. She's neutral if you were wondering, so her offenses are untouched.

Oh yeah, you probably thought I was done, right?



Wrong. He came directly after Maribelle. Unfortunately this one's a bit bitter. My first Innes was +RES/-ATK, the second was +ATK/-SPD (my active one) and this one is... wouldn't you guess it? +RES/-ATK. That's a bummer. He's got nothing for fodder either so I'll probably just merge him into my current one and continue to use him as a spare Brave Bow+ archer, but that's fine.


The rest of the pool sucked, but I don't regret spending one bit, as there could have been good fodder or even another five star in there. 

I take back what I said a while back, colorless has and continues to treat me well. Even if it's fickle with certain units.

Down to 14 from 29, but I regret nothing. Back to stocking up~

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Not enough for a Hallow'een pull, but a new banner's a new banner. Maybe I can finally get Tana?

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Odin (He's alright fodder. +Spd/-Res, eh)

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@Zeo Wow! Congrats on Maribelle and another Innes! To bad about the nature of the Frelian prince, but two 5 stars in the first session is really something!

@mampfoid @Vaximillian @Rafiel's Aria @Usana

So. I was saving orbs for Myrrh in the BHB....or at least that was the plan.

First I do my free pull in my second account. I already have a promoted Lon'qu and a +Atk/-Spd Innes but a better nature would be nice. Tana will be new, and there were 2 blues and 2 colourless. After much deliberation I picked the top blue....because Tana is flying and a flying unit will be above.... yeah strange reason..



Alas, she is +Res/-Atk but hey she is a new unit! I guess it's better than -Spd since Spd is her golden stat. I think she only has Guidance as her best inheritance option which..we have the seal for anyway. Kind of leaning to just casually training using her I guess until a better one comes by.

I then opened the other blue, despite aiming to only use the free summon. Who knows, maybe a double Tana pull would be nice- but i get Bonfire fodder in Robin which is fine fodder at least. As tempting as it is to try for a better natured Innes, I hardly use him anyway so I'll just wait for him to randomly come by in my hunt for Halloween Mia or something.


Then I do my free pull in my main. Only 1 blue, 2 red, 1 colourless and 1 green.

Blue was a 4 star L'arachel. Hmm, right game at least...then I take a look at the nature and she's +Spd/-Def!!! Perfect nature! Looks like I can fodder off that -Atk pitybreaker now while I promote this in the future (a backup blue mage cav would be nice for AA)

Then I had a stupid idea. I haven't summoned a Lon'qu in my main in MONTHS. Actually, maybe the last one was from Hero Fest 2 while hunting for Ike, where there were so many Lon'qus but after that he disappeared. I thought, "wouldn't it be funny to save feathers and get a Lon'qu?" I still have yet to get the fabled +Atk Lon'qu...

So I pick one of the reds and...


HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHA!!! It's so funny getting Luke'd after seeing the conversation in the General Discussion thread. At least he isn't technically a pitybreaker! He's new and I needed more sword cavs in this account anyway. Unfortunately he has the worst combo of +Res/-Atk just like Tana (I guess that's the price for these 1st round 5 star units).

Still, I'll just casually use him. If I do get a proper nature one I'll use him properly, but I'm just hilariously laughing at just getting one of the rarest units in the game without being an unwelcome pitybreaker.


Then I just went full YOLO to open the other red and get a Cain for fodder. Wings of Mercy is always welcome in my barracks, it's too rare for me.


Then the summoning itch got to me. Went back to my second account just to try and clear the 4% pity rate in the Halloween banner. Getting Mia wouuld be great utility and the best time to grind SP for her is as a bonus unit in TT.

....Unfortunatley with 18 orbs in hand there were no colourless orbs. 3 reds and 2 blues to be exact. Well, I wouldn't be mad if I somehow got Myrrh, but after seeing Luke in my other account I warily opened the orbs starting from the left.

4 star Henry. Ok nice fodder. 3 star Athena- sure Wo Dao is a nice weapon. The last orb on the right...



Getting one of the best red units in the game without getting pitybroken by the many red non-focus 5 stars is definitely a good thing in my books. AND SHE's +Def/-Res!! That's going to be one spooky monster!

I then had enough to open 1 of the 2 blue orbs, Niles would be nice in the same circles, but instead I get Roderick. Which is fine, his lance is one of the best weapons in the game.

Now down to 1 orb- so much for trying to save for the normal Myrrh banner but a seasonal Myrrh is probably the better result anyway!

And the funny thing? Today's summon session was very Magvel (Tana, L'arachel, Halloween Myrrh) and Archanea-themed! (Luke, Athena, Roderick, Cain). I guess Robin counts for the latter since Ylisse is technically the same continent.. 

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4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

After much deliberation I picked the top blue....because Tana is flying and a flying unit will be above.... yeah strange reason..

Congrats! Tana is absolutely adorable.
Speaking of which, this is how my two full pulls looked:

Yep! Another Tana in 35 orbs. Amazing.

She looks like a decent user of the Darting Stance seal, actually.

37 (40 at +10 if not +Spd) at base, +6 from Darting Stance, +8 from two goads (I’d think this is reasonable to assume) and maybe +4 if the fourth unit fits the requirements for the refine to work gives 55 Spd (58 at +10 if not +Spd). This is hilarious. Nothing except Bold Fighters, Lancebreakers, or Lon’qu can double her. She won’t need QR anymore, instead able to go for Guard.

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@mcsilas Looks like there's enough fortune to go around! Fantastic Myrrh pull there! I'll be revisiting the banner before it expires, now that I have staff Valor, there's no need to rush things while the tempest is still going. I hope I'm as fortune as you!

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@Vaximillian Ooooh nice, she's one speedy princess! Never thought about Darting Stance + Guard, that's actually a really nice combo!

@Zeo Yeah part of me is wishing I opened the right orb first to get Myrrh so I can save on using the rest of the orbs but oh well. Also personally I like using Maribelle more than Veronica funnily enough, since Maribelle has higher Atk and can just KO opponents straight away, so she's not totally powercrept! But yes, Staff Valour is such a good quality of life skill, all the best in your next summoning!

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid Just so you know I am getting notifications to your posts. Just haven't had time to respond to every single thing, but I will get there. I've mostly been posting before bed.

Yeah, I know, but don't worry. It's our hobby, just don't stress yourself. ;-) 

1 hour ago, Zeo said:

Down to 14 from 29, but I regret nothing. Back to stocking up~

Wow, fantastic banner for you, congrats! Missing only a Matthew and a better nature for Innes. 

After eluding me on his banner, Innes broke my pity rate twice as well. Maribelle is still missing, she looks gorgeous. 

26 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Now down to 1 orb- so much for trying to save for the normal Myrrh banner but a seasonal Myrrh is probably the better result anyway!

Woah, three very fast 5*s (granted over 2 accounts)? Cool, congrats to you! 

Tana is great, but I think Myrhh is the real price. Luck has returned for you after all. 

22 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yep! Another Tana in 35 orbs. Amazing.

Cool, can't have enough Tanas. How many did you get so far? 

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17 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Never thought about Darting Stance + Guard, that's actually a really nice combo!

I wish Guard wasn’t five-star-locked, it’s really an underappreciated skill.

11 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Cool, can't have enough Tanas. How many did you get so far? 

Two on the first Tana & Amelia BHB banner and the third now; she’s +2. Also does Summer Tana (bless her killed-for-Atk/Spd Push-heart) count? I got her pretty quickly too.

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Decided to keep on auto battling on TT to keep getting orbs for Innes cause I am not giving up on this and



A whole year, four banners and about 400+ orbs total later but I FINALLY HAVE HIM!!!!

And he's neutral too! I will def take that, I was scared to death that I would finally pull him and he'd be -atk or -spd.

Bless you FE lords, after this and my Halloween units luck I will gladly accept my usual bad luck again. Next target: Halloween Niles.

Edited by Mau
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Too many people to quote but damn, a lot of people good good pulls today, congrats~

I really wanted to go for Red but my horrible Lon'qu luck seems to be ending and I an get him up to +4 when I get enough feathers. So I went for Blue since I don't have regular Tana but got Peri~ Good fodder at least~

5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo Wow! Congrats on Maribelle and another Innes! To bad about the nature of the Frelian prince, but two 5 stars in the first session is really something!

@mampfoid @Vaximillian @Rafiel's Aria @Usana

So. I was saving orbs for Myrrh in the BHB....or at least that was the plan.

First I do my free pull in my second account. I already have a promoted Lon'qu and a +Atk/-Spd Innes but a better nature would be nice. Tana will be new, and there were 2 blues and 2 colourless. After much deliberation I picked the top blue....because Tana is flying and a flying unit will be above.... yeah strange reason..



Alas, she is +Res/-Atk but hey she is a new unit! I guess it's better than -Spd since Spd is her golden stat. I think she only has Guidance as her best inheritance option which..we have the seal for anyway. Kind of leaning to just casually training using her I guess until a better one comes by.

I then opened the other blue, despite aiming to only use the free summon. Who knows, maybe a double Tana pull would be nice- but i get Bonfire fodder in Robin which is fine fodder at least. As tempting as it is to try for a better natured Innes, I hardly use him anyway so I'll just wait for him to randomly come by in my hunt for Halloween Mia or something.


Then I do my free pull in my main. Only 1 blue, 2 red, 1 colourless and 1 green.

Blue was a 4 star L'arachel. Hmm, right game at least...then I take a look at the nature and she's +Spd/-Def!!! Perfect nature! Looks like I can fodder off that -Atk pitybreaker now while I promote this in the future (a backup blue mage cav would be nice for AA)

Then I had a stupid idea. I haven't summoned a Lon'qu in my main in MONTHS. Actually, maybe the last one was from Hero Fest 2 while hunting for Ike, where there were so many Lon'qus but after that he disappeared. I thought, "wouldn't it be funny to save feathers and get a Lon'qu?" I still have yet to get the fabled +Atk Lon'qu...

So I pick one of the reds and...


HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHA!!! It's so funny getting Luke'd after seeing the conversation in the General Discussion thread. At least he isn't technically a pitybreaker! He's new and I needed more sword cavs in this account anyway. Unfortunately he has the worst combo of +Res/-Atk just like Tana (I guess that's the price for these 1st round 5 star units).

Still, I'll just casually use him. If I do get a proper nature one I'll use him properly, but I'm just hilariously laughing at just getting one of the rarest units in the game without being an unwelcome pitybreaker.


Then I just went full YOLO to open the other red and get a Cain for fodder. Wings of Mercy is always welcome in my barracks, it's too rare for me.


Then the summoning itch got to me. Went back to my second account just to try and clear the 4% pity rate in the Halloween banner. Getting Mia wouuld be great utility and the best time to grind SP for her is as a bonus unit in TT.

....Unfortunatley with 18 orbs in hand there were no colourless orbs. 3 reds and 2 blues to be exact. Well, I wouldn't be mad if I somehow got Myrrh, but after seeing Luke in my other account I warily opened the orbs starting from the left.

4 star Henry. Ok nice fodder. 3 star Athena- sure Wo Dao is a nice weapon. The last orb on the right...



Getting one of the best red units in the game without getting pitybroken by the many red non-focus 5 stars is definitely a good thing in my books. AND SHE's +Def/-Res!! That's going to be one spooky monster!

I then had enough to open 1 of the 2 blue orbs, Niles would be nice in the same circles, but instead I get Roderick. Which is fine, his lance is one of the best weapons in the game.

Now down to 1 orb- so much for trying to save for the normal Myrrh banner but a seasonal Myrrh is probably the better result anyway!

And the funny thing? Today's summon session was very Magvel (Tana, L'arachel, Halloween Myrrh) and Archanea-themed! (Luke, Athena, Roderick, Cain). I guess Robin counts for the latter since Ylisse is technically the same continent.. 

The Luke agysgyujhff 

But congrats on Tana and H!Myrrh! I wanted to save for regular Myrrh, too, but I went too hard trying to get the last PA units I needed >.>

3 hours ago, Mau said:

Decided to keep on auto battling on TT to keep getting orbs for Innes cause I am not giving up on this and

  Reveal hidden contents


A whole year, four banners and about 400+ orbs total later but I FINALLY HAVE HIM!!!!

And he's neutral too! I will def take that, I was scared to death that I would finally pull him and he'd be -atk or -spd.

Bless you FE lords, after this and my Halloween units luck I will gladly accept my usual bad luck again. Next target: Halloween Niles.

Congrats, sometimes it's good to just keep going when you have the chance! And Neutral is a relief, always better than bad IVs~

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Pity breakers are abound, and I just got spooked by one:4VKhhIJ.jpg

A part of me is happy about this, since Hinoka is one of my more favorite characters in the franchise. On the other hand, she broke my pity rate on the Halloween banner, with mediocre iv’s (+hp/-res). I’ll still continue for Mia, as we about to hit an abundance of orbs with new maps, but I still feel sad that my quest for Mia (and later H!Sakura) is slightly halted

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26 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

Got a 5* on the Halloween banner

Sigurd, Hp+, Atk-


I give up =(

poor thing. i'm so sorry. 

2 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

My free pull was 4*Mae so decent fodder.  I would love Tana, but with the new heroes coming next week I better wait.  @daisy jane Innes is pretty good and his refine is fun.

gahhh... must. stay.. strong... 
legendary is in two weeks. 

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Got a free F!Corrin 4*. Was thinking of making one of her at some point, so yay!

More yay however, I got the perfect +Atk/-Res Laevatein! Sooo many orbs on that banner this past month, and only Laevatein has shown up, focus-wise. Not complaining, she’s awesome ? Would like her sister and Helbindi, but maybe someday!

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2 hours ago, Selena4Lyfe said:






She even has perfect IVs!


I'm scared to spend the rest of my 50 orbs, because it just HAS to be downhill from here!

Ayyyee, with perfect IVs, too, congrats!

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