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3 hours ago, Landmaster said:

And that's all, as far as I remember~ Now I just need to wait for Brides~

Welcome to the club of roysomness! 

Congrats to your pulls, that's a ridiculously huge heap of 5* units. Your collection of cuties grows and grows, curious to see how you will use Mist and Genny in your clears. 

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3 hours ago, Yukiko said:

With one of the golden tickets I got Brave Hector! I was hoping for him but didn't expect to actually get him!

Even if you weren't going for Leanne I admit I'm kind of jealous of all those copies! Leanne is one of my favourite characters, it would be a blessing for me! I didn't get any extra copy from the legendary though...

Congrats on B!Hector! I've been trying for blues but non of my Tickets ended up getting him.

If trading ever becomes a thing, you'll be first on my list for who to send all these Leannes to~

50 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Welcome to the club of roysomness! 

Congrats to your pulls, that's a ridiculously huge heap of 5* units. Your collection of cuties grows and grows, curious to see how you will use Mist and Genny in your clears. 

Thinking about doing a Healer Emblem at some point, keke

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I got a Google Play card for my birthday, so naturally, I use some of it to buy 75 orbs! I go back to the CYL2 banner since while my priority is still that last male Morgan, Brave Celica and Brave Hector are units I don't have (I pulled Celica once, but her IVs were poop, so she became Reinhardt food). Didn't feel like going to CYL1 and risking another Brave Roy showing up when I'd rather be pitybroken by units I don't have, even if I could've also been pitybroken by another Brave Ike.





I ACTUALLY DID A BIRTHDAY +10 MORGAN. I can't believe I pulled it off! I couldn't have done this at a better time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY US KIDDO! ^^

All that's left now is to finish making his mama +10 and my favorite Awakening family will be complete!

This also means I got a Silas merge, Veronica, and my +10 male Morgan all today on my day! THANK YOU HEROES!

Oh yeah, I'm so gonna save the rest of these orbs for when Summer Freddy comes back in a couple months. If I don't wind up using them before then. I hope the next set of Brides doesn't make me want to pull much. Though I can't complain if it throws Elincia at me or something...xP

@Rezzy And anyone else who cares. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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@Anacybele Congrats on your Veronica. Looks like we both benefitted from not choosing her as our CYL2 free pick, since we got good-natured Veronicas later on anyway. Also congrats on finishing Morgan.

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1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

@Anacybele Congrats on your Veronica. Looks like we both benefitted from not choosing her as our CYL2 free pick, since we got good-natured Veronicas later on anyway. Also congrats on finishing Morgan.

Yeah, we did! Yay for us! And thanks! ^^

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39 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I got a Google Play card for my birthday, so naturally, I use some of it to buy 75 orbs! I go back to the CYL2 banner since while my priority is still that last male Morgan, Brave Celica and Brave Hector are units I don't have (I pulled Celica once, but her IVs were poop, so she became Reinhardt food). Didn't feel like going to CYL1 and risking another Brave Roy showing up when I'd rather be pitybroken by units I don't have, even if I could've also been pitybroken by another Brave Ike.





I ACTUALLY DID A BIRTHDAY +10 MORGAN. I can't believe I pulled it off! I couldn't have done this at a better time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY US KIDDO! ^^

All that's left now is to finish making his mama +10 and my favorite Awakening family will be complete!

This also means I got a Silas merge, Veronica, and my +10 male Morgan all today on my day! THANK YOU HEROES!

Oh yeah, I'm so gonna save the rest of these orbs for when Summer Freddy comes back in a couple months. If I don't wind up using them before then. I hope the next set of Brides doesn't make me want to pull much. Though I can't complain if it throws Elincia at me or something...xP

@Rezzy And anyone else who cares. :P

Congrats and happy birthday!

I'm hoping they release Duel Cavalry skills soon.  I've got a few cavs I'd like to +10, but it's hard to justify since they're useless for Arena scoring right now.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats and happy birthday!

I'm hoping they release Duel Cavalry skills soon.  I've got a few cavs I'd like to +10, but it's hard to justify since they're useless for Arena scoring right now.

Yeah, that'd be nice! And thanks. :)

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8 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Congrats on B!Hector! I've been trying for blues but non of my Tickets ended up getting him.

If trading ever becomes a thing, you'll be first on my list for who to send all these Leannes to~

Thank you! Even if, in gacha games, trading is probably never going to be implemented...

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The golden week free pulls net me the original Leo. Whoa! Nice to add him to my collection finally. +Spd/-Res is pretty awful, but a unit like this can't get much worse in general so its fine. I now only have 3 launch day units left to collect: Lucina, Azura, and Ryoma. Also got a +Spd/-Def Brave Celica who is the only Brave Hero I was missing, awesome. Going to pull blues from here on in hopes of getting Thea, Silas, or Mordecai in my collection. Next freebie five star was a +HP/-Atk Micaiah. I already have an optimal +Atk/-Def one, but now that her fodder isn't exactly high end anymore I dunno what to do with her. I did end up getting a Thea by the end of all this. I also nabbed a +spd/-Def Silvia whom I raised up. These freebie pulls have been great for me.

I also spent some orbs sniping blues and greens on the Legendary Banner, resulting in adding Sue to my collection. I wish I got a seasonal instead since those are rarer, but I'm also happy I only got up to a 9.0% pity rate to get her. Back to saving.

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Last ticket time! Going to take the whole set since I did some Gardens challenges to get to 26 orbs.

  1. 4* Azama: Feathers.
  2. 4* Lachesis: Meh.
  3. 5* B!Hector: Nice. I can finally get this guy to +1. He's +Def/-Atk, so I'm going to merge my neutral copy from the free CYL-2 pull into him.
  4. 4* Reinhardt: Meh.
  5. 5* Exalted!Chrom: That's a pleasant surprise! The precise opposite of Hector with +Atk/-Def, so decent asset and flaw.

In the end Golden Week and the related events turned out quite profitable for me. 12 5* units when all is said and done. Probably cost me something like ~400 orbs in total.

  1. Picnic banner: Picnic!Genny, Picnic!Felicia
  2. Iceberg banner: Elincia merge, Karla merge
  3. L!Alm banner: L!Roy merge, Sue merge, Leanne, L!Marth, L!Alm
  4. CYL-2 banner: Leanne merge, B!Hector merge, Exalted!Chrom
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And so mercifully ends my latest nightmare:


She got a bleh +Spd/-HP combo, but I'm just be relived that I got one of the ice twins from my pity rate. ...And speaking of them, I'm now extremely tempted to just snipe greens Lord help me for Felicia now that I have Flora even though the other part of me just wants to be done with this banner. Oh who am I kidding, I know I'll end up diving back into this hell because I am a proud masochist like Felicia too much not to. Sorry Lukas and sheep daughter, but I'm going to have to leave you both behind inb4 one or both of them end up pity breaking me.

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Three attempts at the legendary banner, after doing the final batches of daily maps, the cavalry quests and all training stratum quests up to level 8. First session was all blue, *sigh*.

4* Tailtiu

4* Gaius

4* Priscilla

Down to 16 orbs, so I'll wait until tomorrow for the four arena orbs, and perhaps do a full round. Pity rate is only 9% so I could go either way, but the only other thing to spend on now is to use my final CYL2 ticket, and I have three more days to gather orbs for my final session on that.

If I was really desperate I could probably get 5 of the 6 orbs available from the 9th and 10th stratum quests, but I'd rather not - so I think the only scenario in which I would is if the first session tomorrow only give me 0-1 greys. While I have plenty of orbs left to claim from permanent content, I am firm on my decision to not claim them yet. Quick count shows 43 story orbs left which is distressingly low, 5 from Tactics Drills, 106 from Chain Challenges, 22 from Squad Assaults, and 60 from Blessed Grounds.

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Finally decided to use all my summoning tickets at once. Went all in on blue and 20 tickets later plus 100 orbs spent got me four B!Hectors, one B!Lucina, one B!Lyn because I had to pull colorless and ugh Yglr. All of them got good natures too. B!Lucina had +Spd and a merge with the one I already have will get rid of her -Def bane. B!Lyn had +Atk so I can make a Brave Bow build with her now. I can get rid of B!Hector's -HP bane but now I am kind of tempted to pull more so I can round him out to +5 merges. Yglr I can care less about. The only question is whether I should fodder Sorcery Blade or Speed Tactics off her.

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@Anacybele Congratulations on that Morgan.  I knew he'd come home to you XD


The last ticket got me a Jorge.  So like I guessed no Lucina, no Veronica :( I called it and knew it.  So a pity rate is left behind and saving for summer Robin since I don't have her and I think Secret Santa would make good use out of her lance if I can get a second one XD

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Okay, the tokens are gathered. It's time to see if I get a free 5* unit.

CYL 1 first:

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Nanna (Well, I'm still looking for a good one. +Def/-HP, can I not get +Def?)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Kagero (Could be worse. +Atk/-Def, that nature is nice.)

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue

3* Ares (Nice. +Res/-Atk)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

5* B!Lyn (I haven't gotten a copy since the free one, so this is good! Nice! +Atk/-Res, Should I merge onto this one?)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Fir (Remove from the pool. Please. +Atk/-Res)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

4* Priscilla (I mean, still prefer Nanna. +HP/-Spd)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Sakura (Rather not get her either. +Spd/-HP)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Seth (So very shith. +Atk/-Spd)

3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue

4* Chrom (I have too many. Stop. +Atk/-HP)


2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Oscar (MY MAN! I haven't gotten him in ages. +Res/-Atk)

To CYL2. I never got Celica

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Donnel (Delete from the pool as well. +Spd/-Res)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Roy (Boi, what is that? +Atk/-Spd, Still think I'll keep +Spd. Or will I?)

3 Colourless, 2 Green

5* Brunonica (Oh my yes. +Spd/-Def, Hmm, this does make it interesting.)

3 Blue, 2 Colourless

3* Sully (Nolly. +Spd/-Res)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Athena (PREPARE FOR VURST! +Res/-HP)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Henry (Moire like HenREEEEEEEEEEEE.... am I wrong? +Res/-HP)

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green

4* Ares (I'd like Hinata too, but you're also good. +Atk/-Def)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Eirika (Her alts look a bit too similar for me to not trick myself. +Spd/-Def)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

4* Chrom (DELETE. +Def/-HP)


3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue

3* Chrom (CHROM STOP. +Res/-Def)

3 Blue, 2 Green

4* Donnel (I'd rather Mordecai, but this is much less to come. +Atk/-HP)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

5* Lethe (A good pitybreak! When Ranulf IS? +Def/-Spd sadly.). I already have a pity rate so.... 3* Sothe (It's L&D. +Spd/-Res), 5* Olwen (Another new unit! Neutral.... Strange.), 3 Lukas (Bad fodder. +Res/-Def), 4* Thea (I've never gotten her before. :) +Spd/-Res :D)

That was some good summons at the end. I really do get some slack with tokens. No Celica, but I can live.

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I feel stupidly lucky,  I got the last missing CYL2 unit with my last ticket:



Even if I don't need him, after +10ing Brave Roy, this is really my lucky week. :-)

9 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I ACTUALLY DID A BIRTHDAY +10 MORGAN. I can't believe I pulled it off! I couldn't have done this at a better time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY US KIDDO! ^^

Happy birthday and congrats! He's looking really great! Do you have closer counter fodder for him? 

1 hour ago, NSSKG151 said:

Finally decided to use all my summoning tickets at once. Went all in on blue and 20 tickets later plus 100 orbs spent got me four B!Hectors, one B!Lucina, one B!Lyn because I had to pull colorless and ugh Yglr. All of them got good natures too. B!Lucina had +Spd and a merge with the one I already have will get rid of her -Def bane. B!Lyn had +Atk so I can make a Brave Bow build with her now. I can get rid of B!Hector's -HP bane but now I am kind of tempted to pull more so I can round him out to +5 merges. Yglr I can care less about. The only question is whether I should fodder Sorcery Blade or Speed Tactics off her.

Oh, nice haul, congrats! +SPD Lucina is great, she became my blue infantry Galeforce unit. 

Ylgr is surprisingly useful, does she have a good nature? 

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38 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I feel stupidly lucky,  I got the last missing CYL2 unit with my last ticket:



Even if I don't need him, after +10ing Brave Roy, this is really my lucky week. :-)

Wow congrats!

So jealous my last ticket session had no blue orbs but at least I got Selena for Reposition. Then I wasted 5 orbs, tempted by the Hero Fest rate but got a +Atk/-Res Sully (hopefully her refine is good)

@Landmaster @daisy jane

I was a little bit salty so with 18 orbs I tried for the legendary once more in my second account. 4 colourless and 1 red...I don't have enough orbs for the red but I pulled all the colourless... +Def Gordin, +Spd Serra, Nanna for fodder and...


I FINALLY GOT AN ALM!!! Damn gacha is one wild ride...after the 11% getting Winter Eirika, the next base 8% rate gets me Alm himself!

Even better, he's +Spd/-Def! Awesome boon makes up for superbane, and this takes away the salt from no Bector. (Funny that, this reminds me of how I got Bector- big rate pitybroken by a Nanna then the next session gave me the -Atk Bector back in CYL 2)

Not bad for YOLO summon..makes up for being sick right now, so I'm happy, especially since I missed out on Bridelia on this account

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@mcsilas Thanks and ... wow, a +SPD Alm? Great, congrats! That was quite a yolo. I'm tempted myself to yolo for a merge, but ... no. Brides may become great this year. 

Get well soon, hope you're feeling not too bad. 

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Whoa, did not expect to get Luke of all things from my last ticket!

For all people complain about unwanted pity breaks, at least his lines are 10/10.

@mcsilas Nice pull! Great IVs, and just before the banner ends too!

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5 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Congratulations on that Morgan.  I knew he'd come home to you XD

Yeah, and on his and my birthday no less! Feels like the game was waiting to make that happen, honestly. lol

@mampfoid No, but that doesn't matter to me because Close Counter is an enemy phase skill and my Morgan is built for player phase.

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4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I feel stupidly lucky,  I got the last missing CYL2 unit with my last ticket:



Even if I don't need him, after +10ing Brave Roy, this is really my lucky week. :-)

Congratulations on B!Hector! And good IV, too~

4 hours ago, mcsilas said:

I was a little bit salty so with 18 orbs I tried for the legendary once more in my second account. 4 colourless and 1 red...I don't have enough orbs for the red but I pulled all the colourless... +Def Gordin, +Spd Serra, Nanna for fodder and...


I FINALLY GOT AN ALM!!! Damn gacha is one wild ride...after the 11% getting Winter Eirika, the next base 8% rate gets me Alm himself!

Even better, he's +Spd/-Def! Awesome boon makes up for superbane, and this takes away the salt from no Bector. (Funny that, this reminds me of how I got Bector- big rate pitybroken by a Nanna then the next session gave me the -Atk Bector back in CYL 2)

Not bad for YOLO summon..makes up for being sick right now, so I'm happy, especially since I missed out on Bridelia on this account

Congratulations on the Alm! And he's got a great IV, too!!

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44 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Thanks! I want only optimal armors on my bench. 

where they belong. ;)
I never did get another Lancina (wanted to fix her -spd bane), or Ike (so much steady breath fodder). 
so i am still now 1 CYL unit short. 


6 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Wow congrats!

So jealous my last ticket session had no blue orbs but at least I got Selena for Reposition. Then I wasted 5 orbs, tempted by the Hero Fest rate but got a +Atk/-Res Sully (hopefully her refine is good)

@Landmaster @daisy jane

I was a little bit salty so with 18 orbs I tried for the legendary once more in my second account. 4 colourless and 1 red...I don't have enough orbs for the red but I pulled all the colourless... +Def Gordin, +Spd Serra, Nanna for fodder and...


I FINALLY GOT AN ALM!!! Damn gacha is one wild ride...after the 11% getting Winter Eirika, the next base 8% rate gets me Alm himself!

Even better, he's +Spd/-Def! Awesome boon makes up for superbane, and this takes away the salt from no Bector. (Funny that, this reminds me of how I got Bector- big rate pitybroken by a Nanna then the next session gave me the -Atk Bector back in CYL 2)

Not bad for YOLO summon..makes up for being sick right now, so I'm happy, especially since I missed out on Bridelia on this account


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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

No, but that doesn't matter to me because Close Counter is an enemy phase skill and my Morgan is built for player phase.

Yeah, I saw your build and I bet it works great! I tend to give my merged units multiple skill sets and considered the possibility you did the same to Morgan. 

Close counter was one thing I would have tried personally on Morgan, since he can buff/debuff attacking and that makes him harder to kill on EP. But in the end I didn't give Morgan merges beyond +1 and no CC yet. 

11 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

where they belong. ;)

Haha, I know you have your own brave Hector story. 

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