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Purchased the orbs pack with free Lethe.

With them and some of the tickets I got my wanted second Ayra, NY!Azura, NY!Laevatein and a +atk SwordReinhardt.

I think it has been about 90 orbs in total I spent which is really good.

Only the most recent NY banner has treated me badly yet (only 3* with the worst of the worst), but I do not really need any of them since I have the most wanted one, Lethe.

Year can keep up like this!

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Alright, time for the first pulls of the New Year! I'll start with the Hoshido tickets since I don't really care about those units. Grey so I can complete Takumi Emblem or get Norne by chance.

  1. 3* Kagerou: Not a good start.
  2. 3* Felicia: Lousy.
  3. 4* Hana: Also lousy.
  4. 3* Saizo: The fabled pain in the rear returns...
  5. 5* NY!Takumi: Excellent! +HP/-Atk is not so excellent, but he's pretty much just for collection purposes anyway. One more ticket.
  6. 4* Seliph: Trash.

That went quite well considering what I expected. Now to the Nifl/Muspell tickets. I'll take whatever greens there are to see if I can get Fjorm. 303 orbs on the free pull.

  1. 3* Frederick: Bleh.

No good. First ticket...

  1. 3* Merric: Ugh.

I would appreciate some more greens, Feh. Second ticket...

  1. 4* Arthur: Swap fodder.
  2. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder.

Okay. 299 orbs on the third ticket.

  1. 4* Rebecca: Why can't you be Norne?

Annoying. Fourth ticket...

  1. 4* Olivia: Worthless.

And the last ticket.

  1. 4* Lachesis: Also worthless.

I really want Fjorm, but I want Anna, Alfonse, and Sharena more. So for now I'll leave this banner and head to the newest New Year banner. Reds and blues, only the free pull and ticket for now. 299 orbs on the free pull.

  1. 5* Hubert: Okay...Not who I expected, but welcome nonetheless. +Spd/-Res is pretty good, so he might see some use.
  2. 4* Catria: Eh.
  3. 4* Thea: Double middle pegasus sisters.

Hubert was certainly a surprise, but he's not my goal right now. 291 orbs left.

  1. 3* Laslow: Worthless.
  2. 4* Roy: Meh.
  3. 4* Silvia: More meh.
  4. 3* Clair: Feathers.

So far so good. 25 orbs spent so far, NY!Takumi and Hubert pulled.

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Happy New Year!

@Zeo Congrats on the Elise, she may be powercrept but a cavalry Gravity healer is always useful for kiting strats.

@Landmaster Congrats on the Duo!

@daisy jane I do have Felicia and I guess Kaze but I haven't really used them as much. I'll wait a bit I think because I'm not sure which high Res unit I can give it to yet....maybe Yune I guess.


So NY time, and wooo tickets! Mainly targeting red to fix my -Atk Hrid/Gunnthras and colourless to get rid of Takumi's bad bane.

Resulted in a lot of colourless snipes but on my main I finally got Tethys (+Spd/-Def!!!), FINALLY CHAD!!! (+Def/-Spd but I'll promote him anyway since it took this long) and in my second account, a +Atk/-HP Tanya! A few Kleins as well which is always nice and got a +Spd Reyson for my main to replace my current +Def/-Atk one.

Great results since I've been hunting these new colourless units. Only took 2019 ending.

Then on my last ticket on my second account I got a +Atk/-Spd NY Fjorm! Shame on bane but awesome boon and her art is lovely anyway.

Then with upcoming orbs I decided to try for Celica again. Sadly none, but I did get broken by a +Res/-HP Edelgard, my first one for my alt account (and finally a green 3H unit!)

Haven't touched story yet or upcoming TT orbs so I need to try and stay strong until the New Heroes at least. Tickets sure give you a summoning itch...

Edited by mcsilas
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Got Super Olivia and a 5* Brady from the rerun tickets! Haven't started pulling on the main banner yet, but my free summons got me my first Norne, with a good nature (+Spd/-HP) too.

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5 hours ago, Landmaster said:

200 Orbs and a Shiro later, I got a +Atk, -Res copy, which is the reverse of the first one~ Glad I could fix it even though it took so many Orbs~ But the first was free so I can't complain~

Definitely, that's the best boon you could ever ask for Shiro. I remember mine was that boon as well. Give him some love (premium skills) and join me the tank party lol

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Happy New year everyone, good luck with your summons!

Got a Hrid from tickets this morning! He is new and +DEF, but sooner or later he'll be foddered to L'Azura. 

The much better news are what I got from Paralogue orbs:



Celica is +3 now and I could give Thrasir the same merge level, but I'm unsure because I could make use of flashing blade 4 on many units. 

Awesome banner, got green 5* daily since some days.  


6 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Got a Gunnthra on my 2nd ticket on the Fire and Ice Revival. Was hoping for Geishun, but oh well~

Meanwhile, my free Summon on the new Banner


200 Orbs and a Shiro later, I got a +Atk, -Res copy, which is the reverse of the first one~ Glad I could fix it even though it took so many Orbs~ But the first was free so I can't complain~

Awesome free pull, congrats! Great you could get them to +ATK afterwards. Also congrats to Gunnthrà!

Will you use Shiro?  @Maaka would approve.


5 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @mampfoid @Landmaster @Alexmender

Eh, yeah so every ticket for the oldies spent and 1 ticket along with the freebie for the 2020 banner. Spent a few orbs here and there but nothing major on the old banner which is good cause for the most part I got nothing. Gunnthra/Hrid banner was really stingy and only gave me blue/colorless for the most part when I only cared about Red/Green. On the other hand the old banner gave me mostly red and green when colorless was my goal. Not really satisfied but I didn't exactly leave empty handed..

Congrats getting Elise! Veronica is on her own level, but I like and use Elise a lot. Very nice!

I also never got Takumi, but there is no pressure. Good luck getting Alfonse!

2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Happy New Year!



So NY time, and wooo tickets! Mainly targeting red to fix my -Atk Hrid/Gunnthras and colourless to get rid of Takumi's bad bane.

Resulted in a lot of colourless snipes but on my main I finally got Tethys (+Spd/-Def!!!), FINALLY CHAD!!! (+Def/-Spd but I'll promote him anyway since it took this long) and in my second account, a +Atk/-HP Tanya! A few Kleins as well which is always nice and got a +Spd Reyson for my main to replace my current +Def/-Atk one.

Great results since I've been hunting these new colourless units. Only took 2019 ending.

Then on my last ticket on my second account I got a +Atk/-Spd NY Fjorm! Shame on bane but awesome boon and her art is lovely anyway.

Then with upcoming orbs I decided to try for Celica again. Sadly none, but I did get broken by a +Res/-HP Edelgard, my first one for my alt account (and finally a green 3H unit!)

Haven't touched story yet or upcoming TT orbs so I need to try and stay strong until the New Heroes at least. Tickets sure give you a summoning itch...

A bummer you didn't get Celica yet, but a lot of new stuff to play with. Congrats! 

Wouldn't mind a Tethys or Tanya myself one day. 

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2 hours ago, mcsilas said:


So NY time, and wooo tickets! Mainly targeting red to fix my -Atk Hrid/Gunnthras and colourless to get rid of Takumi's bad bane.

Resulted in a lot of colourless snipes but on my main I finally got Tethys (+Spd/-Def!!!), FINALLY CHAD!!! (+Def/-Spd but I'll promote him anyway since it took this long) and in my second account, a +Atk/-HP Tanya! A few Kleins as well which is always nice and got a +Spd Reyson for my main to replace my current +Def/-Atk one.

Great results since I've been hunting these new colourless units. Only took 2019 ending.

Then on my last ticket on my second account I got a +Atk/-Spd NY Fjorm! Shame on bane but awesome boon and her art is lovely anyway.

Then with upcoming orbs I decided to try for Celica again. Sadly none, but I did get broken by a +Res/-HP Edelgard, my first one for my alt account (and finally a green 3H unit!)

Haven't touched story yet or upcoming TT orbs so I need to try and stay strong until the New Heroes at least. Tickets sure give you a summoning itch...


those are so amazing. 🙂 lucky!!


6 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Got a Gunnthra on my 2nd ticket on the Fire and Ice Revival. Was hoping for Geishun, but oh well~

Meanwhile, my free Summon on the new Banner


Well, that's a first. I don't think I've ever gotten a focus unit as my free Summon on a Seasonal Banner. Considering this was my main target, I'm super pleased!

Of course they were -Atk, though. So I spent 200 Orbs trying to fix it. Ordinarily I wuldn't really care, but since I want to use them on my Def team, I kinda want it fixed~

200 Orbs and a Shiro later, I got a +Atk, -Res copy, which is the reverse of the first one~ Glad I could fix it even though it took so many Orbs~ But the first was free so I can't complain~

omg, YAY for the free pull!! 
+atk/-res copy too. (yucky that it took so many though). are you merging ?

5 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @mampfoid @Landmaster @Alexmender

Eh, yeah so every ticket for the oldies spent and 1 ticket along with the freebie for the 2020 banner. Spent a few orbs here and there but nothing major on the old banner which is good cause for the most part I got nothing. Gunnthra/Hrid banner was really stingy and only gave me blue/colorless for the most part when I only cared about Red/Green. On the other hand the old banner gave me mostly red and green when colorless was my goal. Not really satisfied but I didn't exactly leave empty handed.


I don't really know what to do with this. She lacks value for me and I've already got a +1 B!Veronica. But seeing those gold stars is definitely better than nothing. Not like NY!Takumi has much more value, I was just going for him for the collector's aspect of it. So I guess in hindsight this is fine. Proves I can always count on colorless to throw me a bone, as you already know.

Four tickets coming over the week for the new banner. I'll be all in on that one. I really want Duo Alfonse.


Ohhoooooo ELISE!
I think she's really good too. (i may be jealous of someone's multimerged Elises). 


5 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Congrats on getting Alfonse/Sharena, especially on that free summon, along with Shiro and Gunnthra as well!

are you wiating for the tickets or are you heading right in?

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@Rezzy @Arcanite @mampfoid Well, my luck from that legendary banner didn't stop. XD



Well, sorta. Cause as you can see, these IVs are bleh. But I'm glad to have these two, and for less than 50 orbs and no money spent! I wasn't even trying hard for Lethe, but she showed up first on a blue-less session. Alfonse + Sharena was my main target. And for once I didn't have a buttload of trouble trying to get a duo unit (it took me forever to get Ephraim + Lyon and I never got Marth + Elice).

Oh yeah, I'm using a different phone now after my parents switched our carrier. I have my mom's old phone though it is a newer model than my previous one. So I can't take screenshots the way I used to. xP

@TheSilentChloey Well, nice that you got some nice stuff too!

Edited by Anacybele
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Happy New Year, everyone!  The tickets for the New Years banner have been really good to me, the highlights are: NY!Azura (this makes up for her never coming home every time I pulled for her), NY!Selkie with perfect IVs +atk,-hp,a  4* Norne and a 4* Tethys.  I am very happy and I still have monthly orbs to get and I will keep trying on this year's New Years banner because I would like Lethe and the Duo unit.

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4 hours ago, daisy jane said:

are you wiating for the tickets or are you heading right in?

I'm waiting until Sunday when I have all the tickets and then I'm going all out on red orbs. Even though I really want to get it over with right now I feel like I have better luck when I let a few days go by before summoning on a banner with characters I want on it.

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Just now, NSSKG151 said:

I'm waiting until Sunday when I have all the tickets and then I'm going all out on red orbs. Even though I really want to get it over with right now I feel like I have better luck when I let a few days go by before summoning on a banner with characters I want on it.


That totally makes sense 🙂 well i am keeping fingers and Toes Crossed. 

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Did two full sessions on the New Year banner and got no 5*s so waiting until tomorrow for the extra ticket. First pull of the year was 4* Python, btw.

Meanwhile I got two lucky ticket pulls on the first NY banner:



I still remember pulling NY Azura two years ago and now I get a second copy of her to start the year. What a lovely first 5* to start the year.

Alm is a VERY welcome ticket pull since I still didn't have him.

Congrats and good luck to everyone else in their summoning sessions!

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Just made the last ticket pulls for the old banner. Got Gunther and NY!Former, with a decent asset! She's +Atk/-Spd, but that'll go away when I merge my old one to her. It is kinda stinging that I've do far had decent luck with free pulls over the 500 orbs I plunged into the Legendary banner. Also that Hríd's sisters joined the party  but not the man himself. 


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8 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

@Landmaster Congrats on getting Alfonse/Sharena, especially on that free summon, along with Shiro and Gunnthra as well!

Thanks! Good luck with Anna Summoning! 

5 hours ago, mcsilas said:


@Landmaster Congrats on the Duo!

Resulted in a lot of colourless snipes but on my main I finally got Tethys (+Spd/-Def!!!), FINALLY CHAD!!! (+Def/-Spd but I'll promote him anyway since it took this long) and in my second account, a +Atk/-HP Tanya! A few Kleins as well which is always nice and got a +Spd Reyson for my main to replace my current +Def/-Atk one.

Great results since I've been hunting these new colourless units. Only took 2019 ending.

Then on my last ticket on my second account I got a +Atk/-Spd NY Fjorm! Shame on bane but awesome boon and her art is lovely anyway.

Then with upcoming orbs I decided to try for Celica again. Sadly none, but I did get broken by a +Res/-HP Edelgard, my first one for my alt account (and finally a green 3H unit!)

Haven't touched story yet or upcoming TT orbs so I need to try and stay strong until the New Heroes at least. Tickets sure give you a summoning itch...

THANX, oho you got a lot of goodies, congrats!

4 hours ago, Ginko said:

Definitely, that's the best boon you could ever ask for Shiro. I remember mine was that boon as well. Give him some love (premium skills) and join me the tank party lol

Actually the Alfonse is +Atk, the Shiro I got is +Def. My Original is +HP, so I'm probably going to merge him into the +Def copy~

3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Happy New year everyone, good luck with your summons!

Got a Hrid from tickets this morning! He is new and +DEF, but sooner or later he'll be foddered to L'Azura. 

The much better news are what I got from Paralogue orbs:

  Hide contents


Celica is +3 now and I could give Thrasir the same merge level, but I'm unsure because I could make use of flashing blade 4 on many units. 

Awesome banner, got green 5* daily since some days.  


Awesome free pull, congrats! Great you could get them to +ATK afterwards. Also congrats to Gunnthrà!

Will you use Shiro?  @Maaka would approve.

OFC I will use Maaka's best friend, he's +1 already~ 

Congrats on another Celica and Thrasir!

24 minutes ago, Jave said:

Did two full sessions on the New Year banner and got no 5*s so waiting until tomorrow for the extra ticket. First pull of the year was 4* Python, btw.

Meanwhile I got two lucky ticket pulls on the first NY banner:



I still remember pulling NY Azura two years ago and now I get a second copy of her to start the year. What a lovely first 5* to start the year.

Alm is a VERY welcome ticket pull since I still didn't have him.

Congrats and good luck to everyone else in their summoning sessions!

Congrats on Azura and best boy!

8 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

Just made the last ticket pulls for the old banner. Got Gunther and NY!Former, with a decent asset! She's +Atk/-Spd, but that'll go away when I merge my old one to her. It is kinda stinging that I've do far had decent luck with free pulls over the 500 orbs I plunged into the Legendary banner. Also that Hríd's sisters joined the party  but not the man himself. 


Congrats on Fjorm!

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 I had some pretty decent luck with the new banners last night, even though I didn't do too much summoning. I got a 5* Laegjarn pity break using a ticket for "Happy New Year" banner, so that was nice. Then on the "Renewed Spirit" banner I decided to do a full circle pull along with my free summon, and got a pity break Brave Celica. Both those units were new to me, so not too bad 😁 Oh yeah, both have the exact same IV which was kinda weird, but they're +Atk -Def so I'm not complaining at all, lol


Edited by TEKWRX
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3 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Congrats on another Celica and Thrasir!


Can't wait to get another one tomorrow. 

Watch us getting the refinenent info tomorrow and it's all about Shiro

5 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Well, my luck from that legendary banner didn't stop. XD

Looking good, even on the new phone! Congrats!


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14 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Looking good, even on the new phone! Congrats!

Thanks! Yeah, though I dislike the bars of black on the top and bottom of the screenshots. Its surely due to this phone being taller than my previous one and the game screen not fitting completely on it as a result. But yeah.

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My first 5-star of the new year was Luke.

My second was BE!Eliwood.

My third (somehow) was NYoFaI!Gunnthrá.

And I'm less than 36 hours in. I think this is the best luck I've ever had on New Year's banners.

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Literally the only thing of note I got from my free pulls + tickets was a 4* Brady dup. It's kinda amazing how I so often get nothing but garbage from summoning tickets.

Oh, and if anyone so no one was wondering if I got Queen Celica:



Edelgard: 2, Celica: 0

Honestly, I'm surprised Thrasir hasn't shown up yet too. Oh well, there's still the TT on Friday I can anticipate the disappointment already.


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9 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

I'm waiting until Sunday when I have all the tickets and then I'm going all out on red orbs. Even though I really want to get it over with right now I feel like I have better luck when I let a few days go by before summoning on a banner with characters I want on it.


That totally makes sense 🙂 well i am keeping fingers and Toes Crossed. 


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Bought another orb pack today and got a few 5*. I'm most excited for the Thrasir get. She's probably the unit I wanted the most from the Legendary banner, so I'm relieved she came home. Neutral IVs, so neither good or bad so I'm fine with that.  I also got a random non-focus 5* F!Morgan from the Renewed Spirits banner during my first pull, love getting a 5* when the rate is at 3%. Just wish it was a better unit, but it's fine because at least  didn't have her yet. Then I did a few full circle pulls back in the Legendary banner hoping for an Eir (I need Mystic Boost for a build, uggg) or maybe Hrid for some DC fodder, but ended up with my first Dimitri instead. IVs are terrible (-Def +Res) but still cool I guess. Except for not getting a single Eir, I've pulled everything I wanted from the banner without getting any useless doubles so I'd call that a win 😄One other good thing about this banner is the fact that I've been pulling a lot of green, so after not getting a single OG Camilla my whole time playing the game since starting in October, I got three of her just in the past week. Two were -Atk unfortunately, so I'll fodder or merge those and keep the +HP -Res one for now I guess.


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