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14 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

As for if she should replace Klein, if you only mean as your main bow user, then yes. She is slightly weaker, but only slightly, and has the benefit of higher reach and ability to cancel out Distant Counter. But I wouldn't go and use your main Klein as the Brave Bow fodder. Having more than a few Brave Bow units, especially one as cheap as Klein, isn't a bad thing.

I meant as my main bow user. I have only foddered a 5* that I was using once, when I foddered an athena so that olivia could get wo dao+. I tend to keep every 5* i get unless they are a duplicate or thier nature makes them compleatly unusable. I have the feathers to promote a klein or gordon.


Also, I want to say thanks to everyone as well.

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5 hours ago, Skfoos said:

For an offensive Felicia running double ploys, is +atk -res worth using over a neutral one?

Should be fine, but I recommend eventually merging your current Felicia to one with -HP/Def since your Felicia needs that Res to activate Ploys. Between Fury and Swift Sparrow, I would go with Fury since it gives Felicia better independent performance and it is cheaper, although Swift Sparrow is technically slightly better if you can give her consistent buffs and are aiming for the most kills.

Felicia +Atk, -Def
Felicia's Plate [Spd], Moonbow
Desperation, Spd Ploy
Def Ploy
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase [Fury] 72:14:153
Player Phase [Swift Sparrow] 67:26:146
Player Phase [Fury, 4/4/0/0] 136:14:89
Player Phase [Swift Sparrow, 4/4/0/0] 138:26:75

4 hours ago, sirmola said:

My current main bow user is +1 +atk, -def klien running the obvious build (who has been part of my arena core along with reinhardt and a dancer for a long time)

Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.

Anyways, I run same type of composition with Reinhardt, BH!Lyn, and Olivia. Brave Bow will be fine for BH!Lyn for now, but I highly recommend pulling for a few Firesweep Bows if Faye is on a banner again. Brave Bow is a lot stronger in terms of power, but eventually you will get to the point where raw power is not enough to deal with really thick lolis (Sounds like a dirty oxymoron.) and mage armors. Unless you are in like Tier 19 or Tier 20, natures do not really matter too much in my opinion in lower tiers as Hone Cavalry and similar buffs will easily patch banes up.

As @Xenomata has said, Brave Bow with Swift Sparrow is perfectly fine for now, just watch out for lolis and mage armors though as you climb higher in the Arena.

— — — — — — —

@Reddazrael No problem!



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7 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

I just wanted to say a quick thank you to the people here who spend so much time and effort answering questions about team-building and unit-building and whatnot. Your efforts are super appreciated and you're all very helpful and kind. So, ah, thank you.

I want to thank @mampfoid @XRay @Ice Dragon @Humanoid @Xenomata @Arcanite @Usana @Poimagic @Chrom-ulent especially as people who have been kind enough to help me specifically -- and some of you many, many times over -- with my dumb questions.

Is that okay to post here? I hope that's okay to post. I feel a little embarrassed now. Sorry. But I am very grateful.

Im flattered :')
You're quite welcome ~
Even if it wasnt okay it's too late now so

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@mampfoid You mentioned a while back that you were looking forward to seeing my Blazing Sword team, and I never really followed up on that. So, without further ado, here it is:



I called the team "Blazing Trio" because I am a loser. Hector and Eliwood are S-Ranked, and Lyn is always matched up with whomever ends up in the fourth slot. Slot #4 is for an Arena/TT+ bonus unit, which is currently WT Reinhardt:



Hector, by the by, is an absolute beast. Most things that end up trying to assault him become very, very dead. I'm also hoping to pull a BH Lyn from the current banner so I can finally +10 her.

EDIT: Holy crap I got her.

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6 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

@mampfoid You mentioned a while back that you were looking forward to seeing my Blazing Sword team, and I never really followed up on that. So, without further ado, here it is:

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I called the team "Blazing Trio" because I am a loser. Hector and Eliwood are S-Ranked, and Lyn is always matched up with whomever ends up in the fourth slot. Slot #4 is for an Arena/TT+ bonus unit, which is currently WT Reinhardt:

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Hector, by the by, is an absolute beast. Most things that end up trying to assault him become very, very dead. I'm also hoping to pull a BH Lyn from the current banner so I can finally +10 her.

EDIT: Holy crap I got her.

Hey, that looks really cool (especially Eliwood), congratulations for finishing them. 

If you don't run a 3rd cavalry unit, you could give 1 or 2 of them Tactic skills. If it wasn't for arena, who would be the fourth permanent member? 

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2 minutes ago, QuestionEmblem said:

When's Charlotte?

No clue.

Please take the time to read the Code of Conduct, because questions like this don't help anyone.

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6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

No clue.

Please take the time to read the Code of Conduct, because questions like this don't help anyone.

Apologies, allow me to try again.

When's Severa?

Also, i've been trying to build Xander but he feels underwhelming, his low res is a colossal weak spot and despite having 40+ defense he still struggles in melee due to not being able to dish out more than he usualy takes from infernal units who are not axe users.

I have tried Fury with both Close Defense and Distant Defense but he still feels like a unit with no real direction game wise.

Is there any Xanderite wisdom that can be imparted on this issue?

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4 minutes ago, QuestionEmblem said:

Apologies, allow me to try again.

When's Severa?

Also, i've been trying to build Xander but he feels underwhelming, his low res is a colossal weak spot and despite having 40+ defense he still struggles in melee due to not being able to dish out more than he usualy takes from infernal units who are not axe users.

I have tried Fury with both Close Defense and Distant Defense but he still feels like a unit with no real direction game wise.

Is there any Xanderite wisdom that can be imparted on this issue?

Quick Riposte basically makes him what he is. Bonfire gives him a first-turn special activation for any unit that doubles him (or you could go Ignis instead for massive damage on the following turn since QR alone is usually enough to kill). Horse buffs add icing to the cake.

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5 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Hey, that looks really cool (especially Eliwood), congratulations for finishing them. 

If you don't run a 3rd cavalry unit, you could give 1 or 2 of them Tactic skills. If it wasn't for arena, who would be the fourth permanent member? 

Thanks very much! I'd love to put Tactic skills on them, and technically I could, but I only have one copy of Shiro and I don't want to sacrifice him. I also don't have Siegbert, and while I do have one copy of LA Lilina, Hector would murder me for killing his daughter I don't want to sacrifice my only copy of her either (especially since she's a limited unit). I may in the future, but for now I just can't make myself do it.

If it wasn't for the arena, I would likely put Ninian on the team. I'm lacking a blue unit currently, and the Ninian I have (+ATK / -RES) is about half-built and already has +SPD Lightning Breath+ and Wings of Mercy 3, so she's pretty useful even without other skills. (I just wish it wasn't so darn annoying grinding SP for her.) She's a good unit and I'd love to use her on this team, so I hope that at least one of these units becomes a bonus arena unit sometime soon so I can have an excuse to shove her on for a while.

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@Reddazrael Glad to be of service!


1 hour ago, QuestionEmblem said:

Also, i've been trying to build Xander but he feels underwhelming, his low res is a colossal weak spot and despite having 40+ defense he still struggles in melee due to not being able to dish out more than he usualy takes from infernal units who are not axe users.

I have tried Fury with both Close Defense and Distant Defense but he still feels like a unit with no real direction game wise.

Is there any Xanderite wisdom that can be imparted on this issue?

Quick Riposte is an absolute must on Xander, even if you can only give him Quick Riposte 2.

The most common build for him is (Siegfried, Reposition, Bonfire, Fury 3, Quick Riposte 3, [flexible passive C], Distant Def 3). Don't worry too much about the recoil from Fury messing with Quick Riposte's HP threshold. This build is designed to go one round of combat (two rounds against axe users most of the time), and then bow out unless you are also running a staff user.

If you have the resources (because these aren't cheap), you can also opt to use Mirror Stance and/or Dull Ranged (with Quick Riposte in the Sacred Seal slot). Mirror Stance has no recoil and helps him slightly better deal with magic and dragons. Dull Ranged is an option if Litrblade users are an issue as it has better performance (compared to Distant Def 3 in the Sacred Seal slot) against Litrblade users at the tradeoff of equal or worse performance against everything else.

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20 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

@Reddazrael Glad to be of service!


Quick Riposte is an absolute must on Xander, even if you can only give him Quick Riposte 2.

The most common build for him is (Siegfried, Reposition, Bonfire, Fury 3, Quick Riposte 3, [flexible passive C], Distant Def 3). Don't worry too much about the recoil from Fury messing with Quick Riposte's HP threshold. This build is designed to go one round of combat (two rounds against axe users most of the time), and then bow out unless you are also running a staff user.

If you have the resources (because these aren't cheap), you can also opt to use Mirror Stance and/or Dull Ranged (with Quick Riposte in the Sacred Seal slot). Mirror Stance has no recoil and helps him slightly better deal with magic and dragons. Dull Ranged is an option if Litrblade users are an issue as it has better performance (compared to Distant Def 3 in the Sacred Seal slot) against Litrblade users at the tradeoff of equal or worse performance against everything else.

Thank you, although i dislike one and done units i will give this a try.

If he would only go for one round of combat anyway, wouldn't Quickened Pulse on S slot be better, since he gets to use his Bonfire straight away?

Appreciate the attention.

P.S: When's Charlotte?

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45 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

Thanks very much! I'd love to put Tactic skills on them, and technically I could, but I only have one copy of Shiro and I don't want to sacrifice him. I also don't have Siegbert, and while I do have one copy of LA Lilina, Hector would murder me for killing his daughter I don't want to sacrifice my only copy of her either (especially since she's a limited unit). I may in the future, but for now I just can't make myself do it.

Yeah, tactic skills are still rare. At least RES tactics is available on a 4* unit (L'Arachel). 

47 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

If it wasn't for the arena, I would likely put Ninian on the team. I'm lacking a blue unit currently, and the Ninian I have (+ATK / -RES) is about half-built and already has +SPD Lightning Breath+ and Wings of Mercy 3, so she's pretty useful even without other skills. (I just wish it wasn't so darn annoying grinding SP for her.) She's a good unit and I'd love to use her on this team, so I hope that at least one of these units becomes a bonus arena unit sometime soon so I can have an excuse to shove her on for a while.

Yeah, Ninian makes sense. First I thought of the blue LA units, but having two versions of one person on one team could lead to confusion (especially when couples are involved ^^). When grinding SP for Ninian, better unequip her Assist, that already helps. TA helps her to get some kills too.

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Looking for suggestions on a Celica build. I have a +Res/-Def one although she looks like a more offensive mage anyway 

I already put Renewal on her, just trying to think of a special and B skill. Either Fury or LaD I guess? Or Swift Sparrow, but I only have 1 spare Bow Lyn right now so I'm not sure if she's the best user of Swift Sparrow (any other ideal candidates for this A skill?)

As for the special, I'm not sure what to choose between Moonbow/Glimmer. Does she want shorter charge times or something more like Luna?

@QuestionEmblem Since Xander is really slow, the guaranteed double Attack really helps do damage/proc Bonfire. Without it he doesn't do enough hits to have it charged on some enemies. It's better to do as much hits as possible for a slow unit like him.


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8 minutes ago, QuestionEmblem said:

If he would only go for one round of combat anyway, wouldn't Quickened Pulse on S slot be better, since he gets to use his Bonfire straight away?

Depends on how dead he is after Lyn is through with him.

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35 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Looking for suggestions on a Celica build. I have a +Res/-Def one although she looks like a more offensive mage anyway 

I already out Renewal on her, just trying to think of a special and B skill. Either Fury or LaD I guess? Or Swift Sparrow, but I only have 1 spare Bow Lyn right now so I'm not sure if she's the best user of Swift Sparrow (any other ideal candidates for this A skill?)

As for the special, I'm not sure what to choose between Moonbow/Glimmer. Does she want shorter charge times or something more like Luna?

@QuestionEmblem Since Xander is really slow, the guaranteed double Attack really helps do damage/proc Bonfire. Without it he doesn't do enough hits to have it charged on some enemies. It's better to do as much hits as possible for a slow unit like him.


She'll reach 43 speed with LaD upon the first round of combat. A bit low so I'd add a speed seal. If you're on a budget then desperation or escape route for b.
If you've got the dosh then I'd recommend chill spd.

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3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Yeah, tactic skills are still rare. At least RES tactics is available on a 4* unit (L'Arachel). 

Yeah, Ninian makes sense. First I thought of the blue LA units, but having two versions of one person on one team could lead to confusion (especially when couples are involved ^^). When grinding SP for Ninian, better unequip her Assist, that already helps. TA helps her to get some kills too.

Oh, I didn't know that about RES Tactic. I think I might make use of that. Thank you!

Why unequip her assist? I'm just curious. I didn't think about TA -- thank you, I'll give her that. And I'm still bitter that I missed out on LA Eliwood. I took a break from Heroes for a bit and came back just in time to pull both LA Hector and LA Lilina on an extremely lucky first session, but didn't have enough time left to earn the points for LA Eliwood. I'm really, really hoping they bring him back somehow.

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20 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

Oh, I didn't know that about RES Tactic. I think I might make use of that. Thank you!

I might add that the third level is locked behind 5*  rarity, but at least you get a higher chance of getting a spare copy for SI purposes. 

21 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

Why unequip her assist? I'm just curious.

Like @Vaximillian wrote, to make her refresh-able but also to not use her for support out of habit (I tend to do that).

23 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

And I'm still bitter that I missed out on LA Eliwood. I took a break from Heroes for a bit and came back just in time to pull both LA Hector and LA Lilina on an extremely lucky first session, but didn't have enough time left to earn the points for LA Eliwood. I'm really, really hoping they bring him back somehow.

Uh, I'm sorry to hear that. I wish you luck that they will make TT units return.

I wouldn't mind extra copies of Marth (merges), Marissa (Infantry pulse), Joshua (Close Defense) and BK (Steady Stance/WoM) either. 

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6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I might add that the third level is locked behind 5*  rarity, but at least you get a higher chance of getting a spare copy for SI purposes. 

Like @Vaximillian wrote, to make her refresh-able but also to not use her for support out of habit (I tend to do that).

Uh, I'm sorry to hear that. I wish you luck that they will make TT units return.

I wouldn't mind extra copies of Marth (merges), Marissa (Infantry pulse), Joshua (Close Defense) and BK (Steady Stance/WoM) either. 

That's fine; I have enough feathers to get her to 5★, so if I decide to go with RES Tactic for someone, it won't be too much of a hassle. Thanks for letting me know!

Yeah, I feel your pain about the lack of TT unit merges. The lack of IVs is frustrating, too.

General Question:

I just pulled Mia in my quest for Arya, and this Mia is +SPD/-RES. The thing is, I already have a Mia who's +ATK/-DEF. I know that -DEF is a superbane and her Flashing Blade relies on SPD, so I'm leaning toward +SPD, but I'd like a second opinion. Thanks!

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12 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

That's fine; I have enough feathers to get her to 5★, so if I decide to go with RES Tactic for someone, it won't be too much of a hassle. Thanks for letting me know!

Yeah, I feel your pain about the lack of TT unit merges. The lack of IVs is frustrating, too.

General Question:

I just pulled Mia in my quest for Arya, and this Mia is +SPD/-RES. The thing is, I already have a Mia who's +ATK/-DEF. I know that -DEF is a superbane and her Flashing Blade relies on SPD, so I'm leaning toward +SPD, but I'd like a second opinion. Thanks!

Go for it. Speed is the best boon

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@silveraura25 Thanks very much!

Now I have another question (sorry!): I have a +DEF/-SPD Micaiah. Which is a terrible IV set for her, but she's really been helpful in this TT+ and I've grown rather fond of her so I'd like to build her regardless. I'm considering this set:

◉ Thani
☗ Reposition
▶ Iceberg
A: Darting Blow 3 / Death Blow 3
B: Desperation 3
C: Drive Atk 2
S: Distant Def 3(?)

If anyone has any opinions regarding this, I would appreciate the help. Thanks very much!

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