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Legendary Hero Battle: Alm, Saint-King


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Abyssal Map Information




Starting Enemy Details



HP: 80
Atk: 62
Spd: 51
Def: 35
Res: 31

Weapon: Luna Arc
Assist: None
Special: Lunar Flash
A: Darting Blow 4
B: Null Follow-Up 3
C: Odd Atk Wave 3
S: Atk/Spd Bond 3

Red Mage


HP: 73
Atk: 48
Spd: 38
Def: 24
Res: 33

Weapon: Raudrraven+
Assist: None
Special: Blazing Flame
A: Triangle Adept 3
B: Axebreaker 3
C: Drive Res 2
S: Fire Boost 3



HP: 70
Atk: 47
Spd: 33
Def: 28
Res: 42

Weapon: Panic+ (Dazzling)
Assist: Physic+
Special: Earthfire Balm+
A: Attack +3
B: Live to Serve 3
C: Spd Opening 3
S: None

Green Bow


HP: 80
Atk: 50
Spd: 34
Def: 29
Res: 14

Weapon: Brave Bow+
Assist: None
Special: Draconic Aura
A: Life and Death 3
B: Guard 3
C: Odd Spd Wave 3
S: None

Sword Cavalier


HP: 77
Atk: 49
Spd: 24
Def: 30
Res: 35

Weapon: Brave Sword+
Assist: Reciprocal Aid
Special: Escutcheon 
A: Warding Blow 3
B: Guard 3
C: Drive Res 2
S: Poison Strike 3

Blue Mage


HP: 73
Atk: 50
Spd: 38
Def: 24
Res: 33

Weapon: Blarblade+
Assist: None
Special: Moonbow
A: Steady Posture 2
B: Dull Ranged 3
C: Distant Guard 3
S: Even Def Wave 3

Reinforcement Details




Blue = Appears at the end of the first Enemy Phase
Red = Appears at the end of the second Enemy Phase
Purple = Appears at the end of the third Enemy Phase

End of the first Enemy Phase (spaces colored blue)

1. Axe Flier


HP: 78
Atk: 49
Spd: 44
Def: 26
Res: 47

Weapon: Slaying Axe+ (Spd)
Assist: None
Special: Iceberg
A: Water Boost 3
B: Desperation 3
C: Spd Smoke 3
S: Atk/Spd 2

2. Lance Armor


HP: 97
Atk: 57
Spd: 19
Def: 52
Res: 27

Weapon: Ridersbane+ (Eff)
Assist: None
Special: Sacred Cowl
A: Fort Def/Res 2
B: Knock Back
C: Panic Ploy 3
S: None

End of the second Enemy Phase (spaces colored red)

3. Axe Cavalier


HP: 80
Atk: 58
Spd: 32
Def: 33
Res: 38

Weapon: Slaying Hammer+ (Eff)
Assist: None
Special: Iceberg
A: Fury 3
B: Lunge
C: Drive Atk 2
S: None

4. Lance Fighter


HP: 86
Atk: 54
Spd: 43
Def: 38
Res: 30

Weapon: Harmonic Lance+ (Spd)
Assist: None
Special: Glimmer
A: Fury 3
B: Desperation 3
C: Drive Spd 3
S: Brazen Atk/Def 3

5. Red Cavalier


HP: 71
Atk: 56
Spd: 32
Def: 20
Res: 41

Weapon: Bolganone+ (Spd)
Assist: None
Special: Glimmer
A: Swift Sparrow 2
B: Seal Def/Res 2
C: Spd Ploy 3
S: Drive Atk 3

End of the third Enemy Phase (spaces colored purple)

6. Sword Dragon


HP: 82
Atk: 56
Spd: 32
Def: 47
Res: 23

Weapon: Safeguard+ (Def)
Assist: None
Special: Iceberg
A: Earth Boost 3
B: Obstruct 3
C: Spd Smoke 3
S: Distant Def 3

7. Bow Cavalier


HP: 78
Atk: 55
Spd: 27
Def: 29
Res: 28

Weapon: Slaying Bow+ (Atk)
Assist: None
Special: Moonbow
A: Darting Stance 3
B: Escape Route 3
C: Threaten Def 3
S: None



This map is evil. Needing to break the Marth/Caeda support was annoying.


Edited by LordFrigid
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I was able to clear this map using the Duck Squad. I needed to fiddle around with placement and seals before I got anywhere close to clearing this.

Yune put in so much work, especially since she was the only one capable of taking on Alm. Fear the glacies. This team is a lot of fun to use~

You can tell when I started to forget what I was doing. Also I may or may not have tried to get exact dmg for Alm

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I cleared normal, hard, and lunatic with my horses. I might be able to do infernal with them too, but I'll probably have to stack them more, I forgot to check their seals and all.

Alm being anti-tank sucks for my Frederick since his weapon does 12 damage at least to him due to the damage = 25% of foe's Def or something like that, but at least he can still take some hits from him if I need him to. And at least Reinhardt can KO Alm in one round. So far, anyway.

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Open map means I get to field my horses again. Cecilia needed the Fortify Cavalry to tank the Brave Bow archer and Roy doing double duty on both phases.



And for an added bonus, here's the Abyssal clear: Reinhardt plays with fire.




Edited by Flying Shogi
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And of course, I still can almost never clear these on my own in infernal or abyssal. I don't know why. No matter what I do or how much I try, I never get any better at this game than I currently am. Other players clear shit like this in a few tries, maybe even easily. But I'm not capable of it. I'm always forced to use videos and I don't learn anything if I have the work done for me all the time.

This is why I still think maps like these should be more like GHBs and BHBs. No enemy reinforcements or anything, or if you must have them, allow us to field more than four units at a time or allow us to lose units in battle or both. The game really needs to cater more to players who will never be experts like myself. We're locked out of too many orbs since a lot of them are given for things like SA and CC as well as these maps. And players who are really good would still be able to clear this stuff and get the rewards as well. That's what's most important, isn't it?

Edited by Anacybele
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@mampfoid @daisy jane @Sasori @Landmaster @Nanima

Tricky to figure out, but did it in the end. I tried various attempts to use the sword cav, but that never quite worked (stupid guard...IS really must be trying to limit 1-turns). But in the end, attacking the Green Bow with Morgan ended up doing the trick! Didn't even matter that he had guard too!

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2 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Tricky to figure out, but did it in the end.

This looked easy for you, though I don't doubt it took effort. Morgan had a very close call, which was cool to see. I also liked how much Hinoka got to do here. Good job!

@mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane @mcsilas @Azuris @ruruo @Sasori @kirauza343

Music: 1. Lost Elf theme 2. Dark Solas theme - both from Dragon Age Inquisition: Tresspasser

I was at first a bit intimidated by this map, since it took a little tinkering to clear Inferal, but once I got the right starting position everything fell into place quite quickly. I felt a bit bad about having Leanne take a hit during this, usually she is left unharmed after all. But thanks to her high resistance it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Alm really was a stubborn boy. I thought about making Naesala double him, which is trivial compared to Ryouma, but I decided this way was more cathartic for me. Thankfully I also managed to give Reyson his mandated kill. 

So, after this one, I still have to do Marth and Hector, so be on the lookout for those clears. Hope you enjoyed!

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Alm is squishy.  So squishy that Leon can initiate and kill with an Atk Tactic buff.

Which is why Leon and three dancers was able to do this fairly easily.  Legendary Azura needed to drop to below half health so that Escape Route Axe Azura could warp across the map to dance Leon.

EDIT: Right, Infernal.  I'm not invested enough to do Abyssal.

Edited by eclipse
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@Nanima That bird Laguz mobility worked amazingly well, and the healing from both herons kept everyone nice and healthy! Way to make a tough map look easy. 

Alm himself is a huge pain and the wall made maneuvering a little difficult, but overall it’s not the worst Abyssal map ever. I feel like the reinforcements weren’t anywhere near as bad as some of the others, and I appreciated the only armor unit not having a fighter skill. The distant guard blue mage was a huge pain though. 

I feel like the hardest part was figuring out how and where to get Camilla into wings of mercy range (and boy did I cut that close). Most of it fell into place after that without too much trouble, but damn Alm’s speed was painful. 

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everyone's clears are awesome. Nanima, great to see Bird Tribe, and Robert, you sure showed that Brave Bow a thing or two. can't kill best girl, Morgan :D 

this one was tricky for me. I knew (okay forgot) that Alm's bow/special builds off enemy's res/def. so. what happens when you ward/fortify/sing Myrrh to take on the Saint King? OHKO right in the face, that's what. 

Celica + 3 dancers were tricky too. a lot of armours and tricky maneuvering. . I needed the orbs. (lord give me strength, how i needed them after that abyssal banner), but @Alkaid helped me figure out a strat using both Celica + Oph (princess nuke bombs). and BowHinoka, and it was totally dooable. 

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Reinforcement information is up! Hope that graphic isn't confusing...


Green Brave Bow+? Celica says hi. This was surprisingly easy for her, once I stopped trying to go left =P .




Edited by LordFrigid
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Blazing Blade fans rise up!

I built this Eliwood on a whim because I fell in love with his new refine - little did I know he'd fit in with my primary team seamlessly. Naturally he is supported with B!Ninian, who also got some upgrades.

So, the map. I expected L!Alm to have some gratuitous stat inflation, but good lord, 62 Atk and 51 Spd before any buffs? Both doubling him and tanking him were obviously out of the question, so I had to get creative with Galeforce and Dance so I could attack him twice in one turn, as well as figure things out so no one would die to the Green Bow - this required rushing down the Cleric while under Panic, which meant avoiding giving Titania the Joint Hone Spd buff, hence the wonky positioning at the start. Once L!Alm and the Cleric were dead and I could survive that turn, all the enemies just fell over to my team's hyper-offense setup.

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Cleared the Abyssal map with ReinLyn + 2 flier dancers.

5+10 +Atk Reinhardt (Dire Thunder, Reposition, Blazing Thunder, Death Blow 3, Lancebreaker 3, Savage Blow 3, Attack +3)
+10 +Spd Brave Lyn (Brave Bow+, Reposition, Blazing Wind, Swift Sparrow 2, Desperation 3, Savage Blow 3, Savage Blow 3)
+HP/-Atk flier Olivia (Skuld, Dance, Wings of Mercy 3, Aerobatics 3)
+HP/-Atk Legend Azura (Prayer Wheel, Gray Waves, Wings of Mercy 3, Atk Tactic 3, Torrent Dance 3)

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28 minutes ago, Some Jerk said:

So, the map. I expected L!Alm to have some gratuitous stat inflation, but good lord, 62 Atk and 51 Spd before any buffs? Both doubling him and tanking him were obviously out of the question, so I had to get creative with Galeforce and Dance so I could attack him twice in one turn, as well as figure things out so no one would die to the Green Bow - this required rushing down the Cleric while under Panic, which meant avoiding giving Titania the Joint Hone Spd buff, hence the wonky positioning at the start. Once L!Alm and the Cleric were dead and I could survive that turn, all the enemies just fell over to my team's hyper-offense setup.

Actually Sharena can Tank him with Sacred Cowl + Shield Pusle + Atk/Defens Bond + Refined weapon (her weapon is godlike for tanking and nullifying all buffs) + someone who Rally defs her + Spd/Atk Link buff + a shit load of spur Atks (at least so you go over Alms attack) and someone that provides Infantry Heavy Blade to her. She survived with like 4 HP left eating 2 of his attacks (one of them being a special). But yeah useless when she cant kill him entirely lol. I thought i could maybe open the map with a Sharena kill on Alm instantly but... its impossible to double him due to null follow up, so nope, no QR for me ._.

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Normal and Hard cleared with low HM units.

Lunatic cleared with Arvis, Fjorm, Norzura and Norrin. This took a few tries.

Infernal.... I'm going to come back to it.

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That was rough, even for Tana + 3 Dancers, but I finally managed to clear Abyssal.

Getting enough speed to double Alm was tricky, but fortunately I'd already upgraded the Darting Blow seal. Needed to upgrade Young Azura's special to get her to one-round the blue mage, and had to finally get around to giving Legendary Azura her much-needed Wings of Mercy.

My team and strategy:








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