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9 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Celica saw Faye with Alm, went crazy and Nuked them all. 
(kinda fun)

"He's mine!" Celica probably

I just imagine Celica going "Hi Alm and..... Faye."




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55 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

Huh. The YouTube thumbnail algorithm really likes Edelgard.

Anyway, pretty straightforward clear. Hector+Slaying+Melee enemies means I don’t even need to run Heavy or Flashing Blade seals.


Can relate, OG!Elise has been stealing all the Thumbnails for me lately~ Maybe it knows how long  I've been waiting

Are you planning on changing Peri's IV or have you just not pulled an 11th copy yet?~ Either way, quick and easy but still nice how well everyone ended up into position~

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1 hour ago, Flying Shogi said:

"He's mine!" Celica probably

I just imagine Celica going "Hi Alm and..... Faye."

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Oh that's interesting.  - for me. i tackled the armour guy first, then hit faye (to get into super brazen mode), then finished off the armour. 
also i am insanely jealous of your +spd Nohrzura. mine is minus speed, and I can't even fix her because Inigo exists. 


@LordFrigid that was an amazing Galeforce clear. 
(I still can't galeforce. i "thunk" LOL). i was using Edelgard yesterday to get her Flowers - and i am so shocked how strong she is mine is +def too so that comes in handy). if i nab a few of her on a Legendary that would be nice (one might die for Dull Closed through). 

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3 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Infernal Map



Nice use of flash. It allowed the weakened Elise's to get some good kills in. Nowi was the true MVP though :).

I got myself a team of green bois (and Setsuna) for a sucky early game archer team.

And I thought a unrequited love team would be a pretty fitting for this BHB.


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Was simple enough. Decided to do something random and threw a bunch of infantry blue tome units out there and it worked out just fine.

Poor Kliff didn't get to do anything but hide in the bushes and watch the girls do all the work.

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This took me a second.

Hard cleared with low HM units, Lunatic with M!Robin, F!Robin, Ghost Rolf and Picnic Genny, Infernal cleared with NY!Gunnthra, Ylgr, Dawn!Michiah and Legault

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I only just now realized that you edited your clear into the OP. That initial hit and run strike, plus the big threat ranges of your units, really messed with the AI's approach. Nice work!

4 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Are you planning on changing Peri's IV or have you just not pulled an 11th copy yet?~

Neither, actually, I just haven't promoted the last manual yet. idk why, either, since I'm closing in on 300k feathers at this point.

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@Sasori - Nowi is truly OP, must nerf~

Such good archer bois you have, and Setsuna. Rolf’s Woooooh is hilarious. They did great, Gordin must be excited about his coming refine. 

Haven’t played POR, who is Titania’s love interest? Flora’s a great nuke even in her base form (I forget because her picnic variant is such a menace). Cordelia s quite the offensive powerhouse, too and Titania saved the day keeping that refrigerator hostage.

@NSSKG151 - You have great taste in blue mages. Tailtiu’s weapon is so much fun. F for Delthea killing Alm, truly the worst timeline.

@LordFrigid - Yeah I think you quoted me like a minute after I edited it in, haha! 

I would have died of OCD with a +9 for this long, LOL, give the poor girl that delicious merge~

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4 hours ago, Landmaster said:

@NSSKG151 - You have great taste in blue mages. Tailtiu’s weapon is so much fun. F for Delthea killing Alm, truly the worst timeline.

Too many of my favorite mages ended up being blue in Heroes that I can never decide who I want to use on any given day. Yeah, I like Tome of Thoron too. Wrath and Darting Blow are great effects for her weapon.

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19 hours ago, Landmaster said:

I would have died of OCD with a +9 for this long, LOL, give the poor girl that delicious merge~

Alright, alright...better?




18 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

If I were you, I would've just shoved Caeda into that axe cav's face and then ended turn.

Well that’s just evil.

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On 11/3/2019 at 4:48 AM, Landmaster said:

@Sasori - Nowi is truly OP, must nerf~

Such good archer bois you have, and Setsuna. Rolf’s Woooooh is hilarious. They did great, Gordin must be excited about his coming refine. 

Haven’t played POR, who is Titania’s love interest? Flora’s a great nuke even in her base form (I forget because her picnic variant is such a menace). Cordelia s quite the offensive powerhouse, too and Titania saved the day keeping that refrigerator hostage.


He is. 200 dew are ready. Merge Gordins keep avoiding me though...for months now.

Titania was in love with Ike's dad, but she's a bit less sighy about it then the other ladies. I was surprised with how well Flora performed. That -atk bane always stings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Landmaster Cheeky clear, I liked the Flash antics. The fact Faye couldn't counterattack sort of mimicked how she couldn't counterattack if she had Firesweep Bow, so that was funny.

@Zeo @mampfoid @Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy @Ginko @daisy jane @DLNarshen

Well this is a backlog but hey, when you have the Echoes units, I have to oblige with Echoes clears!

First is Ram Village Emblem!

Team is +Spd/-Def Legendary Alm, +Atk +1 Gray, neutral Tobin and +Spd/-HP Kliff

Music is Wilderness Policeman from Garou: Mark of the Wolves

-Faye was a little bit too eager to face Legendary Alm at the start! Alm mostly softened the tanky units up for his villager friends. Kliff finishes OG Alm while Tobin gets to flex his armorslaying skills to finishoff the tin can. Gray had fun showing off his anti-cav weapons in this map, too.


Now for an all-female clear- here is a 'Rescued by Alm' club clear!

Team is +Spd/-Def Clair, +Res/-Def Silque, +Atk/-Def Delthea and +Res/-Def Celica.

Music is The Sacrifice and the Saint from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

- Alm sure saves a lot of damsels in distress, and this is how they thank him (for siding with Faye for this map?) Again, Faye was a little bit too eager, this time trying to attack her rival Celica. A bit impressed she survived Ragnarok though. Celica then proceeds to deal with Alm in a flash.

- Clair's Guidance shenanigans was quite fun to use in that forested area and also provides a needed melee role against the Res-tanky units.

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12 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Well this is a backlog but hey, when you have the Echoes units, I have to oblige with Echoes clears!

First is Ram Village Emblem!

Team is +Spd/-Def Legendary Alm, +Atk +1 Gray, neutral Tobin and +Spd/-HP Kliff

Music is Wilderness Policeman from Garou: Mark of the Wolves

-Faye was a little bit too eager to face Legendary Alm at the start! Alm mostly softened the tanky units up for his villager friends. Kliff finishes OG Alm while Tobin gets to flex his armorslaying skills to finishoff the tin can. Gray had fun showing off his anti-cav weapons in this map, too.


Now for an all-female clear- here is a 'Rescued by Alm' club clear!

Team is +Spd/-Def Clair, +Res/-Def Silque, +Atk/-Def Delthea and +Res/-Def Celica.

Music is The Sacrifice and the Saint from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

- Alm sure saves a lot of damsels in distress, and this is how they thank him (for siding with Faye for this map?) Again, Faye was a little bit too eager, this time trying to attack her rival Celica. A bit impressed she survived Ragnarok though. Celica then proceeds to deal with Alm in a flash.

- Clair's Guidance shenanigans was quite fun to use in that forested area and also provides a needed melee role against the Res-tanky units.

L!Alm blew up most of the map with some help from Kliff~ His buddies were there to help maneuver him around. Faye did not like the prospect of this other, much hotter Alm, but wasn’t able to swoon him into not killing her~ Nice having Gray clean up the ponies and Tobin end the armor.

The waifu committee were impressive, as well. I can only imagine they were all fighting to prove who is most worthy to be his waifu, which I guess goes to Celica for killing him since nothing is more attractive than being slain~ NGL, it was kinda funny to see Silque repeatedly not able to kill anything. That Cleric was beyond obnoxious and defs deserved a frozen lance to the face~

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Yeah so no clear for me for this one. Matt, Morgan, Serra, everyone ate the map easily and I'm kind of tired of doing this now so it felt arbitrary. Couldn't think of a special clear and I didn't have any extra energy to put into it so it's a pass for me. Now that I think about it another Bow Emblem clear would have been cool with some military tactical music, but I only thought of that just now, so oh well.

@Landmaster Nice maneuver, luring Alm away from his team so you could pick him off. Kiting everyone else after that was fairly easy. I have to admit that I wasn't paying attention to the fact that this was an Elise Emblem clear because I thought to myself "that's a nicely built Nowi" and then halfway through the clear I saw she was just sitting there and for a second I was like "But... why won't she just, oooh" so my bad lol.

@mcsilas When you remember that Gray is the only character in the game with a Zanbato and he came out 2 years ago...

Faye rushing over to Alm to get blown up at the beginning was pretty hilarious. The villagers worked well together but I felt for poor Tobin. He honestly was pretty unnecessary. In every instance he could fight there was a better option. He wasn't even necessary for the armor because Kliff could have dealt with him. They could have beaten the map with just the three of them. He's probably the sword unit that needs a Prf most of all. I remember when people used to say that he was the single worst sword infantry in the game. I'm not sure if that's changed, honestly. Great clear though.

Silque's bulk is remarkable. She took the biggest beating in this clear and still continued to support her team and do some attacking herself. I was disappointed she didn't have the kick to finish Faye. Celica and Delthea did their usual job as fantastic delete buttons. Clair's superb resistance served her well here too. Right down to the extremely satisfying Glacies to the cleric's face to end the map.

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@Zeo  @Landmaster To be fair, I didn't give Silque a Wrathful refine yet, so she could've done a lot more. Ad yeah poor Tobin, a lot of clears he is just a Drive/Spur bot sometimes and since this map wasn't the most challenging he really didn't get to do much. Oh and Alm just outshines the rest of the team too much lol.

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  • 6 months later...

I couldn't be bothered going higher than Lunatic, but a quest and four free orbs weren't going to stop me.


Also I forgot that I gave Sharena and Eir some premium skills lol, but the princesses needed them.  The Alm oneshot was particularly delicious to see.



Also Fjorm hard counters Faye which is awesome XD

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