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@Quintessence I thought I'd go ahead and do that questionnaire too if you don't mind! :3

1. What was (or has been) the game's best moment (can be an update transition, a period of the game)?
I think I got the most hyped when weapon refinement came into play. It helped to dismiss my fears that certain characters were simply going to get left in the dust as new characters got added. But with that update, older characters started to become more relevant again, and they didn't need heavy SI to do it. And my Lukas finally got the Slaying Lance he deserved! ;A; (I'm pretty pumped for the next update too because Raven is one of my Arena staples, and I wanna give him a legendary weapon!)

2. Who's your favorite unit (based on gameplay, skills, stats, VA, design, whatever has the most weight to you)?
That's really hard... I'll have to go with Merric. His design and VA are both very classic. He's just how I imagine him in every way, and while a lot of people think his stats are underwhelming, I've figured out how to use him to a way that fits my needs. I've invested the most into him for sure with zero regrets, and hopefully he'll be my first 5*+10. But Lucius, Raven, Leon, Lyon, Lukas, Innes, and Summer Leo all get shout-outs for being great parts of my Bae Emblem teams for a variety of reasons. They're all my boys.

3. What has been your biggest achievement in the game (it can be content completion or unit building)?
I've set small goals for myself, and I've managed to meet most of them so far. I've stayed in tier 20 for one week. I've broken a score of 5k in AA. I've soloed a map using a character I love. With the exception of the new CCs, I've beat all of them. I've managed to get almost all of the rewards the game has thrown at us. My next goals are to get 5k points in the normal Arena and finish a 5*+10 character! I think my proudest moment was beating that Lyon Infernal. That took FAR too long. XD

4. Your favorite story chapter?
Book II is shaping up to be really interesting. I'm not sure one chapter overall sticks out that much since it's been pretty bare bones. Some memorable moments include Seth telling off Veronica (I think that's a paralogue), Anna admitting that the swimsuit characters are nothing more than money schemes (once again, paralogues but hilarious), Veronica almost murdering the face off of Kiran, and Alfonse's growth in the newest chapter. Also Raven protecting Lucius in their appearance.

5. Your favorite Event (CYL, TT, VG)?
TT by far. The "story" has kind of deteriorated a bit, but I still enjoy it overall. The voting contests are just kind of silly. There's no good way to do them without upsetting people, and overall, they just create a really negative vibe in the community. TT is harmless. Sure it's a grind-fest, but the rewards are amazing, and it kind of forces me to use characters I would probably never use otherwise.

6. Your favorite Special Map (GHB, BHB, daily unit, special maps)?
So far Oliver's is one of my favorite GHB since I managed to do my Lucius solo on it. That was a huge moment for me personally even though I don't think the map is amazing by any means. For some reason, I think of Michalis's map when I think of all time favorities. I think his was the first I managed to beat on all difficulties when it first came out and during that special "early bird" event too. He then became the first 5 star I promoted using feathers and easily carried me as my only tank during early game.

7. Your favorite banner?
That's a hard one... I'll admit that I was super pumped for Micaiah's banner even though it was a pain and a half to get her and Sothe. I was extra excited for the first legit SS banner, and I think I managed to get all of the characters on that one. I was especially lucky and got Tana on my second pull. OH! How can I forget? Dancer Inigo. I think that was the one AU I wanted to come to life, and it did. XD So thank you, IS. And despite the salt surrounding her... Dark Mage!Eirika makes me pretty happy just because little ol' me can imagine that she and Lyon really were in love.

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9 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

It gets easier the more dancers you have. I have 6 and I really don't mind the mode now.

Yeah...he's only ever going to have three max as things stand currently since he refuses to use seasonals out of principle.

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56 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

It gets easier the more dancers you have. I have 6 and I really don't mind the mode now.

I have 6, but even though I could use all of them in one AA run, I actually don't. Something more like 2-4 of them are ever used in one run.

I think I'm more likely to deploy my Genny than I am a Dancer, which is something I never thought I'd say, but hey-yo my Genny is pretty freaking sweet.

...but anyways, I feel like a healthy combination of defensive units as well as offensive and dancers makes AA a breeze. Rein/Lyn counters especially. Make that pity-breaking Boey worth something.

Edited by Xenomata
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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

This also reminds me I need to eventually find ways to actually complete Squad Assault challenges...

Well I can always help, if you need it

Usually my methods are uh.... bootleggish in nature LOL I try not to use super OP built up units of destruction so

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, true, it just bugs me that IS thought it made sense to have a dude who started out as tome wielder be a healer but a healer who started out as only a healer should be a tome wielder. :/

I think the reasoning they're using behind this is based on their personality. Lucius tends to be a calm man, trying to mend people and alleviate their sorrows, their grieves, hence why they decided to make him a staff user. While L'Arachel is definitely more driven, hence why they decided to make her a valkyrie.

Also, purchased some extra orbs and went for Eirika but nope, Saber appeared and I decided to +2 him, whoo!

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5 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Arena Assault! Kinda. But yeah, the system sucks.

I was gonna mention how Arena Assault is kinda what I described, but as @Vaximillian mentioned,  AA sucks. I sometimes outright don't do it. Facing random arena teams is just not that fun for me honestly. 

And yeah, it does. I do hope the update next weeks does something to make things better. Shuffling the rarity pools around or adding new units so that the 5* exclusive pool is no longer the largest pool would be nice.

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I actually really enjoy AA. My biggest problem is that if I screw up, I only get one shot at it per day. It feels less fun to do it without any rewards save the items at the end, since it feels like a waste of time without HM or SP. Honestly, I wish I could use my crests and redo it with rewards, but oh well. 

I'm really annoyed with it this week. Got a perfect run up until the final map, then had to leave to do something. Came back to the game and it had kicked me back to the castle. Since then, every run has screwed up one way or another *sigh* 

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32 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Well I can always help, if you need it

Usually my methods are uh.... bootleggish in nature LOL I try not to use super OP built up units of destruction so

Then why do you have a super OP build up Nino? xP

13 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

I think the reasoning they're using behind this is based on their personality. Lucius tends to be a calm man, trying to mend people and alleviate their sorrows, their grieves, hence why they decided to make him a staff user. While L'Arachel is definitely more driven, hence why they decided to make her a valkyrie.

Also, purchased some extra orbs and went for Eirika but nope, Saber appeared and I decided to +2 him, whoo!

Then maybe Lucius should've been a healer to start in his original game and L'Arachel should've been a mage to start in hers. I'm still rather confused.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Then why do you have a super OP build up Nino? xP

that's my source of fun and general accomplishment

Well in Squad Assault I save her for the last map hee hee

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9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Then maybe Lucius should've been a healer to start in his original game and L'Arachel should've been a mage to start in hers. I'm still rather confused.

I'm rather fond of Lucius as our first, and only one of two Monks. Locking Light Magic to promoted Priests/Clerics in FE6 was a bad idea even not having played it. Not because Light is great, it is inferior to Anima, but because it just doesn't sound right hiding a weapon type like that. Lucius might be peaceful, but whatever happened to self-defense? To defending the poor and the innocent? You don't need to do it with Arthurian gusto.

And I like L'Arachel as Troubadour, because it makes her even more ridiculous. The defender of justice goes charging into fog-shrouded hordes of evil with only a staff, not even a weapon. Accompanied by only a Berserker who is just as silly and a Rogue who- oh wait she didn't notice he left forever ago and doesn't seem to be too worried.

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9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Then maybe Lucius should've been a healer to start in his original game and L'Arachel should've been a mage to start in hers. I'm still rather confused.

Who knows? I think Lucius being a monk was needed to explain the magic triangle during Lyn's Mode but dunno about L'Arachel.

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27 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

I was gonna mention how Arena Assault is kinda what I described, but as @Vaximillian mentioned,  AA sucks. I sometimes outright don't do it. Facing random arena teams is just not that fun for me honestly. 

And yeah, it does. I do hope the update next weeks does something to make things better. Shuffling the rarity pools around or adding new units so that the 5* exclusive pool is no longer the largest pool would be nice.

I like Arena Assault because it challenges me, and makes me build budget units.

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And I like L'Arachel as Troubadour, because it makes her even more ridiculous. The defender of justice goes charging into fog-shrouded hordes of evil with only a staff, not even a weapon. Accompanied by only a Berserker who is just as silly and a Rogue who- oh wait she didn't notice he left forever ago and doesn't seem to be too worried.

I silently hoped that the recent banner would be "World of Rausten" and then it's just L'Arachel, Dozla, and Rennac, maybe Mansel as a Grand Hero Battle/Tempest Trial reward.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I like Arena Assault because it challenges me, and makes me build budget units.

It's personally not the sort of challenge that I like doing and I steer away from budget units because I dislike sacrificing units for their non 5* weapons. It's more that AA sucks for my taste than it being a bad mode in general. 

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5 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Nice! I got Eirika a few days ago, though I haven't had the chance to get any of the others. L'Arachel is a fun character and I'd love to get her though she's be an addition to my already long list of blue units I want to use.

5 hours ago, Coolmanio said:

You guys.

This is what I want in FEH. Raid battles. Also, sick graphics


Now that is a good idea. Massive bosses who you need to use your entire team to take down. The Fire Dragon is a clear option there, though they could use other dragons and bosses from the series as well, such as Idunn, Medeus, and so forth.

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I find Arena Assault fine, it gets annoying every once in a while (although that's more on the rubble map than anything else) but in general it's pretty easy to get a deathless run. Then again I have like 50 trained 5* units and the only color I'm lacking is green which is easily covered by a 4* Narcian with no SI if I run out of 5* greens and the map has an Effie. If there's one thing I don't like is how it tends to use the lower part of my score range instead of rolling high numbers and there's no way to bypass it unlike regular arena.

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On 1/27/2018 at 7:12 PM, Quintessence said:

So guys, we're close to Heroes' 1st anniversary and I'd like that we synthesize a few things about the game, that has had a really good year, imo:

Basically, share your thoughts (opinions) for the following questions.

1. What was (or has been) the game's best moment (can be an update transition, a period of the game)?

Skill Inheritance.  It really changed the game for the better.  

2. Who's your favorite unit (based on gameplay, skills, stats, VA, design, whatever has the most weight to you)?

Dancer Inigo.  I think he'll most likely appear again on the March (?) legendary banner, so I'm going to try to save a lot of orbs that month in preparation for it!  He's currently at +4, and with enough orb saving (and some money), I might be able to +10 him!

3. What has been your biggest achievement in the game (it can be content completion or unit building)?

Hmm, I've been staying in Tier 20 since August, so I guess that?  I was also pretty excited when I built my Laslow up to +10.  :^_^:

4. Your favorite story chapter?

Don't have one.  The story is bad (which doesn't bother me in the slightest). :P:

5. Your favorite Event (CYL, TT, VG)?

TT mini!  Those rewards are sweet.

6. Your favorite Special Map (GHB, BHB, daily unit, special maps)?

Camilla's Warriors map.  :wub:  

7. Your favorite banner?

Performing Arts, without a doubt!


5 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Yay, congrats!  Hopefully they drop her to 4*, so she'll be easy for you to +10 (if that's what you're aiming for)!  :]


I think Arena Assault is fine... But, I have to admit it's becoming a little bit of a chore for me these days. 

I like the idea of it, though.  Being able to use everyone is nice... I just find it more difficult than the regular arena because fighting +10 dudes with +0/+1-2 dudes is tough.  It also requires a lot of time and careful attention, and I have to focus a lot when I'm selecting my teams.  It's mentally draining if I lose someone near the end & have to start it all over again.

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I like Arena Assualt enough, but the problem is that now that I have a high scoring team, its frustrating that sometimes instead of a 714-20 team, a 706-8 slips in there and hurts my final score. I want to score over 5,000 points, but god forbid ONE team is less than 714 then it tanks. It's also annoying to shuffle through many teams at the beginning until I find one worth fighting. 

@Rezzy Nice job on your la Rachel! I want to summon her but she'll likely be demoted, and the last thing I want is another Sothe fail (I pulled him on his banner and he was +Speed -Attack, but soon enough after he was demoted and I pulled him he was +Speed -Res) and I rather not have my heart broken at a potentially disappointing.  Also, I had pretty bad luck this banner. I got around 240 orbs, and while I obtained want I wanted (Eirika with a good nature to boot) plus a better Myrrh and that Sothe, it took nearly my entire stash and I'm currently left with 15 orbs now. This wasn't the first time I got a lot of orbs to try to summon either, and the results were even worse...

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

I silently hoped that the recent banner would be "World of Rausten" and then it's just L'Arachel, Dozla, and Rennac, maybe Mansel as a Grand Hero Battle/Tempest Trial reward.

Heroes isn't big on giving us completed groups. Right Kliff? Right Linus?

This said, I am a sometime lay member of the cult of L'Arachel, and I do like Rennac more than I think I should for some inexplicable reason. Dozla, well besides looking a little too dwarfish, I think he is a little too simple and stupid for my tastes. Though in the trio Dozla isn't so bad. And we would have a diverse banner set in Axe, Light or Staff, and Dagger.

Mansel- he never even got to be a CC unit in SS. I blame Riev, since Mansel would most likely be a Bishop and CC does not give out characters with identical classes. Not bad, just like Ismaire, an NPC who never got any real time.

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15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Heroes isn't big on giving us completed groups. Right Kliff? Right Linus?

This said, I am a sometime lay member of the cult of L'Arachel, and I do like Rennac more than I think I should for some inexplicable reason. Dozla, well besides looking a little too dwarfish, I think he is a little too simple and stupid for my tastes. Though in the trio Dozla isn't so bad. And we would have a diverse banner set in Axe, Light or Staff, and Dagger.

Mansel- he never even got to be a CC unit in SS. I blame Riev, since Mansel would most likely be a Bishop and CC does not give out characters with identical classes. Not bad, just like Ismaire, an NPC who never got any real time.

Kliff seems to be doing well in CYL, so I think he has a good shot at making it into the next Farfetched Heroes-style banner if nothing else.

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I absolutely loathe Arena Assault but understand the intention behind it. Maybe I could stomach it better if the rewards weren't solely based on competitive rank, and if the rewards weren't so essential (being the biggest source of coins and nuggets). As it stands, I've given up on making top 10k and just settle for squeaking into top 20k by doing 3-4 Advanced difficulty fights then dropping back down to Intermediate. It's worked out well enough so far, and fortunately I only needed to make a second attempt at an AA run once this year. But if the game continues to grow, I'd end up having to put in real effort even to just get into that top 20k and that's not something I'm prepared to do. As it is, it's just a tedious weekly chore like doing the laundry.

As for raid boss fights, I'm not sure the dragon is the best example to use because it was the most anti-climactic boss fight I've experienced in FE. Not sure what can be done to directly improve it, but walking in, taking one enemy phase engagement, then backing out to heal ad-infinitum does not make for an engaging fight: if you're strong enough to survive it for one round, you've essentially won the fight. It's not really practical to have the boss move in FEH, but I suppose a stationary boss with some mobile mook reinforcements would put some pressure on the player.

It does make me wonder though, what if FEH implemented reinforcement fights - for the player.

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