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You know because of the last story chapter I am hoping that the next two legendary heroes will be Bruno and Hrid.  They are the two I want the most, but I am really hoping that at least one of them is like Fjorm in that we get one free copy at the start of book 3.

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41 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Wow a rush of 5☆ heroes I got this morning. First run I get Hardin +res -sp for merge. Second run I got +atk -res Sigurd for merge, and on the 3rd run I got green Olwen and Sylvia +atk -hp. This is actually a relief because I had a drought of 5☆ heroes a few weeks ago.

Now, my plan for refinement is giving Brazen Ragnarok to Celica and Desperation. But idk whether to give ger Fury or Swift Sparrow from the Olwen I got? Thoughts?

My other plan is to train Jamke and refine his Slaying Bow for extra dew.

Give Celica Fury, easily. Ragnarok and Fury's combined recoil damage will reliably push her into Desperation range. Swift Sparrow is better off used on somebody else(or just keep Olwen, she's good). Fury's just too good of combo with Celica's new refine.

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Does anyone else think the main cast is getting a bit unwieldy? Poor Sharena already struggled to do anything relevant ever since Fjorm joined the party. Since then Fjorm's big bro has joined the party and its very likely that Veronica will soon be a full fledged member of team Askr. This will just increase the problem of main characters fighting each other for screentime. 

I think that so far Alfonse is the only character who's managed to stay consistently relevant in most cases. Rather than disappearing in the background like his sister and Anna, or disappearing outright like Bruno Book 2 even expanded on him somewhat. 

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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20 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Does anyone else think the main cast is getting a bit unwieldy? Poor Sharena already struggled to do anything relevant ever since Fjorm joined the party. Since then Fjorm's big bro has joined the party and its very likely that Veronica will soon be a full fledged member of team Askr. This will just increase the problem of main characters fighting each other for screentime. 

I think that so far Alfonse is the only character who's managed to stay consistently relevant in most cases. Rather than disappearing in the background like his sister and Anna, or disappearing outright like Bruno Book 2 even expanded on him somewhat. 

That is sort of what the comics are for, although they have nothing to do with the story.

I wish they released a more serious version of the comics to go along with the story and show different characters' perspectives and maybe even expand on the background a little more.

Edited by XRay
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It's hard to split a spotlight between too many characters at once. Dividing the party can work, but might be difficult to make sense of in Heroes. Another option is to decrease focus on the Nifl characters, maybe after we finally deal with Surtr for real. Hopefully within the next month.

I wonder if the reason they've held off on making Hrid playable is to avoid "spoiling" him being genuine. In that case, hopefully he'll finally get released soon.

My guess is, we'll get another seasonal later this month, then a New Heroes banner with the conclusion to Book 2 in early October. Then another seasonal for Halloween, with the new book starting in either November again or alongside the October legendary banner. One thing that could throw things off is if we get another Farfetched Heroes banner as a New Heroes banner with a Paralogue rather than a story chapter. If that's early November, it would mean probably another late November book start.

If Book 3 starts in late November, it'll either precede or coincide with the release of the upcoming colorless legendary hero. Not sure what they'd be like, but that seems like it'd make them a candidate for another "start of book free legendary hero". Or they could go with that one suggestion of, instead of a legendary hero, having free Bruno as an Askr-style unit. (Having him share a color with Fjorm would be weird, though. Veronica wouldn't share a color but she'd be much harder to justify.)

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7 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

On a related note

@Ice Dragon what are your thought on Bartre? Also wrt Res Red Armor would Zephiel even be that good as a generic? 

Bartre is literally Brave Ike without Urvan, which is to say Bartre is literally just Brave Ike.

Zephiel is a decent unit. He's not going to be as good as Zelgius or the Black Knight due to Black Luna being so powerful, but Eckesachs's Distant Def refine is actually a great refine for him when using him as an enemy-phase armor. I just really wished his Threaten Def were changed to Def Ploy, but based off of HP instead of Res, because the 2 range on Threaten Def makes it pretty much worthless on enemy phase.

I can totally see someone giving Zephiel the same builds as Effie's Berkut's Lance builds, though, but that would still be more effective for Arena defense than Arena offense.

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33 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I can totally see someone giving Zephiel the same builds as Effie's Berkut's Lance builds, though, but that would still be more effective for Arena defense than Arena offense

That's how I built mine, essentially. I alternate between an Effect-refined Ecksachs and a Def-refined Slaying Edge+. In the absence of a merged Draug, which I'll probably do down the line, or a Zelgius, which I don't have, or a merged Black Knight (currently sitting in +2—Zeph is at +3 as I've missed out on the last couple GHB revival rewards), Bern's mad king fills that red niche.

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Upgrading my calculations spreadsheet has finally made it possible for me to estimate the orbs needed for a given summon, rather than just getting the number of pulls and assuming each pull of the color you're going after costs about 5 orbs on average. (Turns out that green costs more like 6.5 because of how much of a chance there is of getting a session with no green orbs, and all other colors are slightly more than 5.)

I still haven't accounted for pity rate, and the numbers change slightly every time new units get added to the regular summoning pool, but with the current pool, ignoring pity rate, the average orbs needed to get a specific focus character while pulling only their color are:

3-character banner:

  • Red: 153.0
  • Blue: 141.8
  • Green: 123.4
  • Colorless: 142.6

4-character banner:

  • Red: 203.0
  • Blue: 188.2
  • Green: 163.8
  • Colorless: 189.2

Legendary banner:

  • Red: 225.8
  • Blue: 211.6
  • Green: 185.4
  • Colorless: 213.9

For 3/4-character banners with color overlap, the average orb cost goes up slightly for the overlapping color. Difference seems to be around 3 orbs.

I guess Hero Fest banners are like 60% of the orb cost of normal 4-character banners? I'll have to add calculations for that sometime. They're pretty rare, though.

Accounting for pity rate would be nice, but it seems like a pain. It even varies slightly depending on which color you'd pick in sessions where you don't have the one you want, but I think that's a small enough difference I could probably fudge it somehow and get a close enough estimate.

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For those who played the Archanea games, which of the blessings in Heroes would fit Caeda thematically?

In my attempts to try to get someone other than CYL Celica from the CYL2 banner, namely Ephraim and Hector because winter Lissa is my only axe and green 5* armor and I never summoned any of the Hectors in the game, I managed to get a +Atk, -Def Caeda. For practicality, earth would work well because of F!Grima being a flier and vanguard Ike giving attack boosts helps. Color-wise, I don't think she'd be as helpful as Clair who'd cover swords, especially Falchions and Tiki for F!Grima, and blues, mostly mages, for Ike while Caeda would overlap with Ike and only Deirdre, Julia, and estival Elincia have anti-dragon weapons by default. The only other flier is Ryoma where while there is an overlap, she'd have high resistance to his respectable defense, but with Fjorm, she'd cover as the red buddy. A friend gave her a fire blessing because of her red outfit and she would cover greens for legendary Ephraim if I had one.

Edited by Kaden
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Okay, I did some really rough estimates for pity rate and it looks like it decreases the average orb costs to about 90% of what I listed them at? At least, for normal banners. Legendary banners should get less benefit from it but I haven't fully sorted out the calculations for them yet and I'm not sure how much I care.

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

Okay, I did some really rough estimates for pity rate and it looks like it decreases the average orb costs to about 90% of what I listed them at? At least, for normal banners. Legendary banners should get less benefit from it but I haven't fully sorted out the calculations for them yet and I'm not sure how much I care.

For complicated probability calculations that don't need infinite precision, the easiest way to do them is to use a Monte Carlo. In other words, instead of trying to calculate it mathematically, just use a computer simulation that can simply run the experiment a few million times.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

For complicated probability calculations that don't need infinite precision, the easiest way to do them is to use a Monte Carlo. In other words, instead of trying to calculate it mathematically, just use a computer simulation that can simply run the experiment a few million times.

That does seem a lot more effective, and I'm pretty sure I know enough Python for that.

I like the convenience of being able to change numbers in a spreadsheet and immediately get new versions of the calculations, but that probably wouldn't take too long to run.

Ooh, I could get probability distributions that way, rather than just averages. That would be a big step up.

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2 hours ago, Kaden said:

For those who played the Archanea games, which of the blessings in Heroes would fit her thematically?

In my attempts to try to get someone other than CYL Celica from the CYL2 banner, namely Ephraim and Hector because winter Lissa is my only axe and green 5* armor and I never summoned any of the Hectors in the game, I managed to get a +Atk, -Def Caeda. For practicality, earth would work well because of F!Grima being a flier and vanguard Ike giving attack boosts helps. Color-wise, I don't think she'd be as helpful as Clair who'd cover swords, especially Falchions and Tiki for F!Grima, and blues, mostly mages, for Ike while Caeda would overlap with Ike and only Deirdre, Julia, and estival Elincia have anti-dragon weapons by default. The only other flier is Ryoma where while there is an overlap, she'd have high resistance to his respectable defense, but with Fjorm, she'd cover as the red buddy. A friend gave her a fire blessing because of her red outfit and she would cover greens for legendary Ephraim if I had one.

For Caeda?

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Beat the latest chain challenge on like fifth attempt:

Maps 1, 9, and 10 were the most annoying and rage-inducing for obvious reasons. Praise Naga for pegasi being easily shootable down from the sky which made Olivia not annoying.

Edited by Vaximillian
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So what are your fun builds with Special Spiral? Trying to get some inspriation here.

I just finished my +10 Sonya "again". She now runs:

Dark Excalibur
Death Blow 4
Special Spiral
C: Flexible

On a Ostia Pulse Team with Karel providing 1 Infantry pulse to have instant glimmer. Anyone else have any interesting builds? As far as i can tell for melees and armorers the skill is kinda useless, they have better options with Wrath or Fighter skills, but for some Infantry mages this skill is quite the bonkers.

Especially mages with built in Desperation weapons, or mages that have hard hitting nukes like Lilina, Sanaki, Sonya

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8 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Confronting Arvis still isn’t in FEH and likely never will ;_;
Disturbance in Agustria and Eldigan the Lionheart are my two favourite BGM tracks in the series, however.

Those are so incredible, and really happy that Disturbance got in.  My favorite track is probably the epic Doors of Fate (Chapter 5).  

As for the story.  Are these professional writers?  I think most of the people here could do much better.  Anna, yeah it can't be the Askr trio!  Fjorm, we made a promise!  Oh one of the villains that has been tormenting you forever can shape shift you know?  It shouldn't take brainy Alfonse to point it out.  No wonder Loki is always so amused, she is dealing with little kids as far as their ability to problem solve.  If she wasn't playing all the time she could have wiped out the Askr trio so easy it isn't even funny.  Can they hold a small writing contest in Japan and the winner gets to write the rest of the story?  Is this a professional writer or just random IS workers' kids?  I mean I'm not expecting Tolstoy or Virgil or GG Martin or whatever.  I would expect it would be better than grade school quality though.


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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Beat the latest chain challenge on like fifth attempt:

Maps 1, 9, and 10 were the most annoying and rage-inducing for obvious reasons. Praise Naga for pegasi being easily shootable down from the sky which made Olivia not annoying.

I thought I was in for a long ride for these CCs, but I actually passed the last one with no redos (though I had to use all three teams). Likewise, I hated those three maps , and Map 5 was kinda irritating as well. The rest were pretty easy, thankfully. Far from the cancer that was Chapter 9/10, but the earlier attempts for the individual chapters gave me hiccups.

I think Map 4 has to be the first time where a dancer is left wide open in the front lines. Methinks Olivia’s pegasus accidentally flew a few spaces too far.

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