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5 minutes ago, Othin said:




I never realized IS does something unique for each banner... there's always something different

This next holiday banner is the first one to introduce 2 weapons of the same type and effect, but different name....

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1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

With W!Tharja having Close Counter...would she even have the DEF to run it right?

Wasn't Tharja pretty tanky on the physical side for a dark mage in Awakening?

hmm looks like Panic Ploy gets more use then when she gets released

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11 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Wasn't Tharja pretty tanky on the physical side for a dark mage in Awakening?

45% Def growth compared to 30% Res growth, so that sounds about right. Plus, while the seasonal Heroes don't always follow the stat distributions of their regular forms, regular Tharja has 23 Def compared to 20 Res as well. There's definitely a solid chance that she'll be at least somewhat physically tanky.

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@mcsilas @DefaultBeep That has more to do with Sorcerer being a bulkier magic class compared to sage in Awakening rather than Tharja being particularly bulky herself. Mag and Spd are her defining traits as a unit, but Sorcerer limits her caps to an extent while making her nearly unkillable with Nosferatu.

That said, if Halloween Henry is any indication, Tharja can definitely end up having the bulk to utilize CC + Vengeful Stance, especially after stacking Ward Armor.

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Hey... Anyone know how to keep sound media (music or youtube videos in the background, podcasts, that kind of stuff) playing when switching to FEH on a smartphone? It's not a problem per say, just annoying to be listening to something and having the sound cutoff when switching from FEH to Google Chrome to check a units stats.

Edited by Xenomata
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30 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

@mcsilas @DefaultBeep That has more to do with Sorcerer being a bulkier magic class compared to sage in Awakening rather than Tharja being particularly bulky herself. Mag and Spd are her defining traits as a unit, but Sorcerer limits her caps to an extent while making her nearly unkillable with Nosferatu.

That said, if Halloween Henry is any indication, Tharja can definitely end up having the bulk to utilize CC + Vengeful Stance, especially after stacking Ward Armor.

Fair point; I don't know as much about the specifics of Awakening's classes in general, but that does make sense. Speaking of, I appreciate the theme for the mage armors so far, with Henry and Tharja being our current ones. Here's hoping for Spring Validar next year!

Oh yeah, since I've made it farther in watching that game than before... The good news is, I didn't actually spoil everything that would happen before the festival!

The bad news is...


...I didn't know about what would happen with Sayori.





I want to apologize for any sheep bulli ideas I've ever had before.

Act 2 has been... a wild ride so far.


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24 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

@mcsilas @DefaultBeep That has more to do with Sorcerer being a bulkier magic class compared to sage in Awakening rather than Tharja being particularly bulky herself. Mag and Spd are her defining traits as a unit, but Sorcerer limits her caps to an extent while making her nearly unkillable with Nosferatu.

That said, if Halloween Henry is any indication, Tharja can definitely end up having the bulk to utilize CC + Vengeful Stance, especially after stacking Ward Armor.

Well as ironic as Tharja being an armor is, it's still interesting lore-wise because Knight is one of her class change options

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31 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Well as ironic as Tharja being an armor is, it's still interesting lore-wise because Knight is one of her class change options

I was just thinking that XD especially getting the image of a certain Awkward Zombie comic ...


2 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Just slap Team buff on her and run fair and balanced 43 MT Blade Tomes



Welp...looks like regular Tharja will be getting sacked for her newer version. I actually haven't used her much...and if I really want to max her HM, I have a 4* version sitting on the bench.

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I'm left in a precarious spot. Pulling Lyn has left me with few orbs with even fewer orbs in sight. There's an armor banner coming with units with some of the best skill fodder this side of ever, but there's also a Legendary Heroes banner coming at the end of the month that we know nothing about, not to mention whatever the "New Heroes' banner will be which could very well likely mean Dawn Brigade.

Props to those who've managed to save orbs. Had a Lyn banner not popped up, I'd probably have around 60-80 orbs stockpiled at this point.

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47 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I'm left in a precarious spot. Pulling Lyn has left me with few orbs with even fewer orbs in sight. There's an armor banner coming with units with some of the best skill fodder this side of ever, but there's also a Legendary Heroes banner coming at the end of the month that we know nothing about, not to mention whatever the "New Heroes' banner will be which could very well likely mean Dawn Brigade.

Props to those who've managed to save orbs. Had a Lyn banner not popped up, I'd probably have around 60-80 orbs stockpiled at this point.

Ditto with the Tana (who seems to have learned magic and forgotten how to ride a flying horse).

Except I can't bring myself to care about the Christmas banner. That'll come in handy for the next New Heroes and maybe the Legendary banner if they pick better Heroes this time.

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53 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I'm left in a precarious spot. Pulling Lyn has left me with few orbs with even fewer orbs in sight. There's an armor banner coming with units with some of the best skill fodder this side of ever, but there's also a Legendary Heroes banner coming at the end of the month that we know nothing about, not to mention whatever the "New Heroes' banner will be which could very well likely mean Dawn Brigade.

Props to those who've managed to save orbs. Had a Lyn banner not popped up, I'd probably have around 60-80 orbs stockpiled at this point.

I'd say it was worth pulling your favourite.

I had 80-100 but blew almost half of them trying to hunt summon in the Fates banner, so now I have 35 and 50 in my accounts after failing. A bit lower than I wanted before the legendary banner but I'm not too into the Christmas banner unlike say, the dancer banner. I'll just do a casual first summon and that's it and wait for more news for the legendary.

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I’m going to pull green as my freebie. If it’s Chrom, his brazen goes to Lyn. If it’s Lissa, Beruka’s got a new toy. If it’s Bartre, I’m flipping the fuck out.


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Oh good, now we have a message spelling out how to unlock the Weapon Refinery right on top of the Fjorm reminder, because apparently enough players couldn't be bothered to even do the second Intermission map on Normal or just straight up didn't realize it's there at all.

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24 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I’m going to pull green as my freebie. If it’s Chrom, his brazen goes to Lyn. If it’s Lissa, Beruka’s got a new toy. If it’s Bartre, I’m flipping the fuck out.


I hope you get Deirdre!

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13 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

pls no mockin me :(

I mean i really do though, since you're not usually keen on seasonals. But sure i can drop it 

but yeah the power creeping skills is kind of...getting a bit much.

i hope Odin can get the Brazen skills (7 atk and speed would be nice plus the 4 bonus for Blarblade) but that would mean Reinhardt would get it. Sigh the joys of sharing a colour/weapon type with the most meta-defining unit...

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

I’m going to pull green as my freebie. If it’s Chrom, his brazen goes to Lyn. If it’s Lissa, Beruka’s got a new toy. If it’s Bartre, I’m flipping the fuck out.

Lol at just assuming the color you want will appear on your freebie draw.

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