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Finally another chance at Lucina. She was my first 5* and has served me extremely well, but with +Atk/-Spd as her IVs I've constantly been hoping for a better version. I'll take whatever red orbs are here since I don't need to improve her that badly.

  1. 3* Eliwood: You're not even worth keeping for skill fodder at this point.
  2. 4* Stahl: Neither are you.

That's disappointing, but with only 48 44 orbs now I'd prefer to save for somebody new rather than spend on a vanity project.

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I just love how this game gives you something, then you check IVs and you feel utterly betrayed.

I had to pull on the Christmas Banner to get a 40% Bonus for the stupid TT. I was lucky to get a lot of 5*s and W!Lissa with just 100 Orbs - and I still have 50 left, thank God. But the IVs I pulled on my new units are so trash...

Alm: +SPD,  -ATK (I already have him as +ATK, fortunately.)

W!Lissa: +DEF, -ATK

Tana: +DEF, -ATK

Even the other units I pulled were cursed with -ATK banes. Tharja, Donnel... That's just not funny! And to top it all, the game granted me Reinhardt with +HP and -RES boon to tease me even more. I'd rather have no 5*s than shit IVs to be honest. My only good pulls? +DEF -RES Saizo and maybe +SPD -DEF M!Robin. I don't even notice all the Pallas, Raighs, Berukas and Oboros I pull. Ugh.


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26 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Well damn. She's +Atk/-Res, too! I'm not sure how I feel about this, I *was* going to upgrade a +Def/-Spd one to make Dragon Defense emblem (my defense wins dried up :(... ) but on the other hand, this saves me feathers.... -4 in Res kind of sucks though 

I would run double or triple Nowis defense team to wear down players like me who run Reinhardt and BH!Lyn.

Nowi+10 Neutral
Lightning Breath [Resistance], Bonfire
Steady Breath, Quick Riposte
Deflect Magic / Phantom Spd

My BH!Lyn using Brave Bow will die to it. Deflect Magic neuters Moonbow-Quickened Pulse Reinhardt, while Phantom Spd neuters Watersweep-Phantom Spd Reinhardt. Watersweep-Phantom Spd Reinhardt with Ally Support can still take out Phantom Spd Nowi. I would just run Deflect Magic since Reinhardts usually run Moonbow-Quickened Pulse.

I think the -Res is fine. Nowi should run neutral Speed to make it harder for enemy Reinhardts to activate Watersweep.

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I'm usually the first to complain about pity breakers, but when Frederick is the only green focus unit on a banner, you can appreciate the appearance of an exclusive 5* green unit popping up on your free summon:



I was hoping for blue stones to show up because I don't have a 5* Nowi yet, and Dragons are pretty strong right now with a weapon upgrade. If there were no blues, I was hoping for red because I straight up don't have any base Lucina yet (only Masked). But yeah, 3 green stones and 2 white. The best outcome.

Edited by Raven
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Alright, what misery is it THIS time?

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Caeda (I've been looking for Fortify Fliers! +Atk/-HP, possibly better than +Atk/-Def)

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@XRay Okay, cool. I'd love to make Brave Lyns cry, although I'll just scramble together a budget version since I need more Brave Ikes

Anyway, I caved and spent orbs on the Christmas banner to try and get Lissa/Chrom for a 40% bonus.

Didn't get any.

That said, I did get a +Atk/-Def Soren in my main account! Also got another rare Roy (first a Hinata, now Roy, hooray for good red fodder after so long!)

And my second account finally gave me a Camilla that's not -Res! 4 star +Atk/-HP this time! (compared to my +Spd/-Res and 5 star +Atk/-Res). Also received a +Def/-Res 4 star Ogma (already have a +Atk though) and Henry as notable fodder.

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Got another 3star as my free pull(Henry this time).

Found a gift card given to me by work about a year ago. I went ahead and dumped it in and did a few more pulls. Got me a +Res/-Def Lissa. Cute as a button she is. Which means all I am missing is Chrom(though I wouldn't mind another Robin, the one I got was +HP/-Spd). Also I can't believe it. I was able to get a 75 pack thanks to that gift card and I netted me an 5* Athena and a Y!Tiki on top of everything else, maybe the game is trying to make up for all the 3* free pulls I have been getting? Would have prefered W!Tharja's, but now I don't need to promote an Athena just to down merge her to herself to give her her weapon. The Tiki is +Spd/-Def. Not sure if that is better or worse than +ATK/-RES. Also got a few Subaki's. I really wish he had QR 3 at 4* instead of 5*.

But yeah time to start cleaning up my Barracks. I am starting to run into my cap and don't want to pay for more space. Need to figure out who I can merge and who needs to stay has skill fodder and who I can just give the boot. Uggh, probably my least favorite part of this game.

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@LordFrigid  MY FREE PULL ON THE TT BANNER WAS FINALLY A +ATK CAEDA. I think I’d prefer -DEF to -HP, but I’ll take it. I can finally promote her and not feel any regret!!!

To make things better, I spent orbs on the refining banner for Jaffar, but got Minerva. So I could give her LaD if I really wanted to, but I think I may go with Fury.... I also got a 5* Cain for Brave Sword+ even though I already had an Ogma for that. But my favorite pull was a 4* Soleil. She’s like +DEF -HP, so I could totally use her for Firesweep Sword+ fodder while waiting for a better copy. 

I’m so happy!!!!

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I got a four star +Attk, -SPD Soleil with my free pull. I went back to the Christmas banner and got another Lissa, this time +Def, -Res. I decided since both of my Lissa's have good Iv's I'd keep them as separate units and make 2 armor teams. Still, I really want Chrom!

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free pull was 3*Stahl.  I am waiting until Christmas eve to try again for C!Robin, but if tomorrow is as bad as the rest of this week has been I may pull then.

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*Opens Heroes and sees Frederick on a banner at last*


I go to do the free summon. No greens.

Next two sessions: No greens! :(

Out of four sessions, I only get one green. Cecilia. Meh.

Then finally, two sessions with two greens each.

And my very last orbs:


I ACTUALLY PULLED HIM! <3 *fangirl squee* YEEEE

I checked his IVs for fun and lol, +Spd, -Atk. But no matter. I wanted merges for this. :3


46 def. <3 That means 52 with a Fortify Cav boost and I like using him most with other horses. Good luck killing him without magic!

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I finally decided to do some chain challenges now that I have an actual team that isn't a hodge podge mess.

And look who finally showed up.


Now all that's left is Robin and I'll be 100% satisfied with this banner.

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13 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Well damn. She's +Atk/-Res, too! I'm not sure how I feel about this, I *was* going to upgrade a +Def/-Spd one to make Dragon Defense emblem (my defense wins dried up :(... ) but on the other hand, this saves me feathers.... -4 in Res kind of sucks though 

@Ice Dragon  @XRay @MrSmokestack maybe @Arcanite? Thoughts on building this Nowi instead of +Def/-Spd? But yeah, damn I think this is my 2nd free focus summon for my second account.

If you're going for a defense team build, XRay's works well.

For offense or general use, you have a lot of options. Standard fare is something along the lines of

Lightning Breath+ [Def / Res]
Reposition / Reciprocal Aid
Moonbow / Glimmer / Bonfire / Ignis / Aether
Triangle Adept 3 / Fury 3 / Steady Breath
Quick Riposte 3 / Swordbreaker 3

depending on what you want her to do.

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The fruits of me purchasing my way to a little more than 50 orbs.


The first is +Res/-HP while the second is +Spd/-Atk. I'm inclined to say the first one is the one to go with, so she's the one I'm going to train up. Also, that Mae got +Spd/-HP so I might just build her up and give her Blarblade+ and LaD3 down the line.

Not pictured: 4* Arthur, 4* Odin because of course he had to show up again at some point, 4* Catria, 4* Titania, 4* Nowi

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9 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

@LordFrigid  MY FREE PULL ON THE TT BANNER WAS FINALLY A +ATK CAEDA. I think I’d prefer -DEF to -HP, but I’ll take it. I can finally promote her and not feel any regret!!!

To make things better, I spent orbs on the refining banner for Jaffar, but got Minerva. So I could give her LaD if I really wanted to, but I think I may go with Fury.... I also got a 5* Cain for Brave Sword+ even though I already had an Ogma for that. But my favorite pull was a 4* Soleil. She’s like +DEF -HP, so I could totally use her for Firesweep Sword+ fodder while waiting for a better copy. 

I’m so happy!!!!

Congrats! Is it wrong that I only wondered why I had been tagged in the pull topic for a couple seconds before assuming you’d gotten a +Atk Caeda?

Very nice on the Minerva as well! I’d definitely go Fury over LaD for -HP unmerged Brave.

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31 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

Congrats! Is it wrong that I only wondered why I had been tagged in the pull topic for a couple seconds before assuming you’d gotten a +Atk Caeda?

Very nice on the Minerva as well! I’d definitely go Fury over LaD for -HP unmerged Brave.

I already had Fury on her, so I hadn't sacrificed Minerva yet. I may keep her around for a bit and see if anyone wants LaD in the near future. If not...I may just merge her since I've already got a +1 one already. But Caeda is complete, and I couldn't be happier. XD I may add merges someday, but Merric, Raven, Lucius, Leon, and Lukas are my primary focuses for the moment.


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Got a bunch of orbs for my friend on his account, he pulled a Christmas Lissa. She's +atk -spd, I think that's fine.

EDIT: Pandog pulled a +def -spd m!Robin. Glad that both my friends pulled a Christmas hero.

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