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My free pull on the TT Banner was a 5-Star Roderick, and I'm honestly surprised that hasn't happened sooner since I have 6 of him already at 4-Stars. +HP/-RES is nice, since I don't think any of the 4-Star Rodericks I have are better than that. Would've preferred a second Hinoka, but this is fine too.

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5 minutes ago, KMT4ever said:

Free pull from the TT banner was a 3* Eliwood. Waste of space.

I wouldn't look at too many units like that anymore. +ATK/+SPD Eliwood can be built and run Blazing Durandal and Sol's a good skill for Tempest units not running healers if you're into that.

If you *4 him of course....

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I’ve been focusing on the New Years Banner, and I got a 5 Star Athena, Spd +, - Atk. Should I keep her or use her as skill fodder? On the bright side, I upgraded my Cordelia to 5-Star today.

Also, pulled this from the Tempest trials: 7FED1A72-57F3-43F6-99A6-36982EFF36DF.thumb.png.0b97e047bb672c2cb77368be0443a570.png

She’s HP-, Res + Not the most interesting pull because I already have her as 4-Star though I suppose I should be grateful.

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So base on your experience, how many orbs does it usually take for you guys to get your 5* focus unit?

I usually have to spend over 150 orbs, been rrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyy lucky in the last few summon banners. Really want to get Ryoma & NY!Camilla but too scare to spend orbs.

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I seemed to get a 5* for a single 75 Pack. But that includes odds and ends laying around. So I would guess about 100'ish orbs for a five star. Of course that may not be a focus or the unit you want.  That said I remember seeing 150 was considered a pretty accurate number. I just usually get my pity broken before then. I mean even if you pull a single each time you would have a 4.5% pity at that time. My pity often breaks in the 4-4.25 range. Which would be 125 orbs for single pulls, but I seem to get enough sets where I can make two or more pulls that my average is more like 100ish as I said.

But that ignores off banner pity breakers.

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2 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

So base on your experience, how many orbs does it usually take for you guys to get your 5* focus unit?

I usually have to spend over 150 orbs, been rrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyy lucky in the last few summon banners. Really want to get Ryoma & NY!Camilla but too scare to spend orbs.

If I don't particularly care? 1-2 full summons, usually with a pretty good to absolute best nature.

Invested to the point where I snipe one color? A whole month of summoning and pity breakers, only getting the unit I want the day before the banner ends, with a bad nature.

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I don't know whether to keep going for Flyzura or not at this point. My efforts were thwarted again, and this time by a -Atk/+Res Brave Lucina (no green stones were present, but there was one blue so I chose to it to try and get out of there). The first time it was ruined by a -Spd/+HP Takumi ... sigh. The new TT can not get here any sooner.

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Let's try before TT.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Effie (+HP/-Spd, best nature I've pulled so far), 4* Leon (+HP/-Atk, Honestly kind of meh to pull. Would prefer Rebecca or especially Klein to do this)

Well, tomorrow's another day.

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Got to 20 with arena orbs so I did a one-off summon for Micaiah. The lone blue orb was 5* Catria (neutral) so I think that's my shot at Micaiah gone - with only 9 days left in the banner I'm not prepared to risk the 50-60 orbs we'll get in exchange for potentially nothing. I was so annoyed that I backed out immediately instead of opening the grey orb, which I would normally do after a pitybreaker (but I admit ~130 orbs for Linde and Catria is not objectively bad luck). Oh well, onto the Legendary Heroes banner - surely Miccy will show up in one in a couple months or so.

P.S. I have a 4* +atk -hp Catria so not sure it's worth doing anything with this one. I thought maybe give Slaying Lance to my future 4*+10 Est project, but then she probably prefers Brave. But the only other candidate I see is, umm, Spring Xander? (I have no intention to build a +10 Sully, Oboro or Florina).

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On 1/12/2018 at 5:07 PM, Jave said:

@Rezzy @Arcanite @mcsilas @SatsumaFSoysoy @Jingle Jangle @Glaceon Mage @Ashunera @Troykv @Infinite Dreams @Vaximillian

I want to share my joy with you guys and mostly all Micaiah lovers

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It took about 50 orbs but she finally showed up, no pity breakers in between, thankfully.

She's +Res/-HP, which I'll totally take since +Res Miccy with Thani bonus is basically the highest Res in the game.

But since she's my favorite FE character, I'm just super happy I got her, and entirely with saved, so no whaling this time.


Forgot to reply to this before, but congrats!  Happy to share the Micaiah love~!   :):

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Spent orbs today, since I wanted the post-TT orbs to be separated. @Arcanite @GuiltyLove @Vaximillian @MrSmokestack

Didn't manage to get Micaiah, but, I did get cool stuff, like another Nowi for merging, a +Spd -Def Cordelia (finally a good Riceload, but no Roderick lying around), and a 5* Clair (not sure what to do with her).


Then came her! +Def -Atk, which is a damn shame (@Rezzy why tho), but I've always wanted a Linde, so I'm alright with this.


No Blue orbs in that session, but volia! He's +Res -HP, which hurts Panic Ploy, I guess, but hey.

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2 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I've always wanted a Linde, so I'm alright with this.

I’ve always wanted a Linde too! Her art in Heroes could have been better though. HACCAN drew Linde before, and she was gorgeous.
−Atk is unfortunate, but she is finally here for you.

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Does the drought end?

3 Red, 2 Colourless (NOPE)

4* Jeorge (Well, least he isn't 5*. +Res/-Atk, sacrifice), 4* Azama (+HP/-Spd. Asshat sucks as usual.)


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